123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785 |
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
- import logging
- import textwrap
- import uuid
- from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
- from odoo import api, fields, models, _
- from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError
- from odoo.tools import float_is_zero
- _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- class SurveyUserInput(models.Model):
- """ Metadata for a set of one user's answers to a particular survey """
- _name = "survey.user_input"
- _description = "Survey User Input"
- _rec_name = "survey_id"
- _order = "create_date desc"
- _inherit = ['mail.thread', 'mail.activity.mixin']
- # answer description
- survey_id = fields.Many2one('survey.survey', string='Survey', required=True, readonly=True, ondelete='cascade')
- scoring_type = fields.Selection(string="Scoring", related="survey_id.scoring_type")
- start_datetime = fields.Datetime('Start date and time', readonly=True)
- end_datetime = fields.Datetime('End date and time', readonly=True)
- deadline = fields.Datetime('Deadline', help="Datetime until customer can open the survey and submit answers")
- state = fields.Selection([
- ('new', 'Not started yet'),
- ('in_progress', 'In Progress'),
- ('done', 'Completed')], string='Status', default='new', readonly=True)
- test_entry = fields.Boolean(readonly=True)
- last_displayed_page_id = fields.Many2one('survey.question', string='Last displayed question/page')
- # attempts management
- is_attempts_limited = fields.Boolean("Limited number of attempts", related='survey_id.is_attempts_limited')
- attempts_limit = fields.Integer("Number of attempts", related='survey_id.attempts_limit')
- attempts_count = fields.Integer("Attempts Count", compute='_compute_attempts_info')
- attempts_number = fields.Integer("Attempt n°", compute='_compute_attempts_info')
- survey_time_limit_reached = fields.Boolean("Survey Time Limit Reached", compute='_compute_survey_time_limit_reached')
- # identification / access
- access_token = fields.Char('Identification token', default=lambda self: str(uuid.uuid4()), readonly=True, required=True, copy=False)
- invite_token = fields.Char('Invite token', readonly=True, copy=False) # no unique constraint, as it identifies a pool of attempts
- partner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', string='Contact', readonly=True)
- email = fields.Char('Email', readonly=True)
- nickname = fields.Char('Nickname', help="Attendee nickname, mainly used to identify them in the survey session leaderboard.")
- # questions / answers
- user_input_line_ids = fields.One2many('survey.user_input.line', 'user_input_id', string='Answers', copy=True)
- predefined_question_ids = fields.Many2many('survey.question', string='Predefined Questions', readonly=True)
- scoring_percentage = fields.Float("Score (%)", compute="_compute_scoring_values", store=True, compute_sudo=True) # stored for perf reasons
- scoring_total = fields.Float("Total Score", compute="_compute_scoring_values", store=True, compute_sudo=True) # stored for perf reasons
- scoring_success = fields.Boolean('Quizz Passed', compute='_compute_scoring_success', store=True, compute_sudo=True) # stored for perf reasons
- # live sessions
- is_session_answer = fields.Boolean('Is in a Session', help="Is that user input part of a survey session or not.")
