123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372 |
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
- from collections import defaultdict
- from lxml import etree
- import re
- from odoo import api, Command, fields, models, _, _lt
- from odoo.exceptions import UserError, AccessError, ValidationError
- from odoo.osv import expression
- class AccountAnalyticLine(models.Model):
- _inherit = 'account.analytic.line'
- @api.model
- def _get_favorite_project_id(self, employee_id=False):
- employee_id = employee_id or self.env.user.employee_id.id
- last_timesheet_ids = self.search([
- ('employee_id', '=', employee_id),
- ('project_id', '!=', False),
- ], limit=5)
- if len(last_timesheet_ids.project_id) == 1:
- return last_timesheet_ids.project_id.id
- return False
- @api.model
- def default_get(self, field_list):
- result = super(AccountAnalyticLine, self).default_get(field_list)
- if not self.env.context.get('default_employee_id') and 'employee_id' in field_list and result.get('user_id'):
- result['employee_id'] = self.env['hr.employee'].search([('user_id', '=', result['user_id']), ('company_id', '=', result.get('company_id', self.env.company.id))], limit=1).id
- if not self._context.get('default_project_id') and self._context.get('is_timesheet'):
- employee_id = result.get('employee_id', self.env.context.get('default_employee_id', False))
- favorite_project_id = self._get_favorite_project_id(employee_id)
- if favorite_project_id:
- result['project_id'] = favorite_project_id
- return result
- def _domain_project_id(self):
- domain = [('allow_timesheets', '=', True)]
- if not self.user_has_groups('hr_timesheet.group_timesheet_manager'):
- return expression.AND([domain,
- ['|', ('privacy_visibility', '!=', 'followers'), ('message_partner_ids', 'in', [self.env.user.partner_id.id])]
- ])
- return domain
- def _domain_employee_id(self):
- if not self.user_has_groups('hr_timesheet.group_hr_timesheet_approver'):
- return [('user_id', '=', self.env.user.id)]
- return []
- task_id = fields.Many2one(
- 'project.task', 'Task', index='btree_not_null',
- compute='_compute_task_id', store=True, readonly=False,
- domain="[('project_id.allow_timesheets', '=', True), ('project_id', '=?', project_id)]")
- ancestor_task_id = fields.Many2one('project.task', related='task_id.ancestor_id', store=True, index='btree_not_null')
- project_id = fields.Many2one(
- 'project.project', 'Project', domain=_domain_project_id, index=True,
- compute='_compute_project_id', store=True, readonly=False)
- user_id = fields.Many2one(compute='_compute_user_id', store=True, readonly=False)
- employee_id = fields.Many2one('hr.employee', "Employee", domain=_domain_employee_id, context={'active_test': False},
- help="Define an 'hourly cost' on the employee to track the cost of their time.")
- job_title = fields.Char(related='employee_id.job_title')
- department_id = fields.Many2one('hr.department', "Department", compute='_compute_department_id', store=True, compute_sudo=True)
- manager_id = fields.Many2one('hr.employee', "Manager", related='employee_id.parent_id', store=True)
- encoding_uom_id = fields.Many2one('uom.uom', compute='_compute_encoding_uom_id')
- partner_id = fields.Many2one(compute='_compute_partner_id', store=True, readonly=False)
- def name_get(self):
- result = super().name_get()
- timesheets_read = self.env[self._name].search_read([('project_id', '!=', False), ('id', 'in', self.ids)], ['id', 'project_id', 'task_id'])
- if not timesheets_read:
- return result
- def _get_display_name(project_id, task_id):
- """ Get the display name of the timesheet based on the project and task
- :param project_id: tuple containing the id and the display name of the project
- :param task_id: tuple containing the id and the display name of the task if a task exists in the timesheet
- otherwise False.
