123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545 |
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- from odoo import api, fields, models, _, Command
- from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError
- from datetime import date
- class AccountPartialReconcile(models.Model):
- _name = "account.partial.reconcile"
- _description = "Partial Reconcile"
- _rec_name = "id"
- # ==== Reconciliation fields ====
- debit_move_id = fields.Many2one(
- comodel_name='account.move.line',
- index=True, required=True)
- credit_move_id = fields.Many2one(
- comodel_name='account.move.line',
- index=True, required=True)
- full_reconcile_id = fields.Many2one(
- comodel_name='account.full.reconcile',
- string="Full Reconcile", copy=False)
- exchange_move_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name='account.move')
- # ==== Currency fields ====
- company_currency_id = fields.Many2one(
- comodel_name='res.currency',
- string="Company Currency",
- related='company_id.currency_id',
- help="Utility field to express amount currency")
- debit_currency_id = fields.Many2one(
- comodel_name='res.currency',
- store=True,
- related='debit_move_id.currency_id', precompute=True,
- string="Currency of the debit journal item.")
- credit_currency_id = fields.Many2one(
- comodel_name='res.currency',
- store=True,
- related='credit_move_id.currency_id', precompute=True,
- string="Currency of the credit journal item.")
- # ==== Amount fields ====
- amount = fields.Monetary(
- currency_field='company_currency_id',
- help="Always positive amount concerned by this matching expressed in the company currency.")
- debit_amount_currency = fields.Monetary(
- currency_field='debit_currency_id',
- help="Always positive amount concerned by this matching expressed in the debit line foreign currency.")
- credit_amount_currency = fields.Monetary(
- currency_field='credit_currency_id',
- help="Always positive amount concerned by this matching expressed in the credit line foreign currency.")
- # ==== Other fields ====
- company_id = fields.Many2one(
- comodel_name='res.company',
- string="Company", store=True, readonly=False,
- related='debit_move_id.company_id')
- max_date = fields.Date(
- string="Max Date of Matched Lines", store=True,
- compute='_compute_max_date')
- # used to determine at which date this reconciliation needs to be shown on the aged receivable/payable reports
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @api.constrains('debit_currency_id', 'credit_currency_id')
- def _check_required_computed_currencies(self):
- bad_partials = self.filtered(lambda partial: not partial.debit_currency_id or not partial.credit_currency_id)
- if bad_partials:
- raise ValidationError(_("Missing foreign currencies on partials having ids: %s", bad_partials.ids))
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @api.depends('debit_move_id.date', 'credit_move_id.date')
- def _compute_max_date(self):
- for partial in self:
- partial.max_date = max(
- partial.debit_move_id.date,
- partial.credit_move_id.date
- )
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def unlink(self):
- # OVERRIDE to unlink full reconcile linked to the current partials
- # and reverse the tax cash basis journal entries.
- # Avoid cyclic unlink calls when removing the partials that could remove some full reconcile
- # and then, loop again and again.
- if not self:
- return True
- # Retrieve the matching number to unlink.
- full_to_unlink = self.full_reconcile_id
- # Retrieve the CABA entries to reverse.
- moves_to_reverse = self.env['account.move'].search([('tax_cash_basis_rec_id', 'in', self.ids)])
- # Same for the exchange difference entries.
- moves_to_reverse += self.exchange_move_id
- # Unlink partials before doing anything else to avoid 'Record has already been deleted' due to the recursion.
- res = super().unlink()
- # Remove the matching numbers before reversing the moves to avoid trying to remove the full twice.
- full_to_unlink.unlink()
- # Reverse CABA entries.
- if moves_to_reverse:
- default_values_list = [{
- 'date': move._get_accounting_date(move.date, move._affect_tax_report()),
- 'ref': _('Reversal of: %s') % move.name,
- } for move in moves_to_reverse]
- moves_to_reverse._reverse_moves(default_values_list, cancel=True)
- return res
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def _collect_tax_cash_basis_values(self):
- ''' Collect all information needed to create the tax cash basis journal entries on the current partials.
- :return: A dictionary mapping each move_id to the result of 'account_move._collect_tax_cash_basis_values'.
- Also, add the 'partials' keys being a list of dictionary, one for each partial to process:
- * partial: The account.partial.reconcile record.
