pt_BR.po 48 KB

  1. # Translation of Odoo Server.
  2. # This file contains the translation of the following modules:
  3. # * pos_restaurant
  4. #
  5. # Translators:
  6. # Martin Trigaux, 2022
  7. # Kevilyn Rosa, 2023
  8. # Layna Nascimento, 2023
  9. #
  10. msgid ""
  11. msgstr ""
  12. "Project-Id-Version: Odoo Server 16.0\n"
  13. "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
  14. "POT-Creation-Date: 2023-04-14 05:51+0000\n"
  15. "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-09-22 05:54+0000\n"
  16. "Last-Translator: Layna Nascimento, 2023\n"
  17. "Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) (\n"
  18. "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  19. "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  20. "Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
  21. "Language: pt_BR\n"
  22. "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;\n"
  23. #. module: pos_restaurant
  24. #: model:ir.model.fields.selection,name:pos_restaurant.selection__restaurant_printer__printer_type__iot
  25. msgid " Use a printer connected to the IoT Box"
  26. msgstr "Use uma impressora conectada à IoT Box"
  27. #. module: pos_restaurant
  28. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:pos_restaurant.view_restaurant_floor_kanban
  29. msgid "<strong>Floor Name: </strong>"
  30. msgstr "<strong>Nome do Andar: </strong>"
  31. #. module: pos_restaurant
  32. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:pos_restaurant.view_restaurant_floor_kanban
  33. msgid "<strong>Point of Sale: </strong>"
  34. msgstr "<strong>Ponto de Venda: </strong>"
  35. #. module: pos_restaurant
  36. #: model_terms:ir.actions.act_window,help:pos_restaurant.action_restaurant_floor_form
  37. msgid ""
  38. "A restaurant floor represents the place where customers are served, this is where you can\n"
  39. " define and position the tables."
  40. msgstr ""
  41. "Um piso de restaurante representa a área onde clientes são servidos, onde você pode\n"
  42. " definir e posicionar as mesas."
  43. #. module: pos_restaurant
  44. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_floor__active
  45. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_table__active
  46. msgid "Active"
  47. msgstr "Ativo"
  48. #. module: pos_restaurant
  49. #. odoo-javascript
  50. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  51. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  52. #, python-format
  53. msgid "Add"
  54. msgstr "Adicionar"
  55. #. module: pos_restaurant
  56. #. odoo-javascript
  57. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/js/Screens/ProductScreen/ControlButtons/OrderlineNoteButton.js:0
  58. #, python-format
  59. msgid "Add Internal Note"
  60. msgstr ""
  61. #. module: pos_restaurant
  62. #: model_terms:ir.actions.act_window,help:pos_restaurant.action_restaurant_floor_form
  63. msgid "Add a new restaurant floor"
  64. msgstr "Adicionar um novo piso de restaurante"
  65. #. module: pos_restaurant
  66. #: model_terms:ir.actions.act_window,help:pos_restaurant.action_restaurant_printer_form
  67. msgid "Add a new restaurant order printer"
  68. msgstr "Adicionar uma nova impressora de pedidos de restaurante"
  69. #. module: pos_restaurant
  70. #. odoo-javascript
  71. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/TipScreen.xml:0
  72. #, python-format
  73. msgid "Add a tip"
  74. msgstr "Adicionar gorjeta"
  75. #. module: pos_restaurant
  76. #. odoo-javascript
  77. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/FloorScreen.xml:0
  78. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/FloorScreen.xml:0
  79. #, python-format
  80. msgid "Add button"
  81. msgstr ""
  82. #. module: pos_restaurant
  83. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:pos_restaurant.res_config_settings_view_form
  84. msgid "Add internal notes on order lines for the kitchen"
  85. msgstr "Adicione anotações internas em linhas de pedido para a cozinha"
  86. #. module: pos_restaurant
  87. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:pos_restaurant.res_config_settings_view_form
  88. msgid "Add tip after payment (North America specific)"
  89. msgstr "Adicionar gorjeta após pagamento (específico da América do Norte)"
  90. #. module: pos_restaurant
  91. #. odoo-javascript
  92. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/PaymentScreen/PaymentScreenPaymentLines.xml:0
  93. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/PaymentScreen/PaymentScreenPaymentLines.xml:0
  94. #, python-format
  95. msgid "Adjust Amount"
  96. msgstr "Ajustar valor"
  97. #. module: pos_restaurant
  98. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:pos_restaurant.field_pos_config__set_tip_after_payment
  99. msgid ""
  100. "Adjust the amount authorized by payment terminals to add a tip after the "
  101. "customers left or at the end of the day."
  102. msgstr ""
  103. "Ajuste o valor autorizado por terminais de pagamento para adicionar gorjeta "
  104. "após o cliente ir embora ou ao final do dia."
  105. #. module: pos_restaurant
  106. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:pos_restaurant.res_config_settings_view_form
  107. msgid "Allow Bill Splitting"
  108. msgstr "Permitir divisão da conta"
  109. #. module: pos_restaurant
  110. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:pos_restaurant.field_pos_config__iface_orderline_notes
  111. msgid "Allow custom internal notes on Orderlines."
  112. msgstr ""
  113. #. module: pos_restaurant
  114. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:pos_restaurant.res_config_settings_view_form
  115. msgid "Allow to print receipt before payment"
  116. msgstr "Permitir impressão do recibo antes do pagamento"
  117. #. module: pos_restaurant
  118. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:pos_restaurant.field_pos_config__iface_printbill
  119. msgid "Allows to print the Bill before payment."
  120. msgstr "Permite imprimir a conta antes do pagamento."
  121. #. module: pos_restaurant
  122. #. odoo-javascript
  123. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/TipScreen.xml:0
  124. #, python-format
  125. msgid "Amount"
  126. msgstr "Montante"
  127. #. module: pos_restaurant
  128. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_table__name
  129. msgid "An internal identification of a table"
  130. msgstr "Uma identificação interna de uma mesa"
  131. #. module: pos_restaurant
  132. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_printer__name
  133. msgid "An internal identification of the printer"
  134. msgstr "Uma identificação interna da impressora"
  135. #. module: pos_restaurant
  136. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:pos_restaurant.view_restaurant_table_form
  137. msgid "Appearance"
  138. msgstr "Aparência"
  139. #. module: pos_restaurant
  140. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:pos_restaurant.view_restaurant_floor_form
  141. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:pos_restaurant.view_restaurant_floor_search
  142. msgid "Archived"
  143. msgstr "Arquivado"
  144. #. module: pos_restaurant
  145. #. odoo-javascript
  146. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/js/Screens/FloorScreen/FloorScreen.js:0
  147. #, python-format
  148. msgid "Are you sure ?"