- question_time_limit_reached = fields.Boolean("Question Time Limit Reached", compute='_compute_question_time_limit_reached')
- _sql_constraints = [
- ('unique_token', 'UNIQUE (access_token)', 'An access token must be unique!'),
- ]
- @api.depends('user_input_line_ids.answer_score', 'user_input_line_ids.question_id', 'predefined_question_ids.answer_score')
- def _compute_scoring_values(self):
- for user_input in self:
- # sum(multi-choice question scores) + sum(simple answer_type scores)
- total_possible_score = 0
- for question in user_input.predefined_question_ids:
- if question.question_type == 'simple_choice':
- total_possible_score += max([score for score in question.mapped('suggested_answer_ids.answer_score') if score > 0], default=0)
- elif question.question_type == 'multiple_choice':
- total_possible_score += sum(score for score in question.mapped('suggested_answer_ids.answer_score') if score > 0)
- elif question.is_scored_question:
- total_possible_score += question.answer_score
- if total_possible_score == 0:
- user_input.scoring_percentage = 0
- user_input.scoring_total = 0
- else:
- score_total = sum(user_input.user_input_line_ids.mapped('answer_score'))
- user_input.scoring_total = score_total
- score_percentage = (score_total / total_possible_score) * 100
- user_input.scoring_percentage = round(score_percentage, 2) if score_percentage > 0 else 0
- @api.depends('scoring_percentage', 'survey_id')
- def _compute_scoring_success(self):
- for user_input in self:
- user_input.scoring_success = user_input.scoring_percentage >= user_input.survey_id.scoring_success_min
- @api.depends(
- 'start_datetime',
- 'survey_id.is_time_limited',
- 'survey_id.time_limit')
- def _compute_survey_time_limit_reached(self):
- """ Checks that the user_input is not exceeding the survey's time limit. """
- for user_input in self:
- if not user_input.is_session_answer and user_input.start_datetime:
- start_time = user_input.start_datetime
- time_limit = user_input.survey_id.time_limit
- user_input.survey_time_limit_reached = user_input.survey_id.is_time_limited and \
- fields.Datetime.now() >= start_time + relativedelta(minutes=time_limit)
- else:
- user_input.survey_time_limit_reached = False
- @api.depends(
- 'survey_id.session_question_id.time_limit',
- 'survey_id.session_question_id.is_time_limited',
- 'survey_id.session_question_start_time')
- def _compute_question_time_limit_reached(self):
- """ Checks that the user_input is not exceeding the question's time limit.
- Only used in the context of survey sessions. """
- for user_input in self:
- if user_input.is_session_answer and user_input.survey_id.session_question_start_time:
- start_time = user_input.survey_id.session_question_start_time
- time_limit = user_input.survey_id.session_question_id.time_limit
- user_input.question_time_limit_reached = user_input.survey_id.session_question_id.is_time_limited and \
- fields.Datetime.now() >= start_time + relativedelta(seconds=time_limit)
- else:
- user_input.question_time_limit_reached = False
- @api.depends('state', 'test_entry', 'survey_id.is_attempts_limited', 'partner_id', 'email', 'invite_token')
- def _compute_attempts_info(self):
- attempts_to_compute = self.filtered(
- lambda user_input: user_input.state == 'done' and not user_input.test_entry and user_input.survey_id.is_attempts_limited
- )
- for user_input in (self - attempts_to_compute):
- user_input.attempts_count = 1
- user_input.attempts_number = 1
- if attempts_to_compute:
- self.flush_model(['email', 'invite_token', 'partner_id', 'state', 'survey_id', 'test_entry'])
- self.env.cr.execute("""
- SELECT user_input.id,
- COUNT(all_attempts_user_input.id) AS attempts_count,
- COUNT(CASE WHEN all_attempts_user_input.id < user_input.id THEN all_attempts_user_input.id END) + 1 AS attempts_number
- FROM survey_user_input user_input
- LEFT OUTER JOIN survey_user_input all_attempts_user_input
- ON user_input.survey_id = all_attempts_user_input.survey_id
- AND all_attempts_user_input.state = 'done'
- AND all_attempts_user_input.test_entry IS NOT TRUE
- AND (user_input.invite_token IS NULL OR user_input.invite_token = all_attempts_user_input.invite_token)
- AND (user_input.partner_id = all_attempts_user_input.partner_id OR user_input.email = all_attempts_user_input.email)
- WHERE user_input.id IN %s
- GROUP BY user_input.id;
- """, (tuple(attempts_to_compute.ids),))
- attempts_number_results = self.env.cr.dictfetchall()