- * percentage: The reconciled percentage represented by the partial.
- * payment_rate: The applied rate of this partial.
- '''
- tax_cash_basis_values_per_move = {}
- if not self:
- return {}
- for partial in self:
- for move in {partial.debit_move_id.move_id, partial.credit_move_id.move_id}:
- # Collect data about cash basis.
- if move.id in tax_cash_basis_values_per_move:
- move_values = tax_cash_basis_values_per_move[move.id]
- else:
- move_values = move._collect_tax_cash_basis_values()
- # Nothing to process on the move.
- if not move_values:
- continue
- # Check the cash basis configuration only when at least one cash basis tax entry need to be created.
- journal = partial.company_id.tax_cash_basis_journal_id
- if not journal:
- raise UserError(_("There is no tax cash basis journal defined for the '%s' company.\n"
- "Configure it in Accounting/Configuration/Settings") % partial.company_id.display_name)
- partial_amount = 0.0
- partial_amount_currency = 0.0
- rate_amount = 0.0
- rate_amount_currency = 0.0
- if partial.debit_move_id.move_id == move:
- partial_amount += partial.amount
- partial_amount_currency += partial.debit_amount_currency
- rate_amount -= partial.credit_move_id.balance
- rate_amount_currency -= partial.credit_move_id.amount_currency
- source_line = partial.debit_move_id
- counterpart_line = partial.credit_move_id
- if partial.credit_move_id.move_id == move:
- partial_amount += partial.amount
- partial_amount_currency += partial.credit_amount_currency
- rate_amount += partial.debit_move_id.balance
- rate_amount_currency += partial.debit_move_id.amount_currency
- source_line = partial.credit_move_id
- counterpart_line = partial.debit_move_id
- if partial.debit_move_id.move_id.is_invoice(include_receipts=True) and partial.credit_move_id.move_id.is_invoice(include_receipts=True):
- # Will match when reconciling a refund with an invoice.
- # In this case, we want to use the rate of each businness document to compute its cash basis entry,
- # not the rate of what it's reconciled with.
- rate_amount = source_line.balance
- rate_amount_currency = source_line.amount_currency
- payment_date = move.date
- else:
- payment_date = counterpart_line.date
- if move_values['currency'] == move.company_id.currency_id:
- # Ignore the exchange difference.
- if move.company_currency_id.is_zero(partial_amount):
- continue
- # Percentage made on company's currency.
- percentage = partial_amount / move_values['total_balance']
- else:
- # Ignore the exchange difference.
- if move.currency_id.is_zero(partial_amount_currency):
- continue
- # Percentage made on foreign currency.
- percentage = partial_amount_currency / move_values['total_amount_currency']
- if source_line.currency_id != counterpart_line.currency_id:
- # When the invoice and the payment are not sharing the same foreign currency, the rate is computed
- # on-the-fly using the payment date.
- payment_rate = self.env['res.currency']._get_conversion_rate(
- counterpart_line.company_currency_id,
- source_line.currency_id,
- counterpart_line.company_id,
- payment_date,
- )
- elif rate_amount:
- payment_rate = rate_amount_currency / rate_amount
- else:
- payment_rate = 0.0
- tax_cash_basis_values_per_move[move.id] = move_values
- partial_vals = {
- 'partial': partial,
- 'percentage': percentage,
- 'payment_rate': payment_rate,
- }
- # Add partials.
- move_values.setdefault('partials', [])
- move_values['partials'].append(partial_vals)
- # Clean-up moves having nothing to process.
- return {k: v for k, v in tax_cash_basis_values_per_move.items() if v}
- @api.model
- def _prepare_cash_basis_base_line_vals(self, base_line, balance, amount_currency):
- ''' Prepare the values to be used to create the cash basis journal items for the tax base line
- passed as parameter.
- :param base_line: An account.move.line being the base of some taxes.
- :param balance: The balance to consider for this line.
- :param amount_currency: The balance in foreign currency to consider for this line.
- :return: A python dictionary that could be passed to the create method of
- account.move.line.