  149. msgstr "Tem certeza?"
  150. #. module: pos_restaurant
  151. #. odoo-javascript
  152. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/SplitBillScreen/SplitBillScreen.xml:0
  153. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/TipScreen.xml:0
  154. #, python-format
  155. msgid "Back"
  156. msgstr "Voltar"
  157. #. module: pos_restaurant
  158. #. odoo-javascript
  159. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/ChromeWidgets/BackToFloorButton.xml:0
  160. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/ChromeWidgets/BackToFloorButton.xml:0
  161. #, python-format
  162. msgid "Back to floor"
  163. msgstr "Retornar ao piso"
  164. #. module: pos_restaurant
  165. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_floor__background_color
  166. msgid "Background Color"
  167. msgstr "Cor de Fundo"
  168. #. module: pos_restaurant
  169. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_floor__background_image
  170. msgid "Background Image"
  171. msgstr "Imagem De Fundo"
  172. #. module: pos_restaurant
  173. #: model:product.template,name:pos_restaurant.pos_food_bacon_product_template
  174. msgid "Bacon Burger"
  175. msgstr "Hambúrguer de bacon"
  176. #. module: pos_restaurant
  177. #. odoo-javascript
  178. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/ProductScreen/ControlButtons/PrintBillButton.xml:0
  179. #, python-format
  180. msgid "Bill"
  181. msgstr "Conta"
  182. #. module: pos_restaurant
  183. #. odoo-javascript
  184. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/BillScreen.xml:0
  185. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_pos_config__iface_printbill
  186. #, python-format
  187. msgid "Bill Printing"
  188. msgstr "Impressão de Conta"
  189. #. module: pos_restaurant
  190. #. odoo-javascript
  191. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/SplitBillScreen/SplitBillScreen.xml:0
  192. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_pos_config__iface_splitbill
  193. #, python-format
  194. msgid "Bill Splitting"
  195. msgstr "Dividir Conta "
  196. #. module: pos_restaurant
  197. #. odoo-javascript
  198. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/js/Screens/ProductScreen/ControlButtons/TableGuestsButton.js:0
  199. #, python-format
  200. msgid "Blocked action"
  201. msgstr "Ação bloqueada"
  202. #. module: pos_restaurant
  203. #. odoo-javascript
  204. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  205. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  206. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  207. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  208. #, python-format
  209. msgid "Blue"
  210. msgstr "Azul"
  211. #. module: pos_restaurant
  212. #. odoo-javascript
  213. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/multiprint.xml:0
  214. #, python-format
  215. msgid "CANCELLED"
  216. msgstr "Cancelado"
  217. #. module: pos_restaurant
  218. #. odoo-python
  219. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/models/
  220. #, python-format
  221. msgid "Cash Bar"
  222. msgstr "Cash bar"
  223. #. module: pos_restaurant
  224. #: model:product.template,name:pos_restaurant.pos_food_cheeseburger_product_template
  225. msgid "Cheese Burger"
  226. msgstr "X-búrguer"
  227. #. module: pos_restaurant
  228. #: model:product.template,name:pos_restaurant.pos_food_chicken_product_template
  229. msgid "Chicken Curry Sandwich"
  230. msgstr "Sanduíche de curry de frango"
  231. #. module: pos_restaurant
  232. #. odoo-javascript
  233. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  234. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  235. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  236. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  237. #, python-format
  238. msgid "Close"
  239. msgstr "Fechar"
  240. #. module: pos_restaurant
  241. #. odoo-javascript
  242. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/PaymentScreen/PaymentScreen.xml:0
  243. #, python-format
  244. msgid "Close Tab"
  245. msgstr "Fechar aba"
  246. #. module: pos_restaurant
  247. #: model:product.template,name:pos_restaurant.pos_food_club_product_template
  248. msgid "Club Sandwich"
  249. msgstr "Sanduíche de clube"
  250. #. module: pos_restaurant
  251. #: model:product.template,name:pos_restaurant.coke_product_template
  252. msgid "Coca-Cola"
  253. msgstr "Coca-cola"
  254. #. module: pos_restaurant
  255. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_table__color
  256. msgid "Color"
  257. msgstr "Cor"
  258. #. module: pos_restaurant
  259. #: model:ir.model,name:pos_restaurant.model_res_config_settings
  260. msgid "Config Settings"
  261. msgstr "Configurações"
  262. #. module: pos_restaurant
  263. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_floor__create_uid
  264. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_printer__create_uid
  265. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_table__create_uid
  266. msgid "Created by"
  267. msgstr "Criado por"
  268. #. module: pos_restaurant
  269. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_floor__create_date
  270. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_printer__create_date
  271. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_table__create_date
  272. msgid "Created on"
  273. msgstr "Criado em"
  274. #. module: pos_restaurant
  275. #. odoo-javascript
  276. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  277. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  278. #, python-format
  279. msgid "Delete"
  280. msgstr "Excluir"
  281. #. module: pos_restaurant
  282. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:pos_restaurant.res_config_settings_view_form
  283. msgid "Design floors and assign orders to tables"
  284. msgstr "Projete pisos e atribua pedidos às mesas"
  285. #. module: pos_restaurant
  286. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_floor__display_name
  287. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_printer__display_name
  288. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_table__display_name
  289. msgid "Display Name"
  290. msgstr "Nome exibido"
  291. #. module: pos_restaurant
  292. #: model:pos.category,name:pos_restaurant.drinks
  293. msgid "Drinks"
  294. msgstr "Bebidas"
  295. #. module: pos_restaurant
  296. #. odoo-javascript
  297. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/js/ChromeWidgets/TicketButton.js:0
  298. #, python-format
  299. msgid "Due to a connection error, the orders are not synchronized."
