123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628 |
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
- import collections
- import contextlib
- import json
- import itertools
- import operator
- from odoo import api, fields, models, tools, _
- from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError
- class SurveyQuestion(models.Model):
- """ Questions that will be asked in a survey.
- Each question can have one of more suggested answers (eg. in case of
- multi-answer checkboxes, radio buttons...).
- Technical note:
- survey.question is also the model used for the survey's pages (with the "is_page" field set to True).
- A page corresponds to a "section" in the interface, and the fact that it separates the survey in
- actual pages in the interface depends on the "questions_layout" parameter on the survey.survey model.
- Pages are also used when randomizing questions. The randomization can happen within a "page".
- Using the same model for questions and pages allows to put all the pages and questions together in a o2m field
- (see survey.survey.question_and_page_ids) on the view side and easily reorganize your survey by dragging the
- items around.
- It also removes on level of encoding by directly having 'Add a page' and 'Add a question'
- links on the tree view of questions, enabling a faster encoding.
- However, this has the downside of making the code reading a little bit more complicated.
- Efforts were made at the model level to create computed fields so that the use of these models
- still seems somewhat logical. That means:
- - A survey still has "page_ids" (question_and_page_ids filtered on is_page = True)
- - These "page_ids" still have question_ids (questions located between this page and the next)
- - These "question_ids" still have a "page_id"
- That makes the use and display of these information at view and controller levels easier to understand.
- """
- _name = 'survey.question'
- _description = 'Survey Question'
- _rec_name = 'title'
- _order = 'sequence,id'
- # question generic data
- title = fields.Char('Title', required=True, translate=True)
- description = fields.Html(
- 'Description', translate=True, sanitize=True, sanitize_overridable=True,
- help="Use this field to add additional explanations about your question or to illustrate it with pictures or a video")
- question_placeholder = fields.Char("Placeholder", translate=True, compute="_compute_question_placeholder", store=True, readonly=False)
- background_image = fields.Image("Background Image", compute="_compute_background_image", store=True, readonly=False)
- background_image_url = fields.Char("Background Url", compute="_compute_background_image_url")
- survey_id = fields.Many2one('survey.survey', string='Survey', ondelete='cascade')
- scoring_type = fields.Selection(related='survey_id.scoring_type', string='Scoring Type', readonly=True)
- sequence = fields.Integer('Sequence', default=10)
- # page specific
- is_page = fields.Boolean('Is a page?')
- question_ids = fields.One2many('survey.question', string='Questions', compute="_compute_question_ids")
- questions_selection = fields.Selection(
- related='survey_id.questions_selection', readonly=True,
- help="If randomized is selected, add the number of random questions next to the section.")
- random_questions_count = fields.Integer(
- '# Questions Randomly Picked', default=1,
- help="Used on randomized sections to take X random questions from all the questions of that section.")
- # question specific
- page_id = fields.Many2one('survey.question', string='Page', compute="_compute_page_id", store=True)
- question_type = fields.Selection([
- ('simple_choice', 'Multiple choice: only one answer'),
- ('multiple_choice', 'Multiple choice: multiple answers allowed'),
- ('text_box', 'Multiple Lines Text Box'),
- ('char_box', 'Single Line Text Box'),
- ('numerical_box', 'Numerical Value'),
- ('date', 'Date'),
- ('datetime', 'Datetime'),
- ('matrix', 'Matrix')], string='Question Type',
- compute='_compute_question_type', readonly=False, store=True)
- is_scored_question = fields.Boolean(
- 'Scored', compute='_compute_is_scored_question',
- readonly=False, store=True, copy=True,
- help="Include this question as part of quiz scoring. Requires an answer and answer score to be taken into account.")
- # -- scoreable/answerable simple answer_types: numerical_box / date / datetime
- answer_numerical_box = fields.Float('Correct numerical answer', help="Correct number answer for this question.")
- answer_date = fields.Date('Correct date answer', help="Correct date answer for this question.")
