ja.po 36 KB

  1. # Translation of Odoo Server.
  2. # This file contains the translation of the following modules:
  3. # * auth_signup
  4. #
  5. # Translators:
  6. # Martin Trigaux, 2022
  7. # Ryoko Tsuda <ryoko@quartile.co>, 2022
  8. # Junko Augias, 2023
  9. #
  10. msgid ""
  11. msgstr ""
  12. "Project-Id-Version: Odoo Server 16.0\n"
  13. "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
  14. "POT-Creation-Date: 2023-05-23 08:23+0000\n"
  15. "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-09-22 05:45+0000\n"
  16. "Last-Translator: Junko Augias, 2023\n"
  17. "Language-Team: Japanese (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/ja/)\n"
  18. "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  19. "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  20. "Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
  21. "Language: ja\n"
  22. "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
  23. #. module: auth_signup
  24. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:auth_signup.res_users_view_form
  25. msgid ""
  26. "<strong>A password reset has been requested for this user. An email "
  27. "containing the following link has been sent:</strong>"
  28. msgstr "<strong>このユーザのパスワードの再設定が要求されました。次のリンクを含むEメールが送信されました:</strong>"
  29. #. module: auth_signup
  30. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:auth_signup.res_users_view_form
  31. msgid ""
  32. "<strong>An invitation email containing the following subscription link has "
  33. "been sent:</strong>"
  34. msgstr "<strong>次のサブスクリプションリンクを含む招待メールが送信されました:</strong>"
  35. #. module: auth_signup
  36. #: model:mail.template,body_html:auth_signup.mail_template_data_unregistered_users
  37. msgid ""
  38. "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" style=\"background-color: #FFFFFF; font-family:Verdana, Arial,sans-serif; color: #454748; width: 100%; border-collapse:separate;\"><tr><td align=\"center\">\n"
  39. "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"590\" style=\"padding: 16px; background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #454748; border-collapse:separate;\">\n"
  40. "<tbody>\n"
  41. " <!-- CONTENT -->\n"
  42. " <tr>\n"
  43. " <td align=\"center\" style=\"min-width: 590px;\">\n"
  44. " <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"590\" style=\"min-width: 590px; background-color: white; padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px; border-collapse:separate;\">\n"
  45. " <t t-set=\"invited_users\" t-value=\"ctx.get('invited_users', [])\"></t>\n"
  46. " <td style=\"text-align : left\">\n"
  47. " <span style=\"font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold;\">\n"
  48. " Pending Invitations\n"
  49. " </span><br><br>\n"
  50. " </td>\n"
  51. " <tr><td valign=\"top\" style=\"font-size: 13px;\">\n"
  52. " <div>\n"
  53. " Dear <t t-out=\"object.name or ''\">Mitchell Admin</t>,<br> <br>\n"
  54. " You added the following user(s) to your database but they haven't registered yet:\n"
  55. " <ul>\n"
  56. " <t t-foreach=\"invited_users\" t-as=\"invited_user\">\n"
  57. " <li t-out=\"invited_user or ''\">demo@example.com</li>\n"
  58. " </t>\n"
  59. " </ul>\n"
  60. " Follow up with them so they can access your database and start working with you.\n"
  61. " <br><br>\n"
  62. " Have a nice day!<br>\n"
  63. " --<br>The <t t-out=\"object.company_id.name or ''\">YourCompany</t> Team\n"
  64. " </div>\n"
  65. " </td></tr>\n"
  66. " <tr><td style=\"text-align:center;\">\n"
  67. " <hr width=\"100%\" style=\"background-color:rgb(204,204,204);border:medium none;clear:both;display:block;font-size:0px;min-height:1px;line-height:0; margin: 16px 0px 16px 0px;\">\n"
  68. " </td></tr>\n"
  69. " </table>\n"
  70. " </td>\n"
  71. " </tr>\n"
  72. "</tbody>\n"
  73. "</table>\n"
  74. "</td></tr>\n"
  75. "</table>\n"
  76. " "
  77. msgstr ""
  78. "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" style=\"background-color: #FFFFFF; font-family:Verdana, Arial,sans-serif; color: #454748; width: 100%; border-collapse:separate;\"><tr><td align=\"center\">\n"
  79. "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"590\" style=\"padding: 16px; background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #454748; border-collapse:separate;\">\n"
  80. "<tbody>\n"
  81. " <!-- CONTENT -->\n"
  82. " <tr>\n"
  83. " <td align=\"center\" style=\"min-width: 590px;\">\n"