  300. msgstr ""
  301. #. module: pos_restaurant
  302. #. odoo-javascript
  303. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  304. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  305. #, python-format
  306. msgid "Duplicate"
  307. msgstr "Duplicar"
  308. #. module: pos_restaurant
  309. #: model_terms:ir.actions.act_window,help:pos_restaurant.action_restaurant_printer_form
  310. msgid ""
  311. "Each Order Printer has an IP Address that defines the IoT Box/Hardware\n"
  312. " Proxy where the printer can be found, and a list of product categories.\n"
  313. " An Order Printer will only print updates for products belonging to one of\n"
  314. " its categories."
  315. msgstr ""
  316. #. module: pos_restaurant
  317. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:pos_restaurant.res_config_settings_view_form
  318. msgid "Early Receipt Printing"
  319. msgstr "Impressão de recibo antecipada"
  320. #. module: pos_restaurant
  321. #. odoo-javascript
  322. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/FloorScreen.xml:0
  323. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/FloorScreen.xml:0
  324. #, python-format
  325. msgid "Edit"
  326. msgstr "Editar"
  327. #. module: pos_restaurant
  328. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:pos_restaurant.field_pos_config__iface_splitbill
  329. msgid "Enables Bill Splitting in the Point of Sale."
  330. msgstr "Possibilita a divisão de conta no ponto de venda."
  331. #. module: pos_restaurant
  332. #. odoo-javascript
  333. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/js/Screens/ProductScreen/ControlButtons/SubmitOrderButton.js:0
  334. #, python-format
  335. msgid "Failed in printing the changes in the order"
  336. msgstr "Falha ao imprimir as alterações no pedido"
  337. #. module: pos_restaurant
  338. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_table__floor_id
  339. msgid "Floor"
  340. msgstr "Piso"
  341. #. module: pos_restaurant
  342. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_floor__name
  343. msgid "Floor Name"
  344. msgstr "Nome do Piso"
  345. #. module: pos_restaurant
  346. #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:pos_restaurant.action_restaurant_floor_form
  347. #:,name:pos_restaurant.menu_restaurant_floor_all
  348. msgid "Floor Plans"
  349. msgstr "Planta do Piso"
  350. #. module: pos_restaurant
  351. #. odoo-python
  352. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/models/
  353. #, python-format
  354. msgid "Floor: %s - PoS Config: %s \n"
  355. msgstr "Piso: %s - Config. do PDV: %s \n"
  356. #. module: pos_restaurant
  357. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:pos_restaurant.res_config_settings_view_form
  358. msgid "Floors"
  359. msgstr "Pisos"
  360. #. module: pos_restaurant
  361. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_pos_config__is_table_management
  362. msgid "Floors & Tables"
  363. msgstr ""
  364. #. module: pos_restaurant
  365. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:pos_restaurant.res_config_settings_view_form
  366. msgid "Floors & Tables Map"
  367. msgstr "Mapa de pisos e mesas"
  368. #. module: pos_restaurant
  369. #: model:pos.category,
  370. msgid "Food"
  371. msgstr "Comida"
  372. #. module: pos_restaurant
  373. #. odoo-javascript
  374. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/ReceiptScreen/OrderReceipt.xml:0
  375. #, python-format
  376. msgid "For convenience, we are providing the following gratuity calculations:"
  377. msgstr ""
  378. "Para a sua conveniência, estamos fornecendo os seguintes cálculos de "
  379. "gorjeta:"
  380. #. module: pos_restaurant
  381. #: model:product.template,name:pos_restaurant.pos_food_funghi_product_template
  382. msgid "Funghi"
  383. msgstr "Funghi"
  384. #. module: pos_restaurant
  385. #. odoo-javascript
  386. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  387. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  388. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  389. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  390. #, python-format
  391. msgid "Green"
  392. msgstr "Verde"
  393. #. module: pos_restaurant
  394. #. odoo-javascript
  395. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  396. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  397. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  398. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  399. #, python-format
  400. msgid "Grey"
  401. msgstr "Cinza"
  402. #. module: pos_restaurant
  403. #. odoo-javascript
  404. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/ProductScreen/ControlButtons/TableGuestsButton.xml:0
  405. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_pos_order__customer_count
  406. #, python-format
  407. msgid "Guests"
  408. msgstr "Convidados"
  409. #. module: pos_restaurant
  410. #. odoo-javascript
  411. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/js/Screens/ProductScreen/ControlButtons/TableGuestsButton.js:0
  412. #, python-format
  413. msgid "Guests ?"
  414. msgstr "Convidados ?"
  415. #. module: pos_restaurant
  416. #. odoo-javascript
  417. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/ReceiptScreen/OrderReceipt.xml:0
  418. #, python-format
  419. msgid "Guests:"
  420. msgstr "Convidados:"
  421. #. module: pos_restaurant
  422. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_table__height
  423. msgid "Height"
  424. msgstr "Altura"
  425. #. module: pos_restaurant
  426. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_table__position_h
  427. msgid "Horizontal Position"
  428. msgstr "Posição Horizontal"
  429. #. module: pos_restaurant
  430. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_floor__id
  431. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_printer__id
  432. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_table__id
  433. msgid "ID"
  434. msgstr "ID"
  435. #. module: pos_restaurant
  436. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_table__active
  437. msgid ""
  438. "If false, the table is deactivated and will not be available in the point of"
  439. " sale"
  440. msgstr ""
  441. "Se falso, a mesa é desativada e não estará disponível no ponto de venda"
  442. #. module: pos_restaurant
  443. #. odoo-javascript
  444. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/ProductScreen/ControlButtons/OrderlineNoteButton.xml:0
  445. #, python-format
  446. msgid "Internal Note"
  447. msgstr "Anotação Interna"
  448. #. module: pos_restaurant
  449. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_pos_order_line__note
  450. msgid "Internal Note added by the waiter."
  451. msgstr "Anotação interna adicionada pelo garçom."