- answer_datetime = fields.Datetime('Correct datetime answer', help="Correct date and time answer for this question.")
- answer_score = fields.Float('Score', help="Score value for a correct answer to this question.")
- # -- char_box
- save_as_email = fields.Boolean(
- "Save as user email", compute='_compute_save_as_email', readonly=False, store=True, copy=True,
- help="If checked, this option will save the user's answer as its email address.")
- save_as_nickname = fields.Boolean(
- "Save as user nickname", compute='_compute_save_as_nickname', readonly=False, store=True, copy=True,
- help="If checked, this option will save the user's answer as its nickname.")
- # -- simple choice / multiple choice / matrix
- suggested_answer_ids = fields.One2many(
- 'survey.question.answer', 'question_id', string='Types of answers', copy=True,
- help='Labels used for proposed choices: simple choice, multiple choice and columns of matrix')
- # -- matrix
- matrix_subtype = fields.Selection([
- ('simple', 'One choice per row'),
- ('multiple', 'Multiple choices per row')], string='Matrix Type', default='simple')
- matrix_row_ids = fields.One2many(
- 'survey.question.answer', 'matrix_question_id', string='Matrix Rows', copy=True,
- help='Labels used for proposed choices: rows of matrix')
- # -- display & timing options
- is_time_limited = fields.Boolean("The question is limited in time",
- help="Currently only supported for live sessions.")
- time_limit = fields.Integer("Time limit (seconds)")
- # -- comments (simple choice, multiple choice, matrix (without count as an answer))
- comments_allowed = fields.Boolean('Show Comments Field')
- comments_message = fields.Char('Comment Message', translate=True)
- comment_count_as_answer = fields.Boolean('Comment is an answer')
- # question validation
- validation_required = fields.Boolean('Validate entry', compute='_compute_validation_required', readonly=False, store=True)
- validation_email = fields.Boolean('Input must be an email')
- validation_length_min = fields.Integer('Minimum Text Length', default=0)
- validation_length_max = fields.Integer('Maximum Text Length', default=0)
- validation_min_float_value = fields.Float('Minimum value', default=0.0)
- validation_max_float_value = fields.Float('Maximum value', default=0.0)
- validation_min_date = fields.Date('Minimum Date')
- validation_max_date = fields.Date('Maximum Date')
- validation_min_datetime = fields.Datetime('Minimum Datetime')
- validation_max_datetime = fields.Datetime('Maximum Datetime')
- validation_error_msg = fields.Char('Validation Error message', translate=True)
- constr_mandatory = fields.Boolean('Mandatory Answer')
- constr_error_msg = fields.Char('Error message', translate=True)
- # answers
- user_input_line_ids = fields.One2many(
- 'survey.user_input.line', 'question_id', string='Answers',
- domain=[('skipped', '=', False)], groups='survey.group_survey_user')
- # Conditional display
- is_conditional = fields.Boolean(
- string='Conditional Display', copy=True, help="""If checked, this question will be displayed only
- if the specified conditional answer have been selected in a previous question""")
- triggering_question_id = fields.Many2one(
- 'survey.question', string="Triggering Question", copy=False, compute="_compute_triggering_question_id",
- store=True, readonly=False, help="Question containing the triggering answer to display the current question.",
- domain="[('survey_id', '=', survey_id), \
- '&', ('question_type', 'in', ['simple_choice', 'multiple_choice']), \
- '|', \
- ('sequence', '<', sequence), \
- '&', ('sequence', '=', sequence), ('id', '<', id)]")
- triggering_answer_id = fields.Many2one(
- 'survey.question.answer', string="Triggering Answer", copy=False, compute="_compute_triggering_answer_id",