  84. " <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"590\" style=\"min-width: 590px; background-color: white; padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px; border-collapse:separate;\">\n"
  85. " <t t-set=\"invited_users\" t-value=\"ctx.get('invited_users', [])\"></t>\n"
  86. " <td style=\"text-align : left\">\n"
  87. " <span style=\"font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold;\">\n"
  88. " 招待保留中\n"
  89. " </span><br><br>\n"
  90. " </td>\n"
  91. " <tr><td valign=\"top\" style=\"font-size: 13px;\">\n"
  92. " <div>\n"
  93. " <t t-out=\"object.name or ''\">Mitchell Admin</t>様、<br> <br>\n"
  94. " 以下のユーザがデータベースに追加されましたが、まだ登録されていません: \n"
  95. " <ul>\n"
  96. " <t t-foreach=\"invited_users\" t-as=\"invited_user\">\n"
  97. " <li t-out=\"invited_user or ''\">demo@example.com</li>\n"
  98. " </t>\n"
  99. " </ul>\n"
  100. " データベースにアクセスし、業務を行えるよう確認して下さい。\n"
  101. " <br><br>\n"
  102. " 宜しくお願い致します。<br>\n"
  103. " --<br>The <t t-out=\"object.company_id.name or ''\">YourCompany</t> Team\n"
  104. " </div>\n"
  105. " </td></tr>\n"
  106. " <tr><td style=\"text-align:center;\">\n"
  107. " <hr width=\"100%\" style=\"background-color:rgb(204,204,204);border:medium none;clear:both;display:block;font-size:0px;min-height:1px;line-height:0; margin: 16px 0px 16px 0px;\">\n"
  108. " </td></tr>\n"
  109. " </table>\n"
  110. " </td>\n"
  111. " </tr>\n"
  112. "</tbody>\n"
  113. "</table>\n"
  114. "</td></tr>\n"
  115. "</table>\n"
  116. " "
  117. #. module: auth_signup
  118. #: model:mail.template,body_html:auth_signup.set_password_email
  119. msgid ""
  120. "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" style=\"padding-top: 16px; background-color: #FFFFFF; font-family:Verdana, Arial,sans-serif; color: #454748; width: 100%; border-collapse:separate;\"><tr><td align=\"center\">\n"
  121. "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"590\" style=\"padding: 16px; background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #454748; border-collapse:separate;\">\n"
  122. "<tbody>\n"
  123. " <!-- HEADER -->\n"
  124. " <tr>\n"
  125. " <td align=\"center\" style=\"min-width: 590px;\">\n"
  126. " <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"590\" style=\"min-width: 590px; background-color: white; padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px; border-collapse:separate;\">\n"
  127. " <tr><td valign=\"middle\">\n"
  128. " <span style=\"font-size: 10px;\">Welcome to Odoo</span><br>\n"
  129. " <span style=\"font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold;\">\n"
  130. " <t t-out=\"object.name or ''\">Marc Demo</t>\n"
  131. " </span>\n"
  132. " </td><td valign=\"middle\" align=\"right\">\n"
  133. " <img t-attf-src=\"/logo.png?company={{ object.company_id.id }}\" style=\"padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; width: 80px;\" t-att-alt=\"object.company_id.name\">\n"
  134. " </td></tr>\n"
  135. " <tr><td colspan=\"2\" style=\"text-align:center;\">\n"
  136. " <hr width=\"100%\" style=\"background-color:rgb(204,204,204);border:medium none;clear:both;display:block;font-size:0px;min-height:1px;line-height:0; margin: 16px 0px 16px 0px;\">\n"
  137. " </td></tr>\n"
  138. " </table>\n"
  139. " </td>\n"
  140. " </tr>\n"
  141. " <!-- CONTENT -->\n"
  142. " <tr>\n"
  143. " <td align=\"center\" style=\"min-width: 590px;\">\n"
  144. " <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"590\" style=\"min-width: 590px; background-color: white; padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px; border-collapse:separate;\">\n"
  145. " <tr><td valign=\"top\" style=\"font-size: 13px;\">\n"
  146. " <div>\n"
  147. " Dear <t t-out=\"object.name or ''\">Marc Demo</t>,<br><br>\n"
  148. " You have been invited by <t t-out=\"object.create_uid.name or ''\">OdooBot</t> of <t t-out=\"object.company_id.name or ''\">YourCompany</t> to connect on Odoo.\n"
  149. " <div style=\"margin: 16px 0px 16px 0px;\">\n"
  150. " <a t-att-href=\"object.signup_url\" style=\"background-color: #875A7B; padding: 8px 16px 8px 16px; text-decoration: none; color: #fff; border-radius: 5px; font-size:13px;\">\n"
  151. " Accept invitation\n"
  152. " </a>\n"
  153. " </div>\n"
  154. " <t t-set=\"website_url\" t-value=\"object.get_base_url()\"></t>\n"
  155. " Your Odoo domain is: <b><a t-att-href=\"website_url\" t-out=\"website_url or ''\">http://yourcompany.odoo.com</a></b><br>\n"
  156. " Your sign in email is: <b><a t-attf-href=\"/web/login?login={{ object.email }}\" target=\"_blank\" t-out=\"object.email or ''\">mark.brown23@example.com</a></b><br><br>\n"