  452. #. module: pos_restaurant
  453. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_pos_config__iface_orderline_notes
  454. msgid "Internal Notes"
  455. msgstr "Anotações Internas"
  456. #. module: pos_restaurant
  457. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_pos_config__module_pos_restaurant
  458. msgid "Is a Bar/Restaurant"
  459. msgstr "É um Bar ou Restaurant"
  460. #. module: pos_restaurant
  461. #. odoo-javascript
  462. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/PaymentScreen/PaymentScreen.xml:0
  463. #, python-format
  464. msgid "Keep Open"
  465. msgstr "Manter aberto"
  466. #. module: pos_restaurant
  467. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:pos_restaurant.res_config_settings_view_form
  468. msgid "Kitchen Notes"
  469. msgstr "Notas da cozinha"
  470. #. module: pos_restaurant
  471. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:pos_restaurant.res_config_settings_view_form
  472. msgid "Kitchen Printers"
  473. msgstr ""
  474. #. module: pos_restaurant
  475. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_floor____last_update
  476. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_printer____last_update
  477. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_table____last_update
  478. msgid "Last Modified on"
  479. msgstr "Última modificação em"
  480. #. module: pos_restaurant
  481. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_floor__write_uid
  482. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_printer__write_uid
  483. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_table__write_uid
  484. msgid "Last Updated by"
  485. msgstr "Última atualização por"
  486. #. module: pos_restaurant
  487. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_floor__write_date
  488. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_printer__write_date
  489. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_table__write_date
  490. msgid "Last Updated on"
  491. msgstr "Última atualização em"
  492. #. module: pos_restaurant
  493. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:pos_restaurant.field_pos_order__multiprint_resume
  494. msgid "Last printed state of the order"
  495. msgstr "Último estado impresso do pedido"
  496. #. module: pos_restaurant
  497. #. odoo-javascript
  498. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  499. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  500. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  501. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  502. #, python-format
  503. msgid "Light grey"
  504. msgstr "Cinza claro"
  505. #. module: pos_restaurant
  506. #. odoo-javascript
  507. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/TipReceipt.xml:0
  508. #, python-format
  509. msgid "Logo"
  510. msgstr "Logotipo"
  511. #. module: pos_restaurant
  512. #: model:product.template,name:pos_restaurant.pos_food_maki_product_template
  513. msgid "Lunch Maki 18pc"
  514. msgstr "Almoço Maki 18 pc"
  515. #. module: pos_restaurant
  516. #: model:product.template,name:pos_restaurant.pos_food_salmon_product_template
  517. msgid "Lunch Salmon 20pc"
  518. msgstr "Almoço Salmão 20 pc"
  519. #. module: pos_restaurant
  520. #: model:product.template,name:pos_restaurant.pos_food_temaki_product_template
  521. msgid "Lunch Temaki mix 3pc"
  522. msgstr "Almoço Mix Temaki 3 pc"
  523. #. module: pos_restaurant
  524. #: model:product.template,name:pos_restaurant.pos_food_margherita_product_template
  525. msgid "Margherita"
  526. msgstr "Marguerita"
  527. #. module: pos_restaurant
  528. #: model:product.template,name:pos_restaurant.minute_maid_product_template
  529. msgid "Minute Maid"
  530. msgstr "Del Valle"
  531. #. module: pos_restaurant
  532. #: model:product.template,name:pos_restaurant.pos_food_mozza_product_template
  533. msgid "Mozzarella Sandwich"
  534. msgstr "Sanduíche de muçarela"
  535. #. module: pos_restaurant
  536. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_pos_order__multiprint_resume
  537. msgid "Multiprint Resume"
  538. msgstr ""
  539. #. module: pos_restaurant
  540. #. odoo-javascript
  541. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/multiprint.xml:0
  542. #, python-format
  543. msgid "NEW"
  544. msgstr "Novo"
  545. #. module: pos_restaurant
  546. #. odoo-javascript
  547. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/multiprint.xml:0
  548. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/multiprint.xml:0
  549. #, python-format
  550. msgid "NOTE"
  551. msgstr "NOTA"
  552. #. module: pos_restaurant
  553. #. odoo-javascript
  554. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/TipScreen.xml:0
  555. #, python-format
  556. msgid "No Tip"
  557. msgstr "Sem gorjeta"
  558. #. module: pos_restaurant
  559. #. odoo-javascript
  560. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/ProductScreen/Orderline.xml:0
  561. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/ProductScreen/Orderline.xml:0
  562. #, python-format
  563. msgid "Note"
  564. msgstr "Nota"
  565. #. module: pos_restaurant
  566. #. odoo-javascript
  567. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/js/Screens/ProductScreen/ControlButtons/PrintBillButton.js:0
  568. #, python-format
  569. msgid "Nothing to Print"
  570. msgstr "Nada para Imprimir"
  571. #. module: pos_restaurant
  572. #. odoo-javascript
  573. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/js/Screens/FloorScreen/FloorScreen.js:0
  574. #, python-format
  575. msgid "Number of Seats ?"
  576. msgstr "Número de assentos ?"
  577. #. module: pos_restaurant
  578. #. odoo-javascript
  579. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/js/ChromeWidgets/TicketButton.js:0
  580. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/js/Screens/FloorScreen/FloorScreen.js:0
  581. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/js/Screens/FloorScreen/FloorScreen.js:0
  582. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/js/Screens/FloorScreen/FloorScreen.js:0
  583. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/js/Screens/FloorScreen/FloorScreen.js:0
  584. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/js/Screens/FloorScreen/FloorScreen.js:0
  585. #, python-format
  586. msgid "Offline"
  587. msgstr "Offline"
  588. #. module: pos_restaurant
  589. #. odoo-javascript
  590. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/BillScreen.xml:0
  591. #, python-format
  592. msgid "Ok"
  593. msgstr "Ok"
  594. #. module: pos_restaurant
  595. #. odoo-javascript
  596. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/js/Screens/TicketScreen.js:0
  597. #, python-format
  598. msgid "Open"
  599. msgstr "Aberto"
  600. #. module: pos_restaurant
  601. #. odoo-javascript
  602. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  603. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  604. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  605. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  606. #, python-format
  607. msgid "Orange"
  608. msgstr "Laranjado"
  609. #. module: pos_restaurant
  610. #. odoo-javascript
  611. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/ProductScreen/ControlButtons/SubmitOrderButton.xml:0
  612. #, python-format
  613. msgid "Order"
  614. msgstr "Pedido"
  615. #. module: pos_restaurant
  616. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_pos_config__is_order_printer
  617. msgid "Order Printer"
  618. msgstr "Impressora de pedidos"
  619. #. module: pos_restaurant
  620. #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:pos_restaurant.action_restaurant_printer_form
  621. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_pos_config__printer_ids
  622. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_res_config_settings__pos_printer_ids
  623. #:,name:pos_restaurant.menu_restaurant_printer_all
  624. msgid "Order Printers"
  625. msgstr "Impressoras de Pedido"
  626. #. module: pos_restaurant
  627. #: model_terms:ir.actions.act_window,help:pos_restaurant.action_restaurant_printer_form
  628. msgid ""
  629. "Order Printers are used by restaurants and bars to print the\n"
  630. " order updates in the kitchen/bar when the waiter updates the order."