- attempts_number_results = {
- attempts_number_result['id']: {
- 'attempts_number': attempts_number_result['attempts_number'],
- 'attempts_count': attempts_number_result['attempts_count'],
- }
- for attempts_number_result in attempts_number_results
- }
- for user_input in attempts_to_compute:
- attempts_number_result = attempts_number_results.get(user_input.id, {})
- user_input.attempts_number = attempts_number_result.get('attempts_number', 1)
- user_input.attempts_count = attempts_number_result.get('attempts_count', 1)
- @api.model_create_multi
- def create(self, vals_list):
- for vals in vals_list:
- if 'predefined_question_ids' not in vals:
- suvey_id = vals.get('survey_id', self.env.context.get('default_survey_id'))
- survey = self.env['survey.survey'].browse(suvey_id)
- vals['predefined_question_ids'] = [(6, 0, survey._prepare_user_input_predefined_questions().ids)]
- return super(SurveyUserInput, self).create(vals_list)
- # ------------------------------------------------------------
- # ------------------------------------------------------------
- def action_resend(self):
- partners = self.env['res.partner']
- emails = []
- for user_answer in self:
- if user_answer.partner_id:
- partners |= user_answer.partner_id
- elif user_answer.email:
- emails.append(user_answer.email)
- return self.survey_id.with_context(
- default_existing_mode='resend',
- default_partner_ids=partners.ids,
- default_emails=','.join(emails)
- ).action_send_survey()
- def action_print_answers(self):
- """ Open the website page with the survey form """
- self.ensure_one()
- return {
- 'type': 'ir.actions.act_url',
- 'name': "View Answers",
- 'target': 'self',
- 'url': '/survey/print/%s?answer_token=%s' % (self.survey_id.access_token, self.access_token)
- }
- def action_redirect_to_attempts(self):
- self.ensure_one()
- action = self.env['ir.actions.act_window']._for_xml_id('survey.action_survey_user_input')
- context = dict(self.env.context or {})
- context['create'] = False
- context['search_default_survey_id'] = self.survey_id.id
- context['search_default_group_by_survey'] = False
- if self.partner_id:
- context['search_default_partner_id'] = self.partner_id.id
- elif self.email:
- context['search_default_email'] = self.email
- action['context'] = context
- return action
- @api.model
- def _generate_invite_token(self):
- return str(uuid.uuid4())
- def _mark_in_progress(self):
- """ marks the state as 'in_progress' and updates the start_datetime accordingly. """
- self.write({
- 'start_datetime': fields.Datetime.now(),
- 'state': 'in_progress'
- })
- def _mark_done(self):
- """ This method will:
- 1. mark the state as 'done'
- 2. send the certification email with attached document if
- - The survey is a certification
- - It has a certification_mail_template_id set
- - The user succeeded the test
- Will also run challenge Cron to give the certification badge if any."""
- self.write({
- 'end_datetime': fields.Datetime.now(),
- 'state': 'done',
- })
- Challenge = self.env['gamification.challenge'].sudo()
- badge_ids = []
- for user_input in self:
- if user_input.survey_id.certification and user_input.scoring_success:
- if user_input.survey_id.certification_mail_template_id and not user_input.test_entry:
- user_input.survey_id.certification_mail_template_id.send_mail(user_input.id, email_layout_xmlid="mail.mail_notification_light")
- if user_input.survey_id.certification_give_badge:
- badge_ids.append(user_input.survey_id.certification_badge_id.id)
- # Update predefined_question_id to remove inactive questions
- user_input.predefined_question_ids -= user_input._get_inactive_conditional_questions()
- if badge_ids:
- challenges = Challenge.search([('reward_id', 'in', badge_ids)])
- if challenges:
- Challenge._cron_update(ids=challenges.ids, commit=False)
- def get_start_url(self):
- self.ensure_one()
- return '%s?answer_token=%s' % (self.survey_id.get_start_url(), self.access_token)
- def get_print_url(self):
- self.ensure_one()
- return '%s?answer_token=%s' % (self.survey_id.get_print_url(), self.access_token)
- # ------------------------------------------------------------
- # ------------------------------------------------------------
- def save_lines(self, question, answer, comment=None):
- """ Save answers to questions, depending on question type
- If an answer already exists for question and user_input_id, it will be
- overwritten (or deleted for 'choice' questions) (in order to maintain data consistency).
