123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139 |
- # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
- import datetime
- import pytz
- from datetime import date, datetime
- from odoo import api, models
- from odoo.osv.expression import OR
- class HrContract(models.Model):
- _inherit = 'hr.contract'
- _description = 'Employee Contract'
- @api.constrains('date_start', 'date_end', 'state')
- def _check_contracts(self):
- self._get_leaves()._check_contracts()
- def _get_leaves(self):
- return self.env['hr.leave'].search([
- ('state', '!=', 'refuse'),
- ('employee_id', 'in', self.mapped('employee_id.id')),
- ('date_from', '<=', max([end or date.max for end in self.mapped('date_end')])),
- ('date_to', '>=', min(self.mapped('date_start'))),
- ])
- # override to add work_entry_type from leave
- def _get_leave_work_entry_type(self, leave):
- if leave.holiday_id:
- return leave.holiday_id.holiday_status_id.work_entry_type_id
- else:
- return leave.work_entry_type_id
- def _get_more_vals_leave_interval(self, interval, leaves):
- result = super()._get_more_vals_leave_interval(interval, leaves)
- for leave in leaves:
- if interval[0] >= leave[0] and interval[1] <= leave[1]:
- result.append(('leave_id', leave[2].holiday_id.id))
- return result
- def _get_interval_leave_work_entry_type(self, interval, leaves, bypassing_codes):
- # returns the work entry time related to the leave that
- # includes the whole interval.
- # Overriden in hr_work_entry_contract_holiday to select the
- # global time off first (eg: Public Holiday > Home Working)
- self.ensure_one()
- if 'work_entry_type_id' in interval[2] and interval[2].work_entry_type_id.code in bypassing_codes:
- return interval[2].work_entry_type_id
- interval_start = interval[0].astimezone(pytz.utc).replace(tzinfo=None)
- interval_stop = interval[1].astimezone(pytz.utc).replace(tzinfo=None)
- including_rcleaves = [l[2] for l in leaves if l[2] and interval_start >= l[2].date_from and interval_stop <= l[2].date_to]
- including_global_rcleaves = [l for l in including_rcleaves if not l.holiday_id]
- including_holiday_rcleaves = [l for l in including_rcleaves if l.holiday_id]
- rc_leave = False
- # Example: In CP200: Long term sick > Public Holidays (which is global)
- if bypassing_codes:
- bypassing_rc_leave = [l for l in including_holiday_rcleaves if l.holiday_id.holiday_status_id.work_entry_type_id.code in bypassing_codes]
- else:
- bypassing_rc_leave = []
- if bypassing_rc_leave:
- rc_leave = bypassing_rc_leave[0]
- elif including_global_rcleaves:
- rc_leave = including_global_rcleaves[0]
- elif including_holiday_rcleaves:
- rc_leave = including_holiday_rcleaves[0]
- if rc_leave:
- return self._get_leave_work_entry_type_dates(rc_leave, interval_start, interval_stop, self.employee_id)
- return self.env.ref('hr_work_entry_contract.work_entry_type_leave')
- def _get_sub_leave_domain(self):
- domain = super()._get_sub_leave_domain()
- return OR([
- domain,
- [('holiday_id.employee_id', 'in', self.employee_id.ids)] # see https://github.com/odoo/enterprise/pull/15091
- ])
- def write(self, vals):
- # Special case when setting a contract as running:
- # If there is already a validated time off over another contract
- # with a different schedule, split the time off, before the
- # _check_contracts raises an issue.
- if 'state' not in vals or vals['state'] != 'open':
- return super().write(vals)
- specific_contracts = self.env['hr.contract']
- all_new_leave_origin = []
- all_new_leave_vals = []
- leaves_state = {}
- for contract in self:
- leaves = contract._get_leaves()
- for leave in leaves:
- overlapping_contracts = leave._get_overlapping_contracts(contract_states=[('state', '!=', 'cancel')])
- if len(overlapping_contracts.resource_calendar_id) <= 1:
- continue
- if leave.id not in leaves_state:
- leaves_state[leave.id] = leave.state
- if leave.state != 'refuse':
- leave.action_refuse()
- super(HrContract, contract).write(vals)
- specific_contracts += contract
- for overlapping_contract in overlapping_contracts:
- # Exclude other draft contracts that are not set to running on this
- # transaction
- if overlapping_contract.state == 'draft' and overlapping_contract not in self:
- continue
- new_date_from = max(leave.date_from, datetime.combine(overlapping_contract.date_start, datetime.min.time()))
- new_date_to = min(leave.date_to, datetime.combine(overlapping_contract.date_end or date.max, datetime.max.time()))
- new_leave_vals = leave.copy_data({
- 'date_from': new_date_from,
- 'date_to': new_date_to,
- 'state': leaves_state[leave.id],
- })[0]
- new_leave = self.env['hr.leave'].new(new_leave_vals)
- new_leave._compute_date_from_to()
- new_leave._compute_number_of_days()
- # Could happen for part-time contract, that time off is not necessary
- # anymore.
- if new_leave.date_from < new_leave.date_to:
- all_new_leave_origin.append(leave)
- all_new_leave_vals.append(new_leave._convert_to_write(new_leave._cache))
- if all_new_leave_vals:
- new_leaves = self.env['hr.leave'].with_context(
- tracking_disable=True,
- mail_activity_automation_skip=True,
- leave_fast_create=True,
- leave_skip_state_check=True
- ).create(all_new_leave_vals)
- new_leaves.filtered(lambda l: l.state in 'validate')._validate_leave_request()
- for index, new_leave in enumerate(new_leaves):
- subtype_note = self.env.ref('mail.mt_note')
- new_leave.message_post_with_view(
- 'mail.message_origin_link',
- values={'self': new_leave, 'origin': all_new_leave_origin[index]},
- subtype_id=subtype_note.id)
- return super(HrContract, self - specific_contracts).write(vals)