  157. " Never heard of Odoo? It’s an all-in-one business software loved by 7+ million users. It will considerably improve your experience at work and increase your productivity.\n"
  158. " <br><br>\n"
  159. " Have a look at the <a href=\"https://www.odoo.com/page/tour?utm_source=db&amp;utm_medium=auth\" style=\"color: #875A7B;\">Odoo Tour</a> to discover the tool.\n"
  160. " <br><br>\n"
  161. " Enjoy Odoo!<br>\n"
  162. " --<br>The <t t-out=\"object.company_id.name or ''\">YourCompany</t> Team\n"
  163. " </div>\n"
  164. " </td></tr>\n"
  165. " <tr><td style=\"text-align:center;\">\n"
  166. " <hr width=\"100%\" style=\"background-color:rgb(204,204,204);border:medium none;clear:both;display:block;font-size:0px;min-height:1px;line-height:0; margin: 16px 0px 16px 0px;\">\n"
  167. " </td></tr>\n"
  168. " </table>\n"
  169. " </td>\n"
  170. " </tr>\n"
  171. " <!-- FOOTER -->\n"
  172. " <tr>\n"
  173. " <td align=\"center\" style=\"min-width: 590px;\">\n"
  174. " <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"590\" style=\"min-width: 590px; background-color: white; font-size: 11px; padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px; border-collapse:separate;\">\n"
  175. " <tr><td valign=\"middle\" align=\"left\">\n"
  176. " <t t-out=\"object.company_id.name or ''\">YourCompany</t>\n"
  177. " </td></tr>\n"
  178. " <tr><td valign=\"middle\" align=\"left\" style=\"opacity: 0.7;\">\n"
  179. " <t t-out=\"object.company_id.phone or ''\">+1 650-123-4567</t>\n"
  180. " <t t-if=\"object.company_id.email\">\n"
  181. " | <a t-att-href=\"'mailto:%s' % object.company_id.email\" style=\"text-decoration:none; color: #454748;\" t-out=\"object.company_id.email or ''\">info@yourcompany.com</a>\n"
  182. " </t>\n"
  183. " <t t-if=\"object.company_id.website\">\n"
  184. " | <a t-att-href=\"'%s' % object.company_id.website\" style=\"text-decoration:none; color: #454748;\" t-out=\"object.company_id.website or ''\">http://www.example.com</a>\n"
  185. " </t>\n"
  186. " </td></tr>\n"
  187. " </table>\n"
  188. " </td>\n"
  189. " </tr>\n"
  190. "</tbody>\n"
  191. "</table>\n"
  192. "</td></tr>\n"
  193. "<!-- POWERED BY -->\n"
  194. "<tr><td align=\"center\" style=\"min-width: 590px;\">\n"
  195. " <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"590\" style=\"min-width: 590px; background-color: #F1F1F1; color: #454748; padding: 8px; border-collapse:separate;\">\n"
  196. " <tr><td style=\"text-align: center; font-size: 13px;\">\n"
  197. " Powered by <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://www.odoo.com?utm_source=db&amp;utm_medium=auth\" style=\"color: #875A7B;\">Odoo</a>\n"
  198. " </td></tr>\n"
  199. " </table>\n"
  200. "</td></tr>\n"
  201. "</table>"
  202. msgstr ""
  203. #. module: auth_signup
  204. #: model:mail.template,body_html:auth_signup.reset_password_email
  205. msgid ""
  206. "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" style=\"padding-top: 16px; background-color: #FFFFFF; font-family:Verdana, Arial,sans-serif; color: #454748; width: 100%; border-collapse:separate;\"><tr><td align=\"center\">\n"
  207. "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"590\" style=\"padding: 16px; background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #454748; border-collapse:separate;\">\n"
  208. "<tbody>\n"
  209. " <!-- HEADER -->\n"
  210. " <tr>\n"
  211. " <td align=\"center\" style=\"min-width: 590px;\">\n"
  212. " <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"590\" style=\"min-width: 590px; background-color: white; padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px; border-collapse:separate;\">\n"
  213. " <tr><td valign=\"middle\">\n"
  214. " <span style=\"font-size: 10px;\">Your Account</span><br>\n"
  215. " <span style=\"font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold;\">\n"
  216. " <t t-out=\"object.name or ''\">Marc Demo</t>\n"
  217. " </span>\n"
  218. " </td><td valign=\"middle\" align=\"right\">\n"
  219. " <img t-attf-src=\"/logo.png?company={{ object.company_id.id }}\" style=\"padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; width: 80px;\" t-att-alt=\"object.company_id.name\">\n"
  220. " </td></tr>\n"
  221. " <tr><td colspan=\"2\" style=\"text-align:center;\">\n"
  222. " <hr width=\"100%\" style=\"background-color:rgb(204,204,204);border:medium none;clear:both;display:block;font-size:0px;min-height:1px;line-height:0; margin: 16px 0px 16px 0px;\">\n"