- """
- old_answers = self.env['survey.user_input.line'].search([
- ('user_input_id', '=', self.id),
- ('question_id', '=', question.id)
- ])
- if question.question_type in ['char_box', 'text_box', 'numerical_box', 'date', 'datetime']:
- self._save_line_simple_answer(question, old_answers, answer)
- if question.save_as_email and answer:
- self.write({'email': answer})
- if question.save_as_nickname and answer:
- self.write({'nickname': answer})
- elif question.question_type in ['simple_choice', 'multiple_choice']:
- self._save_line_choice(question, old_answers, answer, comment)
- elif question.question_type == 'matrix':
- self._save_line_matrix(question, old_answers, answer, comment)
- else:
- raise AttributeError(question.question_type + ": This type of question has no saving function")
- def _save_line_simple_answer(self, question, old_answers, answer):
- vals = self._get_line_answer_values(question, answer, question.question_type)
- if old_answers:
- old_answers.write(vals)
- return old_answers
- else:
- return self.env['survey.user_input.line'].create(vals)
- def _save_line_choice(self, question, old_answers, answers, comment):
- if not (isinstance(answers, list)):
- answers = [answers]
- if not answers:
- # add a False answer to force saving a skipped line
- # this will make this question correctly considered as skipped in statistics
- answers = [False]
- vals_list = []
- if question.question_type == 'simple_choice':
- if not question.comment_count_as_answer or not question.comments_allowed or not comment:
- vals_list = [self._get_line_answer_values(question, answer, 'suggestion') for answer in answers]
- elif question.question_type == 'multiple_choice':
- vals_list = [self._get_line_answer_values(question, answer, 'suggestion') for answer in answers]
- if comment:
- vals_list.append(self._get_line_comment_values(question, comment))
- old_answers.sudo().unlink()
- return self.env['survey.user_input.line'].create(vals_list)
- def _save_line_matrix(self, question, old_answers, answers, comment):
- vals_list = []
- if not answers and question.matrix_row_ids:
- # add a False answer to force saving a skipped line
- # this will make this question correctly considered as skipped in statistics
- answers = {question.matrix_row_ids[0].id: [False]}
- if answers:
- for row_key, row_answer in answers.items():
- for answer in row_answer:
- vals = self._get_line_answer_values(question, answer, 'suggestion')
- vals['matrix_row_id'] = int(row_key)
- vals_list.append(vals.copy())
- if comment:
- vals_list.append(self._get_line_comment_values(question, comment))
- old_answers.sudo().unlink()
- return self.env['survey.user_input.line'].create(vals_list)
- def _get_line_answer_values(self, question, answer, answer_type):
- vals = {
- 'user_input_id': self.id,
- 'question_id': question.id,
- 'skipped': False,
- 'answer_type': answer_type,
- }
- if not answer or (isinstance(answer, str) and not answer.strip()):
- vals.update(answer_type=None, skipped=True)
- return vals
- if answer_type == 'suggestion':
- vals['suggested_answer_id'] = int(answer)
- elif answer_type == 'numerical_box':
- vals['value_numerical_box'] = float(answer)
- else:
- vals['value_%s' % answer_type] = answer
- return vals
- def _get_line_comment_values(self, question, comment):
- return {
- 'user_input_id': self.id,
- 'question_id': question.id,
- 'skipped': False,
- 'answer_type': 'char_box',
- 'value_char_box': comment,
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------
- # ------------------------------------------------------------
- def _prepare_statistics(self):
- """ Prepares survey.user_input's statistics to display various charts on the frontend.
- Returns a structure containing answers statistics "by section" and "totals" for every input in self.