- '''
- account = base_line.company_id.account_cash_basis_base_account_id or base_line.account_id
- tax_ids = base_line.tax_ids.flatten_taxes_hierarchy().filtered(lambda x: x.tax_exigibility == 'on_payment')
- is_refund = base_line.is_refund
- tax_tags = tax_ids.get_tax_tags(is_refund, 'base')
- product_tags = base_line.tax_tag_ids.filtered(lambda x: x.applicability == 'products')
- all_tags = tax_tags + product_tags
- return {
- 'name': base_line.move_id.name,
- 'debit': balance if balance > 0.0 else 0.0,
- 'credit': -balance if balance < 0.0 else 0.0,
- 'amount_currency': amount_currency,
- 'currency_id': base_line.currency_id.id,
- 'partner_id': base_line.partner_id.id,
- 'account_id': account.id,
- 'tax_ids': [Command.set(tax_ids.ids)],
- 'tax_tag_ids': [Command.set(all_tags.ids)],
- }
- @api.model
- def _prepare_cash_basis_counterpart_base_line_vals(self, cb_base_line_vals):
- ''' Prepare the move line used as a counterpart of the line created by
- _prepare_cash_basis_base_line_vals.
- :param cb_base_line_vals: The line returned by _prepare_cash_basis_base_line_vals.
- :return: A python dictionary that could be passed to the create method of
- account.move.line.
- '''
- return {
- 'name': cb_base_line_vals['name'],
- 'debit': cb_base_line_vals['credit'],
- 'credit': cb_base_line_vals['debit'],
- 'account_id': cb_base_line_vals['account_id'],
- 'amount_currency': -cb_base_line_vals['amount_currency'],
- 'currency_id': cb_base_line_vals['currency_id'],
- 'partner_id': cb_base_line_vals['partner_id'],
- }
- @api.model
- def _prepare_cash_basis_tax_line_vals(self, tax_line, balance, amount_currency):
- ''' Prepare the move line corresponding to a tax in the cash basis entry.
- :param tax_line: An account.move.line record being a tax line.
- :param balance: The balance to consider for this line.
- :param amount_currency: The balance in foreign currency to consider for this line.
- :return: A python dictionary that could be passed to the create method of
- account.move.line.
- '''
- tax_ids = tax_line.tax_ids.filtered(lambda x: x.tax_exigibility == 'on_payment')
- base_tags = tax_ids.get_tax_tags(tax_line.tax_repartition_line_id.refund_tax_id, 'base')
- product_tags = tax_line.tax_tag_ids.filtered(lambda x: x.applicability == 'products')
- all_tags = base_tags + tax_line.tax_repartition_line_id.tag_ids + product_tags
- return {
- 'name': tax_line.name,
- 'debit': balance if balance > 0.0 else 0.0,
- 'credit': -balance if balance < 0.0 else 0.0,
- 'tax_base_amount': tax_line.tax_base_amount,
- 'tax_repartition_line_id': tax_line.tax_repartition_line_id.id,
- 'tax_ids': [Command.set(tax_ids.ids)],
- 'tax_tag_ids': [Command.set(all_tags.ids)],
- 'account_id': tax_line.tax_repartition_line_id.account_id.id or tax_line.company_id.account_cash_basis_base_account_id.id or tax_line.account_id.id,
- 'amount_currency': amount_currency,
- 'currency_id': tax_line.currency_id.id,
- 'partner_id': tax_line.partner_id.id,
- # No need to set tax_tag_invert as on the base line; it will be computed from the repartition line
- }
- @api.model
- def _prepare_cash_basis_counterpart_tax_line_vals(self, tax_line, cb_tax_line_vals):
- ''' Prepare the move line used as a counterpart of the line created by
- _prepare_cash_basis_tax_line_vals.
- :param tax_line: An account.move.line record being a tax line.
- :param cb_tax_line_vals: The result of _prepare_cash_basis_counterpart_tax_line_vals.
- :return: A python dictionary that could be passed to the create method of
- account.move.line.
- '''
- return {
- 'name': cb_tax_line_vals['name'],
- 'debit': cb_tax_line_vals['credit'],
- 'credit': cb_tax_line_vals['debit'],
- 'account_id': tax_line.account_id.id,
- 'amount_currency': -cb_tax_line_vals['amount_currency'],
- 'currency_id': cb_tax_line_vals['currency_id'],
- 'partner_id': cb_tax_line_vals['partner_id'],
- }
- @api.model
- def _get_cash_basis_base_line_grouping_key_from_vals(self, base_line_vals):
- ''' Get the grouping key of a cash basis base line that hasn't yet been created.
