uk.po 22 KB

  1. # Translation of Odoo Server.
  2. # This file contains the translation of the following modules:
  3. # * account_edi
  4. #
  5. # Translators:
  6. # Martin Trigaux, 2022
  7. # Alina Lisnenko <>, 2023
  8. #
  9. msgid ""
  10. msgstr ""
  11. "Project-Id-Version: Odoo Server 16.0\n"
  12. "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
  13. "POT-Creation-Date: 2023-04-14 05:51+0000\n"
  14. "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-09-22 05:44+0000\n"
  15. "Last-Translator: Alina Lisnenko <>, 2023\n"
  16. "Language-Team: Ukrainian (\n"
  17. "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  18. "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  19. "Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
  20. "Language: uk\n"
  21. "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n % 1 == 0 && n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11 ? 0 : n % 1 == 0 && n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <= 4 && (n % 100 < 12 || n % 100 > 14) ? 1 : n % 1 == 0 && (n % 10 ==0 || (n % 10 >=5 && n % 10 <=9) || (n % 100 >=11 && n % 100 <=14 )) ? 2: 3);\n"
  22. #. module: account_edi
  23. #. odoo-python
  24. #: code:addons/account_edi/models/
  25. #, python-format
  26. msgid " Electronic invoicing error(s)"
  27. msgstr "Помилка електронного виставлення рахунку"
  28. #. module: account_edi
  29. #. odoo-python
  30. #: code:addons/account_edi/models/
  31. #, python-format
  32. msgid " Electronic invoicing info(s)"
  33. msgstr "Інформація електронного виставлення рахунку"
  34. #. module: account_edi
  35. #. odoo-python
  36. #: code:addons/account_edi/models/
  37. #, python-format
  38. msgid " Electronic invoicing warning(s)"
  39. msgstr "Попередження електронного виставлення рахунку"
  40. #. module: account_edi
  41. #. odoo-python
  42. #: code:addons/account_edi/models/
  43. #, python-format
  44. msgid "A cancellation of the EDI has been requested."
  45. msgstr "Надіслано запит на скасування EDI."
  46. #. module: account_edi
  47. #. odoo-python
  48. #: code:addons/account_edi/models/
  49. #, python-format
  50. msgid "A request for cancellation of the EDI has been called off."
  51. msgstr "Запит на скасування EDI було скасовано."
  52. #. module: account_edi
  53. #: model:ir.model,name:account_edi.model_ir_attachment
  54. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_edi_document__attachment_id
  55. msgid "Attachment"
  56. msgstr "Прикріплення"
  57. #. module: account_edi
  58. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_edi_document__blocking_level
  59. msgid "Blocking Level"
  60. msgstr "Рівень блокування"
  61. #. module: account_edi
  62. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:account_edi.field_account_edi_document__blocking_level
  63. msgid ""
  64. "Blocks the current operation of the document depending on the error severity:\n"
  65. " * Info: the document is not blocked and everything is working as it should.\n"
  66. " * Warning: there is an error that doesn't prevent the current Electronic Invoicing operation to succeed.\n"
  67. " * Error: there is an error that blocks the current Electronic Invoicing operation."
  68. msgstr ""
  69. "Блокує поточну роботу з документом залежно від серйозності помилки:\n"
  70. "* Інформація: документ не заблокований і все працює як треба.\n"
  71. "* Попередження: є помилка, яка не перешкоджає успішному виконанню поточної операції електронного виставлення рахунка.\n"
  72. "* Помилка: є помилка, яка блокує поточну операцію електронного виставлення рахунку."
