123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728 |
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
- from ast import literal_eval
- from contextlib import contextmanager
- from unittest.mock import patch
- from odoo.addons.crm.models.crm_lead import PARTNER_ADDRESS_FIELDS_TO_SYNC
- from odoo.addons.mail.tests.common import MailCase, mail_new_test_user
- from odoo.addons.phone_validation.tools import phone_validation
- from odoo.addons.sales_team.tests.common import TestSalesCommon
- from odoo.fields import Datetime
- from odoo import models, tools
- INCOMING_EMAIL = """Return-Path: {return_path}
- X-Original-To: {to}
- Delivered-To: {to}
- Received: by mail.my.com (Postfix, from userid xxx)
- id 822ECBFB67; Mon, 24 Oct 2011 07:36:51 +0200 (CEST)
- X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.3.1 (2010-03-16) on mail.my.com
- X-Spam-Level:
- X-Spam-Status: No, score=-1.0 required=5.0 tests=ALL_TRUSTED autolearn=ham
- version=3.3.1
- Received: from []
- (Authenticated sender: {email_from})
- by mail.customer.com (Postfix) with ESMTPSA id 07A30BFAB4
- for <{to}>; Mon, 24 Oct 2011 07:36:50 +0200 (CEST)
- Message-ID: {msg_id}
- Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2011 11:06:29 +0530
- From: {email_from}
- User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110223 Lightning/1.0b2 Thunderbird/3.1.8
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- To: {to}
- Subject: {subject}
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
- This is an example email. All sensitive content has been stripped out.
- Cheers,
- Somebody."""
- class TestCrmCommon(TestSalesCommon, MailCase):
- 'name', 'partner_id', 'campaign_id', 'company_id', 'country_id',
- 'team_id', 'state_id', 'stage_id', 'medium_id', 'source_id', 'user_id',
- 'title', 'city', 'contact_name', 'mobile', 'partner_name',
- 'phone', 'probability', 'expected_revenue', 'street', 'street2', 'zip',
- 'create_date', 'date_action_last', 'email_from', 'email_cc', 'website'
- ]
- merge_fields = ['description', 'type', 'priority']
- @classmethod
- def setUpClass(cls):
- super(TestCrmCommon, cls).setUpClass()
- cls._init_mail_gateway()
- # Salesmen organization
- # ------------------------------------------------------------
- # Role: M (team member) R (team manager)
- # SALESMAN---------------sales_team_1
- # admin------------------M-----------
- # user_sales_manager-----R-----------
- # user_sales_leads-------M-----------
- # user_sales_salesman----/-----------
- # Sales teams organization
- # ------------------------------------------------------------
- # SALESTEAM-----------SEQU-----COMPANY
- # sales_team_1--------5--------False
- # data----------------9999-----??
- cls.sales_team_1.write({
- 'alias_name': 'sales.test',
- 'use_leads': True,
- 'use_opportunities': True,
- 'assignment_domain': False,
- })
- cls.sales_team_1_m1.write({
- 'assignment_max': 45,
- 'assignment_domain': False,
- })
- cls.sales_team_1_m2.write({
- 'assignment_max': 15,
- 'assignment_domain': False,
- })
- (cls.user_sales_manager + cls.user_sales_leads + cls.user_sales_salesman).write({
- 'groups_id': [(4, cls.env.ref('crm.group_use_lead').id)]
- })
