123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400 |
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- from odoo import api, models, tools
- from odoo.utils.model_util import const_model
- from odoo.utils.model_util.query_model_helper import QueryModelHelper
- from odoo.utils.model_util.const import get_digit_capacity_4_save_setting, DATE_LIST, get_database_value_from_value, \
- get_date_range_string, DEFAULT_COUNT_PER_PAGE
- from .report_sources.source_base import SourceBase, GROUP_FIELD, SUM_FIELD, EXPRESSION_FIELD
- from ..utils.chart import Chart, ChartType
- bi_result_dic = {} # 缓存。导出Excel、翻页时,就不用再查询一遍
- class Base(models.AbstractModel):
- _inherit = 'base'
- _module = 'jc_bi'
- def _get_bi_helper(self, detail_field, reference_field):
- # print('_get_bi_helper')
- model = self._get_model_from(detail_field, reference_field,self.env)
- helper = QueryModelHelper(self.env, model)
- # lock_column_count = 0
- # setting_list = [lock_column_count, DEFAULT_COUNT_PER_PAGE]
- # helper.set_setting(self, [], setting_list, [])
- return helper
- @api.model
- def super_query_dropdown(self, comodel):
- # todo: 是否需要权限管起来?在bi中调用这个方法
- return self.super_query_dropdown2(comodel, ['id', 'name'])
- @api.model
- def super_query_dropdown2(self, comodel, field_list):
- # todo: 是否需要权限管起来?在bi中调用这个方法
- res = self.env[comodel].sudo().search_read([], field_list)
- return res
- @api.model
- def get_source_info(self, source_name, report_style_id, report_type):
- # print('source_name:', source_name)
- # print('report_style_id:', report_style_id)
- # print('report_type:', report_type)
- exist_source = SourceBase.get_source(source_name)
- if not exist_source:
- return ''
- model = exist_source.model
- if report_type == ANALYSE:
- res = self.env[model].sudo().get_show_field(exist_source, report_style_id)
- # print('ANALYSE:', res)
- return res
- if report_type == ER_WEI:
- return self.env[model].sudo().get_er_wei(exist_source, report_style_id)
- if report_type == CHART:
- return self.env[model].sudo().get_chart(exist_source, report_style_id)
- return ''
- def get_show_field(self, source, report_style_id):
- style = self._query_style(report_style_id)
- _setting = style.detail if style else []
- helper = self._get_bi_helper(source.detail_field, source.reference_field)
- setting_list = [style.lock_column_count, style.count_per_page] if style else [0, DEFAULT_COUNT_PER_PAGE]
- helper.set_setting(_setting, [], setting_list, None)
- show_field_setting = helper.get_show_field_setting()
- # print('show_field_setting:', show_field_setting)
- return show_field_setting
- def get_er_wei(self, source, report_style_id):
- style = self._query_style(report_style_id)
- helper = self._get_bi_helper(source.detail_field, source.reference_field)
- all_fields = helper.get_all_chart_fields()
- # print('all_fields:', all_fields)
- indicator_list, er_wei_info = Base._get_er_wei_setting(style)
- return all_fields, indicator_list, er_wei_info
- def get_chart(self, source, report_style_id):
- style = self._query_style(report_style_id)
- helper = self._get_bi_helper(source.detail_field, source.reference_field)
- all_fields = helper.get_all_chart_fields()
- # print('all_fields:', all_fields)
- indicator_list, chart_info = Base._get_chart_setting(style)
- return all_fields, indicator_list, chart_info, CHART_TYPE
- def _query_style(self, report_style_id):
- if report_style_id:
- report_style_id = int(report_style_id)
- style = self.env['jc_bi.report_style'].browse(report_style_id)
- else:
- style = None
- return style
- @staticmethod
- def _get_er_wei_setting(style):
- indicator_list = [(detail.indicator_field, detail.indicator_name, detail.indicator_show_name) for detail in
- style.indication_detail]
- er_wei_info = [style.row_name, style.row_name_show, style.first_column_width,
- style.column_name, style.column_name_show, style.other_column_width]
- return indicator_list, er_wei_info