- :returns: the display name of the timesheet
- """
- if task_id:
- return '%s - %s' % (project_id[1], task_id[1])
- return project_id[1]
- timesheet_dict = {res['id']: _get_display_name(res['project_id'], res['task_id']) for res in timesheets_read}
- return list({**dict(result), **timesheet_dict}.items())
- def _compute_encoding_uom_id(self):
- for analytic_line in self:
- analytic_line.encoding_uom_id = analytic_line.company_id.timesheet_encode_uom_id
- @api.depends('task_id.partner_id', 'project_id.partner_id')
- def _compute_partner_id(self):
- for timesheet in self:
- if timesheet.project_id:
- timesheet.partner_id = timesheet.task_id.partner_id or timesheet.project_id.partner_id
- @api.depends('task_id', 'task_id.project_id')
- def _compute_project_id(self):
- for line in self:
- if not line.task_id.project_id or line.project_id == line.task_id.project_id:
- continue
- line.project_id = line.task_id.project_id
- @api.depends('project_id')
- def _compute_task_id(self):
- for line in self.filtered(lambda line: not line.project_id):
- line.task_id = False
- @api.onchange('project_id')
- def _onchange_project_id(self):
- # TODO KBA in master - check to do it "properly", currently:
- # This onchange is used to reset the task_id when the project changes.
- # Doing it in the compute will remove the task_id when the project of a task changes.
- if self.project_id != self.task_id.project_id:
- self.task_id = False
- @api.depends('employee_id')
- def _compute_user_id(self):
- for line in self:
- line.user_id = line.employee_id.user_id if line.employee_id else self._default_user()
- @api.depends('employee_id')
- def _compute_department_id(self):
- for line in self:
- line.department_id = line.employee_id.department_id
- @api.model_create_multi
- def create(self, vals_list):
- # Before creating a timesheet, we need to put a valid employee_id in the vals
- default_user_id = self._default_user()
- user_ids = []
- employee_ids = []
- # 1/ Collect the user_ids and employee_ids from each timesheet vals
- for vals in vals_list:
- vals.update(self._timesheet_preprocess(vals))
- if not vals.get('project_id'):
- continue
- if not vals.get('name'):
- vals['name'] = '/'
- employee_id = vals.get('employee_id')
- user_id = vals.get('user_id', default_user_id)
- if employee_id and employee_id not in employee_ids:
- employee_ids.append(employee_id)
- elif user_id not in user_ids:
- user_ids.append(user_id)
- # 2/ Search all employees related to user_ids and employee_ids, in the selected companies
- employees = self.env['hr.employee'].sudo().search([
- '&', '|', ('user_id', 'in', user_ids), ('id', 'in', employee_ids), ('company_id', 'in', self.env.companies.ids)
- ])
- # ┌───── in search results = active/in companies ────────> was found with... ─── employee_id ───> (A) There is nothing to do, we will use this employee_id
- # 3/ Each employee └──── user_id ──────> (B)** We'll need to select the right employee for this user
- # └─ not in search results = archived/not in companies ──> (C) We raise an error as we can't create a timesheet for an archived employee
- # ** We can rely on the user to get the employee_id if
- # he has an active employee in the company of the timesheet
- # or he has only one active employee for all selected companies
- valid_employee_per_id = {}
- employee_id_per_company_per_user = defaultdict(dict)
- for employee in employees:
- if employee.id in employee_ids:
- valid_employee_per_id[employee.id] = employee
- else:
- employee_id_per_company_per_user[employee.user_id.id][employee.company_id.id] = employee.id
- # 4/ Put valid employee_id in each vals
- error_msg = _lt('Timesheets must be created with an active employee in the selected companies.')
- for vals in vals_list:
- if not vals.get('project_id'):
- continue
- employee_in_id = vals.get('employee_id')
- if employee_in_id:
- if employee_in_id in valid_employee_per_id:
- vals['user_id'] = valid_employee_per_id[employee_in_id].sudo().user_id.id # (A) OK
- continue
- else:
- raise ValidationError(error_msg) # (C) KO
- else:
- user_id = vals.get('user_id', default_user_id) # (B)...
- # ...Look for an employee, with ** conditions
- employee_per_company = employee_id_per_company_per_user.get(user_id)
- employee_out_id = False
- if employee_per_company:
- company_id = list(employee_per_company)[0] if len(employee_per_company) == 1\
- else vals.get('company_id', self.env.company.id)
- employee_out_id = employee_per_company.get(company_id, False)
- if employee_out_id:
- vals['employee_id'] = employee_out_id
- vals['user_id'] = user_id
- else: # ...and raise an error if they fail
- raise ValidationError(error_msg)
- # 5/ Finally, create the timesheets
- lines = super(AccountAnalyticLine, self).create(vals_list)
- for line, values in zip(lines, vals_list):
- if line.project_id: # applied only for timesheet
- line._timesheet_postprocess(values)
- return lines
- def write(self, values):
- # If it's a basic user then check if the timesheet is his own.
