Create Menu
Create Menu form new {'model_id': active_id} ir.model

How to define a computed field

Computed fields are defined with the fields Dependencies and Compute.

The field Dependencies lists the fields that the current field depends on. It is a comma-separated list of field names, like name, size. You can also refer to fields accessible through other relational fields, for instance

The field Compute is the Python code to compute the value of the field on a set of records. The value of the field must be assigned to each record with a dictionary-like assignment.

    for record in self:
        record['size'] = len(

The only predefined variables are

  • self (the set of records to compute)
  • datetime (Python module)
  • dateutil (Python module)
  • time (Python module)

Other features are accessible through self, like self.env, etc.