l10n_nl.pot 65 KB

  1. # Translation of Odoo Server.
  2. # This file contains the translation of the following modules:
  3. # * l10n_nl
  4. #
  5. msgid ""
  6. msgstr ""
  7. "Project-Id-Version: Odoo Server 15.0+e\n"
  8. "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
  9. "POT-Creation-Date: 2021-12-17 08:57+0000\n"
  10. "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-12-17 08:57+0000\n"
  11. "Last-Translator: \n"
  12. "Language-Team: \n"
  13. "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  14. "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  15. "Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
  16. "Plural-Forms: \n"
  17. #. module: l10n_nl
  18. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4043
  19. msgid "\"Congressen, seminars en symposia\""
  20. msgstr ""
  21. #. module: l10n_nl
  22. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_0
  23. msgid "0% BTW"
  24. msgstr ""
  25. #. module: l10n_nl
  26. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_0_d
  27. msgid "0% BTW diensten"
  28. msgstr ""
  29. #. module: l10n_nl
  30. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_I_overig
  31. msgid "0% BTW import binnen EU"
  32. msgstr ""
  33. #. module: l10n_nl
  34. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_I_overig_d
  35. msgid "0% BTW import binnen EU diensten"
  36. msgstr ""
  37. #. module: l10n_nl
  38. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_verk_0
  39. msgid "0% BTW verlegd"
  40. msgstr ""
  41. #. module: l10n_nl
  42. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.tag_nl_20
  43. msgid "1a. Leveringen/diensten belast met 21% (BTW)"
  44. msgstr ""
  45. #. module: l10n_nl
  46. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.tag_nl_03
  47. msgid "1a. Leveringen/diensten belast met hoog tarief (omzet)"
  48. msgstr ""
  49. #. module: l10n_nl
  50. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.tag_nl_22
  51. msgid "1b. Leveringen/diensten belast met laag tarief (BTW)"
  52. msgstr ""
  53. #. module: l10n_nl
  54. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.tag_nl_05
  55. msgid "1b. Leveringen/diensten belast met laag tarief (omzet)"
  56. msgstr ""
  57. #. module: l10n_nl
  58. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.tag_nl_23
  59. msgid "1c. Leveringen/diensten belast met overige tarieven behalve 0% (BTW)"
  60. msgstr ""
  61. #. module: l10n_nl
  62. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.tag_nl_06
  63. msgid "1c. Leveringen/diensten belast met overige tarieven behalve 0% (omzet)"
  64. msgstr ""
  65. #. module: l10n_nl
  66. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.tag_nl_24
  67. msgid "1d. Privégebruik (BTW)"
  68. msgstr ""
  69. #. module: l10n_nl
  70. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.tag_nl_07
  71. msgid "1d. Privégebruik (omzet)"
  72. msgstr ""
  73. #. module: l10n_nl
  74. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.tag_nl_25
  75. msgid "1e. Leveringen/diensten belast met 0% of niet bij u belast (BTW)"
  76. msgstr ""
  77. #. module: l10n_nl
  78. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.tag_nl_08
  79. msgid "1e. Leveringen/diensten belast met 0% of niet bij u belast (omzet)"
  80. msgstr ""
  81. #. module: l10n_nl
  82. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_21
  83. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_21_buy
  84. msgid "21% BTW"
  85. msgstr ""
  86. #. module: l10n_nl
  87. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_21_buy_incl
  88. msgid "21% BTW Incl."
  89. msgstr ""
  90. #. module: l10n_nl
  91. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_21_buy_d
  92. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_21_d
  93. msgid "21% BTW diensten"
  94. msgstr ""
  95. #. module: l10n_nl
  96. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_I_21
  97. msgid "21% BTW import binnen EU"
  98. msgstr ""
  99. #. module: l10n_nl
  100. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_I_21_d
  101. msgid "21% BTW import binnen EU diensten"
  102. msgstr ""
  103. #. module: l10n_nl
  104. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_ink_0
  105. msgid "21% BTW verlegd"
  106. msgstr ""
  107. #. module: l10n_nl
  108. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.tag_nl_27
  109. msgid "2a. Leveringen/diensten waarbij de heffing van Heffing van omzetbelasting naar u is verlegd (BTW)"
  110. msgstr ""
  111. #. module: l10n_nl
  112. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.tag_nl_10
  113. msgid "2a. Leveringen/diensten waarbij de heffing van omzetbelasting naar u is verlegd (omzet)"
  114. msgstr ""
  115. #. module: l10n_nl
  116. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.tag_nl_12
  117. msgid "3a. Leveringen naar landen buiten de EU (uitvoer) (omzet)"
  118. msgstr ""
  119. #. module: l10n_nl
  120. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.tag_nl_41
  121. msgid "3b. Leveringen naar/diensten in landen binnen de EU (omzet) (diensten)"
  122. msgstr ""
  123. #. module: l10n_nl
  124. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.tag_nl_40
  125. msgid "3b. Leveringen naar/diensten in landen binnen de EU (omzet) (producten)"
  126. msgstr ""
  127. #. module: l10n_nl
  128. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.tag_nl_14
  129. msgid "3c. Installatie/afstandsverkopen binnen de EU (omzet)"
  130. msgstr ""
  131. #. module: l10n_nl
  132. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.tag_nl_29
  133. msgid "4a. Leveringen/diensten uit landen buiten de EU (BTW)"
  134. msgstr ""
  135. #. module: l10n_nl
  136. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.tag_nl_16
  137. msgid "4a. Leveringen/diensten uit landen buiten de EU (invoer) (omzet)"
  138. msgstr ""
  139. #. module: l10n_nl
  140. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.tag_nl_30
  141. msgid "4b. Leveringen/diensten uit landen binnen de EU (BTW)"
  142. msgstr ""
  143. #. module: l10n_nl
  144. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.tag_nl_17
  145. msgid "4b. Leveringen/diensten uit landen binnen de EU (omzet)"
  146. msgstr ""
  147. #. module: l10n_nl
  148. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.tag_nl_32
  149. msgid "5a. Verschuldigde omzetbelasting (rubrieken 1a t/m 4b) (BTW)"
  150. msgstr ""
  151. #. module: l10n_nl
  152. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.tag_nl_33
  153. msgid "5b. Voorbelasting (BTW)"
  154. msgstr ""
  155. #. module: l10n_nl
  156. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.tag_nl_35
  157. msgid "5c. Subtotaal (rubriek 5a min 5b) (BTW)"
  158. msgstr ""
  159. #. module: l10n_nl
  160. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.tag_nl_36
  161. msgid "5d. Vermindering volgens de kleineondernemersregeling (BTW)"
  162. msgstr ""
  163. #. module: l10n_nl
  164. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.tag_nl_37
  165. msgid "5e. Schatting vorige aangifte(n) (BTW)"
  166. msgstr ""
  167. #. module: l10n_nl
  168. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.tag_nl_38
  169. msgid "5f. Schatting deze aangifte (BTW)"
  170. msgstr ""
  171. #. module: l10n_nl
  172. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.tag_nl_39
  173. msgid "5g. Totaal te betalen/terug te vragen (BTW)"
  174. msgstr ""
  175. #. module: l10n_nl
  176. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_6
  177. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_6_buy
  178. msgid "6% BTW"
  179. msgstr ""
  180. #. module: l10n_nl
  181. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_6_buy_incl
  182. msgid "6% BTW Incl."
