# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. import json import logging import requests from odoo import api, fields, models API_ENDPOINT = 'https://api.twitter.com' API_VERSION = '1.1' REQUEST_TOKEN_URL = '%s/oauth2/token' % API_ENDPOINT REQUEST_FAVORITE_LIST_URL = '%s/%s/favorites/list.json' % (API_ENDPOINT, API_VERSION) URLOPEN_TIMEOUT = 10 _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class WebsiteTwitter(models.Model): _inherit = 'website' twitter_api_key = fields.Char(string='Twitter API key', help='Twitter API Key') twitter_api_secret = fields.Char(string='Twitter API secret', help='Twitter API Secret') twitter_screen_name = fields.Char(string='Get favorites from this screen name') @api.model def _request(self, website, url, params=None): """Send an authenticated request to the Twitter API.""" access_token = self._get_access_token(website) try: request = requests.get(url, params=params, headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % access_token}, timeout=URLOPEN_TIMEOUT) request.raise_for_status() return request.json() except requests.HTTPError as e: _logger.debug("Twitter API request failed with code: %r, msg: %r, content: %r", e.response.status_code, e.response.reason, e.response.content) raise @api.model def _refresh_favorite_tweets(self): ''' called by cron job ''' website = self.env['website'].search([('twitter_api_key', '!=', False), ('twitter_api_secret', '!=', False), ('twitter_screen_name', '!=', False)]) _logger.debug("Refreshing tweets for website IDs: %r", website.ids) website.fetch_favorite_tweets() def fetch_favorite_tweets(self): WebsiteTweets = self.env['website.twitter.tweet'] tweet_ids = [] for website in self: if not all((website.twitter_api_key, website.twitter_api_secret, website.twitter_screen_name)): _logger.debug("Skip fetching favorite tweets for unconfigured website %s", website) continue params = {'screen_name': website.twitter_screen_name} last_tweet = WebsiteTweets.search([('website_id', '=', website.id), ('screen_name', '=', website.twitter_screen_name)], limit=1, order='tweet_id desc') if last_tweet: params['since_id'] = int(last_tweet.tweet_id) _logger.debug("Fetching favorite tweets using params %r", params) response = self._request(website, REQUEST_FAVORITE_LIST_URL, params=params) for tweet_dict in response: tweet_id = tweet_dict['id'] # unsigned 64-bit snowflake ID tweet_ids = WebsiteTweets.search([('tweet_id', '=', tweet_id)]).ids if not tweet_ids: new_tweet = WebsiteTweets.create( { 'website_id': website.id, 'tweet': json.dumps(tweet_dict), 'tweet_id': tweet_id, # stored in NUMERIC PG field 'screen_name': website.twitter_screen_name, }) _logger.debug("Found new favorite: %r, %r", tweet_id, tweet_dict) tweet_ids.append(new_tweet.id) return tweet_ids def _get_access_token(self, website): """Obtain a bearer token.""" r = requests.post( REQUEST_TOKEN_URL, data={'grant_type': 'client_credentials',}, auth=(website.twitter_api_key, website.twitter_api_secret), timeout=URLOPEN_TIMEOUT, ) r.raise_for_status() data = r.json() access_token = data['access_token'] return access_token