123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380 |
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
- import copy
- import logging
- import uuid
- from lxml import etree, html
- from odoo import api, models, _
- from odoo.osv import expression
- from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError
- _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- EDITING_ATTRIBUTES = ['data-oe-model', 'data-oe-id', 'data-oe-field', 'data-oe-xpath', 'data-note-id']
- class IrUiView(models.Model):
- _inherit = 'ir.ui.view'
- #------------------------------------------------------
- # Save from html
- #------------------------------------------------------
- @api.model
- def extract_embedded_fields(self, arch):
- return arch.xpath('//*[@data-oe-model != "ir.ui.view"]')
- @api.model
- def extract_oe_structures(self, arch):
- return arch.xpath('//*[hasclass("oe_structure")][contains(@id, "oe_structure")]')
- @api.model
- def get_default_lang_code(self):
- return False
- @api.model
- def save_embedded_field(self, el):
- Model = self.env[el.get('data-oe-model')]
- field = el.get('data-oe-field')
- model = 'ir.qweb.field.' + el.get('data-oe-type')
- converter = self.env[model] if model in self.env else self.env['ir.qweb.field']
- try:
- value = converter.from_html(Model, Model._fields[field], el)
- except ValueError:
- raise ValidationError(_("Invalid field value for %s: %s", Model._fields[field].string, el.text_content().strip()))
- if value is not None:
- # TODO: batch writes?
- if not self.env.context.get('lang') and self.get_default_lang_code():
- Model.browse(int(el.get('data-oe-id'))).with_context(lang=self.get_default_lang_code()).write({field: value})
- else:
- Model.browse(int(el.get('data-oe-id'))).write({field: value})
- def save_oe_structure(self, el):
- self.ensure_one()
- if el.get('id') in self.key:
- # Do not inherit if the oe_structure already has its own inheriting view
- return False
- arch = etree.Element('data')
- xpath = etree.Element('xpath', expr="//*[hasclass('oe_structure')][@id='{}']".format(el.get('id')), position="replace")
- arch.append(xpath)
- attributes = {k: v for k, v in el.attrib.items() if k not in EDITING_ATTRIBUTES}
- structure = etree.Element(el.tag, attrib=attributes)
- structure.text = el.text
- xpath.append(structure)
- for child in el.iterchildren(tag=etree.Element):
- structure.append(copy.deepcopy(child))
- vals = {
- 'inherit_id': self.id,
- 'name': '%s (%s)' % (self.name, el.get('id')),
- 'arch': self._pretty_arch(arch),
- 'key': '%s_%s' % (self.key, el.get('id')),
- 'type': 'qweb',
- 'mode': 'extension',
- }
- vals.update(self._save_oe_structure_hook())
- self.env['ir.ui.view'].create(vals)
- return True
- @api.model
- def _save_oe_structure_hook(self):
- return {}
- @api.model
- def _pretty_arch(self, arch):
- # TODO: Remove this method in 16.3.
- return etree.tostring(arch, encoding='unicode')
- @api.model
- def _are_archs_equal(self, arch1, arch2):
- # Note that comparing the strings would not be ok as attributes order
- # must not be relevant
- if arch1.tag != arch2.tag:
- return False
- if arch1.text != arch2.text:
- return False
- if arch1.tail != arch2.tail:
- return False
- if arch1.attrib != arch2.attrib:
- return False
- if len(arch1) != len(arch2):
- return False
- return all(self._are_archs_equal(arch1, arch2) for arch1, arch2 in zip(arch1, arch2))
- @api.model
- def _get_allowed_root_attrs(self):
- return ['style', 'class']
- def replace_arch_section(self, section_xpath, replacement, replace_tail=False):
- # the root of the arch section shouldn't actually be replaced as it's
- # not really editable itself, only the content truly is editable.