  73. #. module: account_edi
  74. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:account_edi.view_move_form_inherit
  75. msgid "Call off EDI Cancellation"
  76. msgstr "Відкликати скасування EDI"
  77. #. module: account_edi
  78. #: model:ir.model.fields.selection,name:account_edi.selection__account_edi_document__state__cancelled
  79. #: model:ir.model.fields.selection,name:account_edi.selection__account_move__edi_state__cancelled
  80. msgid "Cancelled"
  81. msgstr "Скасовано"
  82. #. module: account_edi
  83. #. odoo-python
  84. #: code:addons/account_edi/models/
  85. #, python-format
  86. msgid ""
  87. "Cannot deactivate (%s) on this journal because not all documents are "
  88. "synchronized"
  89. msgstr ""
  90. "Не можна деактивувати (%s) на цьому журналі, тому що не всі документи "
  91. "синхронізовано"
  92. #. module: account_edi
  93. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_edi_format__code
  94. msgid "Code"
  95. msgstr "Код"
  96. #. module: account_edi
  97. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_journal__compatible_edi_ids
  98. msgid "Compatible Edi"
  99. msgstr "Сумісний Edi"
  100. #. module: account_edi
  101. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_edi_document__create_uid
  102. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_edi_format__create_uid
  103. msgid "Created by"
  104. msgstr "Створив"
  105. #. module: account_edi
  106. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_edi_document__create_date
  107. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_edi_format__create_date
  108. msgid "Created on"
  109. msgstr "Створено"
  110. #. module: account_edi
  111. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_edi_document__display_name
  112. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_edi_format__display_name
  113. msgid "Display Name"
  114. msgstr "Назва для відображення"
  115. #. module: account_edi
  116. #. odoo-python
  117. #: code:addons/account_edi/models/
  118. #, python-format
  119. msgid "Display the currency"
  120. msgstr "Відобразити валюту"
  121. #. module: account_edi
  122. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:account_edi.view_move_form_inherit
  123. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:account_edi.view_payment_form_inherit
  124. msgid "Download"
  125. msgstr "Завантажити"
  126. #. module: account_edi
  127. #: model:ir.actions.server,name:account_edi.ir_cron_edi_network_ir_actions_server
  128. #: model:ir.cron,cron_name:account_edi.ir_cron_edi_network
  129. msgid "EDI : Perform web services operations"
  130. msgstr "EDI : Обробіть операції веб-послуг"
  131. #. module: account_edi
  132. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:account_edi.view_move_form_inherit
  133. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:account_edi.view_payment_form_inherit
  134. msgid "EDI Documents"
  135. msgstr "Документи EDI"
  136. #. module: account_edi
  137. #: model:ir.model,name:account_edi.model_account_edi_format
  138. msgid "EDI format"
  139. msgstr "Формат EDI"
  140. #. module: account_edi
  141. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:account_edi.field_account_journal__compatible_edi_ids
  142. msgid "EDI format that support moves in this journal"
  143. msgstr "Формат EDI, що підтримує переміщення у цьому журналі"
  144. #. module: account_edi
  145. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_bank_statement_line__edi_blocking_level
  146. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_move__edi_blocking_level
  147. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_payment__edi_blocking_level
  148. msgid "Edi Blocking Level"
  149. msgstr "Рівень блокування Edi"
  150. #. module: account_edi
  151. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_edi_document__edi_content
  152. msgid "Edi Content"
  153. msgstr "Вміст Edi"
  154. #. module: account_edi
  155. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_bank_statement_line__edi_document_ids
  156. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_move__edi_document_ids
  157. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_payment__edi_document_ids
  158. msgid "Edi Document"
  159. msgstr "Документ Edi"
  160. #. module: account_edi
  161. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_bank_statement_line__edi_error_count
  162. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_move__edi_error_count
  163. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_payment__edi_error_count
  164. msgid "Edi Error Count"