- if not (self.user_has_groups('hr_timesheet.group_hr_timesheet_approver') or self.env.su) and any(self.env.user.id != analytic_line.user_id.id for analytic_line in self):
- raise AccessError(_("You cannot access timesheets that are not yours."))
- values = self._timesheet_preprocess(values)
- if values.get('employee_id'):
- employee = self.env['hr.employee'].browse(values['employee_id'])
- if not employee.active:
- raise UserError(_('You cannot set an archived employee to the existing timesheets.'))
- if 'name' in values and not values.get('name'):
- values['name'] = '/'
- result = super(AccountAnalyticLine, self).write(values)
- # applied only for timesheet
- self.filtered(lambda t: t.project_id)._timesheet_postprocess(values)
- return result
- @api.model
- def _get_view_cache_key(self, view_id=None, view_type='form', **options):
- """The override of _get_view changing the time field labels according to the company timesheet encoding UOM
- makes the view cache dependent on the company timesheet encoding uom"""
- key = super()._get_view_cache_key(view_id, view_type, **options)
- return key + (self.env.company.timesheet_encode_uom_id,)
- @api.model
- def _get_view(self, view_id=None, view_type='form', **options):
- """ Set the correct label for `unit_amount`, depending on company UoM """
- arch, view = super()._get_view(view_id, view_type, **options)
- arch = self._apply_timesheet_label(arch, view_type=view_type)
- return arch, view
- @api.model
- def _apply_timesheet_label(self, view_node, view_type='form'):
- doc = view_node
- encoding_uom = self.env.company.timesheet_encode_uom_id
- # Here, we select only the unit_amount field having no string set to give priority to
- # custom inheretied view stored in database. Even if normally, no xpath can be done on
- # 'string' attribute.
- for node in doc.xpath("//field[@name='unit_amount'][@widget='timesheet_uom'][not(@string)]"):
- node.set('string', _('%s Spent') % (re.sub(r'[\(\)]', '', encoding_uom.name or '')))
- return doc
- @api.model
- def _apply_time_label(self, view_node, related_model):
- doc = view_node
- Model = self.env[related_model]
- # Just fetch the name of the uom in `timesheet_encode_uom_id` of the current company
- encoding_uom_name = self.env.company.timesheet_encode_uom_id.with_context(prefetch_fields=False).sudo().name
- for node in doc.xpath("//field[@widget='timesheet_uom'][not(@string)] | //field[@widget='timesheet_uom_no_toggle'][not(@string)]"):
- name_with_uom = re.sub(_('Hours') + "|Hours", encoding_uom_name or '', Model._fields[node.get('name')]._description_string(self.env), flags=re.IGNORECASE)
- node.set('string', name_with_uom)
- return doc
- def _timesheet_get_portal_domain(self):
- if self.env.user.has_group('hr_timesheet.group_hr_timesheet_user'):
- # Then, he is internal user, and we take the domain for this current user
- return self.env['ir.rule']._compute_domain(self._name)
- return [
- '|',
- '&',
- '|',
- ('task_id.project_id.message_partner_ids', 'child_of', [self.env.user.partner_id.commercial_partner_id.id]),
- ('task_id.message_partner_ids', 'child_of', [self.env.user.partner_id.commercial_partner_id.id]),
- ('task_id.project_id.privacy_visibility', '=', 'portal'),
- '&',
- ('task_id', '=', False),
- '&',
- ('project_id.message_partner_ids', 'child_of', [self.env.user.partner_id.commercial_partner_id.id]),
- ('project_id.privacy_visibility', '=', 'portal')
- ]
- def _timesheet_preprocess(self, vals):
- """ Deduce other field values from the one given.
- Overrride this to compute on the fly some field that can not be computed fields.
- :param values: dict values for `create`or `write`.
- """
- project = self.env['project.project'].browse(vals.get('project_id', False))
- task = self.env['project.task'].browse(vals.get('task_id', False))
- # task implies project
- if task and not project:
- project = task.project_id
- if not project:
- raise ValidationError(_('You cannot create a timesheet on a private task.'))
