he.po 26 KB

  1. # Translation of Odoo Server.
  2. # This file contains the translation of the following modules:
  3. # * website_slides_forum
  4. #
  5. # Translators:
  6. # Martin Trigaux, 2022
  7. # Yihya Hugirat <hugirat@gmail.com>, 2022
  8. # Lilach Gilliam <lilach.gilliam@gmail.com>, 2022
  9. # Ofir Blum <ofir.blum@gmail.com>, 2022
  10. # ZVI BLONDER <ZVIBLONDER@gmail.com>, 2022
  11. # Ha Ketem <haketem@gmail.com>, 2022
  12. #
  13. msgid ""
  14. msgstr ""
  15. "Project-Id-Version: Odoo Server 16.0\n"
  16. "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
  17. "POT-Creation-Date: 2023-04-14 05:53+0000\n"
  18. "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-09-22 05:57+0000\n"
  19. "Last-Translator: Ha Ketem <haketem@gmail.com>, 2022\n"
  20. "Language-Team: Hebrew (https://app.transifex.com/odoo/teams/41243/he/)\n"
  21. "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  22. "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  23. "Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
  24. "Language: he\n"
  25. "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n == 2 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: (n % 10 == 0 && n % 1 == 0 && n > 10) ? 2 : 3;\n"
  26. #. module: website_slides_forum
  27. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0
  28. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2
  29. msgid "(The above section was adapted from Stackoverflow’s FAQ.)"
  30. msgstr "(הסעיף לעיל אומץ מהשאלות הנפוצות של Stackoverflow.)"
  31. #. module: website_slides_forum
  32. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0
  33. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2
  34. msgid ""
  35. "<b>Answers should not add or expand questions</b>. Instead either edit the "
  36. "question or add a question comment."
  37. msgstr ""
  38. "<b>תשובות לא צריכות להוסיף או להרחיב שאלות</b>. במקום זאת, ערוך את השאלה או "
  39. "הוסף תגובה לשאלה."
  40. #. module: website_slides_forum
  41. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0
  42. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2
  43. msgid ""
  44. "<b>Answers should not add or expand questions</b>. Instead, either edit the "
  45. "question or add a comment."
  46. msgstr ""
  47. #. module: website_slides_forum
  48. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0
  49. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2
  50. msgid ""
  51. "<b>Answers should not comment other answers</b>. Instead add a comment on "
  52. "the other answers."
  53. msgstr ""
  54. "<b>תשובות לא צריכות להגיב לתשובות אחרות</b>. במקום זאת הוסף תגובה על התשובות"
  55. " האחרות."
  56. #. module: website_slides_forum
  57. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0
  58. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2
  59. msgid ""
  60. "<b>Answers should not start debates</b> This community Q&amp;A is not a "
  61. "discussion group. Please avoid holding debates in your answers as they tend "
  62. "to dilute the essence of questions and answers. For brief discussions please"
  63. " use commenting facility."
  64. msgstr ""
  65. "<b>תשובות לא אמורות להתחיל דיון.</b>השאלות ותשובות של הקהילה הן לא קבוצת "
  66. "דיון. אנא המנע/י מלנהל דיונים בתשובתך, כי הם מסיטים מהמטרה של שאלות ותשובות."
  67. " בשביל דיונים קצרים אנא השתמש/י בכלי התגובות."
  68. #. module: website_slides_forum
  69. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0
  70. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2
  71. msgid ""
  72. "<b>Answers shouldn't just point to other Questions</b>. Instead add a "
  73. "question comment indication \"Possible duplicate of...\". However, it's ok "
  74. "to include links to other questions or answers providing relevant additional"
  75. " information."
  76. msgstr ""
  77. "<b>תשובות לא אמורות פשוט להפנות לשאלות אחרות.</b>במקום זאת, יש להוסיף תגובה "
  78. "לשאלה \"העתק אפשרי של...\". עם זאת, זה בסדר להוסיף קישורים לשאלות או תשובות "
  79. "אחרות שמספקות מידע רלוונטי נוסף."