  223. " </td></tr>\n"
  224. " </table>\n"
  225. " </td>\n"
  226. " </tr>\n"
  227. " <!-- CONTENT -->\n"
  228. " <tr>\n"
  229. " <td align=\"center\" style=\"min-width: 590px;\">\n"
  230. " <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"590\" style=\"min-width: 590px; background-color: white; padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px; border-collapse:separate;\">\n"
  231. " <tr><td valign=\"top\" style=\"font-size: 13px;\">\n"
  232. " <div>\n"
  233. " Dear <t t-out=\"object.name or ''\">Marc Demo</t>,<br><br>\n"
  234. " A password reset was requested for the Odoo account linked to this email.\n"
  235. " You may change your password by following this link which will remain valid during 24 hours:<br>\n"
  236. " <div style=\"margin: 16px 0px 16px 0px;\">\n"
  237. " <a t-att-href=\"object.signup_url\" style=\"background-color: #875A7B; padding: 8px 16px 8px 16px; text-decoration: none; color: #fff; border-radius: 5px; font-size:13px;\">\n"
  238. " Change password\n"
  239. " </a>\n"
  240. " </div>\n"
  241. " If you do not expect this, you can safely ignore this email.<br><br>\n"
  242. " Thanks,\n"
  243. " <t t-if=\"user.signature\">\n"
  244. " <br>\n"
  245. " <t t-out=\"user.signature or ''\">--<br>Mitchell Admin</t>\n"
  246. " </t>\n"
  247. " </div>\n"
  248. " </td></tr>\n"
  249. " <tr><td style=\"text-align:center;\">\n"
  250. " <hr width=\"100%\" style=\"background-color:rgb(204,204,204);border:medium none;clear:both;display:block;font-size:0px;min-height:1px;line-height:0; margin: 16px 0px 16px 0px;\">\n"
  251. " </td></tr>\n"
  252. " </table>\n"
  253. " </td>\n"
  254. " </tr>\n"
  255. " <!-- FOOTER -->\n"
  256. " <tr>\n"
  257. " <td align=\"center\" style=\"min-width: 590px;\">\n"
  258. " <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"590\" style=\"min-width: 590px; background-color: white; font-size: 11px; padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px; border-collapse:separate;\">\n"
  259. " <tr><td valign=\"middle\" align=\"left\">\n"
  260. " <t t-out=\"object.company_id.name or ''\">YourCompany</t>\n"
  261. " </td></tr>\n"
  262. " <tr><td valign=\"middle\" align=\"left\" style=\"opacity: 0.7;\">\n"
  263. " <t t-out=\"object.company_id.phone or ''\">+1 650-123-4567</t>\n"
  264. "\n"
  265. " <t t-if=\"object.company_id.email\">\n"
  266. " | <a t-att-href=\"'mailto:%s' % object.company_id.email\" style=\"text-decoration:none; color: #454748;\" t-out=\"object.company_id.email or ''\">info@yourcompany.com</a>\n"
  267. " </t>\n"
  268. " <t t-if=\"object.company_id.website\">\n"
  269. " | <a t-att-href=\"'%s' % object.company_id.website\" style=\"text-decoration:none; color: #454748;\" t-out=\"object.company_id.website or ''\">http://www.example.com</a>\n"
  270. " </t>\n"
  271. " </td></tr>\n"
  272. " </table>\n"
  273. " </td>\n"
  274. " </tr>\n"
  275. "</tbody>\n"
  276. "</table>\n"
  277. "</td></tr>\n"
  278. "<!-- POWERED BY -->\n"
  279. "<tr><td align=\"center\" style=\"min-width: 590px;\">\n"
  280. " <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"590\" style=\"min-width: 590px; background-color: #F1F1F1; color: #454748; padding: 8px; border-collapse:separate;\">\n"
  281. " <tr><td style=\"text-align: center; font-size: 13px;\">\n"
  282. " Powered by <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://www.odoo.com?utm_source=db&amp;utm_medium=auth\" style=\"color: #875A7B;\">Odoo</a>\n"
  283. " </td></tr>\n"
  284. " </table>\n"
  285. "</td></tr>\n"
  286. "</table>\n"
  287. " "
  288. msgstr ""
  289. #. module: auth_signup
  290. #: model:mail.template,body_html:auth_signup.mail_template_user_signup_account_created
  291. msgid ""
  292. "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" style=\"padding-top: 16px; background-color: #FFFFFF; font-family:Verdana, Arial,sans-serif; color: #454748; width: 100%; border-collapse:separate;\"><tr><td align=\"center\">\n"
  293. "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"590\" style=\"padding: 16px; background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #454748; border-collapse:separate;\">\n"
  294. "<tbody>\n"
  295. " <!-- HEADER -->\n"
  296. " <tr>\n"
  297. " <td align=\"center\" style=\"min-width: 590px;\">\n"
  298. " <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"590\" style=\"min-width: 590px; background-color: white; padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px; border-collapse:separate;\">\n"
  299. " <tr><td valign=\"middle\">\n"