- store=True, readonly=False, help="Answer that will trigger the display of the current question.",
- domain="[('question_id', '=', triggering_question_id)]")
- _sql_constraints = [
- ('positive_len_min', 'CHECK (validation_length_min >= 0)', 'A length must be positive!'),
- ('positive_len_max', 'CHECK (validation_length_max >= 0)', 'A length must be positive!'),
- ('validation_length', 'CHECK (validation_length_min <= validation_length_max)', 'Max length cannot be smaller than min length!'),
- ('validation_float', 'CHECK (validation_min_float_value <= validation_max_float_value)', 'Max value cannot be smaller than min value!'),
- ('validation_date', 'CHECK (validation_min_date <= validation_max_date)', 'Max date cannot be smaller than min date!'),
- ('validation_datetime', 'CHECK (validation_min_datetime <= validation_max_datetime)', 'Max datetime cannot be smaller than min datetime!'),
- ('positive_answer_score', 'CHECK (answer_score >= 0)', 'An answer score for a non-multiple choice question cannot be negative!'),
- ('scored_datetime_have_answers', "CHECK (is_scored_question != True OR question_type != 'datetime' OR answer_datetime is not null)",
- 'All "Is a scored question = True" and "Question Type: Datetime" questions need an answer'),
- ('scored_date_have_answers', "CHECK (is_scored_question != True OR question_type != 'date' OR answer_date is not null)",
- 'All "Is a scored question = True" and "Question Type: Date" questions need an answer')
- ]
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @api.constrains("is_page")
- def _check_question_type_for_pages(self):
- invalid_pages = self.filtered(lambda question: question.is_page and question.question_type)
- if invalid_pages:
- raise ValidationError(_("Question type should be empty for these pages: %s", ', '.join(invalid_pages.mapped('title'))))
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @api.depends('question_type')
- def _compute_question_placeholder(self):
- for question in self:
- if question.question_type in ('simple_choice', 'multiple_choice', 'matrix') \
- or not question.question_placeholder: # avoid CacheMiss errors
- question.question_placeholder = False
- @api.depends('is_page')
- def _compute_background_image(self):
- """ Background image is only available on sections. """
- for question in self.filtered(lambda q: not q.is_page):
- question.background_image = False
- @api.depends('survey_id.access_token', 'background_image', 'page_id', 'survey_id.background_image_url')
- def _compute_background_image_url(self):
- """ How the background url is computed:
- - For a question: it depends on the related section (see below)
- - For a section:
- - if a section has a background, then we create the background URL using this section's ID
- - if not, then we fallback on the survey background url """
- base_bg_url = "/survey/%s/%s/get_background_image"
- for question in self:
- if question.is_page:
- background_section_id = question.id if question.background_image else False
- else:
- background_section_id = question.page_id.id if question.page_id.background_image else False
- if background_section_id:
- question.background_image_url = base_bg_url % (
- question.survey_id.access_token,
- background_section_id
- )
- else:
- question.background_image_url = question.survey_id.background_image_url
- @api.depends('is_page')
- def _compute_question_type(self):
- pages = self.filtered(lambda question: question.is_page)
- pages.question_type = False
- (self - pages).filtered(lambda question: not question.question_type).question_type = 'simple_choice'
- @api.depends('survey_id.question_and_page_ids.is_page', 'survey_id.question_and_page_ids.sequence')
- def _compute_question_ids(self):
- """Will take all questions of the survey for which the index is higher than the index of this page
- and lower than the index of the next page."""