- @staticmethod
- def _get_chart_setting(style):
- indicator_list = [(detail.indicator_field, detail.indicator_name, detail.indicator_show_name) for detail in
- style.chart_detail]
- chart_info = [style.unit_name, style.unit_name_show, style.x_name, style.x_name_show, style.chart_type]
- return indicator_list, chart_info
- @api.model
- def query_condition_setting(self, report_set_id, condition_id):
- res = []
- bill = self.env[self._name].sudo().browse(int(report_set_id))
- if not bill:
- return []
- condition = self.env['jc_bi.report_label_condition'].sudo().browse(int(condition_id))
- for d in bill.detail:
- if not d.report_style_id:
- continue
- style_id = d.report_style_id.id
- style = self.env['jc_bi.report_style'].sudo().browse(style_id)
- source_name = style.source
- # print('style_id,source:', style_id, source_name)
- exist_source = SourceBase.get_source(source_name)
- if not exist_source:
- res.append([style_id, []])
- continue
- model = exist_source.model
- condition_list = self.env[model].sudo().get_style_condition(style, exist_source, condition)
- common_condition_field = Base._get_style_common_condition_field(style.id, condition)
- res.append([style_id, style.name, condition_list, common_condition_field])
- # condition_list = helper.get_pre_query_setting_condition(setting.pre_query_condition_detail)
- return res
- def get_style_condition(self, style, source, condition):
- detail = [x for x in condition.detail if x.report_style_id.id == style.id]
- helper = self._get_bi_helper(source.detail_field, source.reference_field)
- setting_list = [style.lock_column_count, style.count_per_page] if style else [0, DEFAULT_COUNT_PER_PAGE]
- _setting = style.detail if style else []
- helper.set_setting([], _setting, setting_list, None)
- condition_list = helper.get_setting_condition(detail)
- # print('style_id, condition_list:', style.id, condition_list)
- return condition_list
- @staticmethod
- def _get_style_common_condition_field(style_id, condition):
- detail = [x for x in condition.common_condition_detail if x.report_style_id.id == style_id]
- if not detail:
- return ''
- return detail[0].field
- @api.model
- def search_bi(self, label_id, style_id, page_no, date_range_condition):
- """
- BI的每一个报表的查询方法
- :param label_id: 标签ID
- :param style_id: 样式ID
- :param page_no: 第几页,用于分析
- :param date_range_condition: 右上角的日期通用条件
- :return: 查询结果
- """
- label_id = int(label_id)
- style_id = int(style_id)
- if page_no == -1: # 点击了查询按钮,或者点击了预定义查询按钮
- self._query_search_and_set_cache_bi(label_id, style_id, date_range_condition)
- return self._get_page_data_bi(label_id, style_id, page_no)
- def _query_search_and_set_cache_bi(self, label_id, style_id, date_range_condition):
- style = self.env['jc_bi.report_style'].sudo().browse(style_id)
- if not style:
- return
- label = self.env['jc_bi.report_label'].sudo().browse(int(label_id))
- condition_id = label.report_label_condition_id.id
- condition = self.env['jc_bi.report_label_condition'].sudo().browse(condition_id) if condition_id else None
- helper, count_per_page = self._get_helper_bi_query(style)
- condition_list = Base._get_condition(helper, condition, style_id)
- condition_list = Base._change_to_condition_format(condition_list)
- date_condition_list = Base._get_date_condition_list(date_range_condition, condition, style_id)
- if date_condition_list:
- condition_list += date_condition_list
- # print('condition_list:', condition_list)
- helper.set_condition_list(condition_list)
- if style.report_type == ANALYSE:
- self._query_analyse(helper, style, label_id, count_per_page)
- return
- if style.report_type == ER_WEI:
- self._query_er_wei(helper, style, label_id)
- return
- if style.report_type == CHART:
- self._query_chart(helper, style, label_id)
- return
- return
- def _query_analyse(self, helper, style, label_id, count_per_page):
- show_field_list = self._get_show_field_list(style)