  300. " <span style=\"font-size: 10px;\">Your Account</span><br>\n"
  301. " <span style=\"font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold;\">\n"
  302. " <t t-out=\"object.name or ''\">Marc Demo</t>\n"
  303. " </span>\n"
  304. " </td><td valign=\"middle\" align=\"right\">\n"
  305. " <img t-attf-src=\"/logo.png?company={{ object.company_id.id }}\" style=\"padding: 0px; margin: 0px; height: auto; width: 80px;\" t-att-alt=\"object.company_id.name\">\n"
  306. " </td></tr>\n"
  307. " <tr><td colspan=\"2\" style=\"text-align:center;\">\n"
  308. " <hr width=\"100%\" style=\"background-color:rgb(204,204,204);border:medium none;clear:both;display:block;font-size:0px;min-height:1px;line-height:0; margin: 16px 0px 16px 0px;\">\n"
  309. " </td></tr>\n"
  310. " </table>\n"
  311. " </td>\n"
  312. " </tr>\n"
  313. " <!-- CONTENT -->\n"
  314. " <tr>\n"
  315. " <td align=\"center\" style=\"min-width: 590px;\">\n"
  316. " <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"590\" style=\"min-width: 590px; background-color: white; padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px; border-collapse:separate;\">\n"
  317. " <tr><td valign=\"top\" style=\"font-size: 13px;\">\n"
  318. " <div>\n"
  319. " Dear <t t-out=\"object.name or ''\">Marc Demo</t>,<br><br>\n"
  320. " Your account has been successfully created!<br>\n"
  321. " Your login is <strong><t t-out=\"object.email or ''\">mark.brown23@example.com</t></strong><br>\n"
  322. " To gain access to your account, you can use the following link:\n"
  323. " <div style=\"margin: 16px 0px 16px 0px;\">\n"
  324. " <a t-attf-href=\"/web/login?auth_login={{object.email}}\" style=\"background-color: #875A7B; padding: 8px 16px 8px 16px; text-decoration: none; color: #fff; border-radius: 5px; font-size:13px;\">\n"
  325. " Go to My Account\n"
  326. " </a>\n"
  327. " </div>\n"
  328. " Thanks,<br>\n"
  329. " <t t-if=\"user.signature\">\n"
  330. " <br>\n"
  331. " <t t-out=\"user.signature or ''\">--<br>Mitchell Admin</t>\n"
  332. " </t>\n"
  333. " </div>\n"
  334. " </td></tr>\n"
  335. " <tr><td style=\"text-align:center;\">\n"
  336. " <hr width=\"100%\" style=\"background-color:rgb(204,204,204);border:medium none;clear:both;display:block;font-size:0px;min-height:1px;line-height:0; margin: 16px 0px 16px 0px;\">\n"
  337. " </td></tr>\n"
  338. " </table>\n"
  339. " </td>\n"
  340. " </tr>\n"
  341. " <!-- FOOTER -->\n"
  342. " <tr>\n"
  343. " <td align=\"center\" style=\"min-width: 590px;\">\n"
  344. " <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"590\" style=\"min-width: 590px; background-color: white; font-size: 11px; padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px; border-collapse:separate;\">\n"
  345. " <tr><td valign=\"middle\" align=\"left\">\n"
  346. " <t t-out=\"object.company_id.name or ''\">YourCompany</t>\n"
  347. " </td></tr>\n"
  348. " <tr><td valign=\"middle\" align=\"left\" style=\"opacity: 0.7;\">\n"
  349. " <t t-out=\"object.company_id.phone or ''\">+1 650-123-4567</t>\n"
  350. " <t t-if=\"object.company_id.email\">\n"
  351. " | <a t-attf-href=\"'mailto:%s' % {{ object.company_id.email }}\" style=\"text-decoration:none; color: #454748;\"><t t-out=\"object.company_id.email or ''\">info@yourcompany.com</t></a>\n"
  352. " </t>\n"
  353. " <t t-if=\"object.company_id.website\">\n"
  354. " | <a t-attf-href=\"'%s' % {{ object.company_id.website }}\" style=\"text-decoration:none; color: #454748;\">\n"
  355. " <t t-out=\"object.company_id.website or ''\">http://www.example.com</t>\n"
  356. " </a>\n"
  357. " </t>\n"
  358. " </td></tr>\n"
  359. " </table>\n"
  360. " </td>\n"
  361. " </tr>\n"
  362. "</tbody>\n"
  363. "</table>\n"
  364. "</td></tr>\n"
  365. "<!-- POWERED BY -->\n"
  366. "<tr><td align=\"center\" style=\"min-width: 590px;\">\n"
  367. " <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"590\" style=\"min-width: 590px; background-color: #F1F1F1; color: #454748; padding: 8px; border-collapse:separate;\">\n"
  368. " <tr><td style=\"text-align: center; font-size: 13px;\">\n"
  369. " Powered by <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://www.odoo.com?utm_source=db&amp;utm_medium=auth\" style=\"color: #875A7B;\">Odoo</a>\n"
  370. " </td></tr>\n"
  371. " </table>\n"
  372. "</td></tr>\n"
  373. "</table>"
  374. msgstr ""
  375. #. module: auth_signup
  376. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:auth_signup.signup
  377. msgid "Already have an account?"
