123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287 |
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- import ast
- import base64
- import logging
- import lxml
- import os
- import sys
- import tempfile
- import zipfile
- from collections import defaultdict
- from os.path import join as opj
- from odoo import api, fields, models, _
- from odoo.exceptions import UserError
- from odoo.modules.module import MANIFEST_NAMES
- from odoo.tools import convert_csv_import, convert_sql_import, convert_xml_import, exception_to_unicode
- from odoo.tools import file_open, file_open_temporary_directory
- _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- MAX_FILE_SIZE = 100 * 1024 * 1024 # in megabytes
- class IrModule(models.Model):
- _inherit = "ir.module.module"
- imported = fields.Boolean(string="Imported Module")
- def _get_modules_to_load_domain(self):
- # imported modules are not expected to be loaded as regular modules
- return super()._get_modules_to_load_domain() + [('imported', '=', False)]
- @api.depends('name')
- def _get_latest_version(self):
- imported_modules = self.filtered(lambda m: m.imported and m.latest_version)
- for module in imported_modules:
- module.installed_version = module.latest_version
- super(IrModule, self - imported_modules)._get_latest_version()
- def _import_module(self, module, path, force=False):
- known_mods = self.search([])
- known_mods_names = {m.name: m for m in known_mods}
- installed_mods = [m.name for m in known_mods if m.state == 'installed']
- terp = {}
- manifest_path = next((opj(path, name) for name in MANIFEST_NAMES if os.path.exists(opj(path, name))), None)
- if manifest_path:
- with file_open(manifest_path, 'rb', env=self.env) as f:
- terp.update(ast.literal_eval(f.read().decode()))
- if not terp:
- return False
- if not terp.get('icon'):
- icon_path = 'static/description/icon.png'
- module_icon = module if os.path.exists(opj(path, icon_path)) else 'base'
- terp['icon'] = opj('/', module_icon, icon_path)
- values = self.get_values_from_terp(terp)
- if 'version' in terp:
- values['latest_version'] = terp['version']
- unmet_dependencies = set(terp.get('depends', [])).difference(installed_mods)
- if unmet_dependencies:
- if (unmet_dependencies == set(['web_studio']) and
- _is_studio_custom(path)):
- err = _("Studio customizations require Studio")
- else:
- err = _("Unmet module dependencies: \n\n - %s") % '\n - '.join(
- known_mods.filtered(lambda mod: mod.name in unmet_dependencies).mapped('shortdesc')
- )
- raise UserError(err)
- elif 'web_studio' not in installed_mods and _is_studio_custom(path):
- raise UserError(_("Studio customizations require the Odoo Studio app."))
- mod = known_mods_names.get(module)
- if mod:
- mod.write(dict(state='installed', **values))
- mode = 'update' if not force else 'init'
- else:
- assert terp.get('installable', True), "Module not installable"
- self.create(dict(name=module, state='installed', imported=True, **values))
- mode = 'init'
- for kind in ['data', 'init_xml', 'update_xml']:
- for filename in terp.get(kind, []):
- ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lower()
- if ext not in ('.xml', '.csv', '.sql'):
- _logger.info("module %s: skip unsupported file %s", module, filename)
- continue
- _logger.info("module %s: loading %s", module, filename)
- noupdate = False
- if ext == '.csv' and kind in ('init', 'init_xml'):
- noupdate = True
- pathname = opj(path, filename)
- idref = {}
- with file_open(pathname, 'rb', env=self.env) as fp:
- if ext == '.csv':
- convert_csv_import(self.env.cr, module, pathname, fp.read(), idref, mode, noupdate)
- elif ext == '.sql':
- convert_sql_import(self.env.cr, fp)
- elif ext == '.xml':
- convert_xml_import(self.env.cr, module, fp, idref, mode, noupdate)
- path_static = opj(path, 'static')
- IrAttachment = self.env['ir.attachment']
- if os.path.isdir(path_static):
- for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path_static):
- for static_file in files:
- full_path = opj(root, static_file)
- with file_open(full_path, 'rb', env=self.env) as fp:
- data = base64.b64encode(fp.read())
- url_path = '/{}{}'.format(module, full_path.split(path)[1].replace(os.path.sep, '/'))
- if not isinstance(url_path, str):
- url_path = url_path.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
- filename = os.path.split(url_path)[1]
- values = dict(
- name=filename,
- url=url_path,
- res_model='ir.ui.view',
- type='binary',
- datas=data,
- )
- attachment = IrAttachment.sudo().search([('url', '=', url_path), ('type', '=', 'binary'), ('res_model', '=', 'ir.ui.view')])
- if attachment:
- attachment.write(values)
- else:
- attachment = IrAttachment.create(values)
- self.env['ir.model.data'].create({
- 'name': f"attachment_{url_path}".replace('.', '_'),
- 'model': 'ir.attachment',
- 'module': module,
- 'res_id': attachment.id,
- })
- IrAsset = self.env['ir.asset']
- assets_vals = []
- # Generate 'ir.asset' record values for each asset delared in the manifest
- for bundle, commands in terp.get('assets', {}).items():
- for command in commands:
- directive, target, path = IrAsset._process_command(command)
- path = path if path.startswith('/') else '/' + path # Ensures a '/' at the start
- assets_vals.append({
- 'name': f'{module}.{bundle}.{path}',
- 'directive': directive,
- 'target': target,
- 'path': path,
- 'bundle': bundle,
- })
- # Look for existing assets
- existing_assets = {
- asset.name: asset
- for asset in IrAsset.search([('name', 'in', [vals['name'] for vals in assets_vals])])
- }
- assets_to_create = []
- # Update existing assets and generate the list of new assets values
- for values in assets_vals:
- if values['name'] in existing_assets:
- existing_assets[values['name']].write(values)
- else:
- assets_to_create.append(values)
- # Create new assets and attach 'ir.model.data' records to them
- created_assets = IrAsset.create(assets_to_create)
- self.env['ir.model.data'].create([{
- 'name': f"{asset['bundle']}_{asset['path']}".replace(".", "_"),
- 'model': 'ir.asset',
- 'module': module,
- 'res_id': asset.id,
- } for asset in created_assets])
- return True
- @api.model
- def import_zipfile(self, module_file, force=False):
- if not module_file:
- raise Exception(_("No file sent."))