  80. #. module: website_slides_forum
  81. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0
  82. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2
  83. msgid ""
  84. "<b>Answers shouldn't just point to other questions</b>.Instead add a comment"
  85. " indicating <i>\"Possible duplicate of...\"</i>. However, it's fine to "
  86. "include links to other questions or answers providing relevant additional "
  87. "information."
  88. msgstr ""
  89. "<b>תשובות לא אמורות פשוט להפנות לשאלות אחרות.</b>במקום זאת, יש להוסיף תגובה "
  90. "לשאלה <i>\"העתק אפשרי של...\"</i>. עם זאת, זה בסדר להוסיף קישורים לשאלות או "
  91. "תשובות אחרות שמספקות מידע רלוונטי נוסף."
  92. #. module: website_slides_forum
  93. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0
  94. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2
  95. msgid ""
  96. "<b>Answers shouldn't just provide a link a solution</b>. Instead provide the"
  97. " solution description text in your answer, even if it's just a copy/paste. "
  98. "Links are welcome, but should be complementary to answer, referring sources "
  99. "or additional reading."
  100. msgstr ""
  101. "<b>תשובות לא אמורות פשוט לשים קישור לפיתרון. </b>במקום זה, יש לספק את תיאור "
  102. "הפתרון כטקסט בתשובה שלך, גם אם זה העתק/הדבק. כן יש מקום לקישורים, אבל רק אם "
  103. "הם באים כתוספת לתשובה, כהפניה למקורות או קריאה נוספת."
  104. #. module: website_slides_forum
  105. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0
  106. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2
  107. msgid ""
  108. "<b>Before you ask - please make sure to search for a similar question.</b> "
  109. "You can search questions by their title or tags. It’s also OK to answer your"
  110. " own question."
  111. msgstr ""
  112. "<b>לפני שאתה שואל - אנא דאג לחפש שאלה דומה.</b> אתה יכול לחפש שאלות לפי "
  113. "הכותרת שלהן או התגית שלהן. זה בסדר גם לענות על השאלה שלך בעצמך."
  114. #. module: website_slides_forum
  115. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0
  116. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2
  117. msgid ""
  118. "<b>Please avoid asking questions that are too subjective and "
  119. "argumentative</b> or not relevant to this community."
  120. msgstr ""
  121. "<b>אנא הימנע משאלת שאלות סובייקטיביות מדי ומעוררות ויכוח</b> או שלא "
  122. "רלוונטיות לקהילה זו."
  123. #. module: website_slides_forum
  124. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0
  125. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2
  126. msgid "<b>What kinds of questions can I ask here?</b>"
  127. msgstr "<b>איזה סוג שאלות אפשר לשאול כאן?</b>"
  128. #. module: website_slides_forum
  129. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0
  130. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2
  131. msgid "<b>What should I avoid in my answers?</b>"
  132. msgstr "<b>ממה כדאי להמנע כשאני עונה תשובה?</b>"
  133. #. module: website_slides_forum
  134. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0
  135. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2
  136. msgid "<b>What should I avoid in my questions?</b>"
  137. msgstr "<b>ממה כדאי להמנע כשאי שואל שאלה?</b>"
  138. #. module: website_slides_forum
  139. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0
  140. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2
  141. msgid "<b>Why can other people edit my questions/answers?</b>"
  142. msgstr "<b>למה אחרים יכולים לערוך את השאלות/תשובות שלי?</b>"
  143. #. module: website_slides_forum
  144. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_slides_forum.slide_fullscreen
  145. msgid ""
  146. "<i class=\"fa fa-comments\"/><span class=\"ms-1 d-none d-md-inline-"
  147. "block\">Forum</span>"
  148. msgstr ""
  149. #. module: website_slides_forum
  150. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_slides_forum.website_slides_forum_header
  151. msgid "<i class=\"fa fa-home\"/> Course"
  152. msgstr "<i class=\"fa fa-home\"/> קורס"
  153. #. module: website_slides_forum
  154. #: model:forum.forum,name:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0
  155. msgid "Basics of Gardening"
  156. msgstr "יסודות הגינון"
  157. #. module: website_slides_forum
  158. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_slides_forum.website_slides_forum_index
  159. msgid "Check our Courses <i class=\"fa fa-chevron-right\"/>"
  160. msgstr "<i class=\"fa fa-chevron-right\"/>ראה את הקורסים שלנו"
  161. #. module: website_slides_forum
  162. #: model_terms:ir.actions.act_window,help:website_slides_forum.forum_post_action_channel
  163. msgid "Come back later to monitor and moderate what is posted on your Forums."
