el.po 6.4 KB

  1. # Translation of Odoo Server.
  2. # This file contains the translation of the following modules:
  3. # * pos_sale
  4. #
  5. # Translators:
  6. # Martin Trigaux, 2018
  7. # Kostas Goutoudis <goutoudis@gmail.com>, 2018
  8. # George Tarasidis <george_tarasidis@yahoo.com>, 2018
  9. msgid ""
  10. msgstr ""
  11. "Project-Id-Version: Odoo Server saas~11.5\n"
  12. "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
  13. "POT-Creation-Date: 2018-09-21 13:16+0000\n"
  14. "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-09-21 13:16+0000\n"
  15. "Last-Translator: George Tarasidis <george_tarasidis@yahoo.com>, 2018\n"
  16. "Language-Team: Greek (https://www.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/el/)\n"
  17. "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  18. "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  19. "Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
  20. "Language: el\n"
  21. "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
  22. #. module: pos_sale
  23. #: selection:sale.report,state:0
  24. msgid "Cancelled"
  25. msgstr "Ακυρώθηκε"
  26. #. module: pos_sale
  27. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_sale.field_pos_order__currency_rate
  28. msgid "Currency Rate"
  29. msgstr "Ισοτιμία"
  30. #. module: pos_sale
  31. #: code:addons/pos_sale/models/crm_team.py:107
  32. #, python-format
  33. msgid "Dashboard"
  34. msgstr "Ταμπλό"
  35. #. module: pos_sale
  36. #: selection:crm.team,dashboard_graph_group_pos:0
  37. msgid "Day"
  38. msgstr "Ημέρα"
  39. #. module: pos_sale
  40. #: selection:sale.report,state:0
  41. msgid "Draft Quotation"
  42. msgstr "Πρόχειρη Προσφορά"
  43. #. module: pos_sale
  44. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:pos_sale.crm_team_view_form_inherit_pos_sale
  45. msgid "Group by"
  46. msgstr "Ομαδοποίηση κατά"
  47. #. module: pos_sale
  48. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:pos_sale.field_crm_team__dashboard_graph_group_pos
  49. msgid "How this channel's dashboard graph will group the results."
  50. msgstr "Πώς θα ομαδοποιήσει αυτό το γράφημα καναλιού τα αποτελέσματα."
  51. #. module: pos_sale
  52. #: selection:sale.report,state:0
  53. msgid "Invoiced"
  54. msgstr "Τιμολογημένα"
  55. #. module: pos_sale
  56. #: selection:crm.team,dashboard_graph_group_pos:0
  57. msgid "Month"
  58. msgstr "Μήνας"
  59. #. module: pos_sale
  60. #: selection:sale.report,state:0
  61. msgid "New"
  62. msgstr "Νέα"
  63. #. module: pos_sale
  64. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_sale.field_crm_team__pos_sessions_open_count
  65. msgid "Open POS Sessions"
  66. msgstr "Ανοιχτές Βάρδιες POS"
  67. #. module: pos_sale
  68. #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:pos_sale.pos_session_action_from_crm_team
  69. msgid "Open Sessions"
  70. msgstr ""
  71. #. module: pos_sale
  72. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_sale.field_crm_team__dashboard_graph_group_pos
  73. msgid "POS Grouping"
  74. msgstr ""
  75. #. module: pos_sale
  76. #: selection:sale.report,state:0
  77. msgid "Paid"
  78. msgstr "Εξοφλημένη"
  79. #. module: pos_sale
  80. #: selection:crm.team,dashboard_graph_group_pos:0
  81. #: model:crm.team,name:pos_sale.pos_sales_team selection:crm.team,team_type:0
  82. msgid "Point of Sale"
  83. msgstr "Εντατική Λιανική"
  84. #. module: pos_sale
  85. #: model:ir.model,name:pos_sale.model_pos_config
  86. msgid "Point of Sale Configuration"
  87. msgstr "Διαμόρφωση του Σταθμού Εργασίας"
  88. #. module: pos_sale
  89. #: model:ir.model,name:pos_sale.model_pos_order
  90. msgid "Point of Sale Orders"
  91. msgstr "Παραγγελίες Εντατικής Λιανικής"
  92. #. module: pos_sale
  93. #: model:ir.model,name:pos_sale.model_pos_session
  94. msgid "Point of Sale Session"