  165. msgstr "Підрахунок помилок Edi"
  166. #. module: account_edi
  167. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_bank_statement_line__edi_error_message
  168. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_move__edi_error_message
  169. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_payment__edi_error_message
  170. msgid "Edi Error Message"
  171. msgstr "Повідомлення про помилку Edi"
  172. #. module: account_edi
  173. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_edi_document__edi_format_id
  174. msgid "Edi Format"
  175. msgstr "Формат Edi"
  176. #. module: account_edi
  177. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_bank_statement_line__edi_show_abandon_cancel_button
  178. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_move__edi_show_abandon_cancel_button
  179. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_payment__edi_show_abandon_cancel_button
  180. msgid "Edi Show Abandon Cancel Button"
  181. msgstr "Показати кнопку скасування Edi"
  182. #. module: account_edi
  183. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_bank_statement_line__edi_show_cancel_button
  184. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_move__edi_show_cancel_button
  185. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_payment__edi_show_cancel_button
  186. msgid "Edi Show Cancel Button"
  187. msgstr "Кнопка приховання Edi"
  188. #. module: account_edi
  189. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_bank_statement_line__edi_web_services_to_process
  190. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_move__edi_web_services_to_process
  191. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_payment__edi_web_services_to_process
  192. msgid "Edi Web Services To Process"
  193. msgstr "Обробити веб-послуги Edi"
  194. #. module: account_edi
  195. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:account_edi.view_account_journal_form_inherited
  196. msgid "Electronic Data Interchange"
  197. msgstr "Обмін електронними даними"
  198. #. module: account_edi
  199. #: model:ir.model,name:account_edi.model_account_edi_document
  200. msgid "Electronic Document for an account.move"
  201. msgstr "Електронний документ для account.move"
  202. #. module: account_edi
  203. #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account_edi.action_open_edi_documents
  204. #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account_edi.action_open_payment_edi_documents
  205. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_bank_statement_line__edi_state
  206. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_journal__edi_format_ids
  207. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_move__edi_state
  208. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_payment__edi_state
  209. msgid "Electronic invoicing"
  210. msgstr "Електронне виставлення рахунків"
  211. #. module: account_edi
  212. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:account_edi.view_account_invoice_filter
  213. msgid "Electronic invoicing processing needed"
  214. msgstr "Необхідна обробка електронних рахунків"
  215. #. module: account_edi
  216. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:account_edi.view_account_invoice_filter
  217. msgid "Electronic invoicing state"
  218. msgstr "Статус електронного виставлення рахунку"
  219. #. module: account_edi
  220. #: model:ir.model,name:account_edi.model_mail_template
  221. msgid "Email Templates"
  222. msgstr "Шаблони електронних листів"
  223. #. module: account_edi
  224. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_edi_document__error
  225. #: model:ir.model.fields.selection,name:account_edi.selection__account_edi_document__blocking_level__error
  226. #: model:ir.model.fields.selection,name:account_edi.selection__account_move__edi_blocking_level__error
  227. msgid "Error"
  228. msgstr "Помилка"
  229. #. module: account_edi
  230. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_edi_document__edi_format_name
  231. msgid "Format Name"
  232. msgstr "Назва формату"
  233. #. module: account_edi
  234. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:account_edi.field_account_bank_statement_line__edi_error_count
  235. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:account_edi.field_account_move__edi_error_count
  236. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:account_edi.field_account_payment__edi_error_count
  237. msgid "How many EDIs are in error for this move ?"
  238. msgstr "Скільки EDI у помилці для цього переміщення?"
