import time from passlib.totp import TOTP from odoo import http from odoo.tests import tagged, HttpCase from odoo.addons.auth_totp.controllers.home import Home @tagged('post_install', '-at_install') class TestTOTPortal(HttpCase): """ Largely replicates TestTOTP """ def test_totp(self): totp = None # test endpoint as doing totp on the client side is not really an option # (needs sha1 and hmac + BE packing of 64b integers) def totp_hook(self, secret=None): nonlocal totp if totp is None: totp = TOTP(secret) if secret: return totp.generate().token else: # on check, take advantage of window because previous token has been # "burned" so we can't generate the same, but tour is so fast # we're pretty certainly within the same 30s return totp.generate(time.time() + 30).token # because not preprocessed by ControllerType metaclass totp_hook.routing_type = 'json' # patch Home to add test endpoint Home.totp_hook = http.route('/totphook', type='json', auth='none')(totp_hook) self.env['ir.http']._clear_routing_map() # remove endpoint and destroy routing map @self.addCleanup def _cleanup(): del Home.totp_hook self.env['ir.http']._clear_routing_map() self.start_tour('/my/security', 'totportal_tour_setup', login='portal') # also disables totp otherwise we can't re-login self.start_tour('/', 'totportal_login_enabled', login=None) self.start_tour('/', 'totportal_login_disabled', login=None)