  183. msgstr ""
  184. #. module: l10n_nl
  185. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_6_buy_d
  186. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_6_d
  187. msgid "6% BTW diensten"
  188. msgstr ""
  189. #. module: l10n_nl
  190. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_I_6
  191. msgid "6% BTW import binnen EU"
  192. msgstr ""
  193. #. module: l10n_nl
  194. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_I_6_d
  195. msgid "6% BTW import binnen EU diensten"
  196. msgstr ""
  197. #. module: l10n_nl
  198. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.1509
  199. msgid "Aan mij verrichte leveringen binnen EU"
  200. msgstr ""
  201. #. module: l10n_nl
  202. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.1508
  203. msgid "Aan mij verrichte leveringen buiten EU"
  204. msgstr ""
  205. #. module: l10n_nl
  206. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0610
  207. msgid "Aandelenkapitaal"
  208. msgstr ""
  209. #. module: l10n_nl
  210. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0310
  211. msgid "Aanschafwaarde Bedrijfsinventaris"
  212. msgstr ""
  213. #. module: l10n_nl
  214. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0330
  215. msgid "Aanschafwaarde Fabrieksinventaris"
  216. msgstr ""
  217. #. module: l10n_nl
  218. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0110
  219. msgid "Aanschafwaarde Gebouwen"
  220. msgstr ""
  221. #. module: l10n_nl
  222. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0340
  223. msgid "Aanschafwaarde Gereedschappen"
  224. msgstr ""
  225. #. module: l10n_nl
  226. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0010
  227. msgid "Aanschafwaarde Goodwill"
  228. msgstr ""
  229. #. module: l10n_nl
  230. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0101
  231. msgid "Aanschafwaarde Grond "
  232. msgstr ""
  233. #. module: l10n_nl
  234. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0370
  235. msgid "Aanschafwaarde Kantine-inventaris"
  236. msgstr ""
  237. #. module: l10n_nl
  238. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0350
  239. msgid "Aanschafwaarde Kantoorinventaris"
  240. msgstr ""
  241. #. module: l10n_nl
  242. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0360
  243. msgid "Aanschafwaarde Kantoormachines"
  244. msgstr ""
  245. #. module: l10n_nl
  246. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0210
  247. msgid "Aanschafwaarde Machines 1"
  248. msgstr ""
  249. #. module: l10n_nl
  250. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0220
  251. msgid "Aanschafwaarde Machines 2"
  252. msgstr ""
  253. #. module: l10n_nl
  254. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0320
  255. msgid "Aanschafwaarde Magazijninventaris"
  256. msgstr ""
  257. #. module: l10n_nl
  258. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0410
  259. msgid "Aanschafwaarde Personenauto's"
  260. msgstr ""
  261. #. module: l10n_nl
  262. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0130
  263. msgid "Aanschafwaarde Verbouwingen"
  264. msgstr ""
  265. #. module: l10n_nl
  266. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0430
  267. msgid "Aanschafwaarde Vrachtauto's"
  268. msgstr ""
  269. #. module: l10n_nl
  270. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0120
  271. msgid "Aanschafwaarde Winkels"
  272. msgstr ""
  273. #. module: l10n_nl
  274. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0020
  275. msgid "Aanschafwaarde overige immateriele vaste activa"
  276. msgstr ""
  277. #. module: l10n_nl
  278. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0420
  279. msgid "Aanschafwaarde overige vervoersmiddelen"
  280. msgstr ""
  281. #. module: l10n_nl
  282. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4601
  283. msgid "Accountantskosten"
  284. msgstr ""
  285. #. module: l10n_nl
  286. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4621
  287. msgid "Administratiekosten"
  288. msgstr ""
  289. #. module: l10n_nl
  290. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4525
  291. msgid "Advertenties"
  292. msgstr ""
  293. #. module: l10n_nl
  294. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4605
  295. msgid "Advieskosten"
  296. msgstr ""
  297. #. module: l10n_nl
  298. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_payable_v
  299. msgid "Af te dragen BTW heffing verlegd"
  300. msgstr ""
  301. #. module: l10n_nl
  302. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_payable_v_d
  303. msgid "Af te dragen BTW heffing verlegd diensten"
  304. msgstr ""
  305. #. module: l10n_nl
  306. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_payable_h
  307. msgid "Af te dragen BTW hoog tarief"
  308. msgstr ""
  309. #. module: l10n_nl
  310. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_payable_h_eu
  311. msgid "Af te dragen BTW hoog tarief binnen de EU"
  312. msgstr ""
  313. #. module: l10n_nl
  314. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_payable_h_d_eu
  315. msgid "Af te dragen BTW hoog tarief binnen de EU diensten"
  316. msgstr ""
  317. #. module: l10n_nl
  318. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_payable_h_non_eu
  319. msgid "Af te dragen BTW hoog tarief buiten de EU"
  320. msgstr ""
  321. #. module: l10n_nl
  322. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_payable_h_d_non_eu
  323. msgid "Af te dragen BTW hoog tarief buiten de EU diensten"
  324. msgstr ""
  325. #. module: l10n_nl
  326. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_payable_h_d
  327. msgid "Af te dragen BTW hoog tarief diensten"
  328. msgstr ""
  329. #. module: l10n_nl
  330. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_payable_l
  331. msgid "Af te dragen BTW laag tarief"
  332. msgstr ""
  333. #. module: l10n_nl
  334. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_payable_l_eu
  335. msgid "Af te dragen BTW laag tarief binnen de EU"
  336. msgstr ""
  337. #. module: l10n_nl
  338. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_payable_l_d_eu
  339. msgid "Af te dragen BTW laag tarief binnen de EU diensten"
  340. msgstr ""
  341. #. module: l10n_nl
  342. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_payable_l_non_eu
  343. msgid "Af te dragen BTW laag tarief buiten de EU"
  344. msgstr ""
  345. #. module: l10n_nl
  346. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_payable_l_d_non_eu
  347. msgid "Af te dragen BTW laag tarief buiten de EU diensten"
  348. msgstr ""
  349. #. module: l10n_nl
  350. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_payable_l_d
  351. msgid "Af te dragen BTW laag tarief diensten"
  352. msgstr ""
  353. #. module: l10n_nl
  354. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_payable_0
  355. msgid "Af te dragen BTW overige tarieven"
  356. msgstr ""
  357. #. module: l10n_nl
  358. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_payable_0_eu
  359. msgid "Af te dragen BTW overige tarieven binnen de EU"
  360. msgstr ""
  361. #. module: l10n_nl
  362. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_payable_0_d_eu
  363. msgid "Af te dragen BTW overige tarieven binnen de EU diensten"
  364. msgstr ""
  365. #. module: l10n_nl
  366. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_payable_0_non_eu
  367. msgid "Af te dragen BTW overige tarieven buiten de EU"
  368. msgstr ""
  369. #. module: l10n_nl
  370. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_payable_0_d_non_eu
  371. msgid "Af te dragen BTW overige tarieven buiten de EU diensten"
  372. msgstr ""
  373. #. module: l10n_nl
  374. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_payable_0_d
  375. msgid "Af te dragen BTW overige tarieven diensten"
  376. msgstr ""
  377. #. module: l10n_nl
  378. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.1503
  379. msgid "Af te dragen BTW privé-gebruik"
  380. msgstr ""
  381. #. module: l10n_nl
  382. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.1635
  383. msgid "Afdracht loonheffing"
  384. msgstr ""
  385. #. module: l10n_nl
  386. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.1615
  387. msgid "Afdracht pensioenpremies"
  388. msgstr ""
  389. #. module: l10n_nl
  390. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.1550
  391. msgid "Afdrachten/aangifte omzetbelasting"
  392. msgstr ""
  393. #. module: l10n_nl
  394. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0319
  395. msgid "Afschrijving Bedrijfsinventaris"
  396. msgstr ""
  397. #. module: l10n_nl
  398. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0339
  399. msgid "Afschrijving Fabrieksinventaris"
  400. msgstr ""
  401. #. module: l10n_nl
  402. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0119
  403. msgid "Afschrijving Gebouwen"
  404. msgstr ""
  405. #. module: l10n_nl
  406. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0349
  407. msgid "Afschrijving Gereedschappen"
  408. msgstr ""
  409. #. module: l10n_nl
  410. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0019
  411. msgid "Afschrijving Goodwill"
  412. msgstr ""
  413. #. module: l10n_nl
  414. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0379
  415. msgid "Afschrijving Kantine-inventaris"
  416. msgstr ""
  417. #. module: l10n_nl
  418. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0359
  419. msgid "Afschrijving Kantoorinventaris"
  420. msgstr ""
  421. #. module: l10n_nl
  422. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0369
  423. msgid "Afschrijving Kantoormachines"
  424. msgstr ""
  425. #. module: l10n_nl
  426. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0219
  427. msgid "Afschrijving Machines 1"
  428. msgstr ""
  429. #. module: l10n_nl
  430. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0229
  431. msgid "Afschrijving Machines 2"
  432. msgstr ""
  433. #. module: l10n_nl
  434. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0329
  435. msgid "Afschrijving Magazijninventaris"
  436. msgstr ""
  437. #. module: l10n_nl
  438. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0419
  439. msgid "Afschrijving Personenauto's"
  440. msgstr ""
  441. #. module: l10n_nl
  442. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0139
  443. msgid "Afschrijving Verbouwingen"
  444. msgstr ""
  445. #. module: l10n_nl
  446. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0439
  447. msgid "Afschrijving Vrachtauto's"
  448. msgstr ""
  449. #. module: l10n_nl
  450. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0129
  451. msgid "Afschrijving Winkels"
  452. msgstr ""
  453. #. module: l10n_nl
  454. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4550
  455. msgid "Afschrijving dubieuze debiteuren"
  456. msgstr ""
  457. #. module: l10n_nl
  458. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.account_tag_22
  459. msgid "Afschrijving immateriële vaste activa"
  460. msgstr ""
  461. #. module: l10n_nl
  462. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.account_tag_21
  463. msgid "Afschrijving materiële vaste activa"