  631. msgstr ""
  632. #. module: pos_restaurant
  633. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:pos_restaurant.view_restaurant_printer_form
  634. msgid "POS Printer"
  635. msgstr "Impressora PDV"
  636. #. module: pos_restaurant
  637. #. odoo-javascript
  638. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/ReceiptScreen/OrderReceipt.xml:0
  639. #, python-format
  640. msgid "PRO FORMA"
  641. msgstr "PRO FORMA"
  642. #. module: pos_restaurant
  643. #: model:product.template,name:pos_restaurant.pos_food_4formaggi_product_template
  644. msgid "Pasta 4 formaggi "
  645. msgstr "Macarrão 4 queijos"
  646. #. module: pos_restaurant
  647. #: model:product.template,name:pos_restaurant.pos_food_bolo_product_template
  648. msgid "Pasta Bolognese"
  649. msgstr "Macarrão à bolonhesa"
  650. #. module: pos_restaurant
  651. #. odoo-javascript
  652. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/SplitBillScreen/SplitBillScreen.xml:0
  653. #, python-format
  654. msgid "Payment"
  655. msgstr "Pagamento"
  656. #. module: pos_restaurant
  657. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_floor__pos_config_id
  658. msgid "Point of Sale"
  659. msgstr "Ponto de Venda"
  660. #. module: pos_restaurant
  661. #: model:ir.model,name:pos_restaurant.model_pos_config
  662. msgid "Point of Sale Configuration"
  663. msgstr "Configuração do Ponto de Vendas"
  664. #. module: pos_restaurant
  665. #: model:ir.model,name:pos_restaurant.model_pos_order_line
  666. msgid "Point of Sale Order Lines"
  667. msgstr "Linhas de pedido do ponto de venda"
  668. #. module: pos_restaurant
  669. #: model:ir.model,name:pos_restaurant.model_pos_order
  670. msgid "Point of Sale Orders"
  671. msgstr "Pedidos do Ponto de Vendas"
  672. #. module: pos_restaurant
  673. #: model:ir.model,name:pos_restaurant.model_pos_payment
  674. msgid "Point of Sale Payments"
  675. msgstr "Pagamentos de Ponto de Venda"
  676. #. module: pos_restaurant
  677. #: model:ir.model,name:pos_restaurant.model_pos_session
  678. msgid "Point of Sale Session"
  679. msgstr "Sessão do Ponto de Vendas"
  680. #. module: pos_restaurant
  681. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_res_config_settings__pos_iface_orderline_notes
  682. msgid "Pos Iface Orderline Notes"
  683. msgstr "Anotações de pedido no PDV Iface"
  684. #. module: pos_restaurant
  685. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_res_config_settings__pos_iface_printbill
  686. msgid "Pos Iface Printbill"
  687. msgstr "Imprimir conta PDV Iface"
  688. #. module: pos_restaurant
  689. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_res_config_settings__pos_iface_splitbill
  690. msgid "Pos Iface Splitbill"
  691. msgstr "Dividir conta PDV Iface"
  692. #. module: pos_restaurant
  693. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_res_config_settings__pos_is_order_printer
  694. msgid "Pos Is Order Printer"
  695. msgstr "É impressora de vendas do PDV?"
  696. #. module: pos_restaurant
  697. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_res_config_settings__pos_is_table_management
  698. msgid "Pos Is Table Management"
  699. msgstr ""
  700. #. module: pos_restaurant
  701. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_res_config_settings__pos_set_tip_after_payment
  702. msgid "Pos Set Tip After Payment"
  703. msgstr "PDV definir gorjeta após pagamento"
  704. #. module: pos_restaurant
  705. #. odoo-javascript
  706. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/BillScreen.xml:0
  707. #, python-format
  708. msgid "Print"
  709. msgstr "Imprimir"
  710. #. module: pos_restaurant
  711. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:pos_restaurant.res_config_settings_view_form
  712. msgid "Print orders at the kitchen, at the bar, etc."
  713. msgstr "Imprimir pedidos na cozinha, no bar, etc."
  714. #. module: pos_restaurant
  715. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_printer__product_categories_ids
  716. msgid "Printed Product Categories"
  717. msgstr "Categorias de produto impresso"
  718. #. module: pos_restaurant
  719. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_printer__name
  720. msgid "Printer Name"
  721. msgstr "Nome da Impressora"
  722. #. module: pos_restaurant
  723. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_printer__printer_type
  724. msgid "Printer Type"
  725. msgstr "Tipo de impressora"
  726. #. module: pos_restaurant
  727. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:pos_restaurant.res_config_settings_view_form
  728. msgid "Printers"
  729. msgstr "Impressoras"
  730. #. module: pos_restaurant
  731. #. odoo-javascript
  732. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/js/Screens/ProductScreen/ControlButtons/SubmitOrderButton.js:0
  733. #, python-format
  734. msgid "Printing failed"
  735. msgstr "Falha na impressão"
  736. #. module: pos_restaurant
  737. #. odoo-javascript
  738. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/js/Screens/TipScreen.js:0
  739. #, python-format
  740. msgid "Printing is not supported on some browsers"
  741. msgstr "A impressão não é suportada em alguns navegadores."
  742. #. module: pos_restaurant
  743. #. odoo-javascript
  744. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/js/Screens/TipScreen.js:0
  745. #, python-format
  746. msgid ""
  747. "Printing is not supported on some browsers due to no default printing "
  748. "protocol is available. It is possible to print your tickets by making use of"
  749. " an IoT Box."
  750. msgstr ""
  751. "A impressão não é compatível com alguns navegadores porque nenhum protocolo "
  752. "de impressão padrão está disponível. É possível imprimir seus tickets "
  753. "utilizando um IoT Box."