- cls.env['crm.stage'].search([]).write({'sequence': 9999}) # ensure search will find test data first
- cls.stage_team1_1 = cls.env['crm.stage'].create({
- 'name': 'New',
- 'sequence': 1,
- 'team_id': cls.sales_team_1.id,
- })
- cls.stage_team1_2 = cls.env['crm.stage'].create({
- 'name': 'Proposition',
- 'sequence': 5,
- 'team_id': cls.sales_team_1.id,
- })
- cls.stage_team1_won = cls.env['crm.stage'].create({
- 'name': 'Won',
- 'sequence': 70,
- 'team_id': cls.sales_team_1.id,
- 'is_won': True,
- })
- cls.stage_gen_1 = cls.env['crm.stage'].create({
- 'name': 'Generic stage',
- 'sequence': 3,
- 'team_id': False,
- })
- cls.stage_gen_won = cls.env['crm.stage'].create({
- 'name': 'Generic Won',
- 'sequence': 30,
- 'team_id': False,
- 'is_won': True,
- })
- # countries and langs
- base_us = cls.env.ref('base.us')
- cls.env['res.lang']._activate_lang('fr_FR')
- cls.env['res.lang']._activate_lang('en_US')
- cls.lang_en = cls.env['res.lang']._lang_get('en_US')
- cls.lang_fr = cls.env['res.lang']._lang_get('fr_FR')
- # leads
- cls.lead_1 = cls.env['crm.lead'].create({
- 'name': 'Nibbler Spacecraft Request',
- 'type': 'lead',
- 'user_id': cls.user_sales_leads.id,
- 'team_id': cls.sales_team_1.id,
- 'partner_id': False,
- 'contact_name': 'Amy Wong',
- 'email_from': 'amy.wong@test.example.com',
- 'lang_id': cls.lang_fr.id,
- 'phone': '+1 202 555 9999',
- 'country_id': cls.env.ref('base.us').id,
- 'probability': 20,
- })
- # update lead_1: stage_id is not computed anymore by default for leads
- cls.lead_1.write({
- 'stage_id': cls.stage_team1_1.id,
- })
- # create an history for new team
- cls.lead_team_1_won = cls.env['crm.lead'].create({
- 'name': 'Already Won',
- 'type': 'lead',
- 'user_id': cls.user_sales_leads.id,
- 'team_id': cls.sales_team_1.id,
- })
- cls.lead_team_1_won.action_set_won()
- cls.lead_team_1_lost = cls.env['crm.lead'].create({
- 'name': 'Already Won',
- 'type': 'lead',
- 'user_id': cls.user_sales_leads.id,
- 'team_id': cls.sales_team_1.id,
- })
- cls.lead_team_1_lost.action_set_lost()
- (cls.lead_team_1_won + cls.lead_team_1_lost).flush_recordset()
- # email / phone data
- cls.test_email_data = [
- '"Planet Express" <planet.express@test.example.com>',
- '"Philip, J. Fry" <philip.j.fry@test.example.com>',
- '"Turanga Leela" <turanga.leela@test.example.com>',
- ]
- cls.test_email_data_normalized = [
- 'planet.express@test.example.com',
- 'philip.j.fry@test.example.com',
- 'turanga.leela@test.example.com',
- ]
- cls.test_phone_data = [
- '+1 202 555 0122', # formatted US number
- '202 555 0999', # local US number
- '202 555 0888', # local US number
- ]
- cls.test_phone_data_sanitized = [
- '+12025550122',
- '+12025550999',
- '+12025550888',
- ]
- # create some test contact and companies
- cls.contact_company_1 = cls.env['res.partner'].create({
- 'name': 'Planet Express',
- 'email': cls.test_email_data[0],
- 'is_company': True,
- 'street': '57th Street',
- 'city': 'New New York',
- 'country_id': cls.env.ref('base.us').id,
- 'zip': '12345',
- })
- cls.contact_1 = cls.env['res.partner'].create({
- 'name': 'Philip J Fry',
- 'email': cls.test_email_data[1],
- 'mobile': cls.test_phone_data[0],
- 'title': cls.env.ref('base.res_partner_title_mister').id,