  464. msgstr ""
  465. #. module: l10n_nl
  466. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0029
  467. msgid "Afschrijving overige immateriele vaste activa"
  468. msgstr ""
  469. #. module: l10n_nl
  470. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0429
  471. msgid "Afschrijving overige vervoersmiddelen"
  472. msgstr ""
  473. #. module: l10n_nl
  474. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0630
  475. msgid "Agioreserve"
  476. msgstr ""
  477. #. module: l10n_nl
  478. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.account_tag_8
  479. msgid "Algemene Kosten"
  480. msgstr ""
  481. #. module: l10n_nl
  482. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0640
  483. msgid "Algemene reserve"
  484. msgstr ""
  485. #. module: l10n_nl
  486. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4270
  487. msgid "Assurantie machines / inventaris"
  488. msgstr ""
  489. #. module: l10n_nl
  490. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4150
  491. msgid "Assurantie onroerend goed"
  492. msgstr ""
  493. #. module: l10n_nl
  494. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4425
  495. msgid "Assurantie overige vervoermiddelen"
  496. msgstr ""
  497. #. module: l10n_nl
  498. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4415
  499. msgid "Assurantie personenauto's"
  500. msgstr ""
  501. #. module: l10n_nl
  502. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4405
  503. msgid "Assurantie vrachtauto's"
  504. msgstr ""
  505. #. module: l10n_nl
  506. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4620
  507. msgid "Assuranties"
  508. msgstr ""
  509. #. module: l10n_nl
  510. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4360
  511. msgid "Automatiseringskosten"
  512. msgstr ""
  513. #. module: l10n_nl
  514. #: model:account.tax.group,name:l10n_nl.tax_group_0
  515. msgid "BTW 0%"
  516. msgstr ""
  517. #. module: l10n_nl
  518. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.1505
  519. msgid "BTW 0% / niet bij mij belast"
  520. msgstr ""
  521. #. module: l10n_nl
  522. #: model:account.tax.group,name:l10n_nl.tax_group_0_eu
  523. msgid "BTW 0% EU"
  524. msgstr ""
  525. #. module: l10n_nl
  526. #: model:account.tax.group,name:l10n_nl.tax_group_0_niet_eu
  527. msgid "BTW 0% Niet EU"
  528. msgstr ""
  529. #. module: l10n_nl
  530. #: model:account.tax.group,name:l10n_nl.tax_group_21
  531. msgid "BTW 21%"
  532. msgstr ""
  533. #. module: l10n_nl
  534. #: model:account.tax.group,name:l10n_nl.tax_group_21_eu
  535. msgid "BTW 21% EU"
  536. msgstr ""
  537. #. module: l10n_nl
  538. #: model:account.tax.group,name:l10n_nl.tax_group_21_niet_eu
  539. msgid "BTW 21% Niet EU"
  540. msgstr ""
  541. #. module: l10n_nl
  542. #: model:account.tax.group,name:l10n_nl.tax_group_6
  543. msgid "BTW 6%"
  544. msgstr ""
  545. #. module: l10n_nl
  546. #: model:account.tax.group,name:l10n_nl.tax_group_6_eu
  547. msgid "BTW 6% EU"
  548. msgstr ""
  549. #. module: l10n_nl
  550. #: model:account.tax.group,name:l10n_nl.tax_group_6_niet_eu
  551. msgid "BTW 6% Niet EU"
  552. msgstr ""
  553. #. module: l10n_nl
  554. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_ink_0
  555. msgid "BTW af te dragen verlegd (inkopen)"
  556. msgstr ""
  557. #. module: l10n_nl
  558. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_ink_0_2
  559. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_ink_0_2
  560. msgid "BTW af te dragen verlegd (inkopen2)"
  561. msgstr ""
  562. #. module: l10n_nl
  563. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_verk_0
  564. msgid "BTW af te dragen verlegd (verkopen)"
  565. msgstr ""
  566. #. module: l10n_nl
  567. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_X0_diensten
  568. msgid "BTW export binnen EU (diensten)"
  569. msgstr ""
  570. #. module: l10n_nl
  571. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_X0_producten
  572. msgid "BTW export binnen EU (producten)"
  573. msgstr ""
  574. #. module: l10n_nl
  575. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_X1
  576. msgid "BTW export buiten EU"
  577. msgstr ""
  578. #. module: l10n_nl
  579. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_E2
  580. msgid "BTW import buiten EU hoog inkopen"
  581. msgstr ""
  582. #. module: l10n_nl
  583. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_E2_d
  584. msgid "BTW import buiten EU hoog inkopen diensten"
  585. msgstr ""
  586. #. module: l10n_nl
  587. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_E1
  588. msgid "BTW import buiten EU laag inkopen"
  589. msgstr ""
  590. #. module: l10n_nl
  591. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_E1_d
  592. msgid "BTW import buiten EU laag inkopen diensten"
  593. msgstr ""
  594. #. module: l10n_nl
  595. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_E_overig
  596. msgid "BTW import buiten EU overig inkopen"
  597. msgstr ""
  598. #. module: l10n_nl
  599. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_E_overig_d
  600. msgid "BTW import buiten EU overig inkopen diensten"
  601. msgstr ""
  602. #. module: l10n_nl
  603. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.1531
  604. msgid "BTW oninbare vorderingen"
  605. msgstr ""
  606. #. module: l10n_nl
  607. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_21_buy_incl
  608. msgid "BTW te vorderen hoog (inkopen incl. BTW)"
  609. msgstr ""
  610. #. module: l10n_nl
  611. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_21_buy
  612. msgid "BTW te vorderen hoog (inkopen)"
  613. msgstr ""
  614. #. module: l10n_nl
  615. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_21_buy_d
  616. msgid "BTW te vorderen hoog (inkopen) diensten"
  617. msgstr ""
  618. #. module: l10n_nl
  619. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_6_buy_incl
  620. msgid "BTW te vorderen laag (inkopen incl. BTW)"
  621. msgstr ""
  622. #. module: l10n_nl
  623. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_6_buy
  624. msgid "BTW te vorderen laag (inkopen)"
  625. msgstr ""
  626. #. module: l10n_nl
  627. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_6_buy_d
  628. msgid "BTW te vorderen laag (inkopen) diensten"
  629. msgstr ""
  630. #. module: l10n_nl
  631. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_overig_buy
  632. msgid "BTW te vorderen overig (inkopen)"
  633. msgstr ""
  634. #. module: l10n_nl
  635. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_overig_buy_d
  636. msgid "BTW te vorderen overig (inkopen) diensten"
  637. msgstr ""
  638. #. module: l10n_nl
  639. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_ink_0_1
  640. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_ink_0_1
  641. msgid "BTW te vorderen verlegd (inkopen1)"
  642. msgstr ""
  643. #. module: l10n_nl
  644. #: model:account.fiscal.position.template,name:l10n_nl.fiscal_position_template_transferred
  645. msgid "BTW verlegd"
  646. msgstr ""
  647. #. module: l10n_nl
  648. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4630
  649. msgid "Bankkosten"
  650. msgstr ""
  651. #. module: l10n_nl
  652. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4041
  653. msgid "Bedrijfskleding"
  654. msgstr ""
  655. #. module: l10n_nl
  656. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.account_tag_33
  657. msgid "Belastingen"
  658. msgstr ""
  659. #. module: l10n_nl
  660. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.account_tag_32
  661. msgid "Belastingen & sociale lasten"
  662. msgstr ""
  663. #. module: l10n_nl
  664. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4120
  665. msgid "Belastingen onroerend goed"
  666. msgstr ""
  667. #. module: l10n_nl
  668. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4426
  669. msgid "Belastingen overige vervoermiddelen"
  670. msgstr ""
  671. #. module: l10n_nl
  672. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4416
  673. msgid "Belastingen personenauto's"
  674. msgstr ""
  675. #. module: l10n_nl
  676. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4406
  677. msgid "Belastingen vrachtauto's"
  678. msgstr ""
  679. #. module: l10n_nl
  680. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.1350
  681. msgid "Betalingen onderweg"
  682. msgstr ""
  683. #. module: l10n_nl
  684. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.7065
  685. msgid "Betalingskorting crediteuren"
  686. msgstr ""
  687. #. module: l10n_nl
  688. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4930
  689. msgid "Betalingsverschillen"
  690. msgstr ""
  691. #. module: l10n_nl
  692. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4530
  693. msgid "Beurskosten"
  694. msgstr ""
  695. #. module: l10n_nl
  696. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4006
  697. msgid "Bijdrage zorgverzekeringswet (SVW)"
  698. msgstr ""
  699. #. module: l10n_nl
  700. #: model:account.fiscal.position.template,name:l10n_nl.fiscal_position_template_national
  701. msgid "Binnenland"
  702. msgstr ""
  703. #. module: l10n_nl
  704. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4902
  705. msgid "Boekverlies vaste activa"
  706. msgstr ""
  707. #. module: l10n_nl
  708. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4901
  709. msgid "Boekwinst vaste activa"
  710. msgstr ""
  711. #. module: l10n_nl
  712. #: model:res.country.state,name:l10n_nl.state_nl_bq1
  713. msgid "Bonaire"
  714. msgstr ""
  715. #. module: l10n_nl
  716. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4002
  717. msgid "Bonussen en provisies"
  718. msgstr ""
  719. #. module: l10n_nl
  720. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.1210
  721. msgid "Borg"
  722. msgstr ""
  723. #. module: l10n_nl
  724. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4421
  725. msgid "Brandstof overige vervoermiddelen"
  726. msgstr ""
  727. #. module: l10n_nl
  728. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4411
  729. msgid "Brandstof personenauto's"
  730. msgstr ""
  731. #. module: l10n_nl
  732. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4401
  733. msgid "Brandstof vrachtauto's"
  734. msgstr ""
  735. #. module: l10n_nl
  736. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4001
  737. msgid "Bruto lonen"
  738. msgstr ""
  739. #. module: l10n_nl
  740. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4305
  741. msgid "Contributies / abonnementen"
  742. msgstr ""
  743. #. module: l10n_nl
  744. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.pay
  745. msgid "Crediteuren"
  746. msgstr ""
  747. #. module: l10n_nl
  748. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.recv
  749. msgid "Debiteuren"
  750. msgstr ""
  751. #. module: l10n_nl
  752. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0510
  753. msgid "Deelneming 1"
  754. msgstr ""
  755. #. module: l10n_nl
  756. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0520
  757. msgid "Deelneming 2"
  758. msgstr ""
  759. #. module: l10n_nl
  760. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0530