  754. #. module: pos_restaurant
  755. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_printer__proxy_ip
  756. msgid "Proxy IP Address"
  757. msgstr "Endereço IP do Proxy"
  758. #. module: pos_restaurant
  759. #. odoo-javascript
  760. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  761. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  762. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  763. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  764. #, python-format
  765. msgid "Purple"
  766. msgstr "Roxo"
  767. #. module: pos_restaurant
  768. #. odoo-javascript
  769. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  770. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  771. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  772. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  773. #, python-format
  774. msgid "Red"
  775. msgstr "Vermelho"
  776. #. module: pos_restaurant
  777. #. odoo-javascript
  778. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/js/Screens/FloorScreen/FloorScreen.js:0
  779. #, python-format
  780. msgid "Removing a table cannot be undone"
  781. msgstr "Não é possível desfazer a ação de remover uma mesa"
  782. #. module: pos_restaurant
  783. #. odoo-javascript
  784. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  785. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  786. #, python-format
  787. msgid "Rename"
  788. msgstr "Renomear"
  789. #. module: pos_restaurant
  790. #. odoo-javascript
  791. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/TipScreen.xml:0
  792. #, python-format
  793. msgid "Reprint receipts"
  794. msgstr "Reimprimir recibos"
  795. #. module: pos_restaurant
  796. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:pos_restaurant.res_config_settings_view_form
  797. msgid "Restaurant &amp; Bar"
  798. msgstr ""
  799. #. module: pos_restaurant
  800. #: model:ir.model,name:pos_restaurant.model_restaurant_floor
  801. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:pos_restaurant.view_restaurant_floor_form
  802. msgid "Restaurant Floor"
  803. msgstr "Piso do Restaurante"
  804. #. module: pos_restaurant
  805. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_pos_config__floor_ids
  806. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_res_config_settings__pos_floor_ids
  807. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:pos_restaurant.view_restaurant_floor_tree
  808. msgid "Restaurant Floors"
  809. msgstr "Pisos do Restaurante"
  810. #. module: pos_restaurant
  811. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:pos_restaurant.view_restaurant_printer
  812. msgid "Restaurant Order Printers"
  813. msgstr "Impressoras de Pedido do Restaurante"
  814. #. module: pos_restaurant
  815. #: model:ir.model,name:pos_restaurant.model_restaurant_printer
  816. msgid "Restaurant Printer"
  817. msgstr ""
  818. #. module: pos_restaurant
  819. #: model:ir.model,name:pos_restaurant.model_restaurant_table
  820. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:pos_restaurant.view_restaurant_table_form
  821. msgid "Restaurant Table"
  822. msgstr "Mesa do Restaurante"
  823. #. module: pos_restaurant
  824. #. odoo-javascript
  825. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/PaymentScreen/PaymentScreenPaymentLines.xml:0
  826. #, python-format
  827. msgid "Reverse"
  828. msgstr "Reverso"
  829. #. module: pos_restaurant
  830. #. odoo-javascript
  831. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/PaymentScreen/PaymentScreenPaymentLines.xml:0
  832. #, python-format
  833. msgid "Reverse Payment"
  834. msgstr "Reverter pagamento"
  835. #. module: pos_restaurant
  836. #: model:ir.model.fields.selection,name:pos_restaurant.selection__restaurant_table__shape__round
  837. msgid "Round"
  838. msgstr "Redonda"
  839. #. module: pos_restaurant
  840. #. odoo-javascript
  841. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  842. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  843. #, python-format
  844. msgid "Round Shape"
  845. msgstr "Formato redondo"
  846. #. module: pos_restaurant
  847. #: model:product.template,name:pos_restaurant.pos_food_chirashi_product_template
  848. msgid "Salmon and Avocado"
  849. msgstr "Salmão e abacate"
  850. #. module: pos_restaurant
  851. #. odoo-javascript
  852. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  853. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  854. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_table__seats
  855. #, python-format
  856. msgid "Seats"
  857. msgstr "Assentos"
  858. #. module: pos_restaurant
  859. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_floor__sequence
  860. msgid "Sequence"
  861. msgstr "Sequência"
  862. #. module: pos_restaurant
  863. #. odoo-javascript
  864. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/TipReceipt.xml:0
  865. #, python-format
  866. msgid "Served by"
  867. msgstr "Servido por"
  868. #. module: pos_restaurant
  869. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_pos_config__set_tip_after_payment
  870. msgid "Set Tip After Payment"
  871. msgstr "Definir gorjeta após pagamento"
  872. #. module: pos_restaurant
  873. #. odoo-javascript
  874. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/TicketScreen.xml:0
  875. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/TipScreen.xml:0
  876. #, python-format
  877. msgid "Settle"
  878. msgstr "Liquidar"
  879. #. module: pos_restaurant
  880. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_table__shape
  881. msgid "Shape"
  882. msgstr "Forma"
  883. #. module: pos_restaurant
  884. #. odoo-javascript
  885. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/TipReceipt.xml:0
  886. #, python-format
  887. msgid "Signature"
  888. msgstr "Assinatura"
  889. #. module: pos_restaurant
  890. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_pos_order_line__mp_skip
  891. msgid "Skip line when sending ticket to kitchen printers."
  892. msgstr "Pular linha ao enviar as comandas para as impressoras da cozinha."
  893. #. module: pos_restaurant
  894. #: model:product.template,name:pos_restaurant.pos_food_tuna_product_template
  895. msgid "Spicy Tuna Sandwich"
  896. msgstr "Sanduíche de atum apimentado"
  897. #. module: pos_restaurant
  898. #. odoo-javascript
  899. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/ProductScreen/ControlButtons/SplitBillButton.xml:0
  900. #, python-format
  901. msgid "Split"
  902. msgstr "Dividir"
  903. #. module: pos_restaurant
  904. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:pos_restaurant.res_config_settings_view_form
  905. msgid "Split total or order lines"
  906. msgstr "Dividir total ou linhas de pedido"
  907. #. module: pos_restaurant
  908. #: model:ir.model.fields.selection,name:pos_restaurant.selection__restaurant_table__shape__square
  909. msgid "Square"
  910. msgstr "Quadrado"
  911. #. module: pos_restaurant
  912. #. odoo-javascript
  913. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  914. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  915. #, python-format
  916. msgid "Square Shape"
  917. msgstr "Formato quadrado"
  918. #. module: pos_restaurant
  919. #. odoo-javascript
  920. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/TipReceipt.xml:0
  921. #, python-format
  922. msgid "Subtotal"
  923. msgstr "Subtotal"
  924. #. module: pos_restaurant
  925. #. odoo-javascript
  926. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/js/Screens/TicketScreen.js:0
  927. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/TicketScreen.xml:0
  928. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/TicketScreen.xml:0
  929. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_pos_order__table_id
  930. #, python-format
  931. msgid "Table"
  932. msgstr "Mesa"
  933. #. module: pos_restaurant
  934. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_table__name
  935. msgid "Table Name"
  936. msgstr "Nome da Mesa"
  937. #. module: pos_restaurant
  938. #. odoo-javascript
  939. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/js/Screens/FloorScreen/FloorScreen.js:0
  940. #, python-format
  941. msgid "Table Name ?"
