__manifest__.py 1.7 KB

  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
  3. {
  4. 'name' : 'Fleet',
  5. 'version' : '0.1',
  6. 'sequence': 185,
  7. 'category': 'Human Resources/Fleet',
  8. 'website' : 'https://www.odoo.com/app/fleet',
  9. 'summary' : 'Manage your fleet and track car costs',
  10. 'description' : """
  11. Vehicle, leasing, insurances, cost
  12. ==================================
  13. With this module, Odoo helps you managing all your vehicles, the
  14. contracts associated to those vehicle as well as services, costs
  15. and many other features necessary to the management of your fleet
  16. of vehicle(s)
  17. Main Features
  18. -------------
  19. * Add vehicles to your fleet
  20. * Manage contracts for vehicles
  21. * Reminder when a contract reach its expiration date
  22. * Add services, odometer values for all vehicles
  23. * Show all costs associated to a vehicle or to a type of service
  24. * Analysis graph for costs
  25. """,
  26. 'depends': [
  27. 'base',
  28. 'mail',
  29. ],
  30. 'data': [
  31. 'security/fleet_security.xml',
  32. 'security/ir.model.access.csv',
  33. 'views/fleet_vehicle_model_views.xml',
  34. 'views/fleet_vehicle_views.xml',
  35. 'views/fleet_vehicle_cost_views.xml',
  36. 'views/fleet_board_view.xml',
  37. 'views/mail_activity_views.xml',
  38. 'views/res_config_settings_views.xml',
  39. 'data/fleet_cars_data.xml',
  40. 'data/fleet_data.xml',
  41. 'data/mail_message_subtype_data.xml',
  42. 'data/mail_activity_type_data.xml',
  43. ],
  44. 'demo': ['data/fleet_demo.xml'],
  45. 'installable': True,
  46. 'application': True,
  47. 'assets': {
  48. 'web.assets_backend': [
  49. 'fleet/static/src/**/*',
  50. ],
  51. },
  52. 'license': 'LGPL-3',
  53. }