  761. msgid "Deelneming 3"
  762. msgstr ""
  763. #. module: l10n_nl
  764. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.7020
  765. msgid "Directe loonkosten"
  766. msgstr ""
  767. #. module: l10n_nl
  768. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.account_tag_26
  769. msgid "Distributiekosten"
  770. msgstr ""
  771. #. module: l10n_nl
  772. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.8090
  773. msgid "Diverse overige opbrengsten"
  774. msgstr ""
  775. #. module: l10n_nl
  776. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4029
  777. msgid "Doorbelasting directe loonkosten"
  778. msgstr ""
  779. #. module: l10n_nl
  780. #: model:res.country.state,name:l10n_nl.state_nl_dr
  781. msgid "Drenthe"
  782. msgstr ""
  783. #. module: l10n_nl
  784. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.1150
  785. msgid "Dubieuze debiteuren"
  786. msgstr ""
  787. #. module: l10n_nl
  788. #: model:account.fiscal.position.template,name:l10n_nl.fiscal_position_template_eu
  789. msgid "EU landen"
  790. msgstr ""
  791. #. module: l10n_nl
  792. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.account_tag_24
  793. msgid "Effecten"
  794. msgstr ""
  795. #. module: l10n_nl
  796. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0720
  797. msgid "Egalisatiereserve groot onderhoud"
  798. msgstr ""
  799. #. module: l10n_nl
  800. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.account_tag_9
  801. msgid "Eigen vermogen"
  802. msgstr ""
  803. #. module: l10n_nl
  804. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.3310
  805. msgid "Emballage"
  806. msgstr ""
  807. #. module: l10n_nl
  808. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4130
  809. msgid "Energiekosten"
  810. msgstr ""
  811. #. module: l10n_nl
  812. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4260
  813. msgid "Energiekosten machines / inventaris"
  814. msgstr ""
  815. #. module: l10n_nl
  816. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4535
  817. msgid "Etalagekosten"
  818. msgstr ""
  819. #. module: l10n_nl
  820. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.account_tag_3
  821. msgid "Financiële vaste activa"
  822. msgstr ""
  823. #. module: l10n_nl
  824. #: model:res.country.state,name:l10n_nl.state_nl_fl
  825. msgid "Flevoland"
  826. msgstr ""
  827. #. module: l10n_nl
  828. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.account_tag_29
  829. msgid "Foutenrekening"
  830. msgstr ""
  831. #. module: l10n_nl
  832. #: model:res.country.state,name:l10n_nl.state_nl_fr
  833. msgid "Friesland"
  834. msgstr ""
  835. #. module: l10n_nl
  836. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.7070
  837. msgid "Garantiekosten"
  838. msgstr ""
  839. #. module: l10n_nl
  840. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0760
  841. msgid "Garantieverplichtingen"
  842. msgstr ""
  843. #. module: l10n_nl
  844. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4810
  845. msgid "Gebouwen / verbouwingen"
  846. msgstr ""
  847. #. module: l10n_nl
  848. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.tag_nl_01
  849. msgid "Gegevens omzet"
  850. msgstr ""
  851. #. module: l10n_nl
  852. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.tag_nl_18
  853. msgid "Gegevens omzetbelasting (BTW)"
  854. msgstr ""
  855. #. module: l10n_nl
  856. #: model:res.country.state,name:l10n_nl.state_nl_ge
  857. msgid "Gelderland"
  858. msgstr ""
  859. #. module: l10n_nl
  860. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.3200
  861. msgid "Gereed product 1"
  862. msgstr ""
  863. #. module: l10n_nl
  864. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.3210
  865. msgid "Gereed product 2"
  866. msgstr ""
  867. #. module: l10n_nl
  868. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4240
  869. msgid "Gereedschappen"
  870. msgstr ""
  871. #. module: l10n_nl
  872. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4805
  873. msgid "Goodwill"
  874. msgstr ""
  875. #. module: l10n_nl
  876. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.3001
  877. msgid "Grondstoffen 1"
  878. msgstr ""
  879. #. module: l10n_nl
  880. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.3002
  881. msgid "Grondstoffen 2"
  882. msgstr ""
  883. #. module: l10n_nl
  884. #: model:res.country.state,name:l10n_nl.state_nl_gr
  885. msgid "Groningen"
  886. msgstr ""
  887. #. module: l10n_nl
  888. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4111
  889. msgid "Groot onderhoud onroerend goed"
  890. msgstr ""
  891. #. module: l10n_nl
  892. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.account_tag_2
  893. msgid "Huisvestingskosten"
  894. msgstr ""
  895. #. module: l10n_nl
  896. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.3100
  897. msgid "Hulpstoffen 1"
  898. msgstr ""
  899. #. module: l10n_nl
  900. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.3110
  901. msgid "Hulpstoffen 2"
  902. msgstr ""
  903. #. module: l10n_nl
  904. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4210
  905. msgid "Huur inventaris"
  906. msgstr ""
  907. #. module: l10n_nl
  908. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4321
  909. msgid "Huur kantoorapparatuur"
  910. msgstr ""
  911. #. module: l10n_nl
  912. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4201
  913. msgid "Huur machines"
  914. msgstr ""
  915. #. module: l10n_nl
  916. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4110
  917. msgid "Huur onroerend goed"
  918. msgstr ""
  919. #. module: l10n_nl
  920. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4423
  921. msgid "Huur overige vervoermiddelen"
  922. msgstr ""
  923. #. module: l10n_nl
  924. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4413
  925. msgid "Huur personenauto's"
  926. msgstr ""
  927. #. module: l10n_nl
  928. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4403
  929. msgid "Huur vrachtauto's"
  930. msgstr ""
  931. #. module: l10n_nl
  932. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0811
  933. msgid "Hypotheken o/g 1"
  934. msgstr ""
  935. #. module: l10n_nl
  936. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0812
  937. msgid "Hypotheken o/g 2"
  938. msgstr ""
  939. #. module: l10n_nl
  940. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0813
  941. msgid "Hypotheken o/g 3"
  942. msgstr ""
  943. #. module: l10n_nl
  944. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0814
  945. msgid "Hypotheken o/g 4"
  946. msgstr ""
  947. #. module: l10n_nl
  948. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0815
  949. msgid "Hypotheken o/g 5"
  950. msgstr ""
  951. #. module: l10n_nl
  952. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0561
  953. msgid "Hypotheken u/g 1"
  954. msgstr ""
  955. #. module: l10n_nl
  956. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0562
  957. msgid "Hypotheken u/g 2"
  958. msgstr ""
  959. #. module: l10n_nl
  960. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0563
  961. msgid "Hypotheken u/g 3"
  962. msgstr ""
  963. #. module: l10n_nl
  964. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.account_tag_17
  965. msgid "Immateriële vaste activa"
  966. msgstr ""
  967. #. module: l10n_nl
  968. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4021
  969. msgid "Ingeleend personeel"
  970. msgstr ""
  971. #. module: l10n_nl
  972. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.7064
  973. msgid "Inkoopbonussen"
  974. msgstr ""
  975. #. module: l10n_nl
  976. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.7060
  977. msgid "Inkoopkosten"
  978. msgstr ""
  979. #. module: l10n_nl
  980. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.7061
  981. msgid "Inkoopprovisie"
  982. msgstr ""
  983. #. module: l10n_nl
  984. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_I_21
  985. msgid "Inkopen import binnen EU hoog"
  986. msgstr ""
  987. #. module: l10n_nl
  988. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_I_21_d
  989. msgid "Inkopen import binnen EU hoog diensten"
  990. msgstr ""
  991. #. module: l10n_nl
  992. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_I_21_1
  993. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_I_21_1
  994. msgid "Inkopen import binnen EU hoog(1)"
  995. msgstr ""
  996. #. module: l10n_nl
  997. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_I_21_d_1
  998. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_I_21_d_1
  999. msgid "Inkopen import binnen EU hoog(1) diensten"
  1000. msgstr ""
  1001. #. module: l10n_nl
  1002. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_I_21_2
  1003. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_I_21_2
  1004. msgid "Inkopen import binnen EU hoog(2)"
  1005. msgstr ""
  1006. #. module: l10n_nl
  1007. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_I_21_d_2
  1008. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_I_21_d_2
  1009. msgid "Inkopen import binnen EU hoog(2) diensten"
  1010. msgstr ""
  1011. #. module: l10n_nl
  1012. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_I_6
  1013. msgid "Inkopen import binnen EU laag"
  1014. msgstr ""
  1015. #. module: l10n_nl
  1016. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_I_6_d
  1017. msgid "Inkopen import binnen EU laag diensten"
  1018. msgstr ""
  1019. #. module: l10n_nl
  1020. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_I_6_1
  1021. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_I_6_1
  1022. msgid "Inkopen import binnen EU laag(1)"
  1023. msgstr ""
  1024. #. module: l10n_nl
  1025. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_I_6_d_1
  1026. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_I_6_d_1
  1027. msgid "Inkopen import binnen EU laag(1) diensten"
  1028. msgstr ""
  1029. #. module: l10n_nl
  1030. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_I_6_2
  1031. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_I_6_2
  1032. msgid "Inkopen import binnen EU laag(2)"
  1033. msgstr ""
  1034. #. module: l10n_nl
  1035. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_I_6_d_2
  1036. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_I_6_d_2
  1037. msgid "Inkopen import binnen EU laag(2) diensten"
  1038. msgstr ""
  1039. #. module: l10n_nl
  1040. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_I_overig
  1041. msgid "Inkopen import binnen EU overig"
  1042. msgstr ""
  1043. #. module: l10n_nl
  1044. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_I_overig_d
  1045. msgid "Inkopen import binnen EU overig diensten"
  1046. msgstr ""
  1047. #. module: l10n_nl
  1048. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_I_overig_1
  1049. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_I_overig_1
  1050. msgid "Inkopen import binnen EU overig(1)"
  1051. msgstr ""
  1052. #. module: l10n_nl
  1053. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_I_overig_d_1
  1054. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_I_overig_d_1