  942. msgstr "Nome da Mesa ?"
  943. #. module: pos_restaurant
  944. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_floor__table_ids
  945. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:pos_restaurant.view_restaurant_floor_form
  946. msgid "Tables"
  947. msgstr "Mesas"
  948. #. module: pos_restaurant
  949. #. odoo-javascript
  950. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/TipReceipt.xml:0
  951. #, python-format
  952. msgid "Tel:"
  953. msgstr "Tel:"
  954. #. module: pos_restaurant
  955. #. odoo-python
  956. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/models/
  957. #, python-format
  958. msgid "The %s is already used in another Pos Config."
  959. msgstr ""
  960. #. module: pos_restaurant
  961. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_printer__proxy_ip
  962. msgid "The IP Address or hostname of the Printer's hardware proxy"
  963. msgstr "O endereço IP ou nome do host do proxy de hardware da impressora"
  964. #. module: pos_restaurant
  965. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:pos_restaurant.field_pos_order__customer_count
  966. msgid "The amount of customers that have been served by this order."
  967. msgstr "A quantidade de clientes que foram servidos por este pedido."
  968. #. module: pos_restaurant
  969. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_floor__background_color
  970. msgid "The background color of the floor in a html-compatible format"
  971. msgstr "A cor de fundo do piso em formato compatível com HTML"
  972. #. module: pos_restaurant
  973. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_table__seats
  974. msgid "The default number of customer served at this table."
  975. msgstr "O número padrão de clientes servidos nesta mesa."
  976. #. module: pos_restaurant
  977. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:pos_restaurant.field_pos_config__floor_ids
  978. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:pos_restaurant.field_res_config_settings__pos_floor_ids
  979. msgid "The restaurant floors served by this point of sale."
  980. msgstr "Os pisos do restaurante servidos por este ponto de venda."
  981. #. module: pos_restaurant
  982. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:pos_restaurant.field_pos_order__table_id
  983. msgid "The table where this order was served"
  984. msgstr "A mesa à qual este pedido foi servido"
  985. #. module: pos_restaurant
  986. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_table__color
  987. msgid ""
  988. "The table's color, expressed as a valid 'background' CSS property value"
  989. msgstr ""
  990. "A cor da tabela, expressa como um valor de propriedade de CSS de 'fundo' "
  991. "válido"
  992. #. module: pos_restaurant
  993. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_table__height
  994. msgid "The table's height in pixels"
  995. msgstr "A altura da mesa em pixels"
  996. #. module: pos_restaurant
  997. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_table__position_h
  998. msgid ""
  999. "The table's horizontal position from the left side to the table's center, in"
  1000. " pixels"
  1001. msgstr ""
  1002. "A posição horizontal da mesa, do lado esquerdo ao centro da mesa, em pixels"
  1003. #. module: pos_restaurant
  1004. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_table__position_v
  1005. msgid ""
  1006. "The table's vertical position from the top to the table's center, in pixels"
  1007. msgstr "A posição vertical da mesa, do topo ao centro da mesa, em pixels"
  1008. #. module: pos_restaurant
  1009. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_table__width
  1010. msgid "The table's width in pixels"
  1011. msgstr "A largura da mesa em pixels"
  1012. #. module: pos_restaurant
  1013. #. odoo-javascript
  1014. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/js/Screens/ProductScreen/ControlButtons/PrintBillButton.js:0
  1015. #, python-format
  1016. msgid "There are no order lines"
  1017. msgstr ""
  1018. #. module: pos_restaurant
  1019. #. odoo-javascript
  1020. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/FloorScreen.xml:0
  1021. #, python-format
  1022. msgid "This floor has no tables yet, use the"
  1023. msgstr ""
  1024. #. module: pos_restaurant
  1025. #. odoo-javascript
  1026. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/js/Screens/TipScreen.js:0
  1027. #, python-format
  1028. msgid ""
  1029. "This order is not yet synced to server. Make sure it is synced then try "
  1030. "again."
  1031. msgstr ""
  1032. "Esse pedido ainda não foi sincronizado com o servidor. Certifique-se de que "
  1033. "ele esteja sincronizado e tente novamente."
  1034. #. module: pos_restaurant
  1035. #. odoo-javascript
  1036. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  1037. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  1038. #, python-format
  1039. msgid "Tint"
  1040. msgstr "Matiz"
  1041. #. module: pos_restaurant
  1042. #. odoo-javascript
  1043. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/TicketScreen.xml:0
  1044. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/TicketScreen.xml:0
  1045. #, python-format
  1046. msgid "Tip"
  1047. msgstr "Dica"
  1048. #. module: pos_restaurant
  1049. #. odoo-javascript
  1050. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/TipReceipt.xml:0
  1051. #, python-format
  1052. msgid "Tip:"
  1053. msgstr "Gorjeta:"
  1054. #. module: pos_restaurant
  1055. #. odoo-javascript
  1056. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/js/Screens/TicketScreen.js:0
  1057. #, python-format
  1058. msgid "Tipping"
  1059. msgstr "Gorjetas"
  1060. #. module: pos_restaurant
  1061. #. odoo-javascript
  1062. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/TipReceipt.xml:0
  1063. #, python-format
  1064. msgid "Total:"
  1065. msgstr "Total:"
  1066. #. module: pos_restaurant
  1067. #. odoo-javascript
  1068. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/ProductScreen/ControlButtons/TransferOrderButton.xml:0
  1069. #, python-format
  1070. msgid "Transfer"
  1071. msgstr "Transferir"
  1072. #. module: pos_restaurant
  1073. #. odoo-javascript
  1074. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  1075. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  1076. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  1077. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  1078. #, python-format
  1079. msgid "Turquoise"
  1080. msgstr "Turquesa"
  1081. #. module: pos_restaurant
  1082. #. odoo-javascript
  1083. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/js/Screens/FloorScreen/FloorScreen.js:0
  1084. #, python-format
  1085. msgid "Unable to change background color"
  1086. msgstr ""
  1087. #. module: pos_restaurant
  1088. #. odoo-javascript
  1089. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/js/Screens/FloorScreen/FloorScreen.js:0
  1090. #, python-format
  1091. msgid "Unable to create table because you are offline."