- # print('show_field_list:', show_field_list)
- helper.set_query_fields_list(show_field_list)
- # # print('condition_list:', condition_list)
- # helper.set_condition_list(condition_list)
- res = helper.execute_query()
- column_name_list, rows, sum_row = res
- bi_result_dic[(label_id, style.id)] = (ANALYSE, (column_name_list, rows, sum_row, count_per_page))
- return
- def _query_er_wei(self, helper, style, label_id):
- column_list = helper.query_column(style.column_name)
- indicator_list = Base._get_indicator_list(style.indication_detail)
- # print('indicator_list:', indicator_list)
- field_expression_list, all_fields, heads_list = Base._get_indicator_expression(column_list, indicator_list,
- style.row_name,
- style.row_name_show,
- style.column_name)
- # print('start er wei:')
- # print('all fields:', all_fields)
- er_wei_data = helper.query_chart(field_expression_list, all_fields, heads_list, False)
- if er_wei_data:
- width_pair = style.get_er_wei_column_width()
- er_wei_data = er_wei_data[0], er_wei_data[1:], width_pair
- # print('er_wei_data:', er_wei_data)
- bi_result_dic[(label_id, style.id)] = (ER_WEI, er_wei_data)
- return
- def _query_chart(self, helper, style, label_id):
- column_list = helper.query_column(style.unit_name)
- indicator_list = Base._get_indicator_list(style.chart_detail)
- # print('indicator_list:', indicator_list)
- field_expression_list, all_fields, heads_list = Base._get_indicator_expression(column_list, indicator_list,
- style.x_name, style.x_name_show,
- style.unit_name)
- chart_data = helper.query_chart(field_expression_list, all_fields, heads_list)
- # print('chart_data:', chart_data)
- res = Base._get_chart(style.chart_type, chart_data)
- # print('chart:', res)
- bi_result_dic[(label_id, style.id)] = (CHART, res)
- return
- @staticmethod
- def _get_chart(chart_type, chart_data):
- helper = Chart(None)
- helper.set_data(chart_data)
- # helper.set_zoom(0, 100)
- helper.set_chart_type(Base._get_chart_type(chart_type))
- # helper.set_change_xy()
- return helper.get()
- @staticmethod
- def _get_chart_type(chart_type):
- if chart_type == LINE:
- return ChartType().line
- if chart_type == BAR:
- return ChartType().bar
- return ChartType().line
- @staticmethod
- def _get_indicator_list(style_detail):
- indicator_list = []
- for detail in style_detail:
- name = detail.indicator_show_name if detail.indicator_show_name else detail.indicator_name
- indicator_list.append((detail.indicator_field, name))
- return indicator_list
- @staticmethod
- def _get_indicator_expression(column_value_list, indicator_list, field_x_or_first, show_x_or_first,
- field_unit_or_other):
- all_fields = [field_x_or_first]
- selected_exp_list = [field_x_or_first]
- heads_list = [show_x_or_first]
- _format = "sum(case when {}={} then {} end) as {}"
- _format_none = "sum(case when {} is null then {} end) as {}"
- for name, _id in column_value_list:
- for table_field, show in indicator_list:
- all_fields.append(table_field)
- if not _id:
- name = '=无='
- selected_exp_list.append(_format_none.format(field_unit_or_other, table_field, show))
- else:
- selected_exp_list.append(_format.format(field_unit_or_other, _id, table_field, show))
- heads_list.append("{}/{}".format(name, show))
- # return ','.join(selected_exp_list), ','.join(heads_list)
- return selected_exp_list, all_fields, heads_list
- @staticmethod
- def _get_condition(helper, condition, style_id):
- if not condition:
- return []
- detail = [d for d in condition.detail if d.report_style_id.id == style_id]
- condition_list = helper.get_setting_condition(detail)
- # print('condition_list, before:', condition_list)
- condition_list = Base._clear_empty_vale_and_reset_date_value(condition_list)
- # print('condition_list, after:', condition_list)
- return condition_list
- @staticmethod
- def _get_date_condition_list(date_range_condition, condition, style_id):
- if not date_range_condition:
- return None
