res.partner.title.tree res.partner.title res.partner.title.form res.partner.title
Contact Titles ir.actions.act_window res.partner.title [] {}

Create a Title

Manage Contact Titles as well as their abbreviations (e.g. "Mr.", "Mrs.", etc).

res.partner.tree res.partner res.partner.simplified.form res.partner

res.partner.form.address res.partner

res.partner.form res.partner

Contact image

Use this to organize the contact details of employees of a given company (e.g. CEO, CFO, ...).

Preferred address for all invoices. Selected by default when you invoice an order that belongs to this company.

Preferred address for all deliveries. Selected by default when you deliver an order that belongs to this company.

Private addresses are only visible by authorized users and contain sensitive data (employee home addresses, ...).

Other address for the company (e.g. subsidiary, ...)

res.partner.view.form.private res.partner res.partner res.partner.kanban res.partner