  378. msgstr "すでにアカウントを持っている"
  379. #. module: auth_signup
  380. #. odoo-python
  381. #: code:addons/auth_signup/controllers/main.py:0
  382. #, python-format
  383. msgid "Another user is already registered using this email address."
  384. msgstr "別のユーザーが既にこのメールアドレスを使用して登録されています。"
  385. #. module: auth_signup
  386. #. odoo-python
  387. #: code:addons/auth_signup/controllers/main.py:0
  388. #, python-format
  389. msgid "Authentication Failed."
  390. msgstr "認証は失敗しました"
  391. #. module: auth_signup
  392. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:auth_signup.reset_password
  393. msgid "Back to Login"
  394. msgstr "ログインへ戻る"
  395. #. module: auth_signup
  396. #. odoo-python
  397. #: code:addons/auth_signup/models/res_users.py:0
  398. #, python-format
  399. msgid "Cannot send email: user %s has no email address."
  400. msgstr "メール送信できません:ユーザ %s には、電子メールアドレスがありません。"
  401. #. module: auth_signup
  402. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:auth_signup.res_users_view_form
  403. msgid "Close"
  404. msgstr "閉じる"
  405. #. module: auth_signup
  406. #: model:ir.model,name:auth_signup.model_res_config_settings
  407. msgid "Config Settings"
  408. msgstr "コンフィグ設定"
  409. #. module: auth_signup
  410. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:auth_signup.fields
  411. msgid "Confirm Password"
  412. msgstr "パスワードを確認"
  413. #. module: auth_signup
  414. #: model:ir.model.fields.selection,name:auth_signup.selection__res_users__state__active
  415. msgid "Confirmed"
  416. msgstr "確認済"
  417. #. module: auth_signup
  418. #: model:ir.model,name:auth_signup.model_res_partner
  419. msgid "Contact"
  420. msgstr "連絡先"
  421. #. module: auth_signup
  422. #. odoo-python
  423. #: code:addons/auth_signup/controllers/main.py:0
  424. #, python-format
  425. msgid "Could not create a new account."
  426. msgstr "新しいアカウントを作成できません"
  427. #. module: auth_signup
  428. #. odoo-python
  429. #: code:addons/auth_signup/controllers/main.py:0
  430. #, python-format
  431. msgid "Could not reset your password"
  432. msgstr "パスワードが再設定できませんでした"
  433. #. module: auth_signup
  434. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:auth_signup.field_res_config_settings__auth_signup_uninvited
  435. msgid "Customer Account"
  436. msgstr "顧客アカウント"
  437. #. module: auth_signup
  438. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:auth_signup.res_config_settings_view_form
  439. msgid "Default Access Rights"
  440. msgstr "デフォルトアクセス権"
  441. #. module: auth_signup
  442. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:auth_signup.login
  443. msgid "Don't have an account?"
  444. msgstr "アカウントを持っていない"
  445. #. module: auth_signup
  446. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:auth_signup.field_res_config_settings__auth_signup_reset_password
  447. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:auth_signup.res_config_settings_view_form
  448. msgid "Enable password reset from Login page"
  449. msgstr "ログインページでのパスワード再設定を有効化"
  450. #. module: auth_signup
  451. #: model:ir.model.fields.selection,name:auth_signup.selection__res_config_settings__auth_signup_uninvited__b2c
  452. msgid "Free sign up"
  453. msgstr "自由にサインアップ"
  454. #. module: auth_signup
  455. #: model:ir.model,name:auth_signup.model_ir_http
  456. msgid "HTTP Routing"
  457. msgstr "HTTPルーティング"
  458. #. module: auth_signup
  459. #. odoo-python
  460. #: code:addons/auth_signup/controllers/main.py:0
  461. #, python-format
  462. msgid "Invalid signup token"
  463. msgstr "サインアップトークンは無効です。"
  464. #. module: auth_signup
  465. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:auth_signup.res_config_settings_view_form
  466. msgid "Let your customers log in to see their documents"
  467. msgstr "顧客がログインして自分のドキュメントを参照できるようにする"
  468. #. module: auth_signup
  469. #: model:ir.model.fields.selection,name:auth_signup.selection__res_users__state__new
  470. msgid "Never Connected"
  471. msgstr "接続履歴なし"
  472. #. module: auth_signup
  473. #. odoo-python
  474. #: code:addons/auth_signup/models/res_users.py:0
  475. #, python-format
  476. msgid "No account found for this login"
  477. msgstr "このログイン用のアカウントなし"
  478. #. module: auth_signup
  479. #. odoo-python
  480. #: code:addons/auth_signup/controllers/main.py:0
  481. #, python-format
  482. msgid "No login provided."
