123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445 |
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- <odoo>
- <data>
- <!-- MO Backorder -->
- <record id="view_mrp_production_backorder_form" model="ir.ui.view">
- <field name="name">Create Backorder</field>
- <field name="model">mrp.production.backorder</field>
- <field name="arch" type="xml">
- <form string="Create a Backorder">
- <group>
- <p colspan="2">
- Create a backorder if you expect to process the remaining products later. Do not create a backorder if you will not process the remaining products.
- </p>
- </group>
- <field name="show_backorder_lines" invisible="1"/>
- <field name="mrp_production_backorder_line_ids" nolabel="1" attrs="{'invisible': [('show_backorder_lines', '=', False)]}">
- <tree create="0" delete="0" editable="top">
- <field name="mrp_production_id" force_save="1"/>
- <field name="to_backorder" widget="boolean_toggle"/>
- </tree>
- </field>
- <footer>
- <button name="action_backorder" string="Create backorder" data-hotkey="q"
- colspan="1" type="object" class="btn-primary" attrs="{'invisible': [('show_backorder_lines', '!=', False)]}"/>
- <button name="action_backorder" string="Validate" data-hotkey="q"
- colspan="1" type="object" class="btn-primary" attrs="{'invisible': [('show_backorder_lines', '=', False)]}"/>
- <button name="action_close_mo" type="object" string="No Backorder" attrs="{'invisible': [('show_backorder_lines', '!=', False)]}" data-hotkey="x"/>
- <button string="Discard" class="btn-secondary" special="cancel" data-hotkey="z" />
- </footer>
- </form>
- </field>
- </record>
- <record id="action_mrp_production_backorder" model="ir.actions.act_window">
- <field name="name">You produced less than initial demand</field>
- <field name="type">ir.actions.act_window</field>
- <field name="res_model">mrp.production.backorder</field>
- <field name="view_mode">form</field>
- <field name="target">new</field>
- </record>
- </data>
- </odoo>