  164. msgstr ""
  165. #. module: website_slides_forum
  166. #: model:ir.model,name:website_slides_forum.model_slide_channel
  167. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:website_slides_forum.field_forum_forum__slide_channel_id
  168. msgid "Course"
  169. msgstr "קורס"
  170. #. module: website_slides_forum
  171. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:website_slides_forum.field_slide_channel__forum_id
  172. msgid "Course Forum"
  173. msgstr "פורום הקורס"
  174. #. module: website_slides_forum
  175. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:website_slides_forum.field_forum_forum__slide_channel_ids
  176. msgid "Courses"
  177. msgstr "קורסים"
  178. #. module: website_slides_forum
  179. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_slides_forum.website_slides_forum_index
  180. msgid "Courses Discussions"
  181. msgstr "דיוני קורסים"
  182. #. module: website_slides_forum
  183. #: model_terms:ir.actions.act_window,help:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_action_channel
  184. msgid "Create a Forum"
  185. msgstr "צור פורום"
  186. #. module: website_slides_forum
  187. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_slides_forum.website_slides_forum_index
  188. msgid "Description"
  189. msgstr "תיאור"
  190. #. module: website_slides_forum
  191. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:website_slides_forum.field_forum_forum__slide_channel_ids
  192. msgid "Edit the course linked to this forum on the course form."
  193. msgstr "עריכת הקורס המשוייך לפורום הזה בטופס הקורס."
  194. #. module: website_slides_forum
  195. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0
  196. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2
  197. msgid ""
  198. "For example, if you ask an interesting question or give a helpful answer, "
  199. "your input will be upvoted. On the other hand if the answer is misleading - "
  200. "it will be downvoted. Each vote in favor will generate 10 points, each vote "
  201. "against will subtract 2 points. There is a limit of 200 points that can be "
  202. "accumulated for a question or answer per day. The table given at the end "
  203. "explains reputation point requirements for each type of moderation task."
  204. msgstr ""
  205. #. module: website_slides_forum
  206. #: model:ir.model,name:website_slides_forum.model_forum_forum
  207. #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:website_slides_forum.website_slides_menu_forum
  208. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_slides_forum.course_main
  209. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_slides_forum.slide_fullscreen
  210. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_slides_forum.website_slides_forum_channel_inherit_view_form
  211. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_slides_forum.website_slides_forum_header
  212. msgid "Forum"
  213. msgstr "פורום"
  214. #. module: website_slides_forum
  215. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_slides_forum.snippet_options
  216. msgid "Forum Page"
  217. msgstr ""
  218. #. module: website_slides_forum
  219. #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:website_slides_forum.forum_post_action_channel
  220. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_slides_forum.website_slides_forum_channel_inherit_view_form
  221. msgid "Forum Posts"
  222. msgstr "פוסטים של פורום"
  223. #. module: website_slides_forum
  224. #: model:ir.model.fields,help:website_slides_forum.field_forum_forum__visibility
  225. msgid ""
  226. "Forum linked to a Course, the visibility is the one applied on the course."