- 'function': 'Delivery Boy',
- 'lang': cls.lang_en.code,
- 'phone': False,
- 'parent_id': cls.contact_company_1.id,
- 'is_company': False,
- 'street': 'Actually the sewers',
- 'city': 'New York',
- 'country_id': cls.env.ref('base.us').id,
- 'zip': '54321',
- })
- cls.contact_2 = cls.env['res.partner'].create({
- 'name': 'Turanga Leela',
- 'email': cls.test_email_data[2],
- 'lang': cls.lang_en.code,
- 'mobile': cls.test_phone_data[1],
- 'phone': cls.test_phone_data[2],
- 'parent_id': False,
- 'is_company': False,
- 'street': 'Cookieville Minimum-Security Orphanarium',
- 'city': 'New New York',
- 'country_id': cls.env.ref('base.us').id,
- 'zip': '97648',
- })
- cls.contact_company = cls.env['res.partner'].create({
- 'name': 'Mom',
- 'company_name': 'MomCorp',
- 'is_company': True,
- 'street': 'Mom Friendly Robot Street',
- 'city': 'New new York',
- 'country_id': base_us.id,
- 'lang': cls.lang_en.code,
- 'mobile': '+1 202 555 0888',
- 'zip': '87654',
- })
- # test activities
- cls.activity_type_1 = cls.env['mail.activity.type'].create({
- 'name': 'Lead Test Activity 1',
- 'summary': 'ACT 1 : Presentation, barbecue, ... ',
- 'res_model': 'crm.lead',
- 'category': 'meeting',
- 'delay_count': 5,
- })
- cls.env['ir.model.data'].create({
- 'name': cls.activity_type_1.name.lower().replace(' ', '_'),
- 'module': 'crm',
- 'model': cls.activity_type_1._name,
- 'res_id': cls.activity_type_1.id,
- })
- def setUp(self):
- super(TestCrmCommon, self).setUp()
- self.flush_tracking()
- @classmethod
- def _activate_multi_company(cls):
- cls.company_2 = cls.env['res.company'].create({
- 'country_id': cls.env.ref('base.au').id,
- 'currency_id': cls.env.ref('base.AUD').id,
- 'email': 'company.2@test.example.com',
- 'name': 'New Test Company',
- })
- cls.user_sales_manager_mc = mail_new_test_user(
- cls.env,
- company_id=cls.company_2.id,
- company_ids=[(4, cls.company_main.id), (4, cls.company_2.id)],
- email='user.sales.manager.mc@test.example.com',
- login='user_sales_manager_mc',
- groups='sales_team.group_sale_manager,base.group_partner_manager',
- name='Myrddin Sales Manager',
- notification_type='inbox',
- )
- cls.team_company2 = cls.env['crm.team'].create({
- 'company_id': cls.company_2.id,
- 'name': 'C2 Team',
- 'sequence': 10,
- 'user_id': False,
- })
- cls.team_company2_m1 = cls.env['crm.team.member'].create({
- 'crm_team_id': cls.team_company2.id,
- 'user_id': cls.user_sales_manager_mc.id,
- 'assignment_max': 30,
- 'assignment_domain': False,
- })
- cls.team_company1 = cls.env['crm.team'].create({
- 'company_id': cls.company_main.id,
- 'name': 'MainCompany Team',
- 'sequence': 50,
- 'user_id': cls.user_sales_manager.id,
- })
- cls.partner_c2 = cls.env['res.partner'].create({
- 'company_id': cls.company_2.id,
- 'email': '"Partner C2" <partner_c2@multicompany.example.com>',
- 'name': 'Customer for C2',
- 'phone': '+32455001122',
- })
- def _create_leads_batch(self, lead_type='lead', count=10, email_dup_count=0,
- partner_count=0, partner_ids=None, user_ids=None,
- country_ids=None, probabilities=None, suffix=''):
- """ Helper tool method creating a batch of leads, useful when dealing
- with batch processes. Please update me.