  1055. msgid "Inkopen import binnen EU overig(1) diensten"
  1056. msgstr ""
  1057. #. module: l10n_nl
  1058. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_I_overig_2
  1059. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_I_overig_2
  1060. msgid "Inkopen import binnen EU overig(2)"
  1061. msgstr ""
  1062. #. module: l10n_nl
  1063. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_I_overig_d_2
  1064. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_I_overig_d_2
  1065. msgid "Inkopen import binnen EU overig(2) diensten"
  1066. msgstr ""
  1067. #. module: l10n_nl
  1068. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_E2
  1069. msgid "Inkopen import buiten EU hoog"
  1070. msgstr ""
  1071. #. module: l10n_nl
  1072. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_E2_d
  1073. msgid "Inkopen import buiten EU hoog diensten"
  1074. msgstr ""
  1075. #. module: l10n_nl
  1076. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_E2_1
  1077. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_E2_1
  1078. msgid "Inkopen import buiten EU hoog(1)"
  1079. msgstr ""
  1080. #. module: l10n_nl
  1081. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_E2_d_1
  1082. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_E2_d_1
  1083. msgid "Inkopen import buiten EU hoog(1) diensten"
  1084. msgstr ""
  1085. #. module: l10n_nl
  1086. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_E2_2
  1087. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_E2_2
  1088. msgid "Inkopen import buiten EU hoog(2)"
  1089. msgstr ""
  1090. #. module: l10n_nl
  1091. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_E2_d_2
  1092. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_E2_d_2
  1093. msgid "Inkopen import buiten EU hoog(2) diensten"
  1094. msgstr ""
  1095. #. module: l10n_nl
  1096. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_E1
  1097. msgid "Inkopen import buiten EU laag"
  1098. msgstr ""
  1099. #. module: l10n_nl
  1100. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_E1_d
  1101. msgid "Inkopen import buiten EU laag diensten"
  1102. msgstr ""
  1103. #. module: l10n_nl
  1104. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_E1_1
  1105. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_E1_1
  1106. msgid "Inkopen import buiten EU laag(1)"
  1107. msgstr ""
  1108. #. module: l10n_nl
  1109. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_E1_d_1
  1110. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_E1_d_1
  1111. msgid "Inkopen import buiten EU laag(1) diensten"
  1112. msgstr ""
  1113. #. module: l10n_nl
  1114. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_E1_2
  1115. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_E1_2
  1116. msgid "Inkopen import buiten EU laag(2)"
  1117. msgstr ""
  1118. #. module: l10n_nl
  1119. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_E1_d_2
  1120. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_E1_d_2
  1121. msgid "Inkopen import buiten EU laag(2) diensten"
  1122. msgstr ""
  1123. #. module: l10n_nl
  1124. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_E_overig
  1125. msgid "Inkopen import buiten EU overig"
  1126. msgstr ""
  1127. #. module: l10n_nl
  1128. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_E_overig_d
  1129. msgid "Inkopen import buiten EU overig diensten"
  1130. msgstr ""
  1131. #. module: l10n_nl
  1132. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_E_overig_1
  1133. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_E_overig_1
  1134. msgid "Inkopen import buiten EU overig(1)"
  1135. msgstr ""
  1136. #. module: l10n_nl
  1137. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_E_overig_d_1
  1138. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_E_overig_d_1
  1139. msgid "Inkopen import buiten EU overig(1) diensten"
  1140. msgstr ""
  1141. #. module: l10n_nl
  1142. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_E_overig_2
  1143. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_E_overig_2
  1144. msgid "Inkopen import buiten EU overig(2)"
  1145. msgstr ""
  1146. #. module: l10n_nl
  1147. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_E_overig_d_2
  1148. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_E_overig_d_2
  1149. msgid "Inkopen import buiten EU overig(2) diensten"
  1150. msgstr ""
  1151. #. module: l10n_nl
  1152. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_X2
  1153. msgid "Inst./afst.verkopen binnen EU"
  1154. msgstr ""
  1155. #. module: l10n_nl
  1156. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_X3
  1157. msgid "Inst./afst.verkopen buiten EU"
  1158. msgstr ""
  1159. #. module: l10n_nl
  1160. #: model:account.fiscal.position.template,name:l10n_nl.fiscal_position_template_eu_no_taxes_report
  1161. msgid "Installatie en Afstandsverkopen"
  1162. msgstr ""
  1163. #. module: l10n_nl
  1164. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_X2
  1165. msgid "Installatie/afstandsverkopen binnen EU"
  1166. msgstr ""
  1167. #. module: l10n_nl
  1168. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_X3
  1169. msgid "Installatie/afstandsverkopen buiten EU"
  1170. msgstr ""
  1171. #. module: l10n_nl
  1172. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.1507
  1173. msgid "Installatie/televerkoop binnen de EU"
  1174. msgstr ""
  1175. #. module: l10n_nl
  1176. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4340
  1177. msgid "Internet / e-mail"
  1178. msgstr ""
  1179. #. module: l10n_nl
  1180. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4830
  1181. msgid "Inventaris"
  1182. msgstr ""
  1183. #. module: l10n_nl
  1184. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.7063
  1185. msgid "Invoerkosten"
  1186. msgstr ""
  1187. #. module: l10n_nl
  1188. #: model:ir.model,name:l10n_nl.model_account_journal
  1189. msgid "Journal"
  1190. msgstr ""
  1191. #. module: l10n_nl
  1192. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4610
  1193. msgid "Juridische kosten"
  1194. msgstr ""
  1195. #. module: l10n_nl
  1196. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4040
  1197. msgid "Kantinekosten"
  1198. msgstr ""
  1199. #. module: l10n_nl
  1200. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4310
  1201. msgid "Kantoorbenodigdheden"
  1202. msgstr ""
  1203. #. module: l10n_nl
  1204. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.account_tag_5
  1205. msgid "Kantoorkosten"
  1206. msgstr ""
  1207. #. module: l10n_nl
  1208. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4940
  1209. msgid "Kasverschillen"
  1210. msgstr ""
  1211. #. module: l10n_nl
  1212. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4250
  1213. msgid "Kleine aanschaffingen"
  1214. msgstr ""
  1215. #. module: l10n_nl
  1216. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.1532
  1217. msgid "Kleine ondernemersregeling"
  1218. msgstr ""
  1219. #. module: l10n_nl
  1220. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4910
  1221. msgid "Kleine ondernemingsregeling Omzetbelasting"
  1222. msgstr ""
  1223. #. module: l10n_nl
  1224. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4920
  1225. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.8920
  1226. msgid "Koersverschillen"
  1227. msgstr ""
  1228. #. module: l10n_nl
  1229. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.7004
  1230. msgid "Kostprijs Intercompany handelsgoederen 1"
  1231. msgstr ""
  1232. #. module: l10n_nl
  1233. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.7008
  1234. msgid "Kostprijs Intercompany handelsgoederen 2"
  1235. msgstr ""
  1236. #. module: l10n_nl
  1237. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.7012
  1238. msgid "Kostprijs Intercompany handelsgoederen 3"
  1239. msgstr ""
  1240. #. module: l10n_nl
  1241. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.7001
  1242. msgid "Kostprijs NL handelsgoederen 1"
  1243. msgstr ""
  1244. #. module: l10n_nl
  1245. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.7005
  1246. msgid "Kostprijs NL handelsgoederen 2"
  1247. msgstr ""
  1248. #. module: l10n_nl
  1249. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.7009
  1250. msgid "Kostprijs NL handelsgoederen 3"
  1251. msgstr ""
  1252. #. module: l10n_nl
  1253. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.7002
  1254. msgid "Kostprijs binnen EU handelsgoederen 1"
  1255. msgstr ""
  1256. #. module: l10n_nl
  1257. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.7006
  1258. msgid "Kostprijs binnen EU handelsgoederen 2"
  1259. msgstr ""
  1260. #. module: l10n_nl
  1261. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.7010
  1262. msgid "Kostprijs binnen EU handelsgoederen 3"
  1263. msgstr ""
  1264. #. module: l10n_nl
  1265. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.7003
  1266. msgid "Kostprijs buiten EU handelsgoederen 1"
  1267. msgstr ""
  1268. #. module: l10n_nl
  1269. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.7007
  1270. msgid "Kostprijs buiten EU handelsgoederen 2"
  1271. msgstr ""
  1272. #. module: l10n_nl
  1273. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.7011
  1274. msgid "Kostprijs buiten EU handelsgoederen 3"
  1275. msgstr ""
  1276. #. module: l10n_nl
  1277. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.account_tag_10
  1278. msgid "Kostprijs van de omzet"
  1279. msgstr ""
  1280. #. module: l10n_nl
  1281. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.7040
  1282. msgid "Kostprijs werk derden"
  1283. msgstr ""
  1284. #. module: l10n_nl
  1285. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4560
  1286. msgid "Kredietbeperking debiteuren"
  1287. msgstr ""
  1288. #. module: l10n_nl
  1289. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.account_tag_15
  1290. msgid "Langlopende schulden"
  1291. msgstr ""
  1292. #. module: l10n_nl
  1293. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0740
  1294. msgid "Latente belastingverplichting"
  1295. msgstr ""
  1296. #. module: l10n_nl
  1297. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4211
  1298. msgid "Lease inventaris (operational lease)"
  1299. msgstr ""
  1300. #. module: l10n_nl
  1301. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4322
  1302. msgid "Lease kantoorinventaris (operational lease)"
  1303. msgstr ""
  1304. #. module: l10n_nl
  1305. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4202
  1306. msgid "Lease machines (operational lease)"
  1307. msgstr ""
  1308. #. module: l10n_nl
  1309. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4424
  1310. msgid "Lease overige vervoermiddelen (operational lease)"
  1311. msgstr ""
  1312. #. module: l10n_nl
  1313. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4414
  1314. msgid "Lease personenauto's (operational lease)"
  1315. msgstr ""
  1316. #. module: l10n_nl
  1317. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4404
  1318. msgid "Lease vrachtauto's (operational lease)"
  1319. msgstr ""
  1320. #. module: l10n_nl