  227. msgstr "פורום מקושר לקורס, התצוגה מותאמת להגדרות של הקורס."
  228. #. module: website_slides_forum
  229. #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_action_channel
  230. #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:website_slides_forum.website_slides_menu_forum_forum
  231. msgid "Forums"
  232. msgstr "פורומים"
  233. #. module: website_slides_forum
  234. #: model_terms:ir.actions.act_window,help:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_action_channel
  235. msgid "Forums allow your attendees to ask questions to your community."
  236. msgstr ""
  237. #. module: website_slides_forum
  238. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0
  239. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2
  240. msgid "Here a table with the privileges and the karma level"
  241. msgstr "הנה טבלא עם הזכויות ורמות הקארמה"
  242. #. module: website_slides_forum
  243. #: model_terms:forum.forum,welcome_message:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0
  244. #: model_terms:forum.forum,welcome_message:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2
  245. msgid "Hide Intro"
  246. msgstr "הסתר מבוא"
  247. #. module: website_slides_forum
  248. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0
  249. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2
  250. msgid "If this approach is not for you, please respect the community."
  251. msgstr "אם גישה זו לא מתאימה לך, נא לכבד את הקהילה."
  252. #. module: website_slides_forum
  253. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0
  254. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2
  255. msgid ""
  256. "If you fit in one of these example or if your motivation for asking the "
  257. "question is “I would like to participate in a discussion about ______”, then"
  258. " you should not be asking here but on our mailing lists. However, if your "
  259. "motivation is “I would like others to explain ______ to me”, then you are "
  260. "probably OK."
  261. msgstr ""
  262. "אם אתה מתאים לאחת מהדוגמאות או אם המניע שלך לשאלה הוא \"אני מעוניין להשתתף "
  263. "בדיון על____\", אז אתה לא אמור לשאול כאן אלא ברשימת התפוצה שלנו במייל. עם "
  264. "זאת, אם המניע שלך הוא \"אני מעוניין בהסבר על___\", אז זה כנראה בסדר."
  265. #. module: website_slides_forum
  266. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_slides_forum.res_config_settings_view_form
  267. msgid "Manage Forums"
  268. msgstr ""
  269. #. module: website_slides_forum
  270. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0
  271. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2
  272. msgid "More over:"
  273. msgstr "עוד לגבי:"
  274. #. module: website_slides_forum
  275. #: model_terms:ir.actions.act_window,help:website_slides_forum.forum_post_action_channel
  276. msgid "No Forum Post yet!"
  277. msgstr ""
  278. #. module: website_slides_forum
  279. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:website_slides_forum.field_slide_channel__forum_total_posts
  280. msgid "Number of active forum posts"
  281. msgstr "מספר הודעות פורום פעילות"
  282. #. module: website_slides_forum
  283. #: model:ir.model.constraint,message:website_slides_forum.constraint_slide_channel_forum_uniq
  284. msgid "Only one course per forum!"
  285. msgstr "רק קורס אחד לכל פורום!"
  286. #. module: website_slides_forum
  287. #: model:ir.ui.menu,name:website_slides_forum.website_slides_menu_forum_post
  288. msgid "Posts"
  289. msgstr "פוסטים"
  290. #. module: website_slides_forum
  291. #: model_terms:forum.forum,welcome_message:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0
  292. #: model_terms:forum.forum,welcome_message:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2
  293. msgid "Register"
  294. msgstr "הירשם"
  295. #. module: website_slides_forum
  296. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_slides_forum.website_slides_forum_header
  297. msgid "Reviews"
  298. msgstr "חוות דעת"
  299. #. module: website_slides_forum
  300. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_slides_forum.website_slides_forum_index
  301. msgid "See all Courses"
  302. msgstr "ראה את כל הקורסים"
  303. #. module: website_slides_forum
  304. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_slides_forum.snippet_options
  305. msgid "Separate Courses"
  306. msgstr ""
  307. #. module: website_slides_forum
  308. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0
  309. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2
  310. msgid ""
  311. "The goal of this site is create a relevant knowledge base that would answer "
  312. "questions related to Odoo."