- if not date_range_condition[0] and not date_range_condition[1]:
- return None
- if not condition:
- return None
- common_condition_field = Base._get_style_common_condition_field(style_id, condition)
- if not common_condition_field:
- return None
- res = []
- if date_range_condition[0]:
- start = [common_condition_field, 'date', [date_range_condition[0], True]]
- res.append(start)
- if date_range_condition[1]:
- end = [common_condition_field, 'date', [date_range_condition[1], False]]
- res.append(end)
- return res
- @staticmethod
- def _clear_empty_vale_and_reset_date_value(condition_list):
- res = []
- for i, item in enumerate(condition_list):
- field, name, _type, value = item
- if not value:
- continue
- if _type in ('selection', 'many2one') and not value[0]:
- continue
- if _type != 'date':
- res.append((field, _type, value))
- continue
- start_date_define_pair, end_date_define_pair = value
- start_date_range = get_date_range_string(start_date_define_pair[0])
- end_date_range = get_date_range_string(end_date_define_pair[0])
- res.append((field, _type, [start_date_range[0], end_date_range[1]]))
- return res
- @staticmethod
- def _change_to_condition_format(condition_list):
- res = []
- for table_field, _type, value in condition_list:
- if _type == 'many2one':
- res.append([table_field, _type, value[0][0]])
- continue
- if _type == 'date':
- start, end = value
- if start:
- res.append([table_field, _type, [start, True]])
- if end:
- res.append([table_field, _type, [end, False]])
- continue
- res.append([table_field, _type, value])
- return res
- def _get_show_field_list(self, style):
- # res = []
- _list = [d for d in style.detail if d.sequence]
- # print('_list:', _list)
- _list.sort(key=lambda b: b.sequence)
- # print('style list order by sequence:', _list)
- return [d.field for d in _list if not d.field.endswith('.number_type') and not d.field.endswith('.bill_show')]
- def _get_helper_bi_query(self, style):
- model = self._get_model_from_bi(style)
- helper = QueryModelHelper(self.env, model)
- count_per_page = style.count_per_page
- if count_per_page <= 0:
- count_per_page = DEFAULT_COUNT_PER_PAGE
- setting_list = [style.lock_column_count, count_per_page]
- helper.set_setting(style.detail, [], setting_list, [])
- return helper, count_per_page
- def _get_model_from_bi(self, style):
- exist_source = SourceBase.get_source(style.source)
- if not exist_source:
- return ''
- model = exist_source.model
- table = exist_source.sql_table
- detail_field = exist_source.detail_field
- reference_field = exist_source.reference_field
- # print(' [获取 model 信息, do:', model, table)
- return const_model.get_model_from2(self, model, table, detail_field, reference_field, self._get_rec_name,
- self._get_field_info, self._get_table,self.env)
- def _get_page_data_bi(self, label_id, style_id, page_no):
- report_type, data = self.get_result_bi(label_id, style_id)
- if report_type == ANALYSE:
- return ANALYSE, self._get_analyse_result(data, page_no, label_id, style_id)
- if report_type == ER_WEI:
- return ER_WEI, (label_id, style_id, data)
- if report_type == CHART:
- return CHART, (label_id, style_id, data)
- return '', []
- def _get_analyse_result(self, data, page_no, label_id, style_id):
- column_name_list, rows, sum_row, count_per_page = data
- page_count = self._get_page_count(rows, count_per_page)
- if page_no == '全部':
- return column_name_list, rows, sum_row, page_count, len(rows), label_id, style_id
- page_no = self._get_page_no(page_no, page_count)
- start = (page_no - 1) * count_per_page
- end = page_no * count_per_page
- page_rows = rows if page_count == 1 else rows[start:end]
- return column_name_list, page_rows, sum_row, page_count, len(rows), label_id, style_id
- def get_result_bi(self, label_id, style_id):
- if (label_id, style_id) not in bi_result_dic:
- return ANALYSE, ([], [], [], DEFAULT_COUNT_PER_PAGE)
- return bi_result_dic[(label_id, style_id)]