- for question in self:
- if question.is_page:
- next_page_index = False
- for page in question.survey_id.page_ids:
- if page._index() > question._index():
- next_page_index = page._index()
- break
- question.question_ids = question.survey_id.question_ids.filtered(
- lambda q: q._index() > question._index() and (not next_page_index or q._index() < next_page_index)
- )
- else:
- question.question_ids = self.env['survey.question']
- @api.depends('survey_id.question_and_page_ids.is_page', 'survey_id.question_and_page_ids.sequence')
- def _compute_page_id(self):
- """Will find the page to which this question belongs to by looking inside the corresponding survey"""
- for question in self:
- if question.is_page:
- question.page_id = None
- else:
- page = None
- for q in question.survey_id.question_and_page_ids.sorted():
- if q == question:
- break
- if q.is_page:
- page = q
- question.page_id = page
- @api.depends('question_type', 'validation_email')
- def _compute_save_as_email(self):
- for question in self:
- if question.question_type != 'char_box' or not question.validation_email:
- question.save_as_email = False
- @api.depends('question_type')
- def _compute_save_as_nickname(self):
- for question in self:
- if question.question_type != 'char_box':
- question.save_as_nickname = False
- @api.depends('question_type')
- def _compute_validation_required(self):
- for question in self:
- if not question.validation_required or question.question_type not in ['char_box', 'numerical_box', 'date', 'datetime']:
- question.validation_required = False
- @api.depends('is_conditional')
- def _compute_triggering_question_id(self):
- """ Used as an 'onchange' : Reset the triggering question if user uncheck 'Conditional Display'
- Avoid CacheMiss : set the value to False if the value is not set yet."""
- for question in self:
- if not question.is_conditional or question.triggering_question_id is None:
- question.triggering_question_id = False
- @api.depends('triggering_question_id')
- def _compute_triggering_answer_id(self):
- """ Used as an 'onchange' : Reset the triggering answer if user unset or change the triggering question
- or uncheck 'Conditional Display'.
- Avoid CacheMiss : set the value to False if the value is not set yet."""
- for question in self:
- if not question.triggering_question_id \
- or question.triggering_question_id != question.triggering_answer_id.question_id\
- or question.triggering_answer_id is None:
- question.triggering_answer_id = False
- @api.depends('question_type', 'scoring_type', 'answer_date', 'answer_datetime', 'answer_numerical_box')
- def _compute_is_scored_question(self):
- """ Computes whether a question "is scored" or not. Handles following cases:
- - inconsistent Boolean=None edge case that breaks tests => False
- - survey is not scored => False
- - 'date'/'datetime'/'numerical_box' question types w/correct answer => True
- (implied without user having to activate, except for numerical whose correct value is 0.0)
- - 'simple_choice / multiple_choice': set to True even if logic is a bit different (coming from answers)
- - question_type isn't scoreable (note: choice questions scoring logic handled separately) => False
- """
- for question in self:
- if question.is_scored_question is None or question.scoring_type == 'no_scoring':
- question.is_scored_question = False
- elif question.question_type == 'date':
- question.is_scored_question = bool(question.answer_date)
- elif question.question_type == 'datetime':
- question.is_scored_question = bool(question.answer_datetime)
- elif question.question_type == 'numerical_box' and question.answer_numerical_box:
- question.is_scored_question = True
- elif question.question_type in ['simple_choice', 'multiple_choice']:
- question.is_scored_question = True
- else:
- question.is_scored_question = False
- # ------------------------------------------------------------
- # CRUD
- # ------------------------------------------------------------
- @api.ondelete(at_uninstall=False)
- def _unlink_except_live_sessions_in_progress(self):
- running_surveys = self.survey_id.filtered(lambda survey: survey.session_state == 'in_progress')
- if running_surveys:
- raise UserError(_(
- 'You cannot delete questions from surveys "%(survey_names)s" while live sessions are in progress.',
- survey_names=', '.join(running_surveys.mapped('title')),
- ))
- # ------------------------------------------------------------
- # ------------------------------------------------------------
- def validate_question(self, answer, comment=None):
- """ Validate question, depending on question type and parameters
- for simple choice, text, date and number, answer is simply the answer of the question.
- For other multiple choices questions, answer is a list of answers (the selected choices
- or a list of selected answers per question -for matrix type-):
- - Simple answer : answer = 'example' or 2 or question_answer_id or 2019/10/10
- - Multiple choice : answer = [question_answer_id1, question_answer_id2, question_answer_id3]
- - Matrix: answer = { 'rowId1' : [colId1, colId2,...], 'rowId2' : [colId1, colId3, ...] }
- return dict {question.id (int): error (str)} -> empty dict if no validation error.
