123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186 |
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
- import json
- from odoo import api, fields, models, tools, _
- from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError
- class IrDefault(models.Model):
- """ User-defined default values for fields. """
- _name = 'ir.default'
- _description = 'Default Values'
- _rec_name = 'field_id'
- field_id = fields.Many2one('ir.model.fields', string="Field", required=True,
- ondelete='cascade', index=True)
- user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', string='User', ondelete='cascade', index=True,
- help="If set, action binding only applies for this user.")
- company_id = fields.Many2one('res.company', string='Company', ondelete='cascade', index=True,
- help="If set, action binding only applies for this company")
- condition = fields.Char('Condition', help="If set, applies the default upon condition.")
- json_value = fields.Char('Default Value (JSON format)', required=True)
- @api.constrains('json_value')
- def _check_json_format(self):
- for record in self:
- try:
- json.loads(record.json_value)
- except json.JSONDecodeError:
- raise ValidationError(_('Invalid JSON format in Default Value field.'))
- @api.model_create_multi
- def create(self, vals_list):
- self.clear_caches()
- return super(IrDefault, self).create(vals_list)
- def write(self, vals):
- if self:
- self.clear_caches()
- return super(IrDefault, self).write(vals)
- def unlink(self):
- if self:
- self.clear_caches()
- return super(IrDefault, self).unlink()
- @api.model
- def set(self, model_name, field_name, value, user_id=False, company_id=False, condition=False):
- """ Defines a default value for the given field. Any entry for the same
- scope (field, user, company) will be replaced. The value is encoded
- in JSON to be stored to the database.
- :param model_name:
- :param field_name:
- :param value:
- :param user_id: may be ``False`` for all users, ``True`` for the
- current user, or any user id
- :param company_id: may be ``False`` for all companies, ``True`` for
- the current user's company, or any company id
- :param condition: optional condition that restricts the
- applicability of the default value; this is an
- opaque string, but the client typically uses
- single-field conditions in the form ``'key=val'``.
- """
- if user_id is True:
- user_id = self.env.uid
- if company_id is True:
- company_id = self.env.company.id
- # check consistency of model_name, field_name, and value
- try:
- model = self.env[model_name]
- field = model._fields[field_name]
- field.convert_to_cache(value, model)
- json_value = json.dumps(value, ensure_ascii=False)
- except KeyError:
- raise ValidationError(_("Invalid field %s.%s") % (model_name, field_name))
- except Exception:
- raise ValidationError(_("Invalid value for %s.%s: %s") % (model_name, field_name, value))
- # update existing default for the same scope, or create one
- field = self.env['ir.model.fields']._get(model_name, field_name)
- default = self.search([
- ('field_id', '=', field.id),
- ('user_id', '=', user_id),
- ('company_id', '=', company_id),
- ('condition', '=', condition),
- ])
- if default:
- # Avoid clearing the cache if nothing changes
- if default.json_value != json_value:
- default.write({'json_value': json_value})
- else:
- self.create({
- 'field_id': field.id,
- 'user_id': user_id,
- 'company_id': company_id,
- 'condition': condition,
- 'json_value': json_value,
- })
- return True
- @api.model
- def get(self, model_name, field_name, user_id=False, company_id=False, condition=False):
- """ Return the default value for the given field, user and company, or
- ``None`` if no default is available.
- :param model_name:
- :param field_name:
- :param user_id: may be ``False`` for all users, ``True`` for the
- current user, or any user id
- :param company_id: may be ``False`` for all companies, ``True`` for
- the current user's company, or any company id
- :param condition: optional condition that restricts the
- applicability of the default value; this is an
- opaque string, but the client typically uses
- single-field conditions in the form ``'key=val'``.
- """
- if user_id is True:
- user_id = self.env.uid
- if company_id is True:
- company_id = self.env.company.id
- field = self.env['ir.model.fields']._get(model_name, field_name)
- default = self.search([
- ('field_id', '=', field.id),
- ('user_id', '=', user_id),
- ('company_id', '=', company_id),
- ('condition', '=', condition),
- ], limit=1)
- return json.loads(default.json_value) if default else None
- @api.model
- @tools.ormcache('self.env.uid', 'self.env.company.id', 'model_name', 'condition')
- # Note about ormcache invalidation: it is not needed when deleting a field,
- # a user, or a company, as the corresponding defaults will no longer be
- # requested. It must only be done when a user's company is modified.
- def get_model_defaults(self, model_name, condition=False):
- """ Return the available default values for the given model (for the
- current user), as a dict mapping field names to values.
- """
- cr = self.env.cr
- query = """ SELECT f.name, d.json_value
- FROM ir_default d
- JOIN ir_model_fields f ON d.field_id=f.id
- WHERE f.model=%s
- AND (d.user_id IS NULL OR d.user_id=%s)
- AND (d.company_id IS NULL OR d.company_id=%s)
- AND {}
- ORDER BY d.user_id, d.company_id, d.id
- """
- # self.env.company is empty when there is no user (controllers with auth=None)
- params = [model_name, self.env.uid, self.env.company.id or None]
- if condition:
- query = query.format("d.condition=%s")
- params.append(condition)
- else:
- query = query.format("d.condition IS NULL")
- cr.execute(query, params)
- result = {}
- for row in cr.fetchall():
- # keep the highest priority default for each field
- if row[0] not in result:
- result[row[0]] = json.loads(row[1])
- return result
- @api.model
- def discard_records(self, records):
- """ Discard all the defaults of many2one fields using any of the given
- records.
- """
- json_vals = [json.dumps(id) for id in records.ids]
- domain = [('field_id.ttype', '=', 'many2one'),
- ('field_id.relation', '=', records._name),
- ('json_value', 'in', json_vals)]
- return self.search(domain).unlink()
- @api.model
- def discard_values(self, model_name, field_name, values):
- """ Discard all the defaults for any of the given values. """
- field = self.env['ir.model.fields']._get(model_name, field_name)
- json_vals = [json.dumps(value, ensure_ascii=False) for value in values]
- domain = [('field_id', '=', field.id), ('json_value', 'in', json_vals)]
- return self.search(domain).unlink()