- self.ensure_one()
- arch = etree.fromstring(self.arch.encode('utf-8'))
- # => get the replacement root
- if not section_xpath:
- root = arch
- else:
- # ensure there's only one match
- [root] = arch.xpath(section_xpath)
- root.text = replacement.text
- # We need to replace some attrib for styles changes on the root element
- for attribute in self._get_allowed_root_attrs():
- if attribute in replacement.attrib:
- root.attrib[attribute] = replacement.attrib[attribute]
- # Note: after a standard edition, the tail *must not* be replaced
- if replace_tail:
- root.tail = replacement.tail
- # replace all children
- del root[:]
- for child in replacement:
- root.append(copy.deepcopy(child))
- return arch
- @api.model
- def to_field_ref(self, el):
- # filter out meta-information inserted in the document
- attributes = {k: v for k, v in el.attrib.items()
- if not k.startswith('data-oe-')}
- attributes['t-field'] = el.get('data-oe-expression')
- out = html.html_parser.makeelement(el.tag, attrib=attributes)
- out.tail = el.tail
- return out
- @api.model
- def to_empty_oe_structure(self, el):
- out = html.html_parser.makeelement(el.tag, attrib=el.attrib)
- out.tail = el.tail
- return out
- @api.model
- def _set_noupdate(self):
- self.sudo().mapped('model_data_id').write({'noupdate': True})
- def save(self, value, xpath=None):
- """ Update a view section. The view section may embed fields to write
- Note that `self` record might not exist when saving an embed field
- :param str xpath: valid xpath to the tag to replace
- """
- self.ensure_one()
- arch_section = html.fromstring(
- value, parser=html.HTMLParser(encoding='utf-8'))
- if xpath is None:
- # value is an embedded field on its own, not a view section
- self.save_embedded_field(arch_section)
- return
- for el in self.extract_embedded_fields(arch_section):
- self.save_embedded_field(el)
- # transform embedded field back to t-field
- el.getparent().replace(el, self.to_field_ref(el))
- for el in self.extract_oe_structures(arch_section):
- if self.save_oe_structure(el):
- # empty oe_structure in parent view
- empty = self.to_empty_oe_structure(el)
- if el == arch_section:
- arch_section = empty
- else:
- el.getparent().replace(el, empty)
- new_arch = self.replace_arch_section(xpath, arch_section)
- old_arch = etree.fromstring(self.arch.encode('utf-8'))
- if not self._are_archs_equal(old_arch, new_arch):
- self._set_noupdate()
- self.write({'arch': self._pretty_arch(new_arch)})
- @api.model
- def _view_get_inherited_children(self, view):
- if self._context.get('no_primary_children', False):
- original_hierarchy = self._context.get('__views_get_original_hierarchy', [])
- return view.inherit_children_ids.filtered(lambda extension: extension.mode != 'primary' or extension.id in original_hierarchy)
- return view.inherit_children_ids
- @api.model
- def _view_obj(self, view_id):
- if isinstance(view_id, str):
- return self.search([('key', '=', view_id)], limit=1) or self.env.ref(view_id)
- elif isinstance(view_id, int):
- return self.browse(view_id)
- # It can already be a view object when called by '_views_get()' that is calling '_view_obj'
- # for it's inherit_children_ids, passing them directly as object record.
- return view_id
- # Returns all views (called and inherited) related to a view
- # Used by translation mechanism, SEO and optional templates
- @api.model
- def _views_get(self, view_id, get_children=True, bundles=False, root=True, visited=None):
- """ For a given view ``view_id``, should return:
- * the view itself (starting from its top most parent)
- * all views inheriting from it, enabled or not
- - but not the optional children of a non-enabled child
- * all views called from it (via t-call)
- :returns recordset of ir.ui.view
- """
- try:
- view = self._view_obj(view_id)
- except ValueError:
- _logger.warning("Could not find view object with view_id '%s'", view_id)
- return self.env['ir.ui.view']
- if visited is None:
- visited = []
- original_hierarchy = self._context.get('__views_get_original_hierarchy', [])
- while root and view.inherit_id:
- original_hierarchy.append(view.id)
- view = view.inherit_id
- views_to_return = view
- node = etree.fromstring(view.arch)
- xpath = "//t[@t-call]"
- if bundles:
- xpath += "| //t[@t-call-assets]"
- for child in node.xpath(xpath):
- try:
- called_view = self._view_obj(child.get('t-call', child.get('t-call-assets')))
- except ValueError:
- continue
- if called_view and called_view not in views_to_return and called_view.id not in visited:
- views_to_return += self._views_get(called_view, get_children=get_children, bundles=bundles, visited=visited + views_to_return.ids)
- if not get_children:
- return views_to_return
- extensions = self._view_get_inherited_children(view)
- # Keep children in a deterministic order regardless of their applicability
- for extension in extensions.sorted(key=lambda v: v.id):
- # only return optional grandchildren if this child is enabled
- if extension.id not in visited:
- for ext_view in self._views_get(extension, get_children=extension.active, root=False, visited=visited + views_to_return.ids):
- if ext_view not in views_to_return:
- views_to_return += ext_view
- return views_to_return
- @api.model
- def get_related_views(self, key, bundles=False):
- """ Get inherit view's informations of the template ``key``.