  239. #. module: account_edi
  240. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_edi_document__id
  241. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_edi_format__id
  242. msgid "ID"
  243. msgstr "ID"
  244. #. module: account_edi
  245. #: model:ir.model.fields.selection,name:account_edi.selection__account_edi_document__blocking_level__info
  246. #: model:ir.model.fields.selection,name:account_edi.selection__account_move__edi_blocking_level__info
  247. msgid "Info"
  248. msgstr "Інформація"
  249. #. module: account_edi
  250. #. odoo-python
  251. #: code:addons/account_edi/models/
  252. #, python-format
  253. msgid ""
  254. "Invalid invoice configuration:\n"
  255. "\n"
  256. "%s"
  257. msgstr ""
  258. "Недійсне налаштування рахунку:\n"
  259. "\n"
  260. "%s"
  261. #. module: account_edi
  262. #: model:ir.model,name:account_edi.model_account_journal
  263. msgid "Journal"
  264. msgstr "Журнал"
  265. #. module: account_edi
  266. #: model:ir.model,name:account_edi.model_account_move
  267. msgid "Journal Entry"
  268. msgstr "Запис у журналі"
  269. #. module: account_edi
  270. #: model:ir.model,name:account_edi.model_account_move_line
  271. msgid "Journal Item"
  272. msgstr "Запис у журналі"
  273. #. module: account_edi
  274. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_edi_document____last_update
  275. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_edi_format____last_update
  276. msgid "Last Modified on"
  277. msgstr "Остання модифікація"
  278. #. module: account_edi
  279. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_edi_document__write_uid
  280. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_edi_format__write_uid
  281. msgid "Last Updated by"
  282. msgstr "Востаннє оновив"
  283. #. module: account_edi
  284. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_edi_document__write_date
  285. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_edi_format__write_date
  286. msgid "Last Updated on"
  287. msgstr "Останнє оновлення"
  288. #. module: account_edi
  289. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_edi_document__move_id
  290. msgid "Move"
  291. msgstr "Переміщення"
  292. #. module: account_edi
  293. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_edi_document__name
  294. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_edi_format__name
  295. msgid "Name"
  296. msgstr "Назва"
  297. #. module: account_edi
  298. #: model:ir.model.constraint,message:account_edi.constraint_account_edi_document_unique_edi_document_by_move_by_format
  299. msgid "Only one edi document by move by format"
  300. msgstr "Лише один документ edi на переміщення формату"
  301. #. module: account_edi
  302. #: model:ir.model,name:account_edi.model_account_payment
  303. msgid "Payments"
  304. msgstr "Платежі"
  305. #. module: account_edi
  306. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:account_edi.view_move_form_inherit
  307. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:account_edi.view_payment_form_inherit
  308. msgid "Process now"
  309. msgstr "Обробити зараз"
  310. #. module: account_edi
  311. #: model:ir.model,name:account_edi.model_uom_uom
  312. msgid "Product Unit of Measure"
  313. msgstr "Одиниця вимірювання товару"
  314. #. module: account_edi
  315. #: model:ir.model,name:account_edi.model_ir_actions_report
  316. msgid "Report Action"
  317. msgstr "Дія звіту"
  318. #. module: account_edi
  319. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:account_edi.view_move_form_inherit
  320. msgid "Request EDI Cancellation"
  321. msgstr "Надіслати запит на скасування EDI"
  322. #. module: account_edi
  323. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:account_edi.view_move_form_inherit
  324. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:account_edi.view_payment_form_inherit
  325. msgid "Retry"
  326. msgstr "Повторити"
  327. #. module: account_edi
  328. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:account_edi.field_account_journal__edi_format_ids
  329. msgid "Send XML/EDI invoices"
  330. msgstr "Надіслати рахунки XML/EDI"
  331. #. module: account_edi
  332. #: model:ir.model.fields.selection,name:account_edi.selection__account_edi_document__state__sent
  333. #: model:ir.model.fields.selection,name:account_edi.selection__account_move__edi_state__sent
  334. msgid "Sent"
  335. msgstr "Надіслано"
  336. #. module: account_edi
  337. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:account_edi.field_account_edi_document__state
  338. msgid "State"
  339. msgstr "Статус"
  340. #. module: account_edi
  341. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:account_edi.field_account_bank_statement_line__edi_state
  342. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:account_edi.field_account_move__edi_state
  343. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:account_edi.field_account_payment__edi_state
  344. msgid "The aggregated state of all the EDIs with web-service of this move"
  345. msgstr "Зведений стан усіх EDI з веб-сервісом цього переміщення"
  346. #. module: account_edi
  347. #. odoo-python
  348. #: code:addons/account_edi/models/
  349. #, python-format
  350. msgid ""
  351. "The currency (%s) of the document you are uploading is not active in this database.\n"
  352. "Please activate it and update the currency rate if needed before trying again to import."