- """
- self.ensure_one()
- if isinstance(answer, str):
- answer = answer.strip()
- # Empty answer to mandatory question
- if self.constr_mandatory and not answer and self.question_type not in ['simple_choice', 'multiple_choice']:
- return {self.id: self.constr_error_msg or _('This question requires an answer.')}
- # because in choices question types, comment can count as answer
- if answer or self.question_type in ['simple_choice', 'multiple_choice']:
- if self.question_type == 'char_box':
- return self._validate_char_box(answer)
- elif self.question_type == 'numerical_box':
- return self._validate_numerical_box(answer)
- elif self.question_type in ['date', 'datetime']:
- return self._validate_date(answer)
- elif self.question_type in ['simple_choice', 'multiple_choice']:
- return self._validate_choice(answer, comment)
- elif self.question_type == 'matrix':
- return self._validate_matrix(answer)
- return {}
- def _validate_char_box(self, answer):
- # Email format validation
- # all the strings of the form "<something>@<anything>.<extension>" will be accepted
- if self.validation_email:
- if not tools.email_normalize(answer):
- return {self.id: _('This answer must be an email address')}
- # Answer validation (if properly defined)
- # Length of the answer must be in a range
- if self.validation_required:
- if not (self.validation_length_min <= len(answer) <= self.validation_length_max):
- return {self.id: self.validation_error_msg or _('The answer you entered is not valid.')}
- return {}
- def _validate_numerical_box(self, answer):
- try:
- floatanswer = float(answer)
- except ValueError:
- return {self.id: _('This is not a number')}
- if self.validation_required:
- # Answer is not in the right range
- with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
- if not (self.validation_min_float_value <= floatanswer <= self.validation_max_float_value):
- return {self.id: self.validation_error_msg or _('The answer you entered is not valid.')}
- return {}
- def _validate_date(self, answer):
- isDatetime = self.question_type == 'datetime'
- # Checks if user input is a date
- try:
- dateanswer = fields.Datetime.from_string(answer) if isDatetime else fields.Date.from_string(answer)
- except ValueError:
- return {self.id: _('This is not a date')}
- if self.validation_required:
- # Check if answer is in the right range
- if isDatetime:
- min_date = fields.Datetime.from_string(self.validation_min_datetime)
- max_date = fields.Datetime.from_string(self.validation_max_datetime)
- dateanswer = fields.Datetime.from_string(answer)
- else:
- min_date = fields.Date.from_string(self.validation_min_date)
- max_date = fields.Date.from_string(self.validation_max_date)
- dateanswer = fields.Date.from_string(answer)
- if (min_date and max_date and not (min_date <= dateanswer <= max_date))\
- or (min_date and not min_date <= dateanswer)\
- or (max_date and not dateanswer <= max_date):
- return {self.id: self.validation_error_msg or _('The answer you entered is not valid.')}
- return {}
- def _validate_choice(self, answer, comment):
- # Empty comment
- if self.constr_mandatory \
- and not answer \
- and not (self.comments_allowed and self.comment_count_as_answer and comment):
- return {self.id: self.constr_error_msg or _('This question requires an answer.')}
- return {}
- def _validate_matrix(self, answers):
- # Validate that each line has been answered
- if self.constr_mandatory and len(self.matrix_row_ids) != len(answers):
- return {self.id: self.constr_error_msg or _('This question requires an answer.')}
- return {}
- def _index(self):
- """We would normally just use the 'sequence' field of questions BUT, if the pages and questions are
- created without ever moving records around, the sequence field can be set to 0 for all the questions.
- However, the order of the recordset is always correct so we can rely on the index method."""
