__manifest__.py 1.7 KB

  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
  3. {
  4. 'name': 'SMS gateway',
  5. 'version': '2.4',
  6. 'category': 'Hidden/Tools',
  7. 'summary': 'SMS Text Messaging',
  8. 'description': """
  9. This module gives a framework for SMS text messaging
  10. ----------------------------------------------------
  11. The service is provided by the In App Purchase Odoo platform.
  12. """,
  13. 'depends': [
  14. 'base',
  15. 'iap_mail',
  16. 'mail',
  17. 'phone_validation'
  18. ],
  19. 'data': [
  20. 'data/ir_cron_data.xml',
  21. 'wizard/sms_composer_views.xml',
  22. 'wizard/sms_template_preview_views.xml',
  23. 'wizard/sms_resend_views.xml',
  24. 'wizard/sms_template_reset_views.xml',
  25. 'views/ir_actions_server_views.xml',
  26. 'views/mail_notification_views.xml',
  27. 'views/res_config_settings_views.xml',
  28. 'views/res_partner_views.xml',
  29. 'views/sms_sms_views.xml',
  30. 'views/sms_template_views.xml',
  31. 'security/ir.model.access.csv',
  32. 'security/sms_security.xml',
  33. ],
  34. 'demo': [
  35. 'data/sms_demo.xml',
  36. 'data/mail_demo.xml',
  37. ],
  38. 'installable': True,
  39. 'auto_install': True,
  40. 'assets': {
  41. 'mail.assets_messaging': [
  42. 'sms/static/src/models/*.js',
  43. ],
  44. 'mail.assets_discuss_public': [
  45. 'sms/static/src/components/sms_button/*',
  46. ],
  47. 'web.assets_backend': [
  48. 'sms/static/src/js/fields_phone_widget.js',
  49. 'sms/static/src/components/*/*',
  50. ],
  51. 'web.qunit_suite_tests': [
  52. 'sms/static/tests/sms_widget_test.js',
  53. 'sms/static/tests/qunit_suite_tests/**/*.js',
  54. ],
  55. },
  56. 'license': 'LGPL-3',
  57. }