  353. msgstr ""
  354. "Валюта (%s) документу, який ви завантажуєте, неактивна в цій базі даних.\n"
  355. "Активуйте її та оновіть курс валют, якщо потрібно, перш ніж спробувати знову імпортувати."
  356. #. module: account_edi
  357. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:account_edi.field_account_edi_document__attachment_id
  358. msgid ""
  359. "The file generated by edi_format_id when the invoice is posted (and this "
  360. "document is processed)."
  361. msgstr ""
  362. "Файл створений edi_format_id під час публікації рахунку (і цей документ "
  363. "обробляється)."
  364. #. module: account_edi
  365. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:account_edi.view_move_form_inherit
  366. msgid ""
  367. "The invoice will be processed asynchronously by the following E-invoicing "
  368. "service :"
  369. msgstr ""
  370. "Рахунок-фактура оброблятиметься асинхронно наступною службою електронного "
  371. "виставлення рахунків:"
  372. #. module: account_edi
  373. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:account_edi.view_payment_form_inherit
  374. msgid ""
  375. "The payment will be processed asynchronously by the following E-invoicing "
  376. "service :"
  377. msgstr ""
  378. "Платіж оброблятиметься асинхронно за допомогою наступної служби електронного"
  379. " виставлення рахунків:"
  380. #. module: account_edi
  381. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:account_edi.field_account_edi_document__error
  382. msgid ""
  383. "The text of the last error that happened during Electronic Invoice "
  384. "operation."
  385. msgstr ""
  386. "Текст останньої помилки, що виникла під час операції електронного рахунку."
  387. #. module: account_edi
  388. #: model:ir.model.constraint,message:account_edi.constraint_account_edi_format_unique_code
  389. msgid "This code already exists"
  390. msgstr "Цей код вже існує"
  391. #. module: account_edi
  392. #. odoo-python
  393. #: code:addons/account_edi/models/
  394. #, python-format
  395. msgid "This document is being sent by another process already. "
  396. msgstr "Цей документ уже надсилається іншим процесом."
  397. #. module: account_edi
  398. #: model:ir.model.fields.selection,name:account_edi.selection__account_edi_document__state__to_cancel
  399. #: model:ir.model.fields.selection,name:account_edi.selection__account_move__edi_state__to_cancel
  400. msgid "To Cancel"
  401. msgstr "Скасувати"
  402. #. module: account_edi
  403. #: model:ir.model.fields.selection,name:account_edi.selection__account_edi_document__state__to_send
  404. #: model:ir.model.fields.selection,name:account_edi.selection__account_move__edi_state__to_send
  405. msgid "To Send"
  406. msgstr "Надіслати"
  407. #. module: account_edi
  408. #: model:ir.model.fields.selection,name:account_edi.selection__account_edi_document__blocking_level__warning
  409. #: model:ir.model.fields.selection,name:account_edi.selection__account_move__edi_blocking_level__warning
  410. msgid "Warning"
  411. msgstr "Попередження"
  412. #. module: account_edi
  413. #. odoo-python
  414. #: code:addons/account_edi/models/
  415. #, python-format
  416. msgid ""
  417. "You can't edit the following journal entry %s because an electronic document"
  418. " has already been sent. Please use the 'Request EDI Cancellation' button "
  419. "instead."
  420. msgstr ""
  421. "Ви не можете редагувати наступний запис журналу %s, тому що електронний "
  422. "документ вже надіслано. Замість цього використовуйте кнопку 'Запит на "
  423. "скасування EDI'."
  424. #. module: account_edi
  425. #. odoo-python
  426. #: code:addons/account_edi/models/
  427. #, python-format
  428. msgid ""
  429. "You can't unlink an attachment being an EDI document sent to the government."
  430. msgstr ""
  431. "Ви не можете від’єднати прикріплення, яке є документом EDI, надісланим "
  432. "державним органам."
  433. #. module: account_edi
  434. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:account_edi.view_move_form_inherit
  435. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:account_edi.view_payment_form_inherit
  436. msgid "⇒ See errors"
  437. msgstr "⇒ Переглянути помилки"