- self.ensure_one()
- return list(self.survey_id.question_and_page_ids).index(self)
- # ------------------------------------------------------------
- # ------------------------------------------------------------
- def _prepare_statistics(self, user_input_lines):
- """ Compute statistical data for questions by counting number of vote per choice on basis of filter """
- all_questions_data = []
- for question in self:
- question_data = {'question': question, 'is_page': question.is_page}
- if question.is_page:
- all_questions_data.append(question_data)
- continue
- # fetch answer lines, separate comments from real answers
- all_lines = user_input_lines.filtered(lambda line: line.question_id == question)
- if question.question_type in ['simple_choice', 'multiple_choice', 'matrix']:
- answer_lines = all_lines.filtered(
- lambda line: line.answer_type == 'suggestion' or (
- line.skipped and not line.answer_type) or (
- line.answer_type == 'char_box' and question.comment_count_as_answer)
- )
- comment_line_ids = all_lines.filtered(lambda line: line.answer_type == 'char_box')
- else:
- answer_lines = all_lines
- comment_line_ids = self.env['survey.user_input.line']
- skipped_lines = answer_lines.filtered(lambda line: line.skipped)
- done_lines = answer_lines - skipped_lines
- question_data.update(
- answer_line_ids=answer_lines,
- answer_line_done_ids=done_lines,
- answer_input_done_ids=done_lines.mapped('user_input_id'),
- answer_input_skipped_ids=skipped_lines.mapped('user_input_id'),
- comment_line_ids=comment_line_ids)
- question_data.update(question._get_stats_summary_data(answer_lines))
- # prepare table and graph data
- table_data, graph_data = question._get_stats_data(answer_lines)
- question_data['table_data'] = table_data
- question_data['graph_data'] = json.dumps(graph_data)
- all_questions_data.append(question_data)
- return all_questions_data
- def _get_stats_data(self, user_input_lines):
- if self.question_type == 'simple_choice':
- return self._get_stats_data_answers(user_input_lines)
- elif self.question_type == 'multiple_choice':
- table_data, graph_data = self._get_stats_data_answers(user_input_lines)
- return table_data, [{'key': self.title, 'values': graph_data}]
- elif self.question_type == 'matrix':
- return self._get_stats_graph_data_matrix(user_input_lines)
- return [line for line in user_input_lines], []
- def _get_stats_data_answers(self, user_input_lines):
- """ Statistics for question.answer based questions (simple choice, multiple
- choice.). A corner case with a void record survey.question.answer is added
- to count comments that should be considered as valid answers. This small hack
- allow to have everything available in the same standard structure. """
- suggested_answers = [answer for answer in self.mapped('suggested_answer_ids')]
- if self.comment_count_as_answer:
- suggested_answers += [self.env['survey.question.answer']]
- count_data = dict.fromkeys(suggested_answers, 0)
- for line in user_input_lines:
- if line.suggested_answer_id in count_data\
- or (line.value_char_box and self.comment_count_as_answer):
- count_data[line.suggested_answer_id] += 1
- table_data = [{
- 'value': _('Other (see comments)') if not sug_answer else sug_answer.value,
- 'suggested_answer': sug_answer,
- 'count': count_data[sug_answer]
- }
- for sug_answer in suggested_answers]
- graph_data = [{
- 'text': _('Other (see comments)') if not sug_answer else sug_answer.value,
- 'count': count_data[sug_answer]
- }
- for sug_answer in suggested_answers]
- return table_data, graph_data
- def _get_stats_graph_data_matrix(self, user_input_lines):
- suggested_answers = self.mapped('suggested_answer_ids')
- matrix_rows = self.mapped('matrix_row_ids')
- count_data = dict.fromkeys(itertools.product(matrix_rows, suggested_answers), 0)
- for line in user_input_lines:
- if line.matrix_row_id and line.suggested_answer_id:
- count_data[(line.matrix_row_id, line.suggested_answer_id)] += 1
- table_data = [{
- 'row': row,
- 'columns': [{
- 'suggested_answer': sug_answer,