- :param string type: 'lead', 'opportunity', 'mixed' (lead then opp),
- None (depends on configuration);
- :param partner_count: if not partner_ids is given, generate partner count
- customers; other leads will have no customer;
- :param partner_ids: a set of partner ids to cycle when creating leads;
- :param user_ids: a set of user ids to cycle when creating leads;
- :return: create leads
- """
- types = ['lead', 'opportunity']
- leads_data = [{
- 'name': f'TestLead{suffix}_{x:04d}',
- 'type': lead_type if lead_type else types[x % 2],
- 'priority': '%s' % (x % 3),
- } for x in range(count)]
- # generate customer information
- partners = []
- if partner_count:
- partners = self.env['res.partner'].create([{
- 'name': 'AutoPartner_%04d' % (x),
- 'email': tools.formataddr((
- 'AutoPartner_%04d' % (x),
- 'partner_email_%04d@example.com' % (x),
- )),
- } for x in range(partner_count)])
- # customer information
- if partner_ids:
- for idx, lead_data in enumerate(leads_data):
- lead_data['partner_id'] = partner_ids[idx % len(partner_ids)]
- else:
- for idx, lead_data in enumerate(leads_data):
- if partner_count and idx < partner_count:
- lead_data['partner_id'] = partners[idx].id
- else:
- lead_data['email_from'] = tools.formataddr((
- 'TestCustomer_%02d' % (idx),
- 'customer_email_%04d@example.com' % (idx)
- ))
- # country + phone information
- if country_ids:
- cid_to_country = dict(
- (country.id, country)
- for country in self.env['res.country'].browse([cid for cid in country_ids if cid])
- )
- for idx, lead_data in enumerate(leads_data):
- country_id = country_ids[idx % len(country_ids)]
- country = cid_to_country.get(country_id, self.env['res.country'])
- lead_data['country_id'] = country.id
- if lead_data['country_id']:
- lead_data['phone'] = phone_validation.phone_format(
- '0456%04d99' % (idx),
- country.code, country.phone_code,
- force_format='E164')
- else:
- lead_data['phone'] = '+32456%04d99' % (idx)
- # salesteam information
- if user_ids:
- for idx, lead_data in enumerate(leads_data):
- lead_data['user_id'] = user_ids[idx % len(user_ids)]
- # probabilities
- if probabilities:
- for idx, lead_data in enumerate(leads_data):
- lead_data['probability'] = probabilities[idx % len(probabilities)]
- # duplicates (currently only with email)
- dups_data = []
- if email_dup_count and not partner_ids:
- for idx, lead_data in enumerate(leads_data):
- if not lead_data.get('partner_id') and lead_data['email_from']:
- dup_data = dict(lead_data)
- dup_data['name'] = 'Duplicated-%s' % dup_data['name']
- dups_data.append(dup_data)
- if len(dups_data) >= email_dup_count:
- break
- return self.env['crm.lead'].create(leads_data + dups_data)
- def _create_duplicates(self, lead, create_opp=True):
- """ Helper tool method creating, based on a given lead
- * a customer (res.partner) based on lead email (to test partner finding)
- -> FIXME: using same normalized email does not work currently, only exact email works
- * a lead with same email_from
- * a lead with same email_normalized (other email_from)
- * a lead with customer but another email
- * a lost opportunity with same email_from
- """
- customer = self.env['res.partner'].create({
- 'name': 'Lead1 Email Customer',
- 'email': lead.email_from,
- })
- lead_email_from = self.env['crm.lead'].create({
- 'name': 'Duplicate: same email_from',
- 'type': 'lead',
- 'team_id': lead.team_id.id,
- 'email_from': lead.email_from,
- 'probability': lead.probability,
- })
- lead_email_normalized = self.env['crm.lead'].create({
- 'name': 'Duplicate: email_normalize comparison',
- 'type': 'lead',
- 'team_id': lead.team_id.id,
- 'stage_id': lead.stage_id.id,
- 'email_from': 'CUSTOMER WITH NAME <%s>' % lead.email_normalized.upper(),
- 'probability': lead.probability,
- })
- lead_partner = self.env['crm.lead'].create({
- 'name': 'Duplicate: customer ID',
- 'type': 'lead',
- 'team_id': lead.team_id.id,
- 'partner_id': customer.id,
- 'probability': lead.probability,
- })
- if create_opp:
- opp_lost = self.env['crm.lead'].create({
- 'name': 'Duplicate: lost opportunity',
- 'type': 'opportunity',
- 'team_id': lead.team_id.id,
- 'stage_id': lead.stage_id.id,
- 'email_from': lead.email_from,
- 'probability': lead.probability,
- })
- opp_lost.action_set_lost()
- else:
- opp_lost = self.env['crm.lead']
- new_leads = lead_email_from + lead_email_normalized + lead_partner + opp_lost
- new_leads.flush_recordset() # compute notably probability
- return customer, new_leads
- @contextmanager
- def assertLeadMerged(self, opportunity, leads, **expected):
- """ Assert result of lead _merge_opportunity process. This is done using
- a context manager in order to save original opportunity (master lead)
- values. Indeed those will be modified during merge process. We have to
- ensure final values are correct taking into account all leads values
- before merging them.
