123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316 |
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
- import datetime
- import random
- import re
- import werkzeug
- from unittest.mock import patch
- from odoo import tools
- from odoo.addons.link_tracker.tests.common import MockLinkTracker
- from odoo.addons.mail.tests.common import MailCase, MailCommon, mail_new_test_user
- from odoo.sql_db import Cursor
- class MassMailCase(MailCase, MockLinkTracker):
- # ------------------------------------------------------------
- # ------------------------------------------------------------
- def assertMailingStatistics(self, mailing, **kwargs):
- """ Helper to assert mailing statistics fields. As we have many of them
- it helps lessening test asserts. """
- if not kwargs.get('expected'):
- kwargs['expected'] = len(mailing.mailing_trace_ids)
- if not kwargs.get('delivered'):
- kwargs['delivered'] = len(mailing.mailing_trace_ids)
- for fname in ['scheduled', 'expected', 'sent', 'delivered',
- 'opened', 'replied', 'clicked',
- 'canceled', 'failed', 'bounced']:
- self.assertEqual(
- mailing[fname], kwargs.get(fname, 0),
- 'Mailing %s statistics failed: got %s instead of %s' % (fname, mailing[fname], kwargs.get(fname, 0))
- )
- def assertMailTraces(self, recipients_info, mailing, records,
- check_mail=True, sent_unlink=False,
- author=None, mail_links_info=None):
- """ Check content of traces. Traces are fetched based on a given mailing
- and records. Their content is compared to recipients_info structure that
- holds expected information. Links content may be checked, notably to
- assert shortening or unsubscribe links. Mail.mail records may optionally
- be checked.
- :param recipients_info: list[{
- 'partner': res.partner record (may be empty),
- 'email': email used when sending email (may be empty, computed based on partner),
- 'trace_status': outgoing / sent / open / reply / bounce / error / cancel (sent by default),
- 'record: linked record,
- 'content': optional content that should be present in mail.mail body_html;
- 'email_to_mail': optional email used for the mail, when different from the
- one stored on the trace itself;
- 'email_to_recipients': optional, see '_assertMailMail';
- 'failure_type': optional failure reason;
- }, { ... }]
- :param mailing: a mailing.mailing record from which traces have been
- generated;
- :param records: records given to mailing that generated traces. It is
- used notably to find traces using their IDs;
- :param check_mail: if True, also check mail.mail records that should be
- linked to traces;
- :param sent_unlink: it True, sent mail.mail are deleted and we check gateway
- output result instead of actual mail.mail records;
- :param mail_links_info: if given, should follow order of ``recipients_info``
- and give details about links. See ``assertLinkShortenedHtml`` helper for
- more details about content to give;
- :param author: author of sent mail.mail;
- """
- # map trace state to email state
- state_mapping = {
- 'sent': 'sent',
- 'open': 'sent', # opened implies something has been sent
- 'reply': 'sent', # replied implies something has been sent
- 'error': 'exception',
- 'cancel': 'cancel',
- 'bounce': 'cancel',
- }
- traces = self.env['mailing.trace'].search([
- ('mass_mailing_id', 'in', mailing.ids),
- ('res_id', 'in', records.ids)
- ])
- debug_info = '\n'.join(
- (
- f'Trace: to {t.email} - state {t.trace_status}'
- for t in traces
- )
- )
- # ensure trace coherency
- self.assertTrue(all(s.model == records._name for s in traces))
- self.assertEqual(set(s.res_id for s in traces), set(records.ids))