  1321. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0821
  1322. msgid "Leningen o/g 1"
  1323. msgstr ""
  1324. #. module: l10n_nl
  1325. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0822
  1326. msgid "Leningen o/g 2"
  1327. msgstr ""
  1328. #. module: l10n_nl
  1329. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0823
  1330. msgid "Leningen o/g 3"
  1331. msgstr ""
  1332. #. module: l10n_nl
  1333. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0824
  1334. msgid "Leningen o/g 4"
  1335. msgstr ""
  1336. #. module: l10n_nl
  1337. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0825
  1338. msgid "Leningen o/g 5"
  1339. msgstr ""
  1340. #. module: l10n_nl
  1341. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0565
  1342. msgid "Leningen u/g 1"
  1343. msgstr ""
  1344. #. module: l10n_nl
  1345. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0566
  1346. msgid "Leningen u/g 2"
  1347. msgstr ""
  1348. #. module: l10n_nl
  1349. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0567
  1350. msgid "Leningen u/g 3"
  1351. msgstr ""
  1352. #. module: l10n_nl
  1353. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.tag_nl_21
  1354. msgid "Leveringen/diensten belast met hoog tarief (BTW)"
  1355. msgstr ""
  1356. #. module: l10n_nl
  1357. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.tag_nl_04
  1358. msgid "Leveringen/diensten belast met hoog tarief (omzet)"
  1359. msgstr ""
  1360. #. module: l10n_nl
  1361. #: model:res.country.state,name:l10n_nl.state_nl_li
  1362. msgid "Limburg"
  1363. msgstr ""
  1364. #. module: l10n_nl
  1365. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.account_tag_25
  1366. msgid "Liquide middelen"
  1367. msgstr ""
  1368. #. module: l10n_nl
  1369. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.l10nnl_chart_template_liquidity_transfer
  1370. msgid "Liquidity Transfer"
  1371. msgstr ""
  1372. #. module: l10n_nl
  1373. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.account_tag_1
  1374. msgid "Lonen en salarissen"
  1375. msgstr ""
  1376. #. module: l10n_nl
  1377. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.1630
  1378. msgid "Loonheffing"
  1379. msgstr ""
  1380. #. module: l10n_nl
  1381. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4820
  1382. msgid "Machines"
  1383. msgstr ""
  1384. #. module: l10n_nl
  1385. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4020
  1386. msgid "Managementvergoedingen"
  1387. msgstr ""
  1388. #. module: l10n_nl
  1389. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.account_tag_23
  1390. msgid "Materiële vaste activa"
  1391. msgstr ""
  1392. #. module: l10n_nl
  1393. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4280
  1394. msgid "Milieukosten"
  1395. msgstr ""
  1396. #. module: l10n_nl
  1397. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.7071
  1398. msgid "Mutatie garantieverplichting"
  1399. msgstr ""
  1400. #. module: l10n_nl
  1401. #: model:account.chart.template,name:l10n_nl.l10nnl_chart_template
  1402. msgid "Nederlands Grootboekschema"
  1403. msgstr ""
  1404. #. module: l10n_nl
  1405. #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:l10n_nl.account_reports_nl_statements_menu
  1406. msgid "Netherlands"
  1407. msgstr ""
  1408. #. module: l10n_nl
  1409. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.1620
  1410. msgid "Netto lonen"
  1411. msgstr ""
  1412. #. module: l10n_nl
  1413. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.account_tag_11
  1414. msgid "Netto omzet"
  1415. msgstr ""
  1416. #. module: l10n_nl
  1417. #: model:account.fiscal.position.template,name:l10n_nl.fiscal_position_template_non_eu
  1418. msgid "Niet-EU landen"
  1419. msgstr ""
  1420. #. module: l10n_nl
  1421. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.1450
  1422. msgid "Nog te ontvangen facturen"
  1423. msgstr ""
  1424. #. module: l10n_nl
  1425. #: model:res.country.state,name:l10n_nl.state_nl_nb
  1426. msgid "Noord-Brabant"
  1427. msgstr ""
  1428. #. module: l10n_nl
  1429. #: model:res.country.state,name:l10n_nl.state_nl_nh
  1430. msgid "Noord-Holland"
  1431. msgstr ""
  1432. #. module: l10n_nl
  1433. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.8004
  1434. msgid "Omzet Intercompany handelsgoederen 1"
  1435. msgstr ""
  1436. #. module: l10n_nl
  1437. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.8014
  1438. msgid "Omzet Intercompany handelsgoederen 2"
  1439. msgstr ""
  1440. #. module: l10n_nl
  1441. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.8024
  1442. msgid "Omzet Intercompany handelsgoederen 3"
  1443. msgstr ""
  1444. #. module: l10n_nl
  1445. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.8044
  1446. msgid "Omzet Intercompany werk derden"
  1447. msgstr ""
  1448. #. module: l10n_nl
  1449. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.8001
  1450. msgid "Omzet NL handelsgoederen 1"
  1451. msgstr ""
  1452. #. module: l10n_nl
  1453. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.8011
  1454. msgid "Omzet NL handelsgoederen 2"
  1455. msgstr ""
  1456. #. module: l10n_nl
  1457. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.8021
  1458. msgid "Omzet NL handelsgoederen 3"
  1459. msgstr ""
  1460. #. module: l10n_nl
  1461. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.8041
  1462. msgid "Omzet NL werk derden"
  1463. msgstr ""
  1464. #. module: l10n_nl
  1465. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.8002
  1466. msgid "Omzet binnen EU handelsgoederen 1"
  1467. msgstr ""
  1468. #. module: l10n_nl
  1469. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.8012
  1470. msgid "Omzet binnen EU handelsgoederen 2"
  1471. msgstr ""
  1472. #. module: l10n_nl
  1473. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.8022
  1474. msgid "Omzet binnen EU handelsgoederen 3"
  1475. msgstr ""
  1476. #. module: l10n_nl
  1477. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.8042
  1478. msgid "Omzet binnen EU werk derden"
  1479. msgstr ""
  1480. #. module: l10n_nl
  1481. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.8003
  1482. msgid "Omzet buiten EU handelsgoederen 1"
  1483. msgstr ""
  1484. #. module: l10n_nl
  1485. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.8013
  1486. msgid "Omzet buiten EU handelsgoederen 2"
  1487. msgstr ""
  1488. #. module: l10n_nl
  1489. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.8023
  1490. msgid "Omzet buiten EU handelsgoederen 3"
  1491. msgstr ""
  1492. #. module: l10n_nl
  1493. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.8043
  1494. msgid "Omzet buiten EU werk derden"
  1495. msgstr ""
  1496. #. module: l10n_nl
  1497. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4230
  1498. msgid "Onderhoud inventaris"
  1499. msgstr ""
  1500. #. module: l10n_nl
  1501. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4320
  1502. msgid "Onderhoud kantoorinventaris"
  1503. msgstr ""
  1504. #. module: l10n_nl
  1505. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4220
  1506. msgid "Onderhoud machines"
  1507. msgstr ""
  1508. #. module: l10n_nl
  1509. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4112
  1510. msgid "Onderhoud onroerend goed"
  1511. msgstr ""
  1512. #. module: l10n_nl
  1513. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4422
  1514. msgid "Onderhoud overige vervoermiddelen"
  1515. msgstr ""
  1516. #. module: l10n_nl
  1517. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4412
  1518. msgid "Onderhoud personenauto's"
  1519. msgstr ""
  1520. #. module: l10n_nl
  1521. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4402
  1522. msgid "Onderhoud vrachtauto's"
  1523. msgstr ""
  1524. #. module: l10n_nl
  1525. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4690
  1526. msgid "Overige algemene kosten"
  1527. msgstr ""
  1528. #. module: l10n_nl
  1529. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4950
  1530. msgid "Overige baten"
  1531. msgstr ""
  1532. #. module: l10n_nl
  1533. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4970
  1534. msgid "Overige baten voorgaande jaren"
  1535. msgstr ""
  1536. #. module: l10n_nl
  1537. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4290
  1538. msgid "Overige bedrijfskosten"
  1539. msgstr ""
  1540. #. module: l10n_nl
  1541. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.account_tag_16
  1542. msgid "Overige bedrijfsopbrengsten"
  1543. msgstr ""
  1544. #. module: l10n_nl
  1545. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4190
  1546. msgid "Overige huisvestingskosten"
  1547. msgstr ""
  1548. #. module: l10n_nl
  1549. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4390
  1550. msgid "Overige kantoorkosten"
  1551. msgstr ""
  1552. #. module: l10n_nl
  1553. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.account_tag_13
  1554. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.1490
  1555. msgid "Overige kortlopende schulden"
  1556. msgstr ""
  1557. #. module: l10n_nl
  1558. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.1290
  1559. msgid "Overige kortlopende vorderingen"
  1560. msgstr ""
  1561. #. module: l10n_nl
  1562. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4419
  1563. msgid "Overige kosten personenauto's"
  1564. msgstr ""
  1565. #. module: l10n_nl
  1566. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4408
  1567. msgid "Overige kosten vrachtauto's"
  1568. msgstr ""
  1569. #. module: l10n_nl
  1570. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4960
  1571. msgid "Overige lasten"
  1572. msgstr ""
  1573. #. module: l10n_nl
  1574. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4980
  1575. msgid "Overige lasten voorgaande jaren"
  1576. msgstr ""
  1577. #. module: l10n_nl
  1578. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4428
  1579. msgid "Overige overige vervoermiddelen"
  1580. msgstr ""
  1581. #. module: l10n_nl
  1582. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.account_tag_19
  1583. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4090
  1584. msgid "Overige personeelskosten"
  1585. msgstr ""
  1586. #. module: l10n_nl
  1587. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4042
  1588. msgid "Overige reiskosten"
  1589. msgstr ""
  1590. #. module: l10n_nl
  1591. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4795
  1592. msgid "Overige rentebaten"
  1593. msgstr ""
  1594. #. module: l10n_nl
  1595. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4790
  1596. msgid "Overige rentelasten"
  1597. msgstr ""
  1598. #. module: l10n_nl
  1599. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0650
  1600. msgid "Overige reserves"
  1601. msgstr ""
  1602. #. module: l10n_nl
  1603. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4590
  1604. msgid "Overige verkoopkosten"
  1605. msgstr ""
  1606. #. module: l10n_nl
  1607. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4490
  1608. msgid "Overige vervoerskosten"
  1609. msgstr ""
