123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330 |
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
- import pytz
- from dateutil.parser import parse
- from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
- from uuid import uuid4
- from odoo import api, fields, models, tools, _
- from odoo.addons.google_calendar.utils.google_calendar import GoogleCalendarService
- class Meeting(models.Model):
- _name = 'calendar.event'
- _inherit = ['calendar.event', 'google.calendar.sync']
- google_id = fields.Char(
- 'Google Calendar Event Id', compute='_compute_google_id', store=True, readonly=False)
- @api.depends('recurrence_id.google_id')
- def _compute_google_id(self):
- # google ids of recurring events are built from the recurrence id and the
- # original starting time in the recurrence.
- # The `start` field does not appear in the dependencies on purpose!
- # Event if the event is moved, the google_id remains the same.
- for event in self:
- google_recurrence_id = event.recurrence_id._get_event_google_id(event)
- if not event.google_id and google_recurrence_id:
- event.google_id = google_recurrence_id
- elif not event.google_id:
- event.google_id = False
- @api.model
- def _get_google_synced_fields(self):
- return {'name', 'description', 'allday', 'start', 'date_end', 'stop',
- 'attendee_ids', 'alarm_ids', 'location', 'privacy', 'active'}
- @api.model
- def _restart_google_sync(self):
- self.env['calendar.event'].search(self._get_sync_domain()).write({
- 'need_sync': True,
- })
- @api.model_create_multi
- def create(self, vals_list):
- notify_context = self.env.context.get('dont_notify', False)
- return super(Meeting, self.with_context(dont_notify=notify_context)).create([
- dict(vals, need_sync=False) if vals.get('recurrence_id') or vals.get('recurrency') else vals
- for vals in vals_list
- ])
- @api.model
- def _check_values_to_sync(self, values):
- """ Return True if values being updated intersects with Google synced values and False otherwise. """
- synced_fields = self._get_google_synced_fields()
- values_to_sync = any(key in synced_fields for key in values)
- return values_to_sync
- @api.model
- def _get_update_future_events_values(self):
- """ Add parameters for updating events within the _update_future_events function scope. """
- update_future_events_values = super()._get_update_future_events_values()
- return {**update_future_events_values, 'need_sync': False}
- @api.model
- def _get_remove_sync_id_values(self):
- """ Add parameters for removing event synchronization while updating the events in super class. """
- remove_sync_id_values = super()._get_remove_sync_id_values()
- return {**remove_sync_id_values, 'google_id': False}
- @api.model
- def _get_archive_values(self):
- """ Return the parameters for archiving events. Do not synchronize events after archiving. """
- archive_values = super()._get_archive_values()
- return {**archive_values, 'need_sync': False}
- def write(self, values):
- recurrence_update_setting = values.get('recurrence_update')
- if recurrence_update_setting in ('all_events', 'future_events') and len(self) == 1:
- values = dict(values, need_sync=False)
- notify_context = self.env.context.get('dont_notify', False)
- res = super(Meeting, self.with_context(dont_notify=notify_context)).write(values)
- if recurrence_update_setting in ('all_events',) and len(self) == 1 and values.keys() & self._get_google_synced_fields():
- self.recurrence_id.need_sync = True
- return res
- def _get_sync_domain(self):
- # in case of full sync, limit to a range of 1y in past and 1y in the future by default
- ICP = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo()
- day_range = int(ICP.get_param('google_calendar.sync.range_days', default=365))
- lower_bound = fields.Datetime.subtract(fields.Datetime.now(), days=day_range)
- upper_bound = fields.Datetime.add(fields.Datetime.now(), days=day_range)
- return [
- ('partner_ids.user_ids', 'in', self.env.user.id),
- ('stop', '>', lower_bound),
- ('start', '<', upper_bound),
- # Do not sync events that follow the recurrence, they are already synced at recurrence creation
- '!', '&', '&', ('recurrency', '=', True), ('recurrence_id', '!=', False), ('follow_recurrence', '=', True)
- ]
- @api.model
- def _odoo_values(self, google_event, default_reminders=()):
- if google_event.is_cancelled():
- return {'active': False}
- # default_reminders is never () it is set to google's default reminder (30 min before)
- # we need to check 'useDefault' for the event to determine if we have to use google's
- # default reminder or not
- reminder_command = google_event.reminders.get('overrides')
- if not reminder_command:
- reminder_command = google_event.reminders.get('useDefault') and default_reminders or ()
- alarm_commands = self._odoo_reminders_commands(reminder_command)
- attendee_commands, partner_commands = self._odoo_attendee_commands(google_event)
- related_event = self.search([('google_id', '=', google_event.id)], limit=1)
- name = google_event.summary or related_event and related_event.name or _("(No title)")
- values = {
- 'name': name,
- 'description': google_event.description and tools.html_sanitize(google_event.description),
- 'location': google_event.location,
- 'user_id': google_event.owner(self.env).id,
- 'privacy': google_event.visibility or self.default_get(['privacy'])['privacy'],
- 'attendee_ids': attendee_commands,
- 'alarm_ids': alarm_commands,
- 'recurrency': google_event.is_recurrent(),
- 'videocall_location': google_event.get_meeting_url(),
- 'show_as': 'free' if google_event.is_available() else 'busy'
- }
- if partner_commands:
- # Add partner_commands only if set from Google. The write method on calendar_events will
- # override attendee commands if the partner_ids command is set but empty.