- 'count': count_data[(row, sug_answer)]
- } for sug_answer in suggested_answers],
- } for row in matrix_rows]
- graph_data = [{
- 'key': sug_answer.value,
- 'values': [{
- 'text': row.value,
- 'count': count_data[(row, sug_answer)]
- }
- for row in matrix_rows
- ]
- } for sug_answer in suggested_answers]
- return table_data, graph_data
- def _get_stats_summary_data(self, user_input_lines):
- stats = {}
- if self.question_type in ['simple_choice', 'multiple_choice']:
- stats.update(self._get_stats_summary_data_choice(user_input_lines))
- elif self.question_type == 'numerical_box':
- stats.update(self._get_stats_summary_data_numerical(user_input_lines))
- if self.question_type in ['numerical_box', 'date', 'datetime']:
- stats.update(self._get_stats_summary_data_scored(user_input_lines))
- return stats
- def _get_stats_summary_data_choice(self, user_input_lines):
- right_inputs, partial_inputs = self.env['survey.user_input'], self.env['survey.user_input']
- right_answers = self.suggested_answer_ids.filtered(lambda label: label.is_correct)
- if self.question_type == 'multiple_choice':
- for user_input, lines in tools.groupby(user_input_lines, operator.itemgetter('user_input_id')):
- user_input_answers = self.env['survey.user_input.line'].concat(*lines).filtered(lambda l: l.answer_is_correct).mapped('suggested_answer_id')
- if user_input_answers and user_input_answers < right_answers:
- partial_inputs += user_input
- elif user_input_answers:
- right_inputs += user_input
- else:
- right_inputs = user_input_lines.filtered(lambda line: line.answer_is_correct).mapped('user_input_id')
- return {
- 'right_answers': right_answers,
- 'right_inputs_count': len(right_inputs),
- 'partial_inputs_count': len(partial_inputs),
- }
- def _get_stats_summary_data_numerical(self, user_input_lines):
- all_values = user_input_lines.filtered(lambda line: not line.skipped).mapped('value_numerical_box')
- lines_sum = sum(all_values)
- return {
- 'numerical_max': max(all_values, default=0),
- 'numerical_min': min(all_values, default=0),
- 'numerical_average': round(lines_sum / (len(all_values) or 1), 2),
- }
- def _get_stats_summary_data_scored(self, user_input_lines):
- return {
- 'common_lines': collections.Counter(
- user_input_lines.filtered(lambda line: not line.skipped).mapped('value_%s' % self.question_type)
- ).most_common(5),
- 'right_inputs_count': len(user_input_lines.filtered(lambda line: line.answer_is_correct).mapped('user_input_id'))
- }
- class SurveyQuestionAnswer(models.Model):
- """ A preconfigured answer for a question. This model stores values used
- for
- * simple choice, multiple choice: proposed values for the selection /
- radio;
- * matrix: row and column values;
- """
- _name = 'survey.question.answer'
- _rec_name = 'value'
- _order = 'sequence, id'
- _description = 'Survey Label'
- # question and question related fields
- question_id = fields.Many2one('survey.question', string='Question', ondelete='cascade')
- matrix_question_id = fields.Many2one('survey.question', string='Question (as matrix row)', ondelete='cascade')
- question_type = fields.Selection(related='question_id.question_type')
- sequence = fields.Integer('Label Sequence order', default=10)
- scoring_type = fields.Selection(related='question_id.scoring_type')
- # answer related fields
- value = fields.Char('Suggested value', translate=True, required=True)
- value_image = fields.Image('Image', max_width=1024, max_height=1024)
- value_image_filename = fields.Char('Image Filename')
- is_correct = fields.Boolean('Correct')
- answer_score = fields.Float('Score', help="A positive score indicates a correct choice; a negative or null score indicates a wrong answer")
- @api.constrains('question_id', 'matrix_question_id')
- def _check_question_not_empty(self):
- """Ensure that field question_id XOR field matrix_question_id is not null"""
- for label in self:
- if not bool(label.question_id) != bool(label.matrix_question_id):
- raise ValidationError(_("A label must be attached to only one question."))