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- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- {
- 'name': 'Lunch',
- 'sequence': 300,
- 'version': '1.0',
- 'depends': ['mail'],
- 'category': 'Human Resources/Lunch',
- 'summary': 'Handle lunch orders of your employees',
- 'description': """
- The base module to manage lunch.
- ================================
- Many companies order sandwiches, pizzas and other, from usual vendors, for their employees to offer them more facilities.
- However lunches management within the company requires proper administration especially when the number of employees or vendors is important.
- The “Lunch Order” module has been developed to make this management easier but also to offer employees more tools and usability.
- In addition to a full meal and vendor management, this module offers the possibility to display warning and provides quick order selection based on employee’s preferences.
- If you want to save your employees' time and avoid them to always have coins in their pockets, this module is essential.
- """,
- 'data': [
- 'security/lunch_security.xml',
- 'security/ir.model.access.csv',
- 'report/lunch_cashmove_report_views.xml',
- 'views/lunch_templates.xml',
- 'views/lunch_alert_views.xml',
- 'views/lunch_cashmove_views.xml',
- 'views/lunch_location_views.xml',
- 'views/lunch_orders_views.xml',
- 'views/lunch_product_views.xml',
- 'views/lunch_supplier_views.xml',
- 'views/res_config_settings.xml',
- 'views/lunch_views.xml',
- 'data/mail_template_data.xml',
- 'data/lunch_data.xml',
- ],
- 'demo': ['data/lunch_demo.xml'],
- 'installable': True,
- 'application': True,
- 'assets': {
- 'web.assets_backend': [
- 'lunch/static/src/components/*',
- 'lunch/static/src/mixins/*.js',
- 'lunch/static/src/views/*',
- 'lunch/static/src/scss/lunch_view.scss',
- 'lunch/static/src/scss/lunch_kanban.scss',
- ],
- 'web.assets_tests': [
- 'lunch/static/tests/tours/*.js',
- ],
- 'web.qunit_suite_tests': [
- 'lunch/static/tests/lunch_kanban_tests.js',
- ],
- },
- 'license': 'LGPL-3',
- }