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- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
- {
- 'name': 'Accounting - MRP',
- 'version': '1.0',
- 'category': 'Manufacturing/Manufacturing',
- 'summary': 'Analytic accounting in Manufacturing',
- 'description': """
- Analytic Accounting in MRP
- ==========================
- * Cost structure report
- Also, allows to compute the cost of the product based on its BoM, using the costs of its components and work center operations.
- It adds a button on the product itself but also an action in the list view of the products.
- If the automated inventory valuation is active, the necessary accounting entries will be created.
- """,
- 'website': 'https://www.odoo.com/app/manufacturing',
- 'depends': ['mrp', 'stock_account'],
- "data": [
- 'security/ir.model.access.csv',
- "views/product_views.xml",
- "views/mrp_bom_views.xml",
- "views/mrp_production_views.xml",
- "views/analytic_account_views.xml",
- ],
- 'demo': [
- 'data/mrp_account_demo.xml',
- ],
- 'installable': True,
- 'auto_install': True,
- 'license': 'LGPL-3',
- }