- values['partner_ids'] = partner_commands
- if not google_event.is_recurrence():
- values['google_id'] = google_event.id
- if google_event.is_recurrent() and not google_event.is_recurrence():
- # Propagate the follow_recurrence according to the google result
- values['follow_recurrence'] = google_event.is_recurrence_follower()
- if google_event.start.get('dateTime'):
- # starting from python3.7, use the new [datetime, date].fromisoformat method
- start = parse(google_event.start.get('dateTime')).astimezone(pytz.utc).replace(tzinfo=None)
- stop = parse(google_event.end.get('dateTime')).astimezone(pytz.utc).replace(tzinfo=None)
- values['allday'] = False
- else:
- start = parse(google_event.start.get('date'))
- stop = parse(google_event.end.get('date')) - relativedelta(days=1)
- # Stop date should be exclusive as defined here https://developers.google.com/calendar/v3/reference/events#resource
- # but it seems that's not always the case for old event
- if stop < start:
- stop = parse(google_event.end.get('date'))
- values['allday'] = True
- if related_event['start'] != start:
- values['start'] = start
- if related_event['stop'] != stop:
- values['stop'] = stop
- return values
- @api.model
- def _odoo_attendee_commands(self, google_event):
- attendee_commands = []
- partner_commands = []
- google_attendees = google_event.attendees or []
- if len(google_attendees) == 0 and google_event.organizer and google_event.organizer.get('self', False):
- user = google_event.owner(self.env)
- google_attendees += [{
- 'email': user.partner_id.email,
- 'responseStatus': 'accepted',
- }]
- emails = [a.get('email') for a in google_attendees]
- existing_attendees = self.env['calendar.attendee']
- if google_event.exists(self.env):
- event = google_event.get_odoo_event(self.env)
- existing_attendees = event.attendee_ids
- attendees_by_emails = {tools.email_normalize(a.email): a for a in existing_attendees}
- partners = self._get_sync_partner(emails)
- for attendee in zip(emails, partners, google_attendees):
- email = attendee[0]
- if email in attendees_by_emails:
- # Update existing attendees
- attendee_commands += [(1, attendees_by_emails[email].id, {'state': attendee[2].get('responseStatus')})]
- else:
- # Create new attendees
- if attendee[2].get('self'):
- partner = self.env.user.partner_id
- elif attendee[1]:
- partner = attendee[1]
- else:
- continue
- attendee_commands += [(0, 0, {'state': attendee[2].get('responseStatus'), 'partner_id': partner.id})]
- partner_commands += [(4, partner.id)]
- if attendee[2].get('displayName') and not partner.name:
- partner.name = attendee[2].get('displayName')
- for odoo_attendee in attendees_by_emails.values():
- # Remove old attendees but only if it does not correspond to the current user.