  95. msgstr "Βάρδια Σταθμού Εργασίας"
  96. #. module: pos_sale
  97. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_sale.field_crm_team__pos_config_ids
  98. msgid "Point of Sales"
  99. msgstr ""
  100. #. module: pos_sale
  101. #: selection:sale.report,state:0
  102. msgid "Posted"
  103. msgstr "Καταχωρημένη"
  104. #. module: pos_sale
  105. #: selection:sale.report,state:0
  106. msgid "Quotation Sent"
  107. msgstr "Η Προσφορά Εστάλη"
  108. #. module: pos_sale
  109. #: selection:crm.team,team_type:0
  110. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:pos_sale.crm_team_salesteams_view_kanban_inherit_pos_sale
  111. msgid "Sales"
  112. msgstr "Πωλήσεις"
  113. #. module: pos_sale
  114. #: model:ir.model,name:pos_sale.model_sale_report
  115. msgid "Sales Analysis Report"
  116. msgstr ""
  117. #. module: pos_sale
  118. #: model:ir.model,name:pos_sale.model_crm_team
  119. msgid "Sales Channels"
  120. msgstr "Κανάλια Πωλήσεων"
  121. #. module: pos_sale
  122. #: selection:sale.report,state:0
  123. msgid "Sales Done"
  124. msgstr "Ολοκληρωμένες Πωλήσεις"
  125. #. module: pos_sale
  126. #: selection:sale.report,state:0
  127. msgid "Sales Order"
  128. msgstr "Παραγγελία"
  129. #. module: pos_sale
  130. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_sale.field_pos_config__crm_team_id
  131. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_sale.field_pos_session__crm_team_id
  132. msgid "Sales Team"
  133. msgstr "Ομάδα Πώλησης"
  134. #. module: pos_sale
  135. #: code:addons/pos_sale/models/crm_team.py:119
  136. #, python-format
  137. msgid "Sales: Untaxed Amount"
  138. msgstr "Πωλήσεις: Αφορολόγητο Ποσό"
  139. #. module: pos_sale
  140. #: selection:crm.team,dashboard_graph_group_pos:0
  141. msgid "Salesperson"
  142. msgstr "Πωλητής"
  143. #. module: pos_sale
  144. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:pos_sale.crm_team_salesteams_view_kanban_inherit_pos_sale
  145. msgid "Session Running"
  146. msgstr ""
  147. #. module: pos_sale
  148. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_sale.field_crm_team__pos_order_amount_total
  149. msgid "Session Sale Amount"
  150. msgstr ""
  151. #. module: pos_sale
  152. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:pos_sale.crm_team_salesteams_view_kanban_inherit_pos_sale
  153. msgid "Sessions Running"
  154. msgstr ""
  155. #. module: pos_sale
  156. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_sale.field_sale_report__state
  157. msgid "Status"
  158. msgstr "Κατάσταση"
  159. #. module: pos_sale
  160. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_sale.field_crm_team__team_type
  161. msgid "Team Type"
  162. msgstr ""
  163. #. module: pos_sale
  164. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:pos_sale.field_pos_order__currency_rate
  165. msgid ""
  166. "The rate of the currency to the currency of rate applicable at the date of "
  167. "the order"
  168. msgstr ""
  169. #. module: pos_sale
  170. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:pos_sale.field_crm_team__team_type
  171. msgid ""
  172. "The type of this channel, it will define the resources this channel uses."
  173. msgstr ""
  174. "Ο τύπος αυτού του καναλιού θα καθορίσει τους πόρους που χρησιμοποιεί το "
  175. "κανάλι αυτό."
  176. #. module: pos_sale
  177. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:pos_sale.field_pos_config__crm_team_id
  178. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:pos_sale.field_pos_session__crm_team_id
  179. msgid "This Point of sale's sales will be related to this Sales Team."
  180. msgstr ""
  181. #. module: pos_sale
  182. #: selection:crm.team,team_type:0
  183. msgid "Website"
  184. msgstr "Ιστότοπος"
  185. #. module: pos_sale
  186. #: selection:crm.team,dashboard_graph_group_pos:0
  187. msgid "Week"
  188. msgstr "Εβδομάδα"