- e.g returned structure:
- {
- survey.user_input(1,): {
- 'by_section': {
- 'Uncategorized': {
- 'question_count': 2,
- 'correct': 2,
- 'partial': 0,
- 'incorrect': 0,
- 'skipped': 0,
- },
- 'Mathematics': {
- 'question_count': 3,
- 'correct': 1,
- 'partial': 1,
- 'incorrect': 0,
- 'skipped': 1,
- },
- 'Geography': {
- 'question_count': 4,
- 'correct': 2,
- 'partial': 0,
- 'incorrect': 2,
- 'skipped': 0,
- }
- },
- 'totals' [{
- 'text': 'Correct',
- 'count': 5,
- }, {
- 'text': 'Partially',
- 'count': 1,
- }, {
- 'text': 'Incorrect',
- 'count': 2,
- }, {
- 'text': 'Unanswered',
- 'count': 1,
- }]
- }
- }"""
- res = dict((user_input, {
- 'by_section': {}
- }) for user_input in self)
- scored_questions = self.mapped('predefined_question_ids').filtered(lambda question: question.is_scored_question)
- for question in scored_questions:
- if question.question_type in ['simple_choice', 'multiple_choice']:
- question_correct_suggested_answers = question.suggested_answer_ids.filtered(lambda answer: answer.is_correct)
- question_section = question.page_id.title or _('Uncategorized')
- for user_input in self:
- user_input_lines = user_input.user_input_line_ids.filtered(lambda line: line.question_id == question)
- if question.question_type in ['simple_choice', 'multiple_choice']:
- answer_result_key = self._choice_question_answer_result(user_input_lines, question_correct_suggested_answers)
- else:
- answer_result_key = self._simple_question_answer_result(user_input_lines)
- if question_section not in res[user_input]['by_section']:
- res[user_input]['by_section'][question_section] = {
- 'question_count': 0,
- 'correct': 0,
- 'partial': 0,
- 'incorrect': 0,
- 'skipped': 0,
- }
- res[user_input]['by_section'][question_section]['question_count'] += 1
- res[user_input]['by_section'][question_section][answer_result_key] += 1
- for user_input in self:
- correct_count = 0
- partial_count = 0
- incorrect_count = 0
- skipped_count = 0
- for section_counts in res[user_input]['by_section'].values():
- correct_count += section_counts.get('correct', 0)
- partial_count += section_counts.get('partial', 0)
- incorrect_count += section_counts.get('incorrect', 0)
- skipped_count += section_counts.get('skipped', 0)
- res[user_input]['totals'] = [
- {'text': _("Correct"), 'count': correct_count},
- {'text': _("Partially"), 'count': partial_count},
- {'text': _("Incorrect"), 'count': incorrect_count},
- {'text': _("Unanswered"), 'count': skipped_count}
- ]
- return res
- def _choice_question_answer_result(self, user_input_lines, question_correct_suggested_answers):
- correct_user_input_lines = user_input_lines.filtered(lambda line: line.answer_is_correct and not line.skipped).mapped('suggested_answer_id')
- incorrect_user_input_lines = user_input_lines.filtered(lambda line: not line.answer_is_correct and not line.skipped)
- if question_correct_suggested_answers and correct_user_input_lines == question_correct_suggested_answers:
- return 'correct'
- elif correct_user_input_lines and correct_user_input_lines < question_correct_suggested_answers:
- return 'partial'
- elif not correct_user_input_lines and incorrect_user_input_lines:
- return 'incorrect'
- else:
- return 'skipped'
- def _simple_question_answer_result(self, user_input_line):
- if user_input_line.skipped:
- return 'skipped'
- elif user_input_line.answer_is_correct:
- return 'correct'
- else:
- return 'incorrect'
- # ------------------------------------------------------------
- # Conditional Questions Management
- # ------------------------------------------------------------
- def _get_conditional_values(self):
- """ For survey containing conditional questions, we need a triggered_questions_by_answer map that contains
- {key: answer, value: the question that the answer triggers, if selected},
- The idea is to be able to verify, on every answer check, if this answer is triggering the display
- of another question.