- # check each traces
- if not mail_links_info:
- mail_links_info = [None] * len(recipients_info)
- for recipient_info, link_info, record in zip(recipients_info, mail_links_info, records):
- partner = recipient_info.get('partner', self.env['res.partner'])
- email = recipient_info.get('email')
- email_to_mail = recipient_info.get('email_to_mail') or email
- email_to_recipients = recipient_info.get('email_to_recipients')
- status = recipient_info.get('trace_status', 'sent')
- record = record or recipient_info.get('record')
- content = recipient_info.get('content')
- if email is None and partner:
- email = partner.email_normalized
- recipient_trace = traces.filtered(
- lambda t: (t.email == email or (not email and not t.email)) and \
- t.trace_status == status and \
- (t.res_id == record.id if record else True)
- )
- self.assertTrue(
- len(recipient_trace) == 1,
- 'MailTrace: email %s (recipient %s, status: %s, record: %s): found %s records (1 expected)\n%s' % (
- email, partner, status, record,
- len(recipient_trace), debug_info)
- )
- self.assertTrue(bool(recipient_trace.mail_mail_id_int))
- if 'failure_type' in recipient_info or status in ('error', 'cancel', 'bounce'):
- self.assertEqual(recipient_trace.failure_type, recipient_info['failure_type'])
- if check_mail:
- if author is None:
- author = self.env.user.partner_id
- # mail.mail specific values to check
- fields_values = {'mailing_id': mailing}
- if 'failure_reason' in recipient_info:
- fields_values['failure_reason'] = recipient_info['failure_reason']
- if 'email_to_mail' in recipient_info:
- fields_values['email_to'] = recipient_info['email_to_mail']
- # specific for partner: email_formatted is used
- if partner:
- if status == 'sent' and sent_unlink:
- self.assertSentEmail(author, [partner])
- else:
- self.assertMailMail(
- partner, state_mapping[status],
- author=author,
- content=content,
- email_to_recipients=email_to_recipients,
- fields_values=fields_values,
- )
- # specific if email is False -> could have troubles finding it if several falsy traces
- elif not email and status in ('cancel', 'bounce'):
- self.assertMailMailWId(
- recipient_trace.mail_mail_id_int, state_mapping[status],
- author=author,
- content=content,
- email_to_recipients=email_to_recipients,
- fields_values=fields_values,
- )
- else:
- self.assertMailMailWEmails(
- [email_to_mail], state_mapping[status],
- author=author,
- content=content,
- email_to_recipients=email_to_recipients,
- fields_values=fields_values,
- )
- if link_info:
- trace_mail = self._find_mail_mail_wrecord(record)
- for (anchor_id, url, is_shortened, add_link_params) in link_info:
- link_params = {'utm_medium': 'Email', 'utm_source': mailing.name}
- if add_link_params:
- link_params.update(**add_link_params)
- self.assertLinkShortenedHtml(
- trace_mail.body_html,
- (anchor_id, url, is_shortened),
- link_params=link_params,
- )
- # ------------------------------------------------------------
- # ------------------------------------------------------------
- def gateway_mail_bounce(self, mailing, record, bounce_base_values=None):
- """ Generate a bounce at mailgateway level.
- :param mailing: a ``mailing.mailing`` record on which we find a trace
- to bounce;
- :param record: record which should bounce;
- :param bounce_base_values: optional values given to routing;
- """
- trace = mailing.mailing_trace_ids.filtered(lambda t: t.model == record._name and t.res_id == record.id)
- parsed_bounce_values = {
- 'email_from': 'some.email@external.example.com', # TDE check: email_from -> trace email ?
- 'to': 'bounce@test.example.com', # TDE check: bounce alias ?