- :param opportunity: final opportunity
- :param leads: merged leads (including opportunity)
- """
- self.assertIn(opportunity, leads)
- # save opportunity value before being modified by merge process
- fields_all = self.FIELDS_FIRST_SET + self.merge_fields
- original_opp_values = dict(
- (fname, opportunity[fname])
- for fname in fields_all
- if fname in opportunity
- )
- def _find_value(lead, fname):
- if lead == opportunity:
- return original_opp_values[fname]
- return lead[fname]
- def _first_set(fname):
- values = [_find_value(lead, fname) for lead in leads]
- return next((value for value in values if value), False)
- def _get_type():
- values = [_find_value(lead, 'type') for lead in leads]
- return 'opportunity' if 'opportunity' in values else 'lead'
- def _get_description():
- values = [_find_value(lead, 'description') for lead in leads]
- return '<br><br>'.join(value for value in values if value)
- def _get_priority():
- values = [_find_value(lead, 'priority') for lead in leads]
- return max(values)
- def _aggregate(fname):
- if isinstance(self.env['crm.lead'][fname], models.BaseModel):
- values = leads.mapped(fname)
- else:
- values = [_find_value(lead, fname) for lead in leads]
- return values
- try:
- # merge process will modify opportunity
- yield
- finally:
- # support specific values caller may want to check in addition to generic tests
- for fname, expected in expected.items():
- if expected is False:
- self.assertFalse(opportunity[fname], "%s must be False" % fname)
- else:
- self.assertEqual(opportunity[fname], expected, "%s must be equal to %s" % (fname, expected))
- # classic fields: first not void wins or specific computation
- for fname in fields_all:
- if fname not in opportunity: # not all fields available when doing -u
- continue
- opp_value = opportunity[fname]
- if fname == 'description':
- self.assertEqual(opp_value, _get_description())
- elif fname == 'type':
- self.assertEqual(opp_value, _get_type())
- elif fname == 'priority':
- self.assertEqual(opp_value, _get_priority())
- elif fname in ('order_ids', 'visitor_ids'):
- self.assertEqual(opp_value, _aggregate(fname))
- # Specific computation, has its own test
- continue
- else:
- self.assertEqual(
- opp_value if opp_value or not isinstance(opp_value, models.BaseModel) else False,
- _first_set(fname)
- )
- class TestLeadConvertCommon(TestCrmCommon):
- @classmethod
- def setUpClass(cls):
- super(TestLeadConvertCommon, cls).setUpClass()
- # Sales Team organization
- # Role: M (team member) R (team manager)
- # SALESMAN---------------sales_team_1-----sales_team_convert
- # admin------------------M----------------/ (sales_team_1_m2)
- # user_sales_manager-----R----------------R
- # user_sales_leads-------M----------------/ (sales_team_1_m1)
- # user_sales_salesman----/----------------M (sales_team_convert_m1)
- # Stages Team organization
- # Name-------------------ST-------------------Sequ
- # stage_team1_1----------sales_team_1---------1
- # stage_team1_2----------sales_team_1---------5
- # stage_team1_won--------sales_team_1---------70
- # stage_gen_1------------/--------------------3
- # stage_gen_won----------/--------------------30
- # stage_team_convert_1---sales_team_convert---1