- email = tools.email_normalize(odoo_attendee.email)
- if email not in emails and email != self.env.user.email:
- attendee_commands += [(2, odoo_attendee.id)]
- partner_commands += [(3, odoo_attendee.partner_id.id)]
- return attendee_commands, partner_commands
- @api.model
- def _odoo_reminders_commands(self, reminders=()):
- commands = []
- for reminder in reminders:
- alarm_type = 'email' if reminder.get('method') == 'email' else 'notification'
- alarm_type_label = _("Email") if alarm_type == 'email' else _("Notification")
- minutes = reminder.get('minutes', 0)
- alarm = self.env['calendar.alarm'].search([
- ('alarm_type', '=', alarm_type),
- ('duration_minutes', '=', minutes)
- ], limit=1)
- if alarm:
- commands += [(4, alarm.id)]
- else:
- if minutes % (60*24) == 0:
- interval = 'days'
- duration = minutes / 60 / 24
- name = _(
- "%(reminder_type)s - %(duration)s Days",
- reminder_type=alarm_type_label,
- duration=duration,
- )
- elif minutes % 60 == 0:
- interval = 'hours'
- duration = minutes / 60
- name = _(
- "%(reminder_type)s - %(duration)s Hours",
- reminder_type=alarm_type_label,
- duration=duration,
- )
- else:
- interval = 'minutes'
- duration = minutes
- name = _(
- "%(reminder_type)s - %(duration)s Minutes",
- reminder_type=alarm_type_label,
- duration=duration,
- )
- commands += [(0, 0, {'duration': duration, 'interval': interval, 'name': name, 'alarm_type': alarm_type})]
- return commands
- def action_mass_archive(self, recurrence_update_setting):
- """ Delete recurrence in Odoo if in 'all_events' or in 'future_events' edge case, triggering one mail. """
- self.ensure_one()
- google_service = GoogleCalendarService(self.env['google.service'])
- archive_future_events = recurrence_update_setting == 'future_events' and self == self.recurrence_id.base_event_id
- if recurrence_update_setting == 'all_events' or archive_future_events:
- self.recurrence_id.with_context(is_recurrence=True)._google_delete(google_service, self.recurrence_id.google_id)
- # Increase performance handling 'future_events' edge case as it was an 'all_events' update.
- if archive_future_events:
- recurrence_update_setting = 'all_events'
- super(Meeting, self).action_mass_archive(recurrence_update_setting)
- def _google_values(self):
- if self.allday:
- start = {'date': self.start_date.isoformat()}
- end = {'date': (self.stop_date + relativedelta(days=1)).isoformat()}
- else:
- start = {'dateTime': pytz.utc.localize(self.start).isoformat()}
- end = {'dateTime': pytz.utc.localize(self.stop).isoformat()}
- reminders = [{
- 'method': "email" if alarm.alarm_type == "email" else "popup",
- 'minutes': alarm.duration_minutes
- } for alarm in self.alarm_ids]
- attendees = self.attendee_ids
- attendee_values = [{
- 'email': attendee.partner_id.email_normalized,
- 'responseStatus': attendee.state or 'needsAction',
- } for attendee in attendees if attendee.partner_id.email_normalized]
- # We sort the attendees to avoid undeterministic test fails. It's not mandatory for Google.
- attendee_values.sort(key=lambda k: k['email'])
- values = {
- 'id': self.google_id,
- 'start': start,
- 'end': end,
- 'summary': self.name,
- 'description': tools.html_sanitize(self.description) if not tools.is_html_empty(self.description) else '',
- 'location': self.location or '',
- 'guestsCanModify': True,
- 'organizer': {'email': self.user_id.email, 'self': self.user_id == self.env.user},
- 'attendees': attendee_values,
- 'extendedProperties': {
- 'shared': {
- '%s_odoo_id' % self.env.cr.dbname: self.id,
- },
- },
- 'reminders': {
- 'overrides': reminders,
- 'useDefault': False,
- }
- }
- if not self.google_id and not self.videocall_location:
- values['conferenceData'] = {'createRequest': {'requestId': uuid4().hex}}
- if self.privacy:
- values['visibility'] = self.privacy
- if not self.active:
- values['status'] = 'cancelled'
- if self.user_id and self.user_id != self.env.user and not bool(self.user_id.sudo().google_calendar_token):
- # The organizer is an Odoo user that do not sync his calendar
- values['extendedProperties']['shared']['%s_owner_id' % self.env.cr.dbname] = self.user_id.id
- elif not self.user_id:
- # We can't store on the shared properties in that case without getting a 403. It can happen when
- # the owner is not an Odoo user: We don't store the real owner identity (mail)
- # If we are not the owner, we should change the post values to avoid errors because we don't have
- # write permissions
- # See https://developers.google.com/calendar/concepts/sharing
- keep_keys = ['id', 'summary', 'attendees', 'start', 'end', 'reminders']
- values = {key: val for key, val in values.items() if key in keep_keys}
- # values['extendedProperties']['private] should be used if the owner is not an odoo user
- values['extendedProperties'] = {
- 'private': {
- '%s_odoo_id' % self.env.cr.dbname: self.id,
- },
- }
- return values
- def _cancel(self):
- # only owner can delete => others refuse the event
- user = self.env.user
- my_cancelled_records = self.filtered(lambda e: e.user_id == user)
- super(Meeting, my_cancelled_records)._cancel()
- attendees = (self - my_cancelled_records).attendee_ids.filtered(lambda a: a.partner_id == user.partner_id)
- attendees.state = 'declined'
- def _get_event_user(self):
- self.ensure_one()
- if self.user_id and self.user_id.sudo().google_calendar_token:
- return self.user_id
- return self.env.user