- if not zipfile.is_zipfile(module_file):
- raise UserError(_('Only zip files are supported.'))
- success = []
- errors = dict()
- module_names = []
- with zipfile.ZipFile(module_file, "r") as z:
- for zf in z.filelist:
- if zf.file_size > MAX_FILE_SIZE:
- raise UserError(_("File '%s' exceed maximum allowed file size", zf.filename))
- with file_open_temporary_directory(self.env) as module_dir:
- manifest_files = [
- file
- for file in z.filelist
- if file.filename.count('/') == 1
- and file.filename.split('/')[1] in MANIFEST_NAMES
- ]
- module_data_files = defaultdict(list)
- for manifest in manifest_files:
- manifest_path = z.extract(manifest, module_dir)
- mod_name = manifest.filename.split('/')[0]
- try:
- with file_open(manifest_path, 'rb', env=self.env) as f:
- terp = ast.literal_eval(f.read().decode())
- except Exception:
- continue
- for filename in terp.get('data', []) + terp.get('init_xml', []) + terp.get('update_xml', []):
- if os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lower() not in ('.xml', '.csv', '.sql'):
- continue
- module_data_files[mod_name].append('%s/%s' % (mod_name, filename))
- for file in z.filelist:
- filename = file.filename
- mod_name = filename.split('/')[0]
- is_data_file = filename in module_data_files[mod_name]
- is_static = filename.startswith('%s/static' % mod_name)
- if is_data_file or is_static:
- z.extract(file, module_dir)
- dirs = [d for d in os.listdir(module_dir) if os.path.isdir(opj(module_dir, d))]
- for mod_name in dirs:
- module_names.append(mod_name)
- try:
- # assert mod_name.startswith('theme_')
- path = opj(module_dir, mod_name)
- if self._import_module(mod_name, path, force=force):
- success.append(mod_name)
- except Exception as e:
- _logger.exception('Error while importing module')
- errors[mod_name] = exception_to_unicode(e)
- r = ["Successfully imported module '%s'" % mod for mod in success]
- for mod, error in errors.items():
- r.append("Error while importing module '%s'.\n\n %s \n Make sure those modules are installed and try again." % (mod, error))
- return '\n'.join(r), module_names
- def module_uninstall(self):
- # Delete an ir_module_module record completely if it was an imported
- # one. The rationale behind this is that an imported module *cannot* be
- # reinstalled anyway, as it requires the data files. Any attempt to
- # install it again will simply fail without trace.
- # /!\ modules_to_delete must be calculated before calling super().module_uninstall(),
- # because when uninstalling `base_import_module` the `imported` column will no longer be
- # in the database but we'll still have an old registry that runs this code.
- modules_to_delete = self.filtered('imported')
- res = super().module_uninstall()
- if modules_to_delete:
- deleted_modules_names = modules_to_delete.mapped('name')
- assets_data = self.env['ir.model.data'].search([
- ('model', '=', 'ir.asset'),
- ('module', 'in', deleted_modules_names),
- ])
- assets = self.env['ir.asset'].search([('id', 'in', assets_data.mapped('res_id'))])
- assets.unlink()
- _logger.info("deleting imported modules upon uninstallation: %s",
- ", ".join(deleted_modules_names))
- modules_to_delete.unlink()
- return res
- def _is_studio_custom(path):
- """
- Checks the to-be-imported records to see if there are any references to
- studio, which would mean that the module was created using studio
- Returns True if any of the records contains a context with the key
- studio in it, False if none of the records do
- """
- filepaths = []
- for level in os.walk(path):
- filepaths += [os.path.join(level[0], fn) for fn in level[2]]
- filepaths = [fp for fp in filepaths if fp.lower().endswith('.xml')]
- for fp in filepaths:
- root = lxml.etree.parse(fp).getroot()
- for record in root:
- # there might not be a context if it's a non-studio module
- try:
- # ast.literal_eval is like eval(), but safer
- # context is a string representing a python dict
- ctx = ast.literal_eval(record.get('context'))
- # there are no cases in which studio is false
- # so just checking for its existence is enough
- if ctx and ctx.get('studio'):
- return True
- except Exception:
- continue
- return False