- :param base_line_vals: The values to create a new account.move.line record.
- :return: The grouping key as a tuple.
- '''
- tax_ids = base_line_vals['tax_ids'][0][2] # Decode [(6, 0, [...])] command
- base_taxes = self.env['account.tax'].browse(tax_ids)
- return (
- base_line_vals['currency_id'],
- base_line_vals['partner_id'],
- base_line_vals['account_id'],
- tuple(base_taxes.filtered(lambda x: x.tax_exigibility == 'on_payment').ids),
- )
- @api.model
- def _get_cash_basis_base_line_grouping_key_from_record(self, base_line, account=None):
- ''' Get the grouping key of a journal item being a base line.
- :param base_line: An account.move.line record.
- :param account: Optional account to shadow the current base_line one.
- :return: The grouping key as a tuple.
- '''
- return (
- base_line.currency_id.id,
- base_line.partner_id.id,
- (account or base_line.account_id).id,
- tuple(base_line.tax_ids.flatten_taxes_hierarchy().filtered(lambda x: x.tax_exigibility == 'on_payment').ids),
- )
- @api.model
- def _get_cash_basis_tax_line_grouping_key_from_vals(self, tax_line_vals):
- ''' Get the grouping key of a cash basis tax line that hasn't yet been created.
- :param tax_line_vals: The values to create a new account.move.line record.
- :return: The grouping key as a tuple.
- '''
- tax_ids = tax_line_vals['tax_ids'][0][2] # Decode [(6, 0, [...])] command
- base_taxes = self.env['account.tax'].browse(tax_ids)
- return (
- tax_line_vals['currency_id'],
- tax_line_vals['partner_id'],
- tax_line_vals['account_id'],
- tuple(base_taxes.filtered(lambda x: x.tax_exigibility == 'on_payment').ids),
- tax_line_vals['tax_repartition_line_id'],
- )
- @api.model
- def _get_cash_basis_tax_line_grouping_key_from_record(self, tax_line, account=None):
- ''' Get the grouping key of a journal item being a tax line.
- :param tax_line: An account.move.line record.
- :param account: Optional account to shadow the current tax_line one.
- :return: The grouping key as a tuple.
- '''
- return (
- tax_line.currency_id.id,
- tax_line.partner_id.id,
- (account or tax_line.account_id).id,
- tuple(tax_line.tax_ids.filtered(lambda x: x.tax_exigibility == 'on_payment').ids),
- tax_line.tax_repartition_line_id.id,
- )
- def _create_tax_cash_basis_moves(self):
- ''' Create the tax cash basis journal entries.
- :return: The newly created journal entries.
- '''
- tax_cash_basis_values_per_move = self._collect_tax_cash_basis_values()
- today = fields.Date.context_today(self)
- moves_to_create = []
- to_reconcile_after = []
- for move_values in tax_cash_basis_values_per_move.values():
- move = move_values['move']
- pending_cash_basis_lines = []
- for partial_values in move_values['partials']:
- partial = partial_values['partial']
- # Init the journal entry.
- lock_date = move.company_id._get_user_fiscal_lock_date()
- move_date = partial.max_date if partial.max_date > (lock_date or date.min) else today
- move_vals = {
- 'move_type': 'entry',
- 'date': move_date,
- 'ref': move.name,
- 'journal_id': partial.company_id.tax_cash_basis_journal_id.id,
- 'line_ids': [],
- 'tax_cash_basis_rec_id': partial.id,
- 'tax_cash_basis_origin_move_id': move.id,
- 'fiscal_position_id': move.fiscal_position_id.id,
- }
- # Tracking of lines grouped all together.
- # Used to reduce the number of generated lines and to avoid rounding issues.
- partial_lines_to_create = {}
- for caba_treatment, line in move_values['to_process_lines']:
- # ==========================================================================
- # Compute the balance of the current line on the cash basis entry.
- # This balance is a percentage representing the part of the journal entry
- # that is actually paid by the current partial.