  313. msgstr ""
  314. "המטרה של האתר הזה ליצור בסיס ידע משותף ורחב שיענה על שאלות שקשורות ל-Odoo."
  315. #. module: website_slides_forum
  316. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0
  317. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2
  318. msgid ""
  319. "Therefore questions and answers can be edited like wiki pages by experienced"
  320. " users of this site in order to improve the overall quality of the knowledge"
  321. " base content. Such privileges are granted based on user karma level: you "
  322. "will be able to do the same once your karma gets high enough."
  323. msgstr ""
  324. "לכן שאלות ותשובות ניתנות לעריכה כמו דפי ויקי, על-ידי משתמשים ותיקים במורה "
  325. "לשפר את האיכות הכללית של בסיס הידע המשותף. זכויות ניתנות על בסיס נקודות "
  326. "קארמה ורמה: תוכלו לעשות את אותו דבר כשניקוד הקארמה שלכם מספיק גבוה."
  327. #. module: website_slides_forum
  328. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0
  329. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2
  330. msgid ""
  331. "This community is for professional and enthusiast users, partners and "
  332. "programmers. You can ask questions about:"
  333. msgstr ""
  334. "קהילה זו מיועדת למשתמשים מקצועיים, נלהבים, שותפים ומתכנתים. אתה יכול לשאול "
  335. "שאלות לגבי:"
  336. #. module: website_slides_forum
  337. #: model_terms:forum.forum,welcome_message:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0
  338. #: model_terms:forum.forum,welcome_message:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2
  339. msgid ""
  340. "This community is for professionals and enthusiasts of our products and services.\n"
  341. " <br>Share and discuss the best content and new marketing ideas, build your professional profile and become a better marketer together."
  342. msgstr ""
  343. "קהילה זו נועדה לבעלי מקצוע ותומכי המוצר והשירות שלנו. <br>שתף ודבר על תוכן "
  344. "טוב ורעיונות שיווק חדשים; בנה את הפרופיל המקצועי שלך והפוך למשווק טוב יותר "
  345. "ביחד עם כולם."
  346. #. module: website_slides_forum
  347. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0
  348. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2
  349. msgid ""
  350. "To prevent your question from being flagged and possibly removed, avoid "
  351. "asking subjective questions where …"
  352. msgstr ""
  353. "כדי למנוע את סימון השאלה שלך ואולי לגרום להסרתה, הימנע משאלות "
  354. "סובייקטיביות..."
  355. #. module: website_slides_forum
  356. #: model:forum.forum,name:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2
  357. msgid "Trees, Wood and Gardens"
  358. msgstr "עצים, עץ וגנים"
  359. #. module: website_slides_forum
  360. #: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:website_slides_forum.field_forum_forum__visibility
  361. msgid "Visibility"
  362. msgstr "יוצג ל:"
  363. #. module: website_slides_forum
  364. #: model_terms:forum.forum,welcome_message:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0
  365. #: model_terms:forum.forum,welcome_message:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2
  366. msgid "Welcome!"
  367. msgstr "ברוך הבא!"
  368. #. module: website_slides_forum
  369. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0
  370. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2
  371. msgid ""
  372. "When a question or answer is upvoted, the user who posted them will gain "
  373. "some points, which are called \"karma points\". These points serve as a "
  374. "rough measure of the community trust to him/her. Various moderation tasks "
  375. "are gradually assigned to the users based on those points."
  376. msgstr ""
  377. "כשתשובה או שאלה מקבלת קול חיובי, המשתמש שכתב אותה יקבל נקודות שנקראות "
  378. "\"נקודות קרמה\". נקודות אלה משמשות כהערכה גסה של כמה הקהילה בוטחת במשתמש. "
  379. "משימות ניהול שונות ניתנות למשתמש בהתבסס על הנקודות האלה."