  1092. msgstr ""
  1093. #. module: pos_restaurant
  1094. #. odoo-javascript
  1095. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/js/Screens/FloorScreen/FloorScreen.js:0
  1096. #, python-format
  1097. msgid "Unable to delete table"
  1098. msgstr ""
  1099. #. module: pos_restaurant
  1100. #. odoo-javascript
  1101. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/js/Screens/FloorScreen/FloorScreen.js:0
  1102. #, python-format
  1103. msgid "Unable to fetch orders"
  1104. msgstr ""
  1105. #. module: pos_restaurant
  1106. #. odoo-javascript
  1107. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/js/Screens/FloorScreen/FloorScreen.js:0
  1108. #, python-format
  1109. msgid "Unable to get orders count"
  1110. msgstr ""
  1111. #. module: pos_restaurant
  1112. #. odoo-javascript
  1113. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/js/ChromeWidgets/TicketButton.js:0
  1114. #, python-format
  1115. msgid "Unknown error"
  1116. msgstr "Erro desconhecido"
  1117. #. module: pos_restaurant
  1118. #. odoo-javascript
  1119. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/js/Screens/TipScreen.js:0
  1120. #, python-format
  1121. msgid "Unsynced order"
  1122. msgstr "Pedido não sincronizado"
  1123. #. module: pos_restaurant
  1124. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_pos_order_line__uuid
  1125. msgid "Uuid"
  1126. msgstr "Uuid"
  1127. #. module: pos_restaurant
  1128. #. odoo-javascript
  1129. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/TipReceipt.xml:0
  1130. #, python-format
  1131. msgid "VAT:"
  1132. msgstr "ICMS"
  1133. #. module: pos_restaurant
  1134. #: model:product.template,name:pos_restaurant.pos_food_vege_product_template
  1135. msgid "Vegetarian"
  1136. msgstr "Vegetariano"
  1137. #. module: pos_restaurant
  1138. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_table__position_v
  1139. msgid "Vertical Position"
  1140. msgstr "Posição Vertical"
  1141. #. module: pos_restaurant
  1142. #: model:product.template,name:pos_restaurant.water_product_template
  1143. msgid "Water"
  1144. msgstr "Água"
  1145. #. module: pos_restaurant
  1146. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:pos_restaurant.field_restaurant_table__width
  1147. msgid "Width"
  1148. msgstr "Largura"
  1149. #. module: pos_restaurant
  1150. #. odoo-javascript
  1151. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/SplitBillScreen/SplitOrderline.xml:0
  1152. #, python-format
  1153. msgid "With a"
  1154. msgstr "Com um(a)"
  1155. #. module: pos_restaurant
  1156. #. odoo-javascript
  1157. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  1158. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  1159. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  1160. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/EditBar.xml:0
  1161. #, python-format
  1162. msgid "Yellow"
  1163. msgstr "Amarelo"
  1164. #. module: pos_restaurant
  1165. #. odoo-javascript
  1166. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/js/Screens/ProductScreen/ControlButtons/TableGuestsButton.js:0
  1167. #, python-format
  1168. msgid "You cannot put a number that exceeds %s "
  1169. msgstr "Não é possível incluir um número que excede %s"
  1170. #. module: pos_restaurant
  1171. #. odoo-python
  1172. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/models/
  1173. #, python-format
  1174. msgid ""
  1175. "You cannot remove a floor that is used in a PoS session, close the "
  1176. "session(s) first: \n"
  1177. msgstr ""
  1178. "Não é possível remover um piso que é usado em uma sessão de PDV. Feche as "
  1179. "sessões primeiro:\n"
  1180. #. module: pos_restaurant
  1181. #. odoo-python
  1182. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/models/
  1183. #, python-format
  1184. msgid ""
  1185. "You cannot remove a table that is used in a PoS session, close the "
  1186. "session(s) first."
  1187. msgstr ""
  1188. "Não é possível remover uma mesa que é usada em uma sessão de PDV. Feche as "
  1189. "sessões primeiro."
  1190. #. module: pos_restaurant
  1191. #. odoo-javascript
  1192. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/TipReceipt.xml:0
  1193. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/TipReceipt.xml:0
  1194. #, python-format
  1195. msgid "________________________"
  1196. msgstr "________________________"
  1197. #. module: pos_restaurant
  1198. #. odoo-javascript
  1199. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/TipReceipt.xml:0
  1200. #, python-format
  1201. msgid "______________________________________________"
  1202. msgstr "______________________________________________"
  1203. #. module: pos_restaurant
  1204. #. odoo-javascript
  1205. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/SplitBillScreen/SplitOrderline.xml:0
  1206. #, python-format
  1207. msgid "at"
  1208. msgstr "em"
  1209. #. module: pos_restaurant
  1210. #. odoo-javascript
  1211. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/ReceiptScreen/OrderReceipt.xml:0
  1212. #, python-format
  1213. msgid "at table"
  1214. msgstr "na mesa"
  1215. #. module: pos_restaurant
  1216. #. odoo-javascript
  1217. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/FloorScreen/FloorScreen.xml:0
  1218. #, python-format
  1219. msgid "button in the editing toolbar to create new tables."
  1220. msgstr ""
  1221. #. module: pos_restaurant
  1222. #. odoo-javascript
  1223. #: code:addons/pos_restaurant/static/src/xml/Screens/SplitBillScreen/SplitOrderline.xml:0
  1224. #, python-format
  1225. msgid "discount"
  1226. msgstr "desconto"