- # ==========================================================================
- # Percentage expressed in the foreign currency.
- amount_currency = line.currency_id.round(line.amount_currency * partial_values['percentage'])
- balance = partial_values['payment_rate'] and amount_currency / partial_values['payment_rate'] or 0.0
- # ==========================================================================
- # Prepare the mirror cash basis journal item of the current line.
- # Group them all together as much as possible to reduce the number of
- # generated journal items.
- # Also track the computed balance in order to avoid rounding issues when
- # the journal entry will be fully paid. At that case, we expect the exact
- # amount of each line has been covered by the cash basis journal entries
- # and well reported in the Tax Report.
- # ==========================================================================
- if caba_treatment == 'tax':
- # Tax line.
- cb_line_vals = self._prepare_cash_basis_tax_line_vals(line, balance, amount_currency)
- grouping_key = self._get_cash_basis_tax_line_grouping_key_from_vals(cb_line_vals)
- elif caba_treatment == 'base':
- # Base line.
- cb_line_vals = self._prepare_cash_basis_base_line_vals(line, balance, amount_currency)
- grouping_key = self._get_cash_basis_base_line_grouping_key_from_vals(cb_line_vals)
- if grouping_key in partial_lines_to_create:
- aggregated_vals = partial_lines_to_create[grouping_key]['vals']
- debit = aggregated_vals['debit'] + cb_line_vals['debit']
- credit = aggregated_vals['credit'] + cb_line_vals['credit']
- balance = debit - credit
- aggregated_vals.update({
- 'debit': balance if balance > 0 else 0,
- 'credit': -balance if balance < 0 else 0,
- 'amount_currency': aggregated_vals['amount_currency'] + cb_line_vals['amount_currency'],
- })
- if caba_treatment == 'tax':
- aggregated_vals.update({
- 'tax_base_amount': aggregated_vals['tax_base_amount'] + cb_line_vals['tax_base_amount'],
- })
- partial_lines_to_create[grouping_key]['tax_line'] += line
- else:
- partial_lines_to_create[grouping_key] = {
- 'vals': cb_line_vals,
- }
- if caba_treatment == 'tax':
- partial_lines_to_create[grouping_key].update({
- 'tax_line': line,
- })
- # ==========================================================================
- # Create the counterpart journal items.
- # ==========================================================================
- # To be able to retrieve the correct matching between the tax lines to reconcile
- # later, the lines will be created using a specific sequence.
- sequence = 0
- for grouping_key, aggregated_vals in partial_lines_to_create.items():
- line_vals = aggregated_vals['vals']
- line_vals['sequence'] = sequence
- pending_cash_basis_lines.append((grouping_key, line_vals['amount_currency']))
- if 'tax_repartition_line_id' in line_vals:
- # Tax line.
- tax_line = aggregated_vals['tax_line']
- counterpart_line_vals = self._prepare_cash_basis_counterpart_tax_line_vals(tax_line, line_vals)
- counterpart_line_vals['sequence'] = sequence + 1
- if tax_line.account_id.reconcile:
- move_index = len(moves_to_create)
- to_reconcile_after.append((tax_line, move_index, counterpart_line_vals['sequence']))
- else:
- # Base line.
- counterpart_line_vals = self._prepare_cash_basis_counterpart_base_line_vals(line_vals)
- counterpart_line_vals['sequence'] = sequence + 1
- sequence += 2
- move_vals['line_ids'] += [(0, 0, counterpart_line_vals), (0, 0, line_vals)]
- moves_to_create.append(move_vals)
- moves = self.env['account.move'].create(moves_to_create)
- moves._post(soft=False)
- # Reconcile the tax lines being on a reconcile tax basis transfer account.
- for lines, move_index, sequence in to_reconcile_after:
- # In expenses, all move lines are created manually without any grouping on tax lines.
- # In that case, 'lines' could be already reconciled.
- lines = lines.filtered(lambda x: not x.reconciled)
- if not lines:
- continue
- counterpart_line = moves[move_index].line_ids.filtered(lambda line: line.sequence == sequence)
- # When dealing with tiny amounts, the line could have a zero amount and then, be already reconciled.
- if counterpart_line.reconciled:
- continue
- (lines + counterpart_line).reconcile()
- return moves