- cls.sales_team_convert = cls.env['crm.team'].create({
- 'name': 'Convert Sales Team',
- 'sequence': 10,
- 'alias_name': False,
- 'use_leads': True,
- 'use_opportunities': True,
- 'company_id': False,
- 'user_id': cls.user_sales_manager.id,
- 'assignment_domain': [('priority', 'in', ['1', '2', '3'])],
- })
- cls.sales_team_convert_m1 = cls.env['crm.team.member'].create({
- 'user_id': cls.user_sales_salesman.id,
- 'crm_team_id': cls.sales_team_convert.id,
- 'assignment_max': 30,
- 'assignment_domain': False,
- })
- cls.stage_team_convert_1 = cls.env['crm.stage'].create({
- 'name': 'New',
- 'sequence': 1,
- 'team_id': cls.sales_team_convert.id,
- })
- cls.lead_1.write({'date_open': Datetime.from_string('2020-01-15 11:30:00')})
- cls.crm_lead_dt_patcher = patch('odoo.addons.crm.models.crm_lead.fields.Datetime', wraps=Datetime)
- cls.crm_lead_dt_mock = cls.startClassPatcher(cls.crm_lead_dt_patcher)
- @classmethod
- def _switch_to_multi_membership(cls):
- # Sales Team organization
- # Role: M (team member) R (team manager)
- # SALESMAN---------------sales_team_1-----sales_team_convert
- # admin------------------M----------------/ (sales_team_1_m2)
- # user_sales_manager-----R----------------R+M <-- NEW (sales_team_convert_m2)
- # user_sales_leads-------M----------------/ (sales_team_1_m1)
- # user_sales_salesman----M----------------M <-- NEW (sales_team_1_m3 / sales_team_convert_m1)
- # SALESMAN--------------sales_team----------assign_max
- # admin-----------------sales_team_1--------15 (tot: 0.5/day)
- # user_sales_manager----sales_team_convert--60 (tot: 2/day)
- # user_sales_leads------sales_team_1--------45 (tot: 1.5/day)
- # user_sales_salesman---sales_team_1--------15 (tot: 1.5/day)
- # user_sales_salesman---sales_team_convert--30
- cls.sales_team_1_m1.write({
- 'assignment_max': 45,
- 'assignment_domain': False,
- })
- cls.sales_team_1_m2.write({
- 'assignment_max': 15,
- 'assignment_domain': [('probability', '>=', 10)],
- })
- cls.env['ir.config_parameter'].set_param('sales_team.membership_multi', True)
- cls.sales_team_1_m3 = cls.env['crm.team.member'].create({
- 'user_id': cls.user_sales_salesman.id,
- 'crm_team_id': cls.sales_team_1.id,
- 'assignment_max': 15,
- 'assignment_domain': [('probability', '>=', 20)],
- })
- cls.sales_team_convert_m1.write({
- 'assignment_max': 30,
- 'assignment_domain': [('probability', '>=', 20)]
- })
- cls.sales_team_convert_m2 = cls.env['crm.team.member'].create({
- 'user_id': cls.user_sales_manager.id,
- 'crm_team_id': cls.sales_team_convert.id,
- 'assignment_max': 60,
- 'assignment_domain': False,
- })
- @classmethod
- def _switch_to_auto_assign(cls):
- cls.env['ir.config_parameter'].set_param('crm.lead.auto.assignment', True)
- cls.assign_cron = cls.env.ref('crm.ir_cron_crm_lead_assign')
- cls.assign_cron.update({
- 'active': True,
- 'interval_type': 'days',
- 'interval_number': 1,
- })
- def assertMemberAssign(self, member, count):
- """ Check assign result and that domains are effectively taken into account """
- self.assertEqual(member.lead_month_count, count)
- member_leads = self.env['crm.lead'].search(member._get_lead_month_domain())
- self.assertEqual(len(member_leads), count)