- If answer is not in the conditional map:
- - nothing happens.
- If the answer is in the conditional map:
- - If we are in ONE PAGE survey : (handled at CLIENT side)
- -> display immediately the depending question
- - If we are in PAGE PER SECTION : (handled at CLIENT side)
- - If related question is on the same page :
- -> display immediately the depending question
- - If the related question is not on the same page :
- -> keep the answers in memory and check at next page load if the depending question is in there and
- display it, if so.
- - If we are in PAGE PER QUESTION : (handled at SERVER side)
- -> During submit, determine which is the next question to display getting the next question
- that is the next in sequence and that is either not triggered by another question's answer, or that
- is triggered by an already selected answer.
- To do all this, we need to return:
- - list of all selected answers: [answer_id1, answer_id2, ...] (for survey reloading, otherwise, this list is
- updated at client side)
- - triggered_questions_by_answer: dict -> for a given answer, list of questions triggered by this answer;
- Used mainly for dynamic show/hide behaviour at client side
- - triggering_answer_by_question: dict -> for a given question, the answer that triggers it
- Used mainly to ease template rendering
- """
- triggering_answer_by_question, triggered_questions_by_answer = {}, {}
- # Ignore conditional configuration if randomised questions selection
- if self.survey_id.questions_selection != 'random':
- triggering_answer_by_question, triggered_questions_by_answer = self.survey_id._get_conditional_maps()
- selected_answers = self._get_selected_suggested_answers()
- return triggering_answer_by_question, triggered_questions_by_answer, selected_answers
- def _get_selected_suggested_answers(self):
- """
- For now, only simple and multiple choices question type are handled by the conditional questions feature.
- Mapping all the suggested answers selected by the user will also include answers from matrix question type,
- Those ones won't be used.
- Maybe someday, conditional questions feature will be extended to work with matrix question.
- :return: all the suggested answer selected by the user.
- """
- return self.mapped('user_input_line_ids.suggested_answer_id')
- def _clear_inactive_conditional_answers(self):
- """
- Clean eventual answers on conditional questions that should not have been displayed to user.
- This method is used mainly for page per question survey, a similar method does the same treatment
- at client side for the other survey layouts.
- E.g.: if depending answer was uncheck after answering conditional question, we need to clear answers
- of that conditional question, for two reasons:
- - ensure correct scoring
- - if the selected answer triggers another question later in the survey, if the answer is not cleared,
- a question that should not be displayed to the user will be.
- TODO DBE: Maybe this can be the only cleaning method, even for section_per_page or one_page where
- conditional questions are, for now, cleared in JS directly. But this can be annoying if user typed a long
- answer, changed their mind unchecking depending answer and changed again their mind by rechecking the depending
- answer -> For now, the long answer will be lost. If we use this as the master cleaning method,
- long answer will be cleared only during submit.
- """
- inactive_questions = self._get_inactive_conditional_questions()
- # delete user.input.line on question that should not be answered.