  483. msgstr "提案されたログインがありません。"
  484. #. module: auth_signup
  485. #: model:ir.model.fields.selection,name:auth_signup.selection__res_config_settings__auth_signup_uninvited__b2b
  486. msgid "On invitation"
  487. msgstr "招待制"
  488. #. module: auth_signup
  489. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:auth_signup.fields
  490. msgid "Password"
  491. msgstr "パスワード"
  492. #. module: auth_signup
  493. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:auth_signup.res_config_settings_view_form
  494. msgid "Password Reset"
  495. msgstr "パスワード再設定"
  496. #. module: auth_signup
  497. #: model:mail.template,subject:auth_signup.reset_password_email
  498. msgid "Password reset"
  499. msgstr "パスワード再設定"
  500. #. module: auth_signup
  501. #. odoo-python
  502. #: code:addons/auth_signup/controllers/main.py:0
  503. #, python-format
  504. msgid "Password reset instructions sent to your email"
  505. msgstr "パスワードリセット手順のメールを送信しました"
  506. #. module: auth_signup
  507. #. odoo-python
  508. #: code:addons/auth_signup/controllers/main.py:0
  509. #, python-format
  510. msgid "Passwords do not match; please retype them."
  511. msgstr "パスワードが一致していません。再入力してください。"
  512. #. module: auth_signup
  513. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:auth_signup.login_successful
  514. msgid "Registration successful."
  515. msgstr "登録に成功しました。"
  516. #. module: auth_signup
  517. #: model:mail.template,subject:auth_signup.mail_template_data_unregistered_users
  518. msgid "Reminder for unregistered users"
  519. msgstr "未登録ユーザへのリマインダ"
  520. #. module: auth_signup
  521. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:auth_signup.login
  522. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:auth_signup.reset_password
  523. msgid "Reset Password"
  524. msgstr "パスワード再設定"
  525. #. module: auth_signup
  526. #: model:ir.actions.server,name:auth_signup.action_send_password_reset_instructions
  527. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:auth_signup.res_users_view_form
  528. msgid "Send Password Reset Instructions"
  529. msgstr "パスワード再設定方法を送信"
  530. #. module: auth_signup
  531. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:auth_signup.res_users_view_form
  532. msgid "Send an Invitation Email"
  533. msgstr "招待メールを送る"
  534. #. module: auth_signup
  535. #: model:mail.template,description:auth_signup.mail_template_data_unregistered_users
  536. msgid ""
  537. "Sent automatically to admin if new user haven't responded to the invitation"
  538. msgstr "新しいユーザが招待に応じなかった場合、自動的に管理者に送信される"
  539. #. module: auth_signup
  540. #: model:mail.template,description:auth_signup.set_password_email
  541. msgid "Sent to new user after you invited them"
  542. msgstr "招待した後に新しいユーザに送信される"
  543. #. module: auth_signup
  544. #: model:mail.template,description:auth_signup.mail_template_user_signup_account_created
  545. msgid "Sent to portal user who registered themselves"
  546. msgstr "自分で登録したポータルユーザに送信される"
  547. #. module: auth_signup
  548. #: model:mail.template,description:auth_signup.reset_password_email
  549. msgid "Sent to user who requested a password reset"
  550. msgstr "パスワードリセットをリクエストしたユーザに送信される"
  551. #. module: auth_signup
  552. #: model:mail.template,name:auth_signup.set_password_email
  553. msgid "Settings: New Portal Signup"
  554. msgstr "設定:新規ポータルサインアップ"
  555. #. module: auth_signup
  556. #: model:mail.template,name:auth_signup.mail_template_user_signup_account_created
  557. msgid "Settings: New User Invite"
  558. msgstr "設定:新規ユーザ招待"
  559. #. module: auth_signup
  560. #: model:mail.template,name:auth_signup.mail_template_data_unregistered_users
  561. msgid "Settings: Unregistered User Reminder"
  562. msgstr "設定:未登録ユーザリマインダ"
  563. #. module: auth_signup
  564. #: model:mail.template,name:auth_signup.reset_password_email
  565. msgid "Settings: User Reset Password"
  566. msgstr "設定:ユーザリセットパスワード"
  567. #. module: auth_signup
  568. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:auth_signup.signup
  569. msgid "Sign up"
  570. msgstr "サインアップ"
  571. #. module: auth_signup
  572. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:auth_signup.field_res_partner__signup_expiration
  573. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:auth_signup.field_res_users__signup_expiration
  574. msgid "Signup Expiration"
  575. msgstr "サインアップ期限"
  576. #. module: auth_signup
  577. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:auth_signup.field_res_partner__signup_token
  578. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:auth_signup.field_res_users__signup_token
  579. msgid "Signup Token"
  580. msgstr "サインアップトークン"
  581. #. module: auth_signup
  582. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:auth_signup.field_res_partner__signup_type
  583. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:auth_signup.field_res_users__signup_type