  380. #. module: website_slides_forum
  381. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0
  382. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2
  383. msgid ""
  384. "You should only ask practical, answerable questions based on actual problems"
  385. " that you face. Chatty, open-ended questions diminish the usefulness of this"
  386. " site and push other questions off the front page."
  387. msgstr ""
  388. "יש לשאול רק שאלות פרקטיות שניתנות לפתרון ומבוססות על בעיות אמיתיות בהן "
  389. "נתקלת. שאלות פתוחות ומעורפלות מובילות לקשקושים מיותרים, מחסירות מהיעילות של "
  390. "האתר ודוחפות שאלות אחרות החוצה מהעמוד הראשי."
  391. #. module: website_slides_forum
  392. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_view_form
  393. msgid "eLearning"
  394. msgstr "למידה אלקטרונית"
  395. #. module: website_slides_forum
  396. #: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:website_slides_forum.forum_post_view_graph_slides
  397. msgid "eLearning Forum Posts"
  398. msgstr "הודעות פורום למידה אלקטרונית"
  399. #. module: website_slides_forum
  400. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0
  401. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2
  402. msgid "every answer is equally valid: “What’s your favorite ______?”"
  403. msgstr "כל תשובה תקינה באותה מידה: \"מה ______ האהוב עליך?\""
  404. #. module: website_slides_forum
  405. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0
  406. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2
  407. msgid "how to configure or customize Odoo to specific business needs,"
  408. msgstr "כיצד להגדיר או להתאים אישית את Odoo לצרכים עסקיים מסוימים,"
  409. #. module: website_slides_forum
  410. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0
  411. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2
  412. msgid "how to develop modules for your own need,"
  413. msgstr "כיצד לפתח מודולים לצרכים שלך,"
  414. #. module: website_slides_forum
  415. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0
  416. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2
  417. msgid "how to install Odoo on a specific infrastructure,"
  418. msgstr "כיצד להתקין את Odoo בתשתית מסוימת,"
  419. #. module: website_slides_forum
  420. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0
  421. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2
  422. msgid "it is a rant disguised as a question: “______ sucks, am I right?”"
  423. msgstr "זו התבכיינות שמוסוות כשאלה: \"____ מחורבן לא?\""
  424. #. module: website_slides_forum
  425. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0
  426. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2
  427. msgid "specific questions about Odoo service offers, etc."
  428. msgstr "שאלות ספציפיות לגבי הצעות שירות של Odoo וכו'."
  429. #. module: website_slides_forum
  430. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0
  431. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2
  432. msgid ""
  433. "there is no actual problem to be solved: “I’m curious if other people feel "
  434. "like I do.”"
  435. msgstr "אין בעיה ממשית לפתירה: \"אני תוהה אם אנשים אחרים מרגישים כמוני.\""
  436. #. module: website_slides_forum
  437. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0
  438. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2
  439. msgid ""
  440. "we are being asked an open-ended, hypothetical question: “What if ______ "
  441. "happened?”"
  442. msgstr "נשאלת שאלה פתוחה והיפותטית: \"מה אם ______ היה קורה?\""
  443. #. module: website_slides_forum
  444. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0
  445. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2
  446. msgid "what's the best way to use Odoo for a specific business need,"
  447. msgstr "מה הדרך הטובה ביותר להשתמש ב Odoo לצורך עסקי מסוים,"
  448. #. module: website_slides_forum
  449. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_0
  450. #: model_terms:forum.forum,faq:website_slides_forum.forum_forum_demo_channel_2
  451. msgid ""
  452. "your answer is provided along with the question, and you expect more "
  453. "answers: “I use ______ for ______, what do you use?”"
  454. msgstr ""
  455. "התשובה שלך מסופקת יחד עם השאלה, ואתה מצפה לתשובות נוספות: \"אני משתמש ב "
  456. "______ ל ______, במה אתה משתמש?\""