  1610. #. module: l10n_nl
  1611. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0750
  1612. msgid "Overige voorzieningen"
  1613. msgstr ""
  1614. #. module: l10n_nl
  1615. #: model:res.country.state,name:l10n_nl.state_nl_ov
  1616. msgid "Overijssel"
  1617. msgstr ""
  1618. #. module: l10n_nl
  1619. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.account_tag_20
  1620. msgid "Pensioenlasten"
  1621. msgstr ""
  1622. #. module: l10n_nl
  1623. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.1610
  1624. msgid "Pensioenpremies"
  1625. msgstr ""
  1626. #. module: l10n_nl
  1627. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4350
  1628. msgid "Porti"
  1629. msgstr ""
  1630. #. module: l10n_nl
  1631. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4418
  1632. msgid "Privégebruik personenauto's"
  1633. msgstr ""
  1634. #. module: l10n_nl
  1635. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.7030
  1636. msgid "Produktiekosten"
  1637. msgstr ""
  1638. #. module: l10n_nl
  1639. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4520
  1640. msgid "Reclamekosten"
  1641. msgstr ""
  1642. #. module: l10n_nl
  1643. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4510
  1644. msgid "Reis- en verblijfkosten"
  1645. msgstr ""
  1646. #. module: l10n_nl
  1647. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4024
  1648. msgid "Reiskosten ingeleend personeel"
  1649. msgstr ""
  1650. #. module: l10n_nl
  1651. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4505
  1652. msgid "Relatiegeschenken"
  1653. msgstr ""
  1654. #. module: l10n_nl
  1655. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.account_tag_30
  1656. msgid "Rente baten"
  1657. msgstr ""
  1658. #. module: l10n_nl
  1659. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4705
  1660. msgid "Rente hypotheek"
  1661. msgstr ""
  1662. #. module: l10n_nl
  1663. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4710
  1664. msgid "Rente lening"
  1665. msgstr ""
  1666. #. module: l10n_nl
  1667. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4720
  1668. msgid "Rente rekening-courant bank"
  1669. msgstr ""
  1670. #. module: l10n_nl
  1671. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.account_tag_31
  1672. msgid "Rente- en overige financiële lasten"
  1673. msgstr ""
  1674. #. module: l10n_nl
  1675. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.9150
  1676. msgid "Reorganisatiekosten"
  1677. msgstr ""
  1678. #. module: l10n_nl
  1679. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4515
  1680. msgid "Representatiekosten"
  1681. msgstr ""
  1682. #. module: l10n_nl
  1683. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.9011
  1684. msgid "Resultaat deelneming 1"
  1685. msgstr ""
  1686. #. module: l10n_nl
  1687. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.9012
  1688. msgid "Resultaat deelneming 2"
  1689. msgstr ""
  1690. #. module: l10n_nl
  1691. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.9013
  1692. msgid "Resultaat deelneming 3"
  1693. msgstr ""
  1694. #. module: l10n_nl
  1695. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.account_tag_12
  1696. msgid "Resultaat overige activa"
  1697. msgstr ""
  1698. #. module: l10n_nl
  1699. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.tag_nl_02
  1700. msgid "Rubriek 1: Prestaties binnenland"
  1701. msgstr ""
  1702. #. module: l10n_nl
  1703. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.tag_nl_19
  1704. msgid "Rubriek 1: Prestaties binnenland (BTW)"
  1705. msgstr ""
  1706. #. module: l10n_nl
  1707. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.tag_nl_26
  1708. msgid "Rubriek 2: Verleggingsregelingen binnenland (BTW)"
  1709. msgstr ""
  1710. #. module: l10n_nl
  1711. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.tag_nl_09
  1712. msgid "Rubriek 2: Verleggingsregelingen binnenland (omzet)"
  1713. msgstr ""
  1714. #. module: l10n_nl
  1715. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.tag_nl_11
  1716. msgid "Rubriek 3: Prestaties naar of in het buitenland (omzet)"
  1717. msgstr ""
  1718. #. module: l10n_nl
  1719. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.tag_nl_28
  1720. msgid "Rubriek 4: Prestaties vanuit het buitenland aan u verricht (BTW)"
  1721. msgstr ""
  1722. #. module: l10n_nl
  1723. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.tag_nl_15
  1724. msgid "Rubriek 4: Prestaties vanuit het buitenland aan u verricht (omzet)"
  1725. msgstr ""
  1726. #. module: l10n_nl
  1727. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.tag_nl_31
  1728. msgid "Rubriek 5: Voorbelasting, kleineondernemersregeling en totaal (BTW)"
  1729. msgstr ""
  1730. #. module: l10n_nl
  1731. #: model:res.country.state,name:l10n_nl.state_nl_bq2
  1732. msgid "Saba"
  1733. msgstr ""
  1734. #. module: l10n_nl
  1735. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4140
  1736. msgid "Schoonmaakkosten"
  1737. msgstr ""
  1738. #. module: l10n_nl
  1739. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.1599
  1740. msgid "Schuld omzetbelasting (einde boekjaar)"
  1741. msgstr ""
  1742. #. module: l10n_nl
  1743. #: model:res.country.state,name:l10n_nl.state_nl_bq3
  1744. msgid "Sint Eustatius"
  1745. msgstr ""
  1746. #. module: l10n_nl
  1747. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.account_tag_18
  1748. msgid "Sociale lasten"
  1749. msgstr ""
  1750. #. module: l10n_nl
  1751. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4045
  1752. msgid "Studie- en opleidingskosten"
  1753. msgstr ""
  1754. #. module: l10n_nl
  1755. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.1560
  1756. msgid "Suppletie omzetbelasting"
  1757. msgstr ""
  1758. #. module: l10n_nl
  1759. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4004
  1760. msgid "Tantièmes"
  1761. msgstr ""
  1762. #. module: l10n_nl
  1763. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.1460
  1764. msgid "Te betalen VPB"
  1765. msgstr ""
  1766. #. module: l10n_nl
  1767. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.1470
  1768. msgid "Te betalen VPB voorgaande jaren"
  1769. msgstr ""
  1770. #. module: l10n_nl
  1771. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.1430
  1772. msgid "Te betalen accountantskosten"
  1773. msgstr ""
  1774. #. module: l10n_nl
  1775. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.1420
  1776. msgid "Te betalen dividend"
  1777. msgstr ""
  1778. #. module: l10n_nl
  1779. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.1480
  1780. msgid "Te betalen dividendbelasting"
  1781. msgstr ""
  1782. #. module: l10n_nl
  1783. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.1625
  1784. msgid "Te betalen netto lonen"
  1785. msgstr ""
  1786. #. module: l10n_nl
  1787. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.1410
  1788. msgid "Te betalen rente"
  1789. msgstr ""
  1790. #. module: l10n_nl
  1791. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.1440
  1792. msgid "Te betalen telefoonkosten"
  1793. msgstr ""
  1794. #. module: l10n_nl
  1795. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.1640
  1796. msgid "Te betalen vakantiedagen"
  1797. msgstr ""
  1798. #. module: l10n_nl
  1799. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.1650
  1800. msgid "Te betalen vakantiegeld"
  1801. msgstr ""
  1802. #. module: l10n_nl
  1803. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.1220
  1804. msgid "Te ontvangen rente"
  1805. msgstr ""
  1806. #. module: l10n_nl
  1807. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.1230
  1808. msgid "Te ontvangen ziekengeld"
  1809. msgstr ""
  1810. #. module: l10n_nl
  1811. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4330
  1812. msgid "Telefoon / telefax"
  1813. msgstr ""
  1814. #. module: l10n_nl
  1815. #: model:ir.model,name:l10n_nl.model_account_chart_template
  1816. msgid "Account Chart Template"
  1817. msgstr ""
  1818. #. module: l10n_nl
  1819. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4113
  1820. msgid "Toevoeging egalisatiereserve Groot onderhoud"
  1821. msgstr ""
  1822. #. module: l10n_nl
  1823. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.2010
  1824. msgid "Tussenrekening beginbalans"
  1825. msgstr ""
  1826. #. module: l10n_nl
  1827. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.account_tag_28
  1828. msgid "Tussenrekeningen"
  1829. msgstr ""
  1830. #. module: l10n_nl
  1831. #: model:res.country.state,name:l10n_nl.state_nl_ut
  1832. msgid "Utrecht"
  1833. msgstr ""
  1834. #. module: l10n_nl
  1835. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4003
  1836. msgid "Vakantietoeslag"
  1837. msgstr ""
  1838. #. module: l10n_nl
  1839. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.9900
  1840. msgid "Vennootschapsbelasting"
  1841. msgstr ""
  1842. #. module: l10n_nl
  1843. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.9950
  1844. msgid "Vennootschapsbelasting voorgaande jaren"
  1845. msgstr ""
  1846. #. module: l10n_nl
  1847. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4019
  1848. msgid "Vergoeding overige kosten"
  1849. msgstr ""
  1850. #. module: l10n_nl
  1851. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4018
  1852. msgid "Vergoeding overige reiskosten"
  1853. msgstr ""
  1854. #. module: l10n_nl
  1855. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4017
  1856. msgid "Vergoeding studiekosten"
  1857. msgstr ""
  1858. #. module: l10n_nl
  1859. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4016
  1860. msgid "Vergoeding woon- werkverkeer"
  1861. msgstr ""
  1862. #. module: l10n_nl
  1863. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.account_tag_7
  1864. msgid "Verkoopkosten"
  1865. msgstr ""
  1866. #. module: l10n_nl
  1867. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_X0_diensten
  1868. msgid "Verkopen export binnen EU (diensten)"
  1869. msgstr ""
  1870. #. module: l10n_nl
  1871. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_X0_producten
  1872. msgid "Verkopen export binnen EU (producten)"
  1873. msgstr ""
  1874. #. module: l10n_nl
  1875. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_X1
  1876. msgid "Verkopen export buiten EU"
  1877. msgstr ""
  1878. #. module: l10n_nl
  1879. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_21
  1880. msgid "Verkopen/omzet hoog"
  1881. msgstr ""
  1882. #. module: l10n_nl
  1883. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_21_d
  1884. msgid "Verkopen/omzet hoog diensten"
  1885. msgstr ""
  1886. #. module: l10n_nl
  1887. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_6
  1888. msgid "Verkopen/omzet laag"
  1889. msgstr ""
  1890. #. module: l10n_nl
  1891. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_6_d
  1892. msgid "Verkopen/omzet laag diensten"
  1893. msgstr ""
  1894. #. module: l10n_nl
  1895. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_0
  1896. msgid "Verkopen/omzet onbelast (nul-tarief)"
  1897. msgstr ""
  1898. #. module: l10n_nl