- answers_to_delete = self.user_input_line_ids.filtered(lambda answer: answer.question_id in inactive_questions)
- answers_to_delete.unlink()
- def _get_inactive_conditional_questions(self):
- triggering_answer_by_question, triggered_questions_by_answer, selected_answers = self._get_conditional_values()
- # get questions that should not be answered
- inactive_questions = self.env['survey.question']
- for answer in triggered_questions_by_answer.keys():
- if answer not in selected_answers:
- for question in triggered_questions_by_answer[answer]:
- inactive_questions |= question
- return inactive_questions
- def _get_print_questions(self):
- """ Get the questions to display : the ones that should have been answered = active questions
- In case of session, active questions are based on most voted answers
- :return: active survey.question browse records
- """
- survey = self.survey_id
- if self.is_session_answer:
- most_voted_answers = survey._get_session_most_voted_answers()
- inactive_questions = most_voted_answers._get_inactive_conditional_questions()
- else:
- inactive_questions = self._get_inactive_conditional_questions()
- return survey.question_ids - inactive_questions
- # ------------------------------------------------------------
- # ------------------------------------------------------------
- def _message_get_suggested_recipients(self):
- recipients = super()._message_get_suggested_recipients()
- for user_input in self:
- if user_input.partner_id:
- user_input._message_add_suggested_recipient(
- recipients,
- partner=user_input.partner_id,
- reason=_('Survey Participant')
- )
- return recipients
- class SurveyUserInputLine(models.Model):
- _name = 'survey.user_input.line'
- _description = 'Survey User Input Line'
- _rec_name = 'user_input_id'
- _order = 'question_sequence, id'
- # survey data
- user_input_id = fields.Many2one('survey.user_input', string='User Input', ondelete='cascade', required=True, index=True)
- survey_id = fields.Many2one(related='user_input_id.survey_id', string='Survey', store=True, readonly=False)
- question_id = fields.Many2one('survey.question', string='Question', ondelete='cascade', required=True)
- page_id = fields.Many2one(related='question_id.page_id', string="Section", readonly=False)
- question_sequence = fields.Integer('Sequence', related='question_id.sequence', store=True)
- # answer
- skipped = fields.Boolean('Skipped')
- answer_type = fields.Selection([
- ('text_box', 'Free Text'),
- ('char_box', 'Text'),
- ('numerical_box', 'Number'),
- ('date', 'Date'),
- ('datetime', 'Datetime'),
- ('suggestion', 'Suggestion')], string='Answer Type')
- value_char_box = fields.Char('Text answer')
- value_numerical_box = fields.Float('Numerical answer')
- value_date = fields.Date('Date answer')
- value_datetime = fields.Datetime('Datetime answer')
- value_text_box = fields.Text('Free Text answer')
- suggested_answer_id = fields.Many2one('survey.question.answer', string="Suggested answer")
- matrix_row_id = fields.Many2one('survey.question.answer', string="Row answer")
- # scoring
- answer_score = fields.Float('Score')
- answer_is_correct = fields.Boolean('Correct')
- @api.depends('answer_type')
- def _compute_display_name(self):
- for line in self:
- if line.answer_type == 'char_box':
- line.display_name = line.value_char_box
- elif line.answer_type == 'text_box' and line.value_text_box:
- line.display_name = textwrap.shorten(line.value_text_box, width=50, placeholder=" [...]")
- elif line.answer_type == 'numerical_box':
- line.display_name = line.value_numerical_box
- elif line.answer_type == 'date':
- line.display_name = fields.Date.to_string(line.value_date)
- elif line.answer_type == 'datetime':
- line.display_name = fields.Datetime.to_string(line.value_datetime)
- elif line.answer_type == 'suggestion':
- if line.matrix_row_id:
- line.display_name = '%s: %s' % (
- line.suggested_answer_id.value,
- line.matrix_row_id.value)
- else:
- line.display_name = line.suggested_answer_id.value
- if not line.display_name:
- line.display_name = _('Skipped')
- @api.constrains('skipped', 'answer_type')
- def _check_answer_type_skipped(self):
- for line in self:
- if (line.skipped == bool(line.answer_type)):
- raise ValidationError(_('A question can either be skipped or answered, not both.'))