- 'message_id': tools.generate_tracking_message_id('MailTest'),
- 'bounced_partner': self.env['res.partner'].sudo(),
- 'bounced_message': self.env['mail.message'].sudo()
- }
- if bounce_base_values:
- parsed_bounce_values.update(bounce_base_values)
- parsed_bounce_values.update({
- 'bounced_email': trace.email,
- 'bounced_msg_id': [trace.message_id],
- })
- self.env['mail.thread']._routing_handle_bounce(False, parsed_bounce_values)
- def gateway_mail_click(self, mailing, record, click_label):
- """ Simulate a click on a sent email. """
- trace = mailing.mailing_trace_ids.filtered(lambda t: t.model == record._name and t.res_id == record.id)
- email = self._find_sent_mail_wemail(trace.email)
- self.assertTrue(bool(email))
- for (_url_href, link_url, _dummy, label) in re.findall(tools.HTML_TAG_URL_REGEX, email['body']):
- if label == click_label and '/r/' in link_url: # shortened link, like 'http://localhost:8069/r/LBG/m/53'
- parsed_url = werkzeug.urls.url_parse(link_url)
- path_items = parsed_url.path.split('/')
- code, trace_id = path_items[2], int(path_items[4])
- self.assertEqual(trace.id, trace_id)
- self.env['link.tracker.click'].sudo().add_click(
- code,
- ip='100.200.300.%3f' % random.random(),
- country_code='BE',
- mailing_trace_id=trace.id
- )
- break
- else:
- raise AssertionError('url %s not found in mailing %s for record %s' % (click_label, mailing, record))
- @classmethod
- def _create_bounce_trace(cls, mailing, records, dt=None):
- if dt is None:
- dt = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
- return cls._create_traces(mailing, records, dt, trace_status='bounce')
- @classmethod
- def _create_sent_traces(cls, mailing, records, dt=None):
- if dt is None:
- dt = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
- return cls._create_traces(mailing, records, dt, trace_status='sent')
- @classmethod
- def _create_traces(cls, mailing, records, dt, **values):
- if 'email_normalized' in records:
- fname = 'email_normalized'
- elif 'email_from' in records:
- fname = 'email_from'
- else:
- fname = 'email'
- randomized = random.random()
- # Cursor.now() uses transaction's timestamp and not datetime lib -> freeze_time
- # is not sufficient
- with patch.object(Cursor, 'now', lambda *args, **kwargs: dt):
- traces = cls.env['mailing.trace'].sudo().create([
- dict({'mass_mailing_id': mailing.id,
- 'model': record._name,
- 'res_id': record.id,
- 'trace_status': values.get('trace_status', 'bounce'),
- # TDE FIXME: improve this with a mail-enabled heuristics
- 'email': record[fname],
- 'message_id': '<%5f@gilbert.boitempomils>' % randomized,
- }, **values)
- for record in records
- ])
- return traces
- class MassMailCommon(MailCommon, MassMailCase):
- @classmethod
- def setUpClass(cls):
- super(MassMailCommon, cls).setUpClass()
- cls.user_marketing = mail_new_test_user(
- cls.env, login='user_marketing',
- groups='base.group_user,base.group_partner_manager,mass_mailing.group_mass_mailing_user',
- name='Martial Marketing', signature='--\nMartial')
- cls.email_reply_to = 'MyCompany SomehowAlias <test.alias@test.mycompany.com>'
- @classmethod
- def _create_mailing_list(cls):
- """ Shortcut to create mailing lists. Currently hardcoded, maybe evolve
- in a near future. """
- cls.mailing_list_1 = cls.env['mailing.list'].with_context(cls._test_context).create({
- 'name': 'List1',
- 'contact_ids': [
- (0, 0, {'name': 'Déboulonneur', 'email': 'fleurus@example.com'}),
- (0, 0, {'name': 'Gorramts', 'email': 'gorramts@example.com'}),
- (0, 0, {'name': 'Ybrant', 'email': 'ybrant@example.com'}),
- ]
- })
- cls.mailing_list_2 = cls.env['mailing.list'].with_context(cls._test_context).create({
- 'name': 'List2',
- 'contact_ids': [
- (0, 0, {'name': 'Gilberte', 'email': 'gilberte@example.com'}),
- (0, 0, {'name': 'Gilberte En Mieux', 'email': 'gilberte@example.com'}),
- (0, 0, {'name': 'Norbert', 'email': 'norbert@example.com'}),
- (0, 0, {'name': 'Ybrant', 'email': 'ybrant@example.com'}),
- ]
- })
- @classmethod
- def _create_mailing_list_of_x_contacts(cls, contacts_nbr):
- """ Shortcut to create a mailing list that contains a defined number
- of contacts. """
- return cls.env['mailing.list'].with_context(cls._test_context).create({
- 'name': 'Test List',
- 'contact_ids': [
- (0, 0, {'name': 'Contact %s' % i, 'email': 'contact%s@example.com' % i})
- for i in range(contacts_nbr)
- ],
- })