  1899. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_0_d
  1900. msgid "Verkopen/omzet onbelast (nul-tarief) diensten"
  1901. msgstr ""
  1902. #. module: l10n_nl
  1903. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_overig
  1904. msgid "Verkopen/omzet overig"
  1905. msgstr ""
  1906. #. module: l10n_nl
  1907. #: model:account.tax.template,name:l10n_nl.btw_overig_d
  1908. msgid "Verkopen/omzet overig diensten"
  1909. msgstr ""
  1910. #. module: l10n_nl
  1911. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.3300
  1912. msgid "Verpakkingsmateriaal"
  1913. msgstr ""
  1914. #. module: l10n_nl
  1915. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4840
  1916. msgid "Vervoermiddelen"
  1917. msgstr ""
  1918. #. module: l10n_nl
  1919. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.account_tag_6
  1920. msgid "Vervoerskosten"
  1921. msgstr ""
  1922. #. module: l10n_nl
  1923. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_refund_h
  1924. msgid "Voorbelasting hoog"
  1925. msgstr ""
  1926. #. module: l10n_nl
  1927. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_refund_h_eu
  1928. msgid "Voorbelasting hoog binnen de EU"
  1929. msgstr ""
  1930. #. module: l10n_nl
  1931. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_refund_h_d_eu
  1932. msgid "Voorbelasting hoog binnen de EU diensten"
  1933. msgstr ""
  1934. #. module: l10n_nl
  1935. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_refund_h_non_eu
  1936. msgid "Voorbelasting hoog buiten EU"
  1937. msgstr ""
  1938. #. module: l10n_nl
  1939. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_refund_h_d_non_eu
  1940. msgid "Voorbelasting hoog buiten EU diensten"
  1941. msgstr ""
  1942. #. module: l10n_nl
  1943. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_refund_h_d
  1944. msgid "Voorbelasting hoog diensten"
  1945. msgstr ""
  1946. #. module: l10n_nl
  1947. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_refund_l
  1948. msgid "Voorbelasting laag"
  1949. msgstr ""
  1950. #. module: l10n_nl
  1951. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_refund_l_eu
  1952. msgid "Voorbelasting laag binnen de EU"
  1953. msgstr ""
  1954. #. module: l10n_nl
  1955. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_refund_l_d_eu
  1956. msgid "Voorbelasting laag binnen de EU diensten"
  1957. msgstr ""
  1958. #. module: l10n_nl
  1959. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_refund_l_non_eu
  1960. msgid "Voorbelasting laag buiten EU"
  1961. msgstr ""
  1962. #. module: l10n_nl
  1963. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_refund_l_d_non_eu
  1964. msgid "Voorbelasting laag buiten EU diensten"
  1965. msgstr ""
  1966. #. module: l10n_nl
  1967. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_refund_l_d
  1968. msgid "Voorbelasting laag diensten"
  1969. msgstr ""
  1970. #. module: l10n_nl
  1971. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_refund_0
  1972. msgid "Voorbelasting overige"
  1973. msgstr ""
  1974. #. module: l10n_nl
  1975. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_refund_0_eu
  1976. msgid "Voorbelasting overige binnen de EU"
  1977. msgstr ""
  1978. #. module: l10n_nl
  1979. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_refund_0_d_eu
  1980. msgid "Voorbelasting overige binnen de EU diensten"
  1981. msgstr ""
  1982. #. module: l10n_nl
  1983. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_refund_0_non_eu
  1984. msgid "Voorbelasting overige buiten EU"
  1985. msgstr ""
  1986. #. module: l10n_nl
  1987. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_refund_0_d_non_eu
  1988. msgid "Voorbelasting overige buiten EU diensten"
  1989. msgstr ""
  1990. #. module: l10n_nl
  1991. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_refund_0_d
  1992. msgid "Voorbelasting overige diensten"
  1993. msgstr ""
  1994. #. module: l10n_nl
  1995. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_refund_v
  1996. msgid "Voorbelasting verlegd"
  1997. msgstr ""
  1998. #. module: l10n_nl
  1999. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_refund_v_eu
  2000. msgid "Voorbelasting verlegd binnen de EU"
  2001. msgstr ""
  2002. #. module: l10n_nl
  2003. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_refund_v_d_eu
  2004. msgid "Voorbelasting verlegd binnen de EU diensten"
  2005. msgstr ""
  2006. #. module: l10n_nl
  2007. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_refund_v_non_eu
  2008. msgid "Voorbelasting verlegd buiten EU"
  2009. msgstr ""
  2010. #. module: l10n_nl
  2011. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_refund_v_d_non_eu
  2012. msgid "Voorbelasting verlegd buiten EU diensten"
  2013. msgstr ""
  2014. #. module: l10n_nl
  2015. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.vat_refund_v_d
  2016. msgid "Voorbelasting verlegd diensten"
  2017. msgstr ""
  2018. #. module: l10n_nl
  2019. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.account_tag_4
  2020. msgid "Voorraden"
  2021. msgstr ""
  2022. #. module: l10n_nl
  2023. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.1621
  2024. msgid "Voorschot loon"
  2025. msgstr ""
  2026. #. module: l10n_nl
  2027. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.1405
  2028. msgid "Vooruit ontvangen bedragen"
  2029. msgstr ""
  2030. #. module: l10n_nl
  2031. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.1205
  2032. msgid "Vooruitbetaalde kosten"
  2033. msgstr ""
  2034. #. module: l10n_nl
  2035. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0730
  2036. msgid "Voorziening deelnemingen"
  2037. msgstr ""
  2038. #. module: l10n_nl
  2039. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.1160
  2040. msgid "Voorziening dubieuze debiteuren"
  2041. msgstr ""
  2042. #. module: l10n_nl
  2043. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.7050
  2044. msgid "Voorziening incourante voorraad grondstof"
  2045. msgstr ""
  2046. #. module: l10n_nl
  2047. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.7052
  2048. msgid "Voorziening incourante voorraad handelsgoederen"
  2049. msgstr ""
  2050. #. module: l10n_nl
  2051. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.7051
  2052. msgid "Voorziening incourante voorraad hulpstof"
  2053. msgstr ""
  2054. #. module: l10n_nl
  2055. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0710
  2056. msgid "Voorziening pensioenverplichtingen"
  2057. msgstr ""
  2058. #. module: l10n_nl
  2059. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4015
  2060. msgid "Voorziening vakantiedagen"
  2061. msgstr ""
  2062. #. module: l10n_nl
  2063. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.account_tag_14
  2064. msgid "Voorzieningen"
  2065. msgstr ""
  2066. #. module: l10n_nl
  2067. #: model:account.account.tag,name:l10n_nl.account_tag_27
  2068. msgid "Vorderingen"
  2069. msgstr ""
  2070. #. module: l10n_nl
  2071. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0551
  2072. msgid "Vorderingen op deelneming 1"
  2073. msgstr ""
  2074. #. module: l10n_nl
  2075. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0552
  2076. msgid "Vorderingen op deelneming 2"
  2077. msgstr ""
  2078. #. module: l10n_nl
  2079. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0553
  2080. msgid "Vorderingen op deelneming 3"
  2081. msgstr ""
  2082. #. module: l10n_nl
  2083. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.1040
  2084. msgid "Vraagposten"
  2085. msgstr ""
  2086. #. module: l10n_nl
  2087. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4570
  2088. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.7062
  2089. msgid "Vrachtkosten"
  2090. msgstr ""
  2091. #. module: l10n_nl
  2092. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0570
  2093. msgid "Waarborgsommen"
  2094. msgstr ""
  2095. #. module: l10n_nl
  2096. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4540
  2097. msgid "Websitekosten"
  2098. msgstr ""
  2099. #. module: l10n_nl
  2100. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4010
  2101. msgid "Werkgeversdeel loonheffingen"
  2102. msgstr ""
  2103. #. module: l10n_nl
  2104. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4011
  2105. msgid "Werkgeversdeel pensioenen"
  2106. msgstr ""
  2107. #. module: l10n_nl
  2108. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4012
  2109. msgid "Werkgeversdeel sociale lasten"
  2110. msgstr ""
  2111. #. module: l10n_nl
  2112. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4022
  2113. msgid "Werkkostenregeling (WKR max 1.2% brutoloon)"
  2114. msgstr ""
  2115. #. module: l10n_nl
  2116. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4005
  2117. msgid "Werknemersbijdrage auto"
  2118. msgstr ""
  2119. #. module: l10n_nl
  2120. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4044
  2121. msgid "Wervingskosten personeel"
  2122. msgstr ""
  2123. #. module: l10n_nl
  2124. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.0620
  2125. msgid "Wettelijke reserves"
  2126. msgstr ""
  2127. #. module: l10n_nl
  2128. #: model:res.country.state,name:l10n_nl.state_nl_ze
  2129. msgid "Zeeland"
  2130. msgstr ""
  2131. #. module: l10n_nl
  2132. #: model:account.account.template,name:l10n_nl.4030
  2133. msgid "Ziekteverzuimverzekering"
  2134. msgstr ""
  2135. #. module: l10n_nl
  2136. #: model:res.country.state,name:l10n_nl.state_nl_zh
  2137. msgid "Zuid-Holland"
  2138. msgstr ""
  2139. #. module: l10n_nl
  2140. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_overig
  2141. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_overig_buy
  2142. msgid "variabel BTW"
  2143. msgstr ""
  2144. #. module: l10n_nl
  2145. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_overig_buy_d
  2146. #: model:account.tax.template,description:l10n_nl.btw_overig_d
  2147. msgid "variabel BTW diensten"
  2148. msgstr ""
  2149. #. module: l10n_nl
  2150. #: model:account.tax.group,name:l10n_nl.tax_group_9
  2151. msgid "BTW 9%"
  2152. msgstr ""
  2153. #. module: l10n_nl
  2154. #: model:ir.model,name:l10n_nl.model_res_company
  2155. msgid "Companies"
  2156. msgstr ""
  2157. #. module: l10n_nl
  2158. #: model:ir.model,name:l10n_nl.model_res_partner
  2159. msgid "Contact"
  2160. msgstr ""
  2161. #. module: l10n_nl
  2162. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:l10n_nl.field_res_company__l10n_nl_kvk
  2163. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:l10n_nl.field_res_partner__l10n_nl_kvk
  2164. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:l10n_nl.field_res_users__l10n_nl_kvk
  2165. msgid "KVK-nummer"
  2166. msgstr ""
  2167. #. module: l10n_nl
  2168. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:l10n_nl.field_res_company__l10n_nl_oin
  2169. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:l10n_nl.field_res_partner__l10n_nl_oin
  2170. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:l10n_nl.field_res_users__l10n_nl_oin
  2171. msgid "Organisatie Indentificatie Nummer"
  2172. msgstr ""