WANGLEI 817b12dc4d first commit 10 months ago
data 817b12dc4d first commit 10 months ago
demo 817b12dc4d first commit 10 months ago
i18n 817b12dc4d first commit 10 months ago
Readme.txt 817b12dc4d first commit 10 months ago 817b12dc4d first commit 10 months ago 817b12dc4d first commit 10 months ago


Pēc šī moduļa uzstādīšanas tiks izveidoti:
* standarta kontu plāns,
* kontu grupu saraksts,
* PVN analītika,
* Latvijas un Lietuvas banku saraksts.

Lai varētu pilnvērtīgi izmantot šī moduļa iespējas, jums būs nepieciešami sekojoši moduļi:
* account,
* base_vat,
* l10n_multilang,
* kā arī account_accountant Enterprise versijai vai analogs modulis Community versijai.

PVN konts ir 5721, bet jūs variet to mainīt sadaļā Grāmatvedība -> Nodokļi.
Konta piesaiste bilances un peļņas vai zaudējumu posteņiem tiek veikta, izmantojot “tag_ids/id” sadaļā Kontu plāns – Birkas.

by installing these modules, will be created:
* Chart of accounts (standardized),
* the list of account groups,
* VAT analytics,
* The list of banks of Latvia and Lithuania.

To get around and make full use of these features, you will need the following modules:
* account,
* base_vat,
* l10n_multilang,
* as well as account_accountant (for Enterprise version) or similar modules for Community version.

The VAT account is created as 5721, but you can modify and change it via Accounting -> Taxes.
Account linking to Balance Sheet items and Profit/Loss items - via "tag_ids/id" in Chart of Accounts - Tags