- vals['project_id'] = project.id
- # task implies analytic account and tags
- if task and not vals.get('account_id'):
- task_analytic_account_id = task._get_task_analytic_account_id()
- vals['account_id'] = task_analytic_account_id.id
- vals['company_id'] = task_analytic_account_id.company_id.id or task.company_id.id
- if not task_analytic_account_id.active:
- raise UserError(_('You cannot add timesheets to a project or a task linked to an inactive analytic account.'))
- # project implies analytic account
- elif project and not vals.get('account_id'):
- vals['account_id'] = project.analytic_account_id.id
- vals['company_id'] = project.analytic_account_id.company_id.id or project.company_id.id
- if not project.analytic_account_id.active:
- raise UserError(_('You cannot add timesheets to a project linked to an inactive analytic account.'))
- # force customer partner, from the task or the project
- if project and not vals.get('partner_id'):
- partner_id = task.partner_id.id if task else project.partner_id.id
- if partner_id:
- vals['partner_id'] = partner_id
- # set timesheet UoM from the AA company (AA implies uom)
- if not vals.get('product_uom_id') and all(v in vals for v in ['account_id', 'project_id']): # project_id required to check this is timesheet flow
- analytic_account = self.env['account.analytic.account'].sudo().browse(vals['account_id'])
- uom_id = analytic_account.company_id.project_time_mode_id.id
- if not uom_id:
- company_id = vals.get('company_id', False)
- if not company_id:
- project = self.env['project.project'].browse(vals.get('project_id'))
- company_id = project.analytic_account_id.company_id.id or project.company_id.id
- uom_id = self.env['res.company'].browse(company_id).project_time_mode_id.id
- vals['product_uom_id'] = uom_id
- return vals
- def _timesheet_postprocess(self, values):
- """ Hook to update record one by one according to the values of a `write` or a `create`. """
- sudo_self = self.sudo() # this creates only one env for all operation that required sudo() in `_timesheet_postprocess_values`override
- values_to_write = self._timesheet_postprocess_values(values)
- for timesheet in sudo_self:
- if values_to_write[timesheet.id]:
- timesheet.write(values_to_write[timesheet.id])
- return values
- def _timesheet_postprocess_values(self, values):
- """ Get the addionnal values to write on record
- :param dict values: values for the model's fields, as a dictionary::
- {'field_name': field_value, ...}
- :return: a dictionary mapping each record id to its corresponding
- dictionary values to write (may be empty).
- """
- result = {id_: {} for id_ in self.ids}
- sudo_self = self.sudo() # this creates only one env for all operation that required sudo()
- # (re)compute the amount (depending on unit_amount, employee_id for the cost, and account_id for currency)
- if any(field_name in values for field_name in ['unit_amount', 'employee_id', 'account_id']):
- for timesheet in sudo_self:
- cost = timesheet._hourly_cost()
- amount = -timesheet.unit_amount * cost
- amount_converted = timesheet.employee_id.currency_id._convert(
- amount, timesheet.account_id.currency_id or timesheet.currency_id, self.env.company, timesheet.date)
- result[timesheet.id].update({
- 'amount': amount_converted,
- })
- return result
- def _is_timesheet_encode_uom_day(self):
- company_uom = self.env.company.timesheet_encode_uom_id
- return company_uom == self.env.ref('uom.product_uom_day')
- @api.model
- def _convert_hours_to_days(self, time):
- uom_hour = self.env.ref('uom.product_uom_hour')
- uom_day = self.env.ref('uom.product_uom_day')
- return round(uom_hour._compute_quantity(time, uom_day, raise_if_failure=False), 2)
- def _get_timesheet_time_day(self):
- return self._convert_hours_to_days(self.unit_amount)
- def _hourly_cost(self):
- self.ensure_one()
- return self.employee_id.hourly_cost or 0.0
- def _get_report_base_filename(self):
- task_ids = self.task_id
- if len(task_ids) == 1:
- return _('Timesheets - %s', task_ids.name)
- return _('Timesheets')
- def _default_user(self):
- return self.env.context.get('user_id', self.env.user.id)