123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124 |
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
- from odoo import api, fields, models, _
- from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError
- class HolidaysType(models.Model):
- _inherit = "hr.leave.type"
- def _default_project_id(self):
- company = self.company_id if self.company_id else self.env.company
- return company.internal_project_id.id
- def _default_task_id(self):
- company = self.company_id if self.company_id else self.env.company
- return company.leave_timesheet_task_id.id
- timesheet_generate = fields.Boolean(
- 'Generate Timesheet', compute='_compute_timesheet_generate', store=True, readonly=False,
- help="If checked, when validating a time off, timesheet will be generated in the Vacation Project of the company.")
- timesheet_project_id = fields.Many2one('project.project', string="Project", default=_default_project_id, domain="[('company_id', '=', company_id)]")
- timesheet_task_id = fields.Many2one(
- 'project.task', string="Task", compute='_compute_timesheet_task_id',
- store=True, readonly=False, default=_default_task_id,
- domain="[('project_id', '=', timesheet_project_id),"
- "('project_id', '!=', False),"
- "('company_id', '=', company_id)]")
- @api.depends('timesheet_task_id', 'timesheet_project_id')
- def _compute_timesheet_generate(self):
- for leave_type in self:
- leave_type.timesheet_generate = leave_type.timesheet_task_id and leave_type.timesheet_project_id
- @api.depends('timesheet_project_id')
- def _compute_timesheet_task_id(self):
- for leave_type in self:
- company = leave_type.company_id if leave_type.company_id else self.env.company
- default_task_id = company.leave_timesheet_task_id
- if default_task_id and default_task_id.project_id == leave_type.timesheet_project_id:
- leave_type.timesheet_task_id = default_task_id
- else:
- leave_type.timesheet_task_id = False
- @api.constrains('timesheet_generate', 'timesheet_project_id', 'timesheet_task_id')
- def _check_timesheet_generate(self):
- for holiday_status in self:
- if holiday_status.timesheet_generate:
- if not holiday_status.timesheet_project_id or not holiday_status.timesheet_task_id:
- raise ValidationError(_("Both the internal project and task are required to "
- "generate a timesheet for the time off %s. If you don't want a timesheet, you should "
- "leave the internal project and task empty.") % (holiday_status.name))
- class Holidays(models.Model):
- _inherit = "hr.leave"
- timesheet_ids = fields.One2many('account.analytic.line', 'holiday_id', string="Analytic Lines")
- def _validate_leave_request(self):
- """ Timesheet will be generated on leave validation only if a timesheet_project_id and a
- timesheet_task_id are set on the corresponding leave type. The generated timesheet will
- be attached to this project/task.
- """
- holidays = self.filtered(
- lambda l: l.holiday_type == 'employee' and
- l.holiday_status_id.timesheet_project_id and
- l.holiday_status_id.timesheet_task_id and
- l.holiday_status_id.timesheet_project_id.sudo().company_id == (l.holiday_status_id.company_id or self.env.company))
- # Unlink previous timesheets do avoid doublon (shouldn't happen on the interface but meh)
- old_timesheets = holidays.sudo().timesheet_ids
- if old_timesheets:
- old_timesheets.holiday_id = False
- old_timesheets.unlink()
- # create the timesheet on the vacation project
- holidays._timesheet_create_lines()
- return super()._validate_leave_request()
- def _timesheet_create_lines(self):
- vals_list = []
- for leave in self:
- if not leave.employee_id:
- continue
- work_hours_data = leave.employee_id.list_work_time_per_day(
- leave.date_from,
- leave.date_to)
- for index, (day_date, work_hours_count) in enumerate(work_hours_data):
- vals_list.append(leave._timesheet_prepare_line_values(index, work_hours_data, day_date, work_hours_count))
- return self.env['account.analytic.line'].sudo().create(vals_list)
- def _timesheet_prepare_line_values(self, index, work_hours_data, day_date, work_hours_count):
- self.ensure_one()
- return {
- 'name': _("Time Off (%s/%s)", index + 1, len(work_hours_data)),
- 'project_id': self.holiday_status_id.timesheet_project_id.id,
- 'task_id': self.holiday_status_id.timesheet_task_id.id,
- 'account_id': self.holiday_status_id.timesheet_project_id.analytic_account_id.id,
- 'unit_amount': work_hours_count,
- 'user_id': self.employee_id.user_id.id,
- 'date': day_date,
- 'holiday_id': self.id,
- 'employee_id': self.employee_id.id,
- 'company_id': self.holiday_status_id.timesheet_task_id.company_id.id or self.holiday_status_id.timesheet_project_id.company_id.id,
- }
- def action_refuse(self):
- """ Remove the timesheets linked to the refused holidays """
- result = super(Holidays, self).action_refuse()
- timesheets = self.sudo().mapped('timesheet_ids')
- timesheets.write({'holiday_id': False})
- timesheets.unlink()
- return result
- def _action_user_cancel(self, reason):
- res = super()._action_user_cancel(reason)
- timesheets = self.sudo().timesheet_ids
- timesheets.write({'holiday_id': False})
- timesheets.unlink()
- return res