- # allow 0 for numerical box
- if line.answer_type == 'numerical_box' and float_is_zero(line['value_numerical_box'], precision_digits=6):
- continue
- if line.answer_type == 'suggestion':
- field_name = 'suggested_answer_id'
- elif line.answer_type:
- field_name = 'value_%s' % line.answer_type
- else: # skipped
- field_name = False
- if field_name and not line[field_name]:
- raise ValidationError(_('The answer must be in the right type'))
- @api.model_create_multi
- def create(self, vals_list):
- for vals in vals_list:
- if not vals.get('answer_score'):
- score_vals = self._get_answer_score_values(vals)
- vals.update(score_vals)
- return super(SurveyUserInputLine, self).create(vals_list)
- def write(self, vals):
- res = True
- for line in self:
- vals_copy = {**vals}
- getter_params = {
- 'user_input_id': line.user_input_id.id,
- 'answer_type': line.answer_type,
- 'question_id': line.question_id.id,
- **vals_copy
- }
- if not vals_copy.get('answer_score'):
- score_vals = self._get_answer_score_values(getter_params, compute_speed_score=False)
- vals_copy.update(score_vals)
- res = super(SurveyUserInputLine, line).write(vals_copy) and res
- return res
- @api.model
- def _get_answer_score_values(self, vals, compute_speed_score=True):
- """ Get values for: answer_is_correct and associated answer_score.
- Requires vals to contain 'answer_type', 'question_id', and 'user_input_id'.
- Depending on 'answer_type' additional value of 'suggested_answer_id' may also be
- required.
- Calculates whether an answer_is_correct and its score based on 'answer_type' and
- corresponding question. Handles choice (answer_type == 'suggestion') questions
- separately from other question types. Each selected choice answer is handled as an
- individual answer.
- If score depends on the speed of the answer, it is adjusted as follows:
- - If the user answers in less than 2 seconds, they receive 100% of the possible points.
- - If user answers after that, they receive 50% of the possible points + the remaining
- 50% scaled by the time limit and time taken to answer [i.e. a minimum of 50% of the
- possible points is given to all correct answers]
- Example of returned values:
- * {'answer_is_correct': False, 'answer_score': 0} (default)
- * {'answer_is_correct': True, 'answer_score': 2.0}
- """
- user_input_id = vals.get('user_input_id')
- answer_type = vals.get('answer_type')
- question_id = vals.get('question_id')
- if not question_id:
- raise ValueError(_('Computing score requires a question in arguments.'))
- question = self.env['survey.question'].browse(int(question_id))
- # default and non-scored questions
- answer_is_correct = False
- answer_score = 0
- # record selected suggested choice answer_score (can be: pos, neg, or 0)
- if question.question_type in ['simple_choice', 'multiple_choice']:
- if answer_type == 'suggestion':
- suggested_answer_id = vals.get('suggested_answer_id')
- if suggested_answer_id:
- question_answer = self.env['survey.question.answer'].browse(int(suggested_answer_id))
- answer_score = question_answer.answer_score
- answer_is_correct = question_answer.is_correct
- # for all other scored question cases, record question answer_score (can be: pos or 0)
- elif question.question_type in ['date', 'datetime', 'numerical_box']:
- answer = vals.get('value_%s' % answer_type)
- if answer_type == 'numerical_box':
- answer = float(answer)
- elif answer_type == 'date':
- answer = fields.Date.from_string(answer)
- elif answer_type == 'datetime':
- answer = fields.Datetime.from_string(answer)
- if answer and answer == question['answer_%s' % answer_type]:
- answer_is_correct = True
- answer_score = question.answer_score
- if compute_speed_score and answer_score > 0:
- user_input = self.env['survey.user_input'].browse(user_input_id)
- session_speed_rating = user_input.exists() and user_input.is_session_answer and user_input.survey_id.session_speed_rating
- if session_speed_rating:
- max_score_delay = 2
- time_limit = question.time_limit
- now = fields.Datetime.now()
- seconds_to_answer = (now - user_input.survey_id.session_question_start_time).total_seconds()
- question_remaining_time = time_limit - seconds_to_answer
- # if answered within the max_score_delay => leave score as is
- if question_remaining_time < 0: # if no time left
- answer_score /= 2
- elif seconds_to_answer > max_score_delay:
- time_limit -= max_score_delay # we remove the max_score_delay to have all possible values
- score_proportion = (time_limit - seconds_to_answer) / time_limit
- answer_score = (answer_score / 2) * (1 + score_proportion)
- return {
- 'answer_is_correct': answer_is_correct,
- 'answer_score': answer_score
- }