  584. msgid "Signup Token Type"
  585. msgstr "サインアップトークンタイプ"
  586. #. module: auth_signup
  587. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:auth_signup.field_res_partner__signup_valid
  588. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:auth_signup.field_res_users__signup_valid
  589. msgid "Signup Token is Valid"
  590. msgstr "サインアップトークンは有効です。"
  591. #. module: auth_signup
  592. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:auth_signup.field_res_partner__signup_url
  593. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:auth_signup.field_res_users__signup_url
  594. msgid "Signup URL"
  595. msgstr "サインアップ URL"
  596. #. module: auth_signup
  597. #. odoo-python
  598. #: code:addons/auth_signup/models/res_users.py:0
  599. #, python-format
  600. msgid "Signup is not allowed for uninvited users"
  601. msgstr "招待されていないユーザのサインアップはできません"
  602. #. module: auth_signup
  603. #. odoo-python
  604. #: code:addons/auth_signup/models/res_partner.py:0
  605. #, python-format
  606. msgid "Signup token '%s' is no longer valid"
  607. msgstr "サインアップトークン '%s'は有効ではありません"
  608. #. module: auth_signup
  609. #. odoo-python
  610. #: code:addons/auth_signup/models/res_partner.py:0
  611. #, python-format
  612. msgid "Signup token '%s' is not valid"
  613. msgstr "サインアップトークン '%s'は有効ではありません"
  614. #. module: auth_signup
  615. #. odoo-python
  616. #: code:addons/auth_signup/models/res_users.py:0
  617. #, python-format
  618. msgid "Signup: invalid template user"
  619. msgstr "サインアップ: 無効なテンプレートユーザ"
  620. #. module: auth_signup
  621. #. odoo-python
  622. #: code:addons/auth_signup/models/res_users.py:0
  623. #, python-format
  624. msgid "Signup: no login given for new user"
  625. msgstr "サインアップ: 新規ユーザにログインが許可されません"
  626. #. module: auth_signup
  627. #. odoo-python
  628. #: code:addons/auth_signup/models/res_users.py:0
  629. #, python-format
  630. msgid "Signup: no name or partner given for new user"
  631. msgstr "サインアップ: 新規ユーザに名前またはパートナーが付与されません"
  632. #. module: auth_signup
  633. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:auth_signup.field_res_users__state
  634. msgid "Status"
  635. msgstr "ステータス"
  636. #. module: auth_signup
  637. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:auth_signup.field_res_config_settings__auth_signup_template_user_id
  638. msgid "Template user for new users created through signup"
  639. msgstr "サインアップで作成されるユーザのテンプレートユーザ"
  640. #. module: auth_signup
  641. #. odoo-python
  642. #: code:addons/auth_signup/controllers/main.py:0
  643. #, python-format
  644. msgid "The form was not properly filled in."
  645. msgstr "フォームが適切に入力されていません。"
  646. #. module: auth_signup
  647. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:auth_signup.res_config_settings_view_form
  648. msgid ""
  649. "To send invitations in B2B mode, open a contact or select several ones in "
  650. "list view and click on 'Portal Access Management' option in the dropdown "
  651. "menu *Action*."
  652. msgstr ""
  653. "B2Bモードで招待状を送信するには、連絡先を開くか、リストビューで複数の連絡先を選択して、ドロップダウンメニューの'アクション'で[ポータルアクセス管理]オプションをクリックします。"
  654. #. module: auth_signup
  655. #: model:ir.model,name:auth_signup.model_res_users
  656. msgid "User"
  657. msgstr "ユーザ"
  658. #. module: auth_signup
  659. #: model:ir.actions.server,name:auth_signup.ir_cron_auth_signup_send_pending_user_reminder_ir_actions_server
  660. #: model:ir.cron,cron_name:auth_signup.ir_cron_auth_signup_send_pending_user_reminder
  661. msgid "Users: Notify About Unregistered Users"
  662. msgstr "ユーザ:未登録ユーザの通知"
  663. #. module: auth_signup
  664. #: model:mail.template,subject:auth_signup.mail_template_user_signup_account_created
  665. msgid "Welcome to {{ object.company_id.name }}!"
  666. msgstr " {{ object.company_id.name }}へようこそ!"
  667. #. module: auth_signup
  668. #. odoo-python
  669. #: code:addons/auth_signup/models/res_users.py:0
  670. #, python-format
  671. msgid "You cannot perform this action on an archived user."
  672. msgstr "アーカイブされたユーザにこのアクションを実施できません。"
  673. #. module: auth_signup
  674. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:auth_signup.fields
  675. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:auth_signup.reset_password
  676. msgid "Your Email"
  677. msgstr "Eメール"
  678. #. module: auth_signup
  679. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:auth_signup.fields
  680. msgid "Your Name"
  681. msgstr "お名前"
  682. #. module: auth_signup
  683. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:auth_signup.fields
  684. msgid "e.g. John Doe"
  685. msgstr "例: 鈴木 一郎"
  686. #. module: auth_signup
  687. #: model:mail.template,subject:auth_signup.set_password_email
  688. msgid ""
  689. "{{ object.create_uid.name }} from {{ object.company_id.name }} invites you "
  690. "to connect to Odoo"
  691. msgstr "${object.company_id.name} ${object.create_uid.name} からOdoo接続のご招待"