- if member.assignment_domain:
- self.assertEqual(
- member_leads.filtered_domain(literal_eval(member.assignment_domain)),
- member_leads
- )
- # TODO this condition is not fulfilled in case of merge, need to change merge/assignment process
- # if member.crm_team_id.assignment_domain:
- # self.assertEqual(
- # member_leads.filtered_domain(literal_eval(member.crm_team_id.assignment_domain)),
- # member_leads,
- # 'Assign domain not matching: %s' % member.crm_team_id.assignment_domain
- # )
- class TestLeadConvertMassCommon(TestLeadConvertCommon):
- @classmethod
- def setUpClass(cls):
- super(TestLeadConvertMassCommon, cls).setUpClass()
- # Sales Team organization
- # Role: M (team member) R (team manager)
- # SALESMAN-------------------sales_team_1-----sales_team_convert
- # admin----------------------M----------------/ (sales_team_1_m2)
- # user_sales_manager---------R----------------R (sales_team_1_m1)
- # user_sales_leads-----------M----------------/
- # user_sales_leads_convert---/----------------M <-- NEW (sales_team_convert_m2)
- # user_sales_salesman--------/----------------M (sales_team_convert_m1)
- cls.user_sales_leads_convert = mail_new_test_user(
- cls.env, login='user_sales_leads_convert',
- name='Lucien Sales Leads Convert', email='crm_leads_2@test.example.com',
- company_id=cls.env.ref("base.main_company").id,
- notification_type='inbox',
- groups='sales_team.group_sale_salesman_all_leads,base.group_partner_manager,crm.group_use_lead',
- )
- cls.sales_team_convert_m2 = cls.env['crm.team.member'].create({
- 'user_id': cls.user_sales_leads_convert.id,
- 'crm_team_id': cls.sales_team_convert.id,
- })
- cls.lead_w_partner = cls.env['crm.lead'].create({
- 'name': 'New1',
- 'type': 'lead',
- 'priority': '0',
- 'probability': 10,
- 'user_id': cls.user_sales_manager.id,
- 'stage_id': False,
- 'partner_id': cls.contact_1.id,
- })
- cls.lead_w_partner.write({'stage_id': False})
- cls.tags = cls.env['crm.tag'].create([{'name': 'Tag %i' % i} for i in range(4)])
- cls.lead_1.tag_ids = cls.tags[:3]
- cls.lead_w_partner_company = cls.env['crm.lead'].create({
- 'name': 'New1',
- 'type': 'lead',
- 'probability': 50,
- 'user_id': cls.user_sales_manager.id,
- 'stage_id': cls.stage_team1_1.id,
- 'partner_id': cls.contact_company_1.id,
- 'contact_name': 'Hermes Conrad',
- 'email_from': 'hermes.conrad@test.example.com',
- 'tag_ids': (cls.tags[:2] | cls.tags[3]),
- })
- cls.lead_w_contact = cls.env['crm.lead'].create({
- 'name': 'LeadContact',
- 'type': 'lead',
- 'probability': 25,
- 'contact_name': 'TestContact',
- 'user_id': cls.user_sales_salesman.id,
- 'stage_id': cls.stage_gen_1.id,
- })
- cls.lead_w_email = cls.env['crm.lead'].create({
- 'name': 'LeadEmailAsContact',
- 'type': 'lead',
- 'priority': '2',
- 'probability': 15,
- 'email_from': 'contact.email@test.example.com',
- 'user_id': cls.user_sales_salesman.id,
- 'stage_id': cls.stage_gen_1.id,
- })
- cls.lead_w_email_lost = cls.env['crm.lead'].create({
- 'name': 'Lost',
- 'type': 'lead',
- 'probability': 15,
- 'email_from': 'strange.from@test.example.com',
- 'user_id': cls.user_sales_leads.id,
- 'stage_id': cls.stage_team1_2.id,
- 'active': False,
- })
- cls.env.flush_all()