- returns templates info (which can be active or not)
- ``bundles=True`` returns also the asset bundles
- """
- user_groups = set(self.env.user.groups_id)
- View = self.with_context(active_test=False, lang=None)
- views = View._views_get(key, bundles=bundles)
- return views.filtered(lambda v: not v.groups_id or len(user_groups.intersection(v.groups_id)))
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Snippet saving
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @api.model
- def _get_snippet_addition_view_key(self, template_key, key):
- return '%s.%s' % (template_key, key)
- @api.model
- def _snippet_save_view_values_hook(self):
- return {}
- def _find_available_name(self, name, used_names):
- attempt = 1
- candidate_name = name
- while candidate_name in used_names:
- attempt += 1
- candidate_name = f"{name} ({attempt})"
- return candidate_name
- @api.model
- def save_snippet(self, name, arch, template_key, snippet_key, thumbnail_url):
- """
- Saves a new snippet arch so that it appears with the given name when
- using the given snippets template.
- :param name: the name of the snippet to save
- :param arch: the html structure of the snippet to save
- :param template_key: the key of the view regrouping all snippets in
- which the snippet to save is meant to appear
- :param snippet_key: the key (without module part) to identify
- the snippet from which the snippet to save originates
- :param thumbnail_url: the url of the thumbnail to use when displaying
- the snippet to save
- """
- app_name = template_key.split('.')[0]
- snippet_key = '%s_%s' % (snippet_key, uuid.uuid4().hex)
- full_snippet_key = '%s.%s' % (app_name, snippet_key)
- # find available name
- current_website = self.env['website'].browse(self._context.get('website_id'))
- website_domain = current_website.website_domain()
- used_names = self.search(expression.AND([
- [('name', '=like', '%s%%' % name)], website_domain
- ])).mapped('name')
- name = self._find_available_name(name, used_names)
- # html to xml to add '/' at the end of self closing tags like br, ...
- xml_arch = etree.tostring(html.fromstring(arch), encoding='utf-8')
- new_snippet_view_values = {
- 'name': name,
- 'key': full_snippet_key,
- 'type': 'qweb',
- 'arch': xml_arch,
- }
- new_snippet_view_values.update(self._snippet_save_view_values_hook())
- self.create(new_snippet_view_values)
- custom_section = self.search([('key', '=', template_key)])
- snippet_addition_view_values = {
- 'name': name + ' Block',
- 'key': self._get_snippet_addition_view_key(template_key, snippet_key),
- 'inherit_id': custom_section.id,
- 'type': 'qweb',
- 'arch': """
- <data inherit_id="%s">
- <xpath expr="//div[@id='snippet_custom']" position="attributes">
- <attribute name="class" remove="d-none" separator=" "/>
- </xpath>
- <xpath expr="//div[@id='snippet_custom_body']" position="inside">
- <t t-snippet="%s" t-thumbnail="%s"/>
- </xpath>
- </data>
- """ % (template_key, full_snippet_key, thumbnail_url),
- }
- snippet_addition_view_values.update(self._snippet_save_view_values_hook())
- self.create(snippet_addition_view_values)
- @api.model
- def rename_snippet(self, name, view_id, template_key):
- snippet_view = self.browse(view_id)
- key = snippet_view.key.split('.')[1]
- custom_key = self._get_snippet_addition_view_key(template_key, key)
- snippet_addition_view = self.search([('key', '=', custom_key)])
- if snippet_addition_view:
- snippet_addition_view.name = name + ' Block'
- snippet_view.name = name
- @api.model
- def delete_snippet(self, view_id, template_key):
- snippet_view = self.browse(view_id)
- key = snippet_view.key.split('.')[1]
- custom_key = self._get_snippet_addition_view_key(template_key, key)
- snippet_addition_view = self.search([('key', '=', custom_key)])